Recordset Datetime Display

I have a simple recordset which selects various fields from an SQL table on my ASP page and displays them accordingly. However, ones of the fields is set to DATETIME(starttime). How do I get that field to display the time rather than both the time and the appended date?

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Datetime To Display

I just want datetime to be displayed as it is displayed in codecomments forum

format is like
mm/dd/yy hh:mm

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Display DateTime Field From Access In UK Format

I have a DateTime stamp in one of my Access database columns. Using now() as the default value, it enters records in the following format:

17/06/2005 14:28:40

This is perfect. UK format, just as I want.

However, when I pull this record into an ASP page it appears in a different format:

6/17/2005 14:28:40 AM

How can I stop it from re-writing the data into American format? I just need to display it exactly as it is in the database.

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Display Last Recordset

I have an 2000 Access database that stores job listings from potential
employers for a school. I would like to be able to display the date
on a webpage the last time the database was updated (inputed through
asp natch').

The database is not updated everyday so that won't work
but something like the database was updated on Monday 11/24/2003, I
would want it to say "New job listings as of Monday, 11/24/2003" if it
were checked on Tuesday or whenever. Code:

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Recordset Display

i have this recordset:

custid ordernum
1 101
1 102
2 103
3 104
3 105

i want to display my record on asp page as follows:

custid ordernum
1 101
1 102
3 104
3 105

that is with only the ones with more than 1 order. how can i manipulate the display...and i cant(i mean i have no permissions) change my query to do this.

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Recordset Display Error

im wanting to display a full recordset from an access database and sort it by the "map" field seen below which works but i get this error between my second last and last records when theyre displayed:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e78'
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

/nightraiders/maps.asp, line 49

heres the code for this whole page: Code:

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Display Random Recordset

I have this code that displays record sets at random, but some of time the results are less than the minimum set, which is 5 records. It is less, or none at all. What I need is for the asp to display records randomly on each submit.

Currently, the asp runs so that the whole recordset is different, i.e. Random. I am a little concerned about the load on the server by running such a script....perhaps someone can clarify.

'Set the number of records to display on each page by the constant set at the top of the script Code:

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Recordset To Display Info

I'm trying to create a page that uses a recordset to display user information such as: username, email address, first and last name. As soon as the page loads I would like the user information to be displayed. I have a user database, I just need to know how to get the recordset to display the information specific to the user that is logged in.

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Display Alternate Recordset


Table: FRUIT

I like apples.
I like bananas.
I like grapes.

I'm trying to have it where the choices from column1 are provided on the form, and based on the what was chosen on the form the corresponding choices from column2 are display on the page.

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Unable To Display Recordset Value

I have a value in the db column (LinkTextHit). This columns stores the links to display on the web-site. Sample links are: Code:

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Display The Contents Of A Recordset

I'm trying to use ASP to display the contents of a recordset that I've queried. I use the following code:

Response.Write "<TD align=left><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=D1
VALUE=" & objRS.Fields("D1_Requestor") & "></TD>"

My question is: how do I tell ASP to write the needed double quotation marks which should go around the textbox NAME (D1)?

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Datetime SQL If Statement

I am designing a page in ASP and using MSSQL for the database. I want to use an if statement saying that if the field is empty, display something, else display something else.

However when i write:


If rsBoxEdit.Fields.Item("bFinishTime").Value = "" Then
response.write("Edit Finish Time")
response.write("Finish Time Already has a Value")
End If

It say "Finish Time Already has a Value" when the field is blank.

The database saud the field is <NULL> if this helps and the field type is set to datetime.

Also if i put


If rsBoxEdit.Fields.Item("bFinishTime").Value <> "" Then
response.write("Edit Finish Time")
response.write("Finish Time Already has a Value")
End If

It STILL says "Finish Time Already has a Value"

If someone could help that would be great....

