Redirecting From My Home Page Directly To Mail Server Inbox

I have registered a domain, if i want to check my mail i had provision to go to there web server mail page from there i could login and see my emails,

i have a created home page in ASP there i had login page with username and password,

if i enter the username and password it should straight away take me to the email folder(accessing from my home page rather than going to the their web server login page)....

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Can I Read Mail (from An Inbox) On An Exchnage Server With ASP?

Can I read mail (from an inbox) on an exchnage server with ASP?

If so, how?

I hear all this about CDO, CDOSYS, etc, but they all seem to be able to
only send mail. I just need to read mail from exchange server. Can
this be done?

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500 Internal Server Error On ASP Home Page

hosted on my own IIS while developing and had no problems, but since putting the site up onto an external ISP, we have been getting server errors when trying to access the default.asp page. Clicking refresh loads the page fine (but of course, new visitors don't know this!)The address of the site is . If you type this address into the address bar you may recreate the error (it doesn't always occur)

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How Can I Insert A Picture That Exist In My Server Into My Home Page?

I allow my users to upload a picture from their machine to my website on the server. I know the exact name and the path of the uploaded picture in my server, is something like:

Then, I would like to insert this picture into my home page. How can I do that without manually download the picture from server to my machine? How can I insert a picture that exist in my server into my page?

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Page Can't Directly To Login Page After Session Expired

I have page for user to update his/her details. What i want is after idle for more than 20 mins, the page will redirect to login page automatically. So that the user knows that his/her session already expired and need to login again.

But it doesn't working. This is because if he/she update the details (after idle more than 20 mins), and click the Submit button, it will go to login page and all the data will be lost. Code:

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Bypass ODBC Server And Connect To .MDB Directly

Theres a script that bypasses ODBC and connects directly to .mdb database for asp scripts , is anyone familiar with this? I dont even know if its a .asp script.

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An Asp Page To Access Excel Directly

we have web users that have requested the web application access an existing
excel spreadsheet directly.

Users have an excle spreadsheet with complex functions, macros, formatting
etc. They have data in the database that is accessed via a web applciation.
They would like to use the web app to get the data they want on screen and
then click a button to get that data and put it into specifc cells in the
spreadsheet. is this possible?

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Save Export Excel Directly To My Server Without Prompting

Does anyone know how to save an export excel file to the server automatically without any prompting and opening of the excel file?

Because I'm doing archiving, I need to let the user click on the archive button and the exported excel file will be saved directly to the server without opening the file.

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Load Binary Files Directly Onto Page

I currently have my database set up so that when a user uploads a file, it writes it in binary in the database. I know the benefits of having a separate file server and storing the path, but unfortunately, I can not do it that way.

I know how to include the file in, lets say, a hyperlink so that any user can click on the file to view it. But, I would like to know how to include the file (mainly pictures) directly into the page as an <img src> Any suggestions?

Once the information is in the database, these are the commands I use to output the file to a hyperlink. The file that this code is in is "file.asp?Id=" Where the Id is taken from the URL and used to obtain the correct file. I left out all the connection/cmd strings intentionally just show I could show the relevant information:

Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=" & _
Response.ContentType = rs("ContentType")
Response.BinaryWrite RS("FileData")

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IIS Server On Windows XP Home

is there a way to install the IIS server on Windows XP home? Like the one you get wih Windows XP Proffesional CD. I have found this website which has a method of doing it, although it says here tha Microsoft says you need Windows XP Professional to install this and that this is only a workaround I wasn't sure if this was true or not.

The main reason I thought of this was because I would have thought Microsoft would have had a file you can download from their website or some thing like that, although I haven't found any other way of doing this yet.

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Setup ASP Server At Home

Could someone lead me in the direction on how to set up server on my home PC so I can view my ASP pages, rather than uploading them to host server to view. The easiest and less painful way.

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How To Write Form Uploading Image Directly Into The Folder In Server, Not DB?

I need code please..

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Home Page

Our home page name is index.html index html include left and right html. so google
get left or right html. and we would like if someone click the page then
open home page. ( if opening page is not in frame then redirect
ndex.html )

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Asp Home Page

Im building a website for a mate they want a news story on the front page that is pulled through from a database.Just want to know if i can make this page called index.asp - will it be recognised as the index page?

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Personal Web Server On Windows XP Home?

Is there a way to have Personal Web Server on XP- Home?

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Home Page - Default Variable?

I'm very new to ASP, but developing a dynamic website using ASP and an Access dbase.

I've created a template page (index.asp) and I plan for this to be the only page required for the whole site as the rest of the content will be loaded dynamically based on variables in the querystring. For example, if the querystring was: index.asp?PageStr=home, the home page content would load, if it was index.asp?PageStr=contact, the contact content would load.

