Redirect On Duplicate Value

My database has the "email" field set to not accept duplicates. If someone tries to enter a duplicate email, I get an error message. Is there a way to just redirect them back to the registration page if their email address is duplicate?

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Pk Duplicate

when i want to insert my data into my table but i encounter the following error

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E2F)
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_sDetail'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'sDetail'.
/fsearch/InsertTable.asp, line 153

sql = "Insert into sDetail values('" & semyear & "','" & sem & "','" _
& modulecode & "','" & tutorial & "','" _
& semday & "','" & startTime & "','" _
& endTime & "','" & location & "','" _
& roomno & "','" & tutor & "')"

oConn.execute sql 'line 153

how to solve this error can anyone help ?

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Duplicate Page

For example, now my 1st page is a search page, i use it to search for all records that has the same Business_unit, so it goes to a second page where a table of the records is shown.

Now this page has a link to a 3rd page, where i wan an exact duplicate of the second page, is it feasible, is there anyway to display the exact saem table on the 3rd page?

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Check Duplicate Name

I have a signup form.

I would like to be able to check for duplicate entries during the signup.

E.g. Check for duplicate
1. Usernames
2. Phone numbers

How could this be achieved ?

My code basically is two fold.

1. A recordset that checks
if not recordset.bof and not recordset.eof then
'do something. And redirect to say the value exists
end if

2. Run a SP to do an insert and authentication

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Duplicate Records

My table in the database may contain duplicate records, which means except
the primary key (auto_increment) field is unique, all or almost of all the
fields are with the same content. How can I select them to display and
delete them?

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Duplicate Entries

I have a problem with Insert statement. Though My SQL Statement executed once only, there are 2 records entered in DB. I am using ASP and SQL Server. Does anybody know the solution?

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Duplicate Return On Rs

in my SQL select query I have a LEFT JOIN between 2 tables that returns a
value if the data from table 1 is present in table 2, below

dbo.booking_form.COLL_CONTACT_TEL = dbo.tblFlag.TelNoMo OR
dbo.booking_form.MOBILE_NO = dbo.tblFlag.TelNoMo

Problem is that if the COLL_CONTACT_TEL and MOBILE_NO are both present in
table 2 it returns the record twice in the asp page repeat region.

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Duplicate Web Site

I have a fairly complicated web site with multiple sub-folders running on W2k server (IIS5?).

I would like to duplicate this to another web site on the same server for testing. For instance, the current root web of the server is located atF:Web. The production site is F:WebMyApp.I want to create another siteat F:WebMyAppTest.

The only thing that prevents me from just copying everything from one to the other is the links and includes of the pages, such as:

<!--#include virtual="/MyApp/Shared/Server/DbLibrary.asp" -->
<link REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css"

I then need to go thru every source file, and change /MyApp to /MyAppTest.Is there a way to accomplish this via IIS, or by changing the way I reference the includes and link?

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Duplicate Variables

I have a form with home address & business address fields.When a user goes to this form, the fields pull the information that is stored in the database,then they can update their information.

What I would like to do is have a checkbox/radio button/button that allows the user to specify that the business address is the same as the home address and replace all the business addy fields to the same value as the home addy.

So when you click/select this button, the business address fills in (if empty) or changes (if it has values) to the same values as home.Then when the form is submitted, these changes are written as normal.Is this possible and if so, can someone point me to an example?

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Prevent The Duplicate Value

i have a form by asp and database by MS i want to prevent the duplicate value in empID because when i add a new employee with the same id ASP gives me this error.

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.
/employee/admin/addemp1.asp, line 48

so i want the employee to get a message like this empID already exist or somthing like this.

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Redirect To Secure FTP Site Via Response.redirect

I am trying to use the following in an ASP page to redirect a user to a
non-anonymous FTP site:


but I keep getting a "permission denied" error. If I just put the same
address string in IE6's Address box and go to it, IE opens myusername's FTP
home page just fine, so I know the FTP site is working as expected. Also,
if I put in an anonymous ftp site, without the username and password (e.g.
""), the redirect works fine, too.