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Datetime Conversion

I am calling a recordset from sql which happens to contain one column that is a datetime in the format: DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS. So when I call that column from the db, it displays in the same format within my page.

However, I would like to be able to display the datetime as part of my recordset, but in a more aesthetically pleasing format (i.e: Sunday 1st May 2000, 7.23PM)

I have tried using the formatdatetime() function along with my rs, but this causes syntax errors. I know this is probably dead simple, but I don't get it!

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Mysql And Datetime

I am using mysql as my database and which to use a datetime field, for both displaying the data and time and using it to sort the recordsets.

And although when you look at the Db it shows the data and time like this

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

however if you simply display the field it displays like this

mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am (or pm)

I want to sort the data out so that it displays dd/mm/yyyy and there is no time, i can do this but wanted to know if there is a better way of doing it

My problems being I first have to work out if the date is below 10 then us a split function according, then the same with the month, then i have to use a massive if statement, to get it to display in words, and then I have to us the queries before so i can split the year, even if i use to fields in the db to store time and date i would still have the same problems, what is the best way to do this, Plus i may have more than one record to do, will this make a big different in processing my page if i say have 20 records to do.

and just to make sure is the timedate field suitable to sort my record sets out.

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Out-of-range Datetime Value.

Once i inserted "date()" in date field
This worked fine for 3days
but on the 4th day I got this error

The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

Again I changed the format of date to oracle DB format
and Ive solved the prob

I just want to know why I got that error

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Datetime Format

In one of my asp webpage,i am fetching the data from a XML file and which indeed is fetching data from mySql database.

Now the date time format i am getting in from XML is "Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 2:03:42 PM" and when i display that time in my asp webpage then it shows like
"Wed, 24 Oct 2007 19:03:42 +0000"

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Logs The Datetime

I have a shopping cart that logs the datetime when a user logs in...

I want to run reports to see who all has been on in the last 90 minutes (or whatever my script specifies)

The problem is that I cant get the select statement down...

I would think it to be something like:

SELECT CompanyName, LastLoggedIn from LoginDB where LastLoggedIn > (LastLoggedIn -90m)

And obviosuly that doesnt work as the datetime field date is in the format:

1/21/2007 2:20:00 PM

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Date From DateTime

I'm trying to isolate just the m/d/yyyy part of a datetime string like
below. Can someone tell me why my string modification fails on some dates? I
thought byb basing my code on where the blank space between the date and
time would work. my code works on some dates that are single digit days and

mydate = "12/30/2005 10:00 AM"

newDate = Left(mydate,len(mydate)-Instr(mydate," "))
response.write newDate
' trying the return 12/30/2005

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Datetime Problem

I have a form that submits the date to SQL database. problem is the date keeps getting messed up, such as:

25/12/05 is in the db as 05/12/2025

I live in the UK hence dd/mm/yy.

I have tried using Code:

<% LCID=2057 %>

at the top of the page but still the same.

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Search Datetime

what formate does your variable have to be in to search a sql datetime type i am trying mm/dd/year?

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Now() With DateTime Field

I am trying to do an INSERT using the Now() function to populate a MySQL DateTime field. It is giving me the following error:

Incorrect datetime value: ‘11/20/2005 4:56:39 PM’ for Column ‘DateAdded’ at row 1.

The SQL works if I remove the DateAdded part so I assume the SQL statement is good. The reading I have done on MySQL shows examples using the Now() function inserting into different date/time MySQL data types so I don’t understand why my SQL is not working. I am trying to use the DateTime data type… basically, I want to keep as accurate of a date time as possible.....

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Insert Datetime

This is part of an expense reporting application that I'm trying to recreate for a client. Client logs in and is shown a date. The date shown lets them know that they are entering info for the month after their last report (which is why we can't use Now(). The months have to be entered sequentially.This part is working fine.

