Readonly Versus Disabled Attributes

what's the differences between readonly and disabled attribute? When I do the post, it couldn't get both values <%= fname %>. any ideas?

<input type="text" name="fname" value="Joe" readOnly>
<input type="text" name="fname" value="Joe" disabled>

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Adding Attributes

I want to add alittle background color attribute to the function below, so I can specify the background color of quoted text.

function replaceQuote(strString)
Dim strTemp

strTemp = replace(strString," Quote: ","<font face=""Arial Black"" size=2><i><bgcolor=""#799999""><center>")
replaceQuote = replace(strTemp," ","</center></i></font>")
end function....

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File Attributes

I would like to get some clarification on a file reading issue. I have an ASP that uses FSO to read a set of files read only into memory i.e i create an xml tree and close the files after reading.

However these files belong to another system that may be reading (possibly writing) to them. I want to know whether if my ASP is reading a file and the other thing comes along and reads or tries to write what will happen.

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File Attributes With ASP In HTML

I am using the FilesystemObjects to get a directory and file listing and generating a web page of that listing, but I need to filter out files with the SYSTEM tag, so it wont show files I dont want it to, Below is my full code for the ASP page, I have Commented where I need to change the listing structure Code:

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Retriving Image Attributes Dynamically

I am writing WYSIWYG editior using javascript and asp.. i need a good solution for image placement, right now i am having one.. but is there is any way to retrive the attributes of the images (height, width) of the image while uploading itself.

I am using Binary read for saving the image. Or is there is any way i can place the images in a better way with out asking our end users to do much work.. Using ASP.

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Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E21)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/q_maker/aero_admin/delete.asp, line 12

why do i get this message ? the database is not read only but the folder
that i have all my stuff in is read only, is that the problem! i tried to take
off the read only from the folder and applied changes but it gos read only
again! i saw the permissions in my db and still cant find why it says read

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Readonly Checkbox In ASP

how can we set the checkbox to readonly mode so that its state can't be changed by the user. i used readonly = true but its not working. remember, i am doing this is ASP.

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Readonly Checkbox

how can i set checkbox in readonly mode so that no one can change its state either to checked or unchecked. i used readonly = true but it isn't work. remember that i am doing it in ASP.

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How To Form A Method To Change HTML TD Attributes When Passed Element ID?

I have a ton of TD attributes that have to be changed based on the
data in the DB. All TD elements are ID and runat=server.

Changing the attributes of a SINGLE TD is simple:

<td id=thisTD runat=server>


Now, say we have 100 TD elements with IDs TD_1 to TD_100

I have not been able to find a way to (essentially) say:

for(int i=0;i<100;i++){

in J-Script, I could do it by Eval() or about eight ways through the
DOM. It seems crazy to me that if I can access the Attributes of a
specific element directly by ID (thisTD.Attributes), I couldn't also
access it by reference.

But I have been able to find NOTHING to indicate how this may be done.
Obviously, my problem is not limited to a single attribute, or else I
would have just typed them all out by now. Trouble is, there is a lot
of logic that must be applied to the data before setting the
attribute. Without being able to iterate or loop by reference, I will
be typing for ages just to change some freaking classes.

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How To Release The Readonly In Access MDB

i am facing the following error when i am going to access the msaccess97 database through ASP in XP.

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'c:exams.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

but there is no readonly attribute is unset in the database file. what can i do?

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How To Set Readonly Property Of Textbox Using Javascript

I have a standard ASP Textbox control on my form and need to set the readonly property of it using javascript. It's not essential that I do it via client side script but would look a lot better.

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Set Readonly Value Based On Access Level

I need to know how to disable a button based on the username that logs onto the web application.

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File Versus Database?

Okay, I'm doing a project for someone in which random questions are to be pulled and posted so that the user can complete a test/quiz/exam for a grade.

Well, his host apparently doesn't have any database stuff, but I can probably get him to move to another if it's absolutely necessary.

Personally, I'd prefer to stick with files, just because that's what I'm most accustomed with. But if there's a very compelling reason (performance or reliability?) to move to a database, I suppose I could.

Here's a sample of the type of data I'll be using. The format is as follows: Question, Correct Answer, First Answer, Second Answer, Third Answer (If Any), Fourth Answer (If Any). A question is on each line (in this browser window, it may appear that a question is spanning several lines, but it truly isn't). Code:

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I would like to know the Pros and cons for using ASP VS Visual Basic for intranet, in terms of time development and customization. The project that we will use it is a basic Information Management System.That could be used for offline and online using IIS and MYSQL.

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Performance Of IFRAMES Versus Includes

The default ASP generates the HTML response including several IFRAMES. It takes a long time to load this page. I believe a lot of it is round trips to load the IFRAMES. Couldn't include files be used to increase this performance, so everything is done in the initial call instead of multiple round trips?

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ADODB Versus 2-Dimensional Array

I'm working on developing (yet another) shopping cart for my work. I was wondering if anybody knows which approach leaves a smaller footprint in memory on a server: an ADODB Recordset which stores arrays one-dimensional arrays or a two-dimensional array?

We are currently hosing our web site on a shared machine at Verio. The cart I have to build needs separate carts because a customer's products can come from different locations. Each location will have a different cart. On the cart page itself, I would like to display each cart in a separate location.

