Referrer Id
How can I learn where my visitor came from? I mean which site reffered
to my site? (Something called referrer id/ip)
How can I learn where my visitor came from? I mean which site reffered
to my site? (Something called referrer id/ip)
I'd like to limit access to an ASP script by checking that they came through the correct path. I believe that I can do this by checking that the scriptname that they came from was myscript.asp
How do I go about doing this though? Are there any problems with relying on Referrer? I heard something about Norton Firewall screwing it up
is it possible to get the url to the refferer to a page as a asp value (vbscript) ? I know the document.write(document.refferer) but don't how to use it in an asp script.
View Replies View RelatedA week or so ago, I needed to find the HTTP_REFERER environment
variable to check and see if a user is coming from a certain website:
If Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")_
= "http://localhost/mydir/page1.aspx" then
response.write "Click on a menu choice"
response.write "check back later
end if
I have a page nested in an IFRAME (for example framepage1.aspx or ..asp), and I need to check to see if a user is coming to (not coming from ) a certain page where the framepage1.aspx is (the framepage1.aspx could appear in not only page1.aspx, but page2.aspx , or page3). I'm not sure how to accomplish this given that the HTTP_REFERER checks on address only incoming.
I am running into the same problem. Has a fix been found for this yet? I guess I will just comment out the referrer check until this is addressed. I can't run the risk of turning customers away because the forms don't work.
View Replies View Relatedhow I could store the referrer id in this URL into a session cookie. I've been given this code by someone else but my knowledge of ASP is virutally non-existent and they need this feature in the site as soon as possible.
<%dim vntRef
if request.querystring("referrer") <> "" then
vntRef = request.querystring("referrer")
session("svRef") = vntRef
end if
if session("svRef") = "" then
session("svRef") = vntRef
end if
where this code goes and how I reference it(if I need to) that would be fantastic. Basically I wasn't told about this until after the site went live and they're now telling me to get it done quick smart so the quicker the better.
I have seen a post on how to just receive the domain name when using HTTP-REFERRER. But, I need just the webpage. I have tried modifying the code I saw, to no avail. Can anyone help please?
View Replies View RelatedI think I know what I want to say, but don't know the proper syntax. I want to redirect the user to a new page if the referrer is ANYTHING but one particular page (/index.asp)
If instr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"), IS NOT EQUAL TO /= "") Then
End If
%> .
I've got several pages with links. When the links are clicked, a value is posted to 'processing.asp' which does a database update then needs to redirect back to the page from which the link was clicked. Is it possible to obtain the full URL of the referring page using asp? I need it potentially to be able to redirect back to something as complex as:
If that was the URL of the page from which it was linked.