Recursive Categories List

i am working on ecommerce site and would like to display the categories (and sub categories) from the db recursively,
i did it but i also want to add the level of each category like :
main_cat_1 (level 1)
--------sub_1 (level 1_1)
--------sub_2 (level 1_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_1)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_3)
--------sub_3 (level 1_3)
main_cat_2 (level 2)
main_cat_3 (level 3)
--------sub_3 (level 3_1)

and so on ... how can i do that ?

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Recursive Calls

I have implemented a logic for my requirement with a recursive call. The logic is I need to get IDs from database for a scenario. There are corresponding records for each ID.

I need to store these IDs in an array variable. Then I need to get (dependent)IDs for the fields in each ID. There may be morethan one dependent per each ID. I append these IDs to my array. Like this it goes.

The problem is if there are many levels like this, the number of database cursor count is reaching to maximum and I'm getting the error

{Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded }

each recursive call runs a SELECT query.

Can any one suggest me an alternate solution for this ?

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Recursive Navigation

I have an SQL table structure full of main categories and subcategories as follows

ID (Primary key)
Title ( varchar)
Content ( varchar)
ParentID ( this will refer to the primary key of the main category records)

Hope I'm making sense anyway. Has anyone tackled this successfully?

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Recursive Function

I need to write a recursive function and treeview using asp. It will show the manager and staffs under him/her. There will not be a fixed layer for the tree. Can someone guide me how to write?

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Problem With A Recursive Function....

I have a table inside access DB built like a tree, every record(=node) is a "title" that has a 'name' and 'paret' fields (and some other fields that are not relevant).
I'm simpley trying to print out all the tree's records but I keep getting only a path from the root record to the first leaf.

I have a recursive sub called 'deleteTitles' that needs to perform this task.
The var 'currentTitle' is the root node.

On every iteration of the sub I print one son of the current node 'T'. Code:

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Recursive Function Problem In ASP

I have adapted the code below but it gives me an error "exception occcured"
after the first recursion. Any ideas what can be done to make the following code work. Code:

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Multiple Categories

i want to have a search program that has multiple categories.
anybody can give a sample?

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Delete Categories

I am using MS Access & open 3 table, 1 for Product 1 for Genre, 1 more for Product_Genre (because one product maybe have many categories)

But when I have tried many ways to delete one of categories, also fail to do it.

What I want to do is : When delete a category,

1) it must delete the Product which is under the Category (to be delete)
2) at the same time it must also delete the records from table 'Product_Genre' which is related with the Category (to be deleted)Code:

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Recursive File Search Function Bug

I've recently made a recursive sub in asp to search all folder and subfolders of the map "file" for a certain filename. It will list all results and show a link.

Now there's still a bug. I can't place files in the root because this script won't find 'em. The root i mean files.

If i replace the empty dir with Server.MapPath("") it will show the files in the root but it will show 'em twice. Code:

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Database - Recursive Function Calls

..:: The Specs:

MS Access 2000 (host charges extra for SQL/MySQL)
MS Windows Server 2003 (prod) / MS XP SP1 (dev)

..:: The setup:

The database has been setup with two tables;


Each "download" consists of a catagory field that corresponds to fldID in
tblCatagories. Each catagory, where the catagory is a parent, has a parent
field of value: 0 and each child, has a field with a value corresponding to
the fldID of it's parent. Code:

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Looping Through Categories In Recordsets

I have a list in a database that I have categorised using a category field. I now want to retrieve all records but grouped by categories. how do i get my asp to loop through each category creating a recordset for each one rather than hard code a new recordset for each category i would rather it did it dynamically if thats possible ??? Code:

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Getrows For Categories Then Products

im developing a Product configurator (just like alienware use) where in my database i have
(systems table) a list of PC systems

(categories table) a list of PC product categories (ie. CPU, RAM...)
(products table) a list of all products
productID, catID
(link table)
sysID and prodID

Now before i put the code ive done so far, let me explain that the first page lists all systems wich then gives the systemID for the link table. Once this page loads it needs to go through each category then list the products available to that category where sysID = systemID. Now a query i put together to list all products for that sysID is:

select * from PRODUCTS inner join link on link.prodID = PRODUCTS.productID where link.sysID=systemID

Now this query works great and lists all of the products for that systemID, but what im unable to do is (using GetRows()) have the category name listed as a title then have each product under the respected category. Code:

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Create Drop-down With Categories From ID's???

I've got a products table and a productCategories table related by a categoryID field. The categories table uses autonumber for the categoryID and I've got about 4 or 5 different categories in there right now.

I'm creating an Add Product page now and I'd like to create a drop down menu with which to select the correct category. How do I make it so that my drop down menu actually shows the category names and then populates my tables accordingly?

I won't need to ever add a new category here, simply use the current categories in a drop down so I don't have to guess/remember which number is which category.

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Physical Pages Categories

I want to put my existing review books webpage in Asp/Database because I have more than 5000 of them and its now too complicated to keep tracks of it all in HTML only. My database is ready, I know how to connect to it, how to list records and how to select in them, I know how to pass a variable from a page to another, I know how to add, modify and delete records... yeah its about that so far.

Here is how I want my website to look like. I want to have physical pages categories, like all the science fiction books should be listed in sf pages separated alphabetically Ex reviews of Lord of the ring will be in sciencefictionT.asp and so on for each categories. I want too that a page with all the reviews listed linking to the right place. In my database I have already categories for each books.So is it possible to do or I complicate my life too much?

I know that it would be much more easier just to make a review.asp and have the review one at the time there, but I like the way my website is already is, that make it different from others.

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Categories In Product Catalog

I have a default catalogue/product page (code shown below list_item.asp) which list all the products from the database. But since I have lots of category in the catalog/product page, i want to separate them according to their respective categories like writing instruments, desktops, pantry etc.