Logically, it make the most sense (to me, anyway) to use an ADODB Recordset to manage each individual cart (array) than to write the code to manage the arrays. What are the disadvantages of using ADODB recordset instead of a two-dimensional array in this case?

Which approach would be easier to manage and manipulate? Are there any reasons why I shouldn't use a two-dimensional array? The nice thing about ADODB is that I will not need to program certain features and have access to FILTERS.

Any suggestions about how each approach would scale as site traffic increases? Will one approach bog down the server more than the other? I'm also open to suggestions about a possible, yet illusive, 3rd way.

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Manipulating A Button Based On Readonly Attribute Of A Check Box

I have a asp page where a checkbox, when clicked will disable all text boxes
associated with the page.

The following is a part of a code for the checkbox with its name and
readonly attributes. name="chk_Complete" <%= isReadOnly %>

I have to disable(or make sure does not disaplay) a save button in the same
page when this checkbox's attribute is readonly. I have no idea how to do

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Manipulating Save Button Based On Readonly Attribute

I am trying to use the following code to make the save button invisible in
the asp form when the checkbox is either on or the session variable has a
particular value.


<%If ( cbool(l_IsChecked) = "FALSE" ) or (session("sess_FiscalFirst") <>
"Y") then%>
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="btn_Save">

<%End If%>

In the above, my logic is if the value of the checkbox is not true or the
value of the session variable is not Y then only show the SAVE button.

However this is not happening. I find that when the second part or the first
part is not there, the logic goes fine i.e. the logic holds with only the
first condition or the second condition itself but not with the or syntax.
Not sure why.

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Disabled Or Not Disabled

I have a quick question. I have a form loading up, within this update form I have a few fields disabled: ex: <input type="text" name=record value = "<%=record %> " disabled>.

when I submit this file to asp for updating, it goes to the next page but it does not allow the updates of the disabled fields to come through. How can I get pass that other than using a session variable.

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Cookie Disabled

How can i detect cookies are disabled or not.

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Get The Value Of A Disabled Listbox

I found out that I can't get the value of a disabled field with Request("myField"). An alternative could be 'readonly', but my field, that is a listbox <select>, doesn't have this attribute.

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Disabled Textboxes

The input forms are created using FORMMANGER of MS Visual Interdev 6.0(ASP Code). The forms containing textboxes and bottons (with disable property) are shown correctly in IE5. But when same forms are viewed in IE6 the disabled textboxes and buttons are shown distorted.

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Disabled Input

i was wondering if i could enable/disable input according to the user, e.g.
enable input2 if input1 is enable, else it's disabled. Also, if input1 is
deleted then input2 is disabled.

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Disabled Control

I am collecting information from a form. In that one control is calculated by a formula, but i don't want the user to modify it. So i've disabled that button. But my problem is i was not able to get the data using "Request.form("txtcontrol")".

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Session With Cookies Disabled?

I am using a couple of session variables in my site. From what I can figure
out, session information is stored on the users computer in a cookie -

If the user has cookies disabled, do session variables still work - just
without the option of setting the Timeout property, as I'm assuming?

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Getting The Value Of A Disabled <select> Control

I'm trying (without any success) to get the value of a disabled select
control. From reviewing:

It doesn't sound like it's going to be possible directly. I'm
thinking that I can get around it by enabling the select control
during some javascript that gets executed during the submit.

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Javascript Disabled Redirect?

I currently have a login.asp page which handles Username and Password Authentication. No Javascript functions are on this page. I do have a script that detects if their browser has javascript disabled. Code:

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Passing The Value Of A Disabled Text Field

Is there any way I can pass the value in a disabled text field without creating a hidden field?

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VBScript Session() And Cookies Disabled

I am encountering errors with some legacy asp scripts. The erorr returned when accessing these pages is:

Error Type:

Unspecified error

and occurrs when cookies are disabled on the client's browser. Note, if cookies are enabled but no cookie exists, the script does not die, it is only when cookies are completely disabled. Code:

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How To Pass Disabled Text Box Value On Other Page

I am trying to fatch disabled text box vlue on other form but i cant...

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How To Detect Cookie Is Enabled Or Disabled?

I found some example on web, but most of them are need 2 pages by using redirect method. Is there code for do this only in one page?

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Problem With Reading Disabled Checkboxes

I have a page (page A) which displays a number of checkboxes, with the checked/not checked value being read in from a database.

Some of these checkboxes must be checked (based on the user currently accessing the page), and therefore are marked as checked="checked" and disabled="disabled" in order to prevent a user from deselecting it.

Page A works perfectly, but I have a problem with the next bit...

When the page is submitted to page B, page B doesn't get sent the values of the checkboxes that are disabled.

Split(Request.Form("KPA" ), "," )

function to put all my selected checkboxes in an array, but the disabled ones that are checked are not appearing in this array.

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Detect If Users Have Disabled Javascript In Their Browser By Using ASP

And recently i have just encountered a problem. The problem's that how we can find out if users have disabled their browser's javascript support ability.

Most of my visitors are using Internet Explorer. so it means thier browser can already support Javascript. but when they disable javascript, is there anyway we can detect that in ASP?

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