I have a hidden field that holds the same date variable that I need inserted back into the same db. When they submit the form, they get a results page telling them everything went through. Everything is being inserted correctly to the database except for the datetime. It gets inserted incorrectly like this 0000-00-00 00:00:00. Meaning, it's zeroed out everytime even though the hidden field is pulling the date correctly.

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Datetime Timestamp

how can i only display the hour / minute portion when i do (timestamp2 - timestamp1) in asp. When i display in asp, it gives me some funky number, probably it is the representation of timestamp value. It works in query analyzer, it gives me some date but the time is write though.

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Subtract One Datetime From Another

need to subtract one date from another to show how long a user was logger in for. i.e.

<%=(rsDriverLogin.Fields.Item("OFF_DATE").Value)%> minus

The values in the sql OFF_DATE and ON_DATE fields are stored as 13/06/2006 19:01:28 . Can either be done on the ASP page or in the db itself, doesn't matter which.

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Formatting DateTime

I have a client who does not like the uppercase PM AM that is passed from MS SQL I would like to format that to am pm lower case. my code is Code:

<%= " " & TimeValue(rsDT("StartDT")) & " - " & TimeValue(rsDT("EndDT"))%>

this returns

1:00:00 AM - 1:00:00 PM

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Datetime Function

I am trying to use the datetime function. I am using Access as my backend database if you are wondering. I am building a program where someone can keep track of the software in our department and she wanted it to be able to email her when the software has been checked out for over 7 days.
How to do this or where I begin? I am not too familiar with how one would add to dates in ASP.

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Datetime Question

i want to query the datetime field. need some guidance. Intention is to "Select * ...... Where datetime > 1st Jan 2006 and datetime < 31st Jan 2006" . My datetime is in "mm/dd/yyyy HH:MI: SS" . i understand that i can't put the query as in "where datetime => '01/01/2006' and datetime <= '01/31/2006'

i need to convert it to varchar as in "where convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10)...". Am i right ? Any other way to achieve that? What will be the correct query ?

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Datetime With Access

I am trying to use the datetime function. I am using Access as my backend database if you are wondering. I am building a program where someone can keep track of the software in our department and she wanted it to be able to email her when the software has been checked out for over 7 days. how to do this or where I begin? I am not too familiar with how one would add to dates in ASP.

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CAST Int To Datetime

I have a date/time field, and I have an int field. When the user submits the form, I want to do date/time field - int field. I want to CAST the int field to a hour / minute field. Is that possible? For example: (4/7/2006 12:13:15 PM - x/x/xxxx xx:15 (min):xx
Is there a better way to do this besides this?

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Convert DateTime

now() returns server time of : Code:

12/3/2004 10:15:21 AM

I need to convert it to return the datetime without " AM" or " PM".

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DateTime Insert From String

I have a form that collects the date and time of an event.

I create a string to hold all of the data in the correct format for MySQL and it (the string) looks like this...

2007-03-03 17:30:00

I am then using CDate to convert the string to a DateTime type.

and since I am in the US it gets converted like this...

3/3/2007 5:30:00 PM

per my regional system settings...

I grabbed this code from the forums here which I have used before...

Function ISODate( dt )
If Not IsDate( dt ) Then
ISODate = "NULL"
dt = CDate( dt ) ' safety
ISODate = "'" & Year(dt) & "-" & Month(t) & "-" & Day(dt) & "'"
End If
End Function

ISODate = "'" & Year(dt) & "-" & Right("0" & Month(t),2) & "-" & Right("0" & Day(dt),2) & "'"

My question is How do I modify it to add the time to the ISODate function and then include it in my insert statement correctly?

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Retrieve Systems DateTime

I am developing a website which run on the server and i want to make a database having date and time of the client machine. How it is possible in ASP, VB Script.

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Strip Time From Datetime

I have a field with datetime values like below LISTING 1. me write code strip the time part so only values like "7/15/2005" will be left.

Note - We must be able to strip dates with double digit months and days, so
i can't just use the right function with a hard coded parameter. Code:

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