Recursive File Search Function Bug

I've recently made a recursive sub in asp to search all folder and subfolders of the map "file" for a certain filename. It will list all results and show a link.

Now there's still a bug. I can't place files in the root because this script won't find 'em. The root i mean files.

If i replace the empty dir with Server.MapPath("") it will show the files in the root but it will show 'em twice. Code:

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Recursive Function

I need to write a recursive function and treeview using asp. It will show the manager and staffs under him/her. There will not be a fixed layer for the tree. Can someone guide me how to write?

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Problem With A Recursive Function....

I have a table inside access DB built like a tree, every record(=node) is a "title" that has a 'name' and 'paret' fields (and some other fields that are not relevant).
I'm simpley trying to print out all the tree's records but I keep getting only a path from the root record to the first leaf.

I have a recursive sub called 'deleteTitles' that needs to perform this task.
The var 'currentTitle' is the root node.

On every iteration of the sub I print one son of the current node 'T'. Code:

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Recursive Function Problem In ASP

I have adapted the code below but it gives me an error "exception occcured"
after the first recursion. Any ideas what can be done to make the following code work. Code:

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Database - Recursive Function Calls

..:: The Specs:

MS Access 2000 (host charges extra for SQL/MySQL)
MS Windows Server 2003 (prod) / MS XP SP1 (dev)

..:: The setup:

The database has been setup with two tables;


Each "download" consists of a catagory field that corresponds to fldID in
tblCatagories. Each catagory, where the catagory is a parent, has a parent
field of value: 0 and each child, has a field with a value corresponding to
the fldID of it's parent. Code:

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Want Recursive SQL Query Function To Generate Breadcrumb Navigation

I'd want to make a custom class that will generate breadcrumb navigation for my site via a recursive query, e.g. Home > Page1 > Subpage 1. I've structured my database with hierarchical parent/child relationships.

I'm using ASP VBScript, and I have a table structure similar to the following: Code:

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Search Function

i am wondering how I would go about making a search page on my site???

Basically, i want a field in my SQL dbase called keywords so i can put general words in i.e. Apple, Bannana, Kiwi etc.

However, I want the page to be able to do 2 thngs:

1. If someone types "APPLE" the page will display all the records where the keyword is entered in the field

2. If someone types "Apples" and "Bannanas", the page will display all the records where the keywords is is entered in the field.

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Search Function

i have a site that shows my dvd collection i have this call from the database and i want to add a search function in the same page (not the datbase) so when someone wants to search for say "Shrek" it will bring up the search results on the main page and should show "shrek 1 and shrek 2" , Also in the same light if someone searches by Actor all the films that actor has been in will appear on the main page

I have created the Form Form in Dreamweaver Code:

<form name="form1" method="post" action=""SELECT * FROM movies WHERE title = " & request("q") & ";"">
<input type="text" name="textfield">

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Search Function

Does anyone know of a tutorial or other source that addresses the following problem:
I have a textbox (txtSearch) and a drop down box.I want to enter text in the textbox, and then select the table column to search using the drop down box i.e.

Search for: Johnson (txtbox)

Search by: Surname (ddbox)

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Search Function

I have a page where I enter a keyword and I search for that keyword in my database. I want to highlight the word that is/was searched for in the results. My results consists of values out of varchar and text fields.

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Search Function

i have numerous tables to search through for a 'site search'. some of the searchble fields have html embeded within so after some quick referencing, saw I can use the regExp function to strip out all the HTML leaving only the raw text.

what is the best method to remove alot of words such as "a", "and", "I", "so", "that", "this" ...etc ... from the search string leaving only keywords essentially per page/field that will be searched within for the occurance
of the users' input text through a input field. The idea being to only return the suitable records without alot of rubbish.

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Asp Search Function

I have a asp/mysql real estate site that someone else created and I don't know much about asp. If you view all the homes listed on the site you get all the listings which is now 4 pages and growing There is no sort or search capabilities so the list is too long and needs to searched by city.

I have some real estate websites that I created with a open source script, open They are php & mysql and have search pages so I can easily create a link for each city. When the link is clicked a search page displays only listings for that particular city. Code:

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Search Function W/out A Database?

I would like my ASP-based site to have a search box to bring up a list of relevant pages according to user-defined search criteria.

Q: Do I need to have a d/b like SQL Server 7 at the back end to process and match the search string? Or can I do w/out a d/b somehow and run a search, and somehow still bring up the same results?

If a d/b isn't necc, pls. advise on webpages where I can find such ASP-search codes.... TQ!!

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Search Engine Function

i want to do a search function for my project, my project is allow user to upload file into my server and sharing among each other,i need to do a search engine function to allow user to search for the file that they want, can i know there a function can search through the server's file implemented in asp?or may i know there any open source search engine function coding for me to refer?

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Database Search Function

I have a page that uses the data from the previous pages form to search the data in the database and dispaly any matching results.

On doing so i get this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03F9)
Expected 'Then'
/IT/searchresults.asp, line 20, column 15
If Request.Form"(Typesearch") = "computer_name" Then

My statement has a then in the statement already.