My question is this. If someone went to my domain there would be no default variable in the querystring and no content would load. Is there a way round having to create two pages - a default home page and another page for everything else?

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Printer Friendly Page :: Directly Print The Content From Textbox Data

how to print the content of a multiline textbox without taking the content to some other "printer friendly" page. I just wanna send whatevers in the textbox directly to the printer.

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Redirecting To An Ftp URL From An ASP Page

I want to redirect from an ASP page to an ftp site, can that be done? if so how. If it is not possible is there onother way?

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Redirecting The Page

I have two website A and B. A uses secure connection and B uses ordinary connection.

I developed few new pages for A and i want to use this pages in B.

Say for example,
For A i developed Page1 and page2
now i want to use page1 and page2 in B.

I dont know how to redirect the page to A is page1.

in IIS I created two virtual directors
A and B.

When I browse the A pages, I use like this. https:localhostApage1.aspx
I need the page1.aspx in B website, like this.

http:localhostBdefault.aspx , i want default.aspx page of B needs to redirect to page1.aspx of A.

response.redirect("Apage1.aspx") is this correct.

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Redirecting Page

I need to create a single page that redirects people to other urls depending on the referring link, for example

Pge1 and page2 both have a link to page3.
Page3 then sends page1 to page4, and sends page2 to page5

pages 1, 2 and 3 are internal but 4 and 5 are external . I hope this makes sense.

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Redirecting To Another Page

i did a asp page for downloading files.I want to be redirect to another page after my download complete.Anyone can help me to implement this.

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Redirecting Page

Is there a way to redirect a page in asp or anyway anyhow?

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Redirecting To Page

I am having ASP page in which i am using three frames say frame1, frame2, frame3
frame1 and frame2 are fixed In frame3 asp page is opened depending on link clicked on frame2.

In some conditions i want to open the asp page on whole page rather than in frame3 when the link in frame2 is clicked. i am using response.redirect but it opens thepage in frame3 only.

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Redirecting To A Page After Login

I want to be able to send users links to pages in my website. But if
they arent logged in I want them to first be redirected to the login
page and after they login automatically be redirected to the page i
sent them in the link. How would i accomplish this.

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Redirecting After The Page Displays...

I am writing a page that will automatically redirect someone after a few seconds. I have the pause working and all but nothing loads. I hear a jscript body on load will work but I don't know the syntax. If anyone knows how to do it.

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Redirecting (#tagname) Within An Asp Page

Within my asp page, there's a list of elements. Users can naviguate through those elements (by pages) with several options (filter by category, date, etc..). But this list is located at the end of the page. I'm trying the html tag

<a name=list>



to redirect user at the right place in the page (else user have to scoll down every times). But it doesn't work. The server don't read the variables after "#list".

This don't work too :

i thought calling the function "document.location="#list" would work but it reloads the page and i lose my variables (cat=4&filter=com&offset=3)

Some one can give my little help on that?

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How To Wait Before Redirecting To Another Page?

Example is: If a user logs in failed because of invalid userid or password, I want display a message indicating the problem, wait about 30 seconds, then automatically redirect to login page again. What command or method should I use to wait 30 seconds?

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Validating Forms - Redirecting Form Values To Update Page

I have a form I am validating on a page. Currently I have the page call itself to check the form values for validity. I want to use the form post method to send the form values to the Update page but can't because I am using the "Response.Redirect" which doesn't post the form values to the next page.

What is a good way to validate a form values then direct it to an update page if values are valid. Should I use Client-Side or Server-side script?

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Read Email Inbox

I was wondering if it is possible to read an email inbox using any sort of ASP. I know you cannot do it with CDONTS.I cannot post a further reply so I thank you for the good suggestion. I am traing to use it but I have found few problems.I ca read the number of email with Mailer.MessageCount (e.g.=5)but I cannot read the content. The instructions:

Mailer.Retrieve(iloop) <where Iloop goes from 1 to Mailer.MessageCount>
Response.Write Mailer.Subject

Do not produce any result.

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Entered Items To Inbox

i have 5 textboxes and 2 radio buttons in my form and one submit button.after filling datas in my form if i click submit button all the details has to go to my client mail inbox in the same format

for example

name :timmy
age :25
sex :male

in this format i will fill datas in my form and in the same format has to be shown for my client after sending mail this to my client.if my client open this mail he has to able to see entered datas in the same way i entered before sending.

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Mail Server?

I need the 'user' of my site to be able to send an HTML email with attachments to a large list of email addresses. Although I don't want them to be able to see the email addresses on that list.

I need this to be able to be done from within a page on my site.

Does anybody know of a program or some code that I code put on my site?

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Mail Server

Im using CDONTS to do my email. How should I code which server Im using?

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ASP Mail Server

Any body have an idea about where to start if we want to create an email manager using asp?

like creating the mail box and managing its size, displaying the mail messages and every thing else concerning this matter.

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