This will enable the user to go to a respective page and choose the individual product from the respective categories. If I adjust the SQL statement to be "SELECT * from Product " WHERE category LIKE 'DESKTOPS', this page will lists all the items from that category selection. But if i were to make another page such as pen.asp and adjust the SQL statement to category LIKE 'PEN'.

The first page lists the products from the pen category and the following page unfortunately shows category from Desktops. how to segragate these categories so that it will only show the products from the individual categories.

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Cursor Count Problem In Recursive Calls

I'm using the following function, which uses a recursive call. every time when I get a conf it opens a record set. So increases the cusor count. Some times I'm getting the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded.

How can I avoid this ? Code:

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Drop Down Navigation Menu With Categories

I have created a dropdown menu that allows users to navigate and load other pages into a different frame (detail) than the one in which the dropdown is sited. All menu items and urls are stored in an access db.

Now I would like to try and make 2 improvements but I don't know how:

1. I would like to use the [Category] field in my data set to produce (non-clickable) headings in the drop down list. Code:

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Site Map: Display Categories On Next Page

I'm trying to create a site map that will display links to all pages including links to bring the visitor to different categories. See below:


About us:

-Category 1:
-Category 2:
-Category 3:
-Category 4:

Contact us:

When the visitor clicks on 'Category 3' they should be sent to a page that displays all the products in Category 3. Code:

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Want Recursive SQL Query Function To Generate Breadcrumb Navigation

I'd want to make a custom class that will generate breadcrumb navigation for my site via a recursive query, e.g. Home > Page1 > Subpage 1. I've structured my database with hierarchical parent/child relationships.

I'm using ASP VBScript, and I have a table structure similar to the following: Code:

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Req/l Forum Script That Allows Me To Set User Groups To View Certain Categories?

im looking for an asp (not .net) script based on a user forum
where as the admin i can set up different users to only see related
forum topics (i want to use it for project management) uploading files
to the forum would also be a massive advantage!!!

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How Can I List All The Email Address From Hotmal Contact List?

How can i list out all the email address into my website from the hotmail caontact list? i am successful log in into the yahoo contact list by using serverxmlhttp and list out all the email address from the page source, but i could not access to hotmail by using the serverxmlhttp. Is any other methos can list out the email address from hotmail contact list?

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List Box

I have a form with 3 list boxes, in the second list box i have created a select all button to enable users to select all items.
but when i click select all button an error message is returned stating that "Object doesn't support this propery or method"
here is my code.

<script language=javascript>
function selectall(sel) {
var len = sel.length;
for ( var i=0; i<len; i++)
sel.options[i].selected = true;

<input type="button" name="selectall" value"select All" onclick="javascript:selectall(listboxname)")

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List Box

i have a list box with allot of values in it. How do i submit the item that is selected in the list box? ive tried a few but i cant get it working. Here is what i tried: = document.form.list1.value

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in select box we can select only values...can not change that value in list itself...
i wanted to give my user in edit form they can chnage the value in list itself...

any property of select box..or some codeing ? Code:

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Fso List

i know how to get a listing of files in a specific directory, but i want to get a list of all files in all subdirectories of a specific directory (not virtual). on my server i have e:picturesweb.

in this folder there is male and female directories and in those directories there are also subdirectories. i want the page to create a value for each file and directory so that it can be submitted to another page that will ftp the pictures to a remote site. (yes I have the ftp script ready to go)

something like:
picname1 = john1.jpg
picdir1 = male/
picname2 = sally.jpg
picdir2 = female/

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List Box

I have a webpage with a list box. I wish to populate it with values from my database when the page loads, these values are just the primary key.

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Using List Box

I've created one list box and a button The query is: After clicking the button the action done on the same page with the values selected. How to solve this ?

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List Box

Does anyone know how to tell which items in a multiple-select listbox are selected?

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Drop Down List

Im using a drop down list for user to select their option. (For example the user selected type2) All goes fine for saving, but when I retrieve the info from database to be display on the same form on the same drop down list, it display Select Heretype2

<select name="type">
<option value="<%=type%>">Select Here<%=type%></option>
<option value="type1">type1</option>
<option value="type2">type2</option>

How to overcome this?

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Drop Down List

I want to save the value of the option in a cookies choosed by a user in a drop down list in ASP page. After OnChange"........ what should I write?

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List Menu

I need to create a page which updates a products information within a record.

the tables are,
products (ID,CatID,sID)
supplier (sID,sName),
category (CatID, CatName)

The above tables supplier and category have relationships to products by using the sID and CatID

I need to update the product details by having a select/option for a supplier and category but if not changed by the user the value already within products table stays the same, therefore the list must be dynamic so that the first item in the list is the one relating to the value in the products table. Also the value must be the ID numbers but must display the names not the ID's to the users within the select/option.

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Drop-down List

I'm sure an ASP programmer would be able to create this function within 5 minutes, but I'm just learning and I've fumbled my way through creating a little site content management system for a local community group. I'm a designer and the site looks great (so I'm told) but I just can't get this last page to work. I'm desperate for help!!!

I'm trying to call the values for a drop-down list from a seperate categories table in Access, to add/update records in a main Access table/query. The page/form is used to:

a) diplay/edit existing records; or
b) add new (if cstr = "").

I have finally managed to display the correct selection in the drop-down list for existing records (not sure if code is correct?) but I can't work out how to write changes (edit record) back to the database; or 'save' a new record? I'm also not sure if I should be trying to write data to the table or query? Code:

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Drop Down List

how do i maintain the drop down value.. when i click on the "All" it cant be maintained... jsut that "All"... others values works fine.. Code:

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