Referring URL

how to grab the refering URL of a visitor to my site from another site ( I have tried Request.ServerVariables (HTTP_referer) which returns a blank value, although it seems to work fine for pages within my site).

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Referring Pages

I have a site that has some pages that have sensitive information. Users must login before viewing them and if they try to view it beforehand, they are bounced to the login page. What I want to do, is point the browser back to the page that sent them to the login page once they successfully logged in.

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Referring Session

If I have a session("variable") created in some asp page, Can I refer or use this session("variable") in some pure html pages(containing only javascripts, no asp scripts) ?

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Referring A Variable

In my asp page, I have a drop-down list containing dates and sql query that should display details on the same page depending on the date selection.When the user selects a date from the drop-down list, I need to retrive a selected date(variable) and use it in sql query on the same page.How do I refer a variable on same page?

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Referring Other Parts Of ASP

MyAspString = "HELLO"
<script language=vbscript>
MyVBScriptString = <%MyAspString%>
msgbox MyVBScriptString
end sub

Is this possible and if so how can I amend the following line to get it working:

MyVBScriptString = <%MyAspString%>

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Referring Url/link Matches

I've used something like this in the past, can't put my finger
on it, tho...
I need to find out the method/keyword for checking to see if a user is
clicking into one webpage from a certain other webpage or url:

hypothetical example:
<%if referringurl = "" then

'do a function or task
end if%>

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Blocking Referring Sites In ASP

How do I block referring sites in ASP using VBScript?Like blocking referrer's from:

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Back To Referring Page

if there was an easy way to have a form set up so that when the submit button is pressed, it goes to a confirmation page that contains a back button that goes back to the page that called the form.

Basically, I'm looking at a scenario where 10 pages can call the form, but I want to user to be able to click the back button and be returned to the page they were on when they click on the link to the form. I thought that maybe using javascript:history.go(-2) would work, but if the form is reloaded for any reason, gaing back 2 pages goes back to the form.

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Back To Referring Page Question.

normally I can redirect to my previous page with referrer. is it possible to go one more previous page is in java script. I mean like,history.go(-1), history.go(-2), etc.

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Redirect Back To Referring (internal) Page

I want to have a series of links (flags for Italian, English, and German) on the top of every page, each of which when clicked will go to a script and change a session variable called language to the respective language. Once the session variable is changed, I want to send them right back to where they came from.

So, if they enter a page on the site that is optimized for "Local Area" and it is in English, IF they click German or Italian it will go to the script, redirect back to "Local Area" with the Session var being set appropriately.

Keep in mind though that I need to be conscientous of SEO, so I want to keep querystrings to a minimum. Ideally, what it would look like is this AFTER the redirect: for English for Italian for German

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Global.asa An Error Referring To A File That Is In A Different Location

i have two sites on shared NT hosting and

both sites have their own global.asa files and both appear to be throwing up an error referring to a file that is in a different location

anyone know whats happening?

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