I don't want the user to be prompted by IE for the username and password at
the FTP site, so I am providing them from within the web site.

What can be preventing the response.redirect from handling non-anonymous FTP
access? Is there a better way to do this?

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Duplicate SQL Records Created ?

I am trying to do a simple INSERT into SQL. I've done it tons of times before with the same code, but this time is is placing duplicate entries in the table. Any ideas why this would be happening? Here is my ASP code doing the form processing:

set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.Open "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=SERVERNAME; Database=DATABASENAME; UID=USER; PWD=PASSWORD"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

strTitle = Replace(request.Form("title"), "'", "&#39")
strContent = Replace(request.Form("txtContent"), "'", "&#39")

strSQL = "INSERT INTO [webPages] ([created], [section], [title], [content]) Values ('" & now() & "','" & request.Form("section") & "','" & strTitle & "','" & strContent & "')"
rs.Open strSQL, conn, 3

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How To Hide Duplicate Fields Value In Asp From

i want to hide duplicate values of a column in a asp form, lets suppose i have a field schoolname, and studentname, so it is possible a school have so many studnets, so i dont want to show school name infront of each student name, how can i hide it,

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Not Upload Duplicate Image Name

Yes different users can post images with the same name and they should be renamed as you state.

However you can not upload an image with the same name if you have already done so and give msgbox that duplicate image name pls check image name and image size is not larger then 13kb.

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How To Handle Duplicate Records With ASP

I'm connecting to an MS Access database using ASP. Within my database I have duplicate records (more specifically records with the same serial no.). When I search by the serial number only the first record is displayed. I would like to display all records containing the given serial no.

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How Can I Get Duplicate Records Through Sql Query

how can i get duplicate records through a sql query i am using MS Access database.

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Checking For Duplicate Items

i am having problems with my code here and i am trying to figure out what i am doing wrong

i am adding items in shopping cart also i have written code to check if the same item with the same attribute exists then add 1 to the qty Code:

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Show Duplicate Records

A table exists that is built like this:

CREATE TABLE tb_test (name varchar(50))

The table is full of records; many are duplicates.

What would be the correct syntax to show ONLY those records appearing more than once?

A. Please do not use Stored Procedures
B. Please do not use User Defined Functions
C. Please do not use Variables
D. Please do not use Temporary Tables
E. Please do not use Views

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Create Duplicate Record

I have an MS SQL database, I want to be able to create a new record based on a prevoius record, the SQL statement I have is this:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tableX " & _
"SELECT * FROM tableX WHERE " & _

The problem I have is that the primary Key (id) is set to Identity and so won't allow duplicates, I need this SQL to work but give the id value a new unique value.

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Duplicate Username Check

When I use this bit of code it displays the error if the username exists and if it doesn't!

If rspuafo.EOF and rspuafo.BOF Then
Response.Redirect ("thankyou.asp")

strError = "Username already exists, please choose another one" & vbNewLine

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Duplicate Data Entry

I have a form to enter details about companies into a access DB, it all works fine the way it is set up except this one small problem.

The same company details can be entered again by mistake and take a new record set. Now what I need to know is how to stop this from happening, do I use ASP code to check the DB (if so could someone tell me how it is done) or do I set this up in the Access DB itself.

What I want to happen is if the same company details are entered then the user gets a warning telling them that that company has already been entered.

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Hide Duplicate Records

i want to hide duplicate record fields in an asp form, i have access database, e.g, i have a field schoolname, and studentname, 1 school have many students, so i want to print or display schoolname only once.

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Detect Duplicate Entry

Is it at all possible to display only one of possible duplicate records from a database in a recordset. The field that needs to be recognised as a possible duplicate is a column for names but then needs to show the one with the highest score only.Fields are name and total (numerical). Currently I have only a basic recorset which is all that was needed until now:

SELECT * FROM leaderboard ORDER BY total DESC

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If Duplicate Values In A Field

I am looking for some help in writing an ASP script to check for duplicate values in a database. Using a web form to add and edit the records, the user will type/edit the data including phone number.