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Access Search Function

I have a neat database running and im trying to place a search engine thro it. I have quite a few tables, BUT i can only get the query in one table. ie Code:

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Advance Search Text Function

For example:
The text to be searched is the following:

Text 1:
Hello world! what a nice day today. But I like to sit in front of computer and doing some web design. Now I have encountered some technical problems and would like to get some helps from the experts.

Text 2:

I like fishing.

Text 3:
Baseball season is over.

Text 4:
The winter snow storm is coming.

Search Keyword: snow.
Search result is Text 4

Search Keyword: I
Search result is Text1 and Text2

At the end, the key word should highlighted with a different color in the paragraph.

How would I do about this?

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ASP: Code Search Function For Chinese Site

Got a chinese website (has both chinese character and english), got to code search function for it, search for keywords in the webpages (htm/asp)

search in english it works, no problem
search in chinese it doesn't - it always return "nothing found"

you guys any idea?

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Recursive Calls

I have implemented a logic for my requirement with a recursive call. The logic is I need to get IDs from database for a scenario. There are corresponding records for each ID.

I need to store these IDs in an array variable. Then I need to get (dependent)IDs for the fields in each ID. There may be morethan one dependent per each ID. I append these IDs to my array. Like this it goes.

The problem is if there are many levels like this, the number of database cursor count is reaching to maximum and I'm getting the error

{Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded }

each recursive call runs a SELECT query.

Can any one suggest me an alternate solution for this ?

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Recursive Navigation

I have an SQL table structure full of main categories and subcategories as follows

ID (Primary key)
Title ( varchar)
Content ( varchar)
ParentID ( this will refer to the primary key of the main category records)

Hope I'm making sense anyway. Has anyone tackled this successfully?

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File System Search On An Asp File Yields Not Results

This question has to do with MS file search but it is happening only with
..asp pages, so I though someone programming with .asp pages has experienced
the same situation.

I'm trying to find .asp pages with a certain table name (i.e.
"renewalInfo" )

When I ran the search I get no results. I know that I have that string in a
couple of pages. My file system search engine is working fine with other
file types, like Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, etc.

I tried typing the string outside the <% %> tags and when I do the search I
get the file results, so it seems like if the search engine in my file
system was not searching inside the <%%> tags. Code:

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Recursive Categories List

i am working on ecommerce site and would like to display the categories (and sub categories) from the db recursively,
i did it but i also want to add the level of each category like :
main_cat_1 (level 1)
--------sub_1 (level 1_1)
--------sub_2 (level 1_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_1)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_2)
------------sub_sub_2 (level 1_2_3)
--------sub_3 (level 1_3)
main_cat_2 (level 2)
main_cat_3 (level 3)
--------sub_3 (level 3_1)

and so on ... how can i do that ?

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Cursor Count Problem In Recursive Calls

I'm using the following function, which uses a recursive call. every time when I get a conf it opens a record set. So increases the cusor count. Some times I'm getting the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded.

How can I avoid this ? Code:

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Search A Pdf File

I do create a directory to save a lot of pdf file with different folder/sub folder. I am thinking of using a asp page for user to search on a file that they are looking for. User only key in either no a part or full file name and the page will search the directoies and display the file name as link to let the user click on it.

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Search Dir For A File

I need to create a vbscript that will search a specific directory for a file with the current date, and if it exists then send it as an attachment via email, and if not, send a different email. The script will run everyday and search the same directory everytime for the current date's file.

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File Search

I am trying to come up with a web tool that can do a file search that matches user input within a directory and also its sub directory. I did some research and think FOS can do the thing, but need more help on it. Any idea or it would be great if anyone can supply me a function or a subroutine?

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File Object Search

what im trying to do is write out certain files that our in a current folder. For example I have a folder called images and i have about 20 sub folders inside of the images folder. What i want to do is search the Images folder including all the subfolders and write the name and path of where ever the image was found inside of the images folder.

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File Content Search

I am trying to create a search engine to allow to do a keyword search on a file content.
The files are in Word, TXT, and PDF.How can I implement this?

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Search Ms Word File

I need to search ms word file with ASP, and find a couple of predefined words. such as "apple" "mac" etc.

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Search In A TEXT File

I have one TEXT file that I use to log download information from website.
The file will have unique Login ID for the downloads. When the user will
come for next time for download the LOG entry should go under the same
section (same ID number) so for this I need to search the text file for the
ID and if the ID is found the program should append the NEW LOG entry to the
end of Section. (section mark can be a line of ***** ) (mean just before the
***** line)

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PHP File() Function Equivalent To ASP

I'm looking for the ASP equivalent of the PHP file() function. The PHP file(yourURL) returns an array where each element contains a line returned by the URL it called. I only know of Response.Redirect or a straight post/get from a form but that takes the user away from the scripting page. Can ASP 'call' another script page and return it's repsonse as the PHP example I have does??

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Function For Finding File Name

i have a person upload a file, that is done, then i want to email the file. I know the location, but not the file name. How do i find the file name to attach to the location addy?

objEmail.AttachFile("d:greguploads" & filename & """) , "SNAIL_File" , 1

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Search Directory For Last Modified File

Is it possible to search a specific directory for the most recent file and list when it was modified.

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