If the user types in a phone number or email address that is already in the database, I would like an alert box to indicate the name of the person with that phone number when the form is submitted. This is a more user friendly error instead of "Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005' ".

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Duplicate Data In Database

I have a database which consist of these field:

When the admin enter data to the form, the data will go to another page and will be displayed in a classtimetable form,according to the time, day and room number. i am using Macromedia Ultradev 4 to develiop this page. what i want to do some programming here is.. when the admin enter the data,

1. Room and Time can be same, but in different Room,
2. Room and Time cannot be same(with previous data) in the same Room,

how to code this?

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Delete Duplicate Data Row

i need to delete duplicate data row in my database... i run my code n there is error n i can't figure out what is going wrong, hope can help me check it or give me others laternative ways to solve it. here is my code

dim sql
sql= "DELETE FROM employee_att WHERE (rowid, data_serial_no) NOT IN (SELECT MIN(rowid), data_serial_no FROM employee_att GROUP BY data_serial_no)"
on error resume next

if err.number <> 0 then
response.write "an error has data added<br>"
response.write "deleted.<br>"
end if

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Find Duplicate Before Inserting

I have my register page, which I am using dreamweaver to develop this site. I can't get my Request.ServerVariables("LOGIN_USER") to work, so I have to code something that will give a response back to the user saying that username already exists incase they try and register again.

Since I'm using dreamweaver and it likes to code lots of information in different ways I am having a hard time trying to figure where to put my if statement to start checking for duplicates for the username (which is the unique ID). Here is the complete code. My question is where do I start to accomplish this task?? Code:

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Mailing App Duplicate Problem...

I've written an email sending script to mass send to our database - some of
our subscribers are subscribed to multiple list, and so when selecting the
entire database, I want to ensure I don't have Duplicates.

To avoid this, I am selecting the recordset of all users, ordering by Email
address, sending the email, moving onto the next record and then starting a
loop to keep looping until the email address is different, but it doesn't
work... see example below... Code:

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Duplicate Email Messages

I'm running into a problem where in code I'm definitely only saying jmail.execute one time, but am receiving two emails. The time stamps and content are identical, but the message id is different.

It does not happen everytime. Is this a known bug with jmail? Has anyone run into this? The message id being different should be enough proof that it's not a problem with the mail server.

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Duplicate Record Checking

I have searched the forums again, and got this code but keep getting the same object required, " error. Anyone know why this is?

dim conn
sqlstr = "select * from NHITAmembership where UserName = '" & Request.Form("username") & "'" sqlstr,ConnStr

if not conn.EOF then <---------- object required

response.write("Value already exist. Please use the back button to select a different value")

end if
set conn=nothing

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Error Handling-duplicate Key

when I try to insert a duplicate record I get the primary key error. which
is good. but I want to generate a user friendly error ... telling the user
that u have got this error because u r trying to insert a duplicate record.
i can simply do so by using "on error resume next"....

this is what I do:

"on error resume next server.transfer("error.asp")"

the problem is it simply takes me to a page where I display an error has
occurred... it doesn't look attractive to display a one line error in a big
page? I hope I am clear....

1. how can I display the error message in my error.asp

2. I can I make it look better... how is error handling done ???


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Prevent Duplicate Submissions

I need help ASAP. I have a form where users can fill out the fields firstname, lastname, and emailaddress. When the user submits the form, I need ASP to call out to a SQL Server database to see if the firstname, lastname and emailaddress the user submitted already exists in the database.

If they all do exist, the user should not be allowed to submit the data but should be redirected to a page saying "sorry, you have already entered that information" or something to that effect.

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Duplicate Values In The Index

I have a membership application on my site, running off Access database with asp. It has been working fine, made a couple of changes and now all kinds of trouble have broken loose! I have even re-uploaded original files back up, but I am still getting the below error:

"Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.

/login/user.asp, line 345"

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