Remove The Query Statement

I have this on top of my ASP response page:

SELECT * FROM bible WHERE text_data LIKE '%%' AND text_data LIKE '%%' AND text_data LIKE '%%' AND ( recordType = 'ju')
How can I remove it?

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ASP Query To Access DB & Remove Dups

I have a field called store, I have more than 1 row with the same store name in the store field.

I need to coolect all the stores from the store field, remove any duplicates, like I might have twice and only need it to show once in the drop down. And sort ascending (by store name).

Database is called: tracker
The table (and the only table) is called merchants
I only want to pull data from the field store, remove duplicate store names, sort ascending.

I can figure out how to plug the required htm around the asp code, to auto populate the drop down.

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Checking SQL Query In If-statement

How can I check if the result of a sql-query matches a certain value? With the code you will understand what I mean. Here it is. Code:

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Format Of SQL Query Within ASP Statement

I have an SQL query within an ASP statement that is not parsing correctly for some very strange reason. When I try and parse the statement, it coms up with the error, 'Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.'

I have successfully run the query within MS Access. The SQL query that I ran in Access is below: Code:

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Verify My Query Statement

What's wrong with this? Code:

SELECT * FROM biblewheel_url INNER JOIN bible ON biblewheel_url.letter_id = bible.book_spoke WHERE ( text_data like '%number%' OR text_data like '%day%' OR text_data like '%forty%' OR text_data like '%year%' ) AND bible.book_spoke = '4'
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

/wheelofgod/kjvresp.asp, line 34

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Need To Convert This Sql Query For Access To Identical Sql Query For Sql 2005..

My code retrieves a username and a password from a form. Then this information is compared to some usernames and passwords that are stored in a database. The important thing here is that the comparison must be case sensitive meaning that "passWord" is not the same thing as "password"

I have this code, working fine in access 2003

SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE StrComp(username_column,'" & entered_username_in_form & "',0) = 0 AND StrComp(password_column,'" & entered_password_in_form & "',0) = 0"

but get the following error when I run it against my sql 2005 database.

[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]'StrComp' is not a recognized built-in function name.

I don't know the corresponding t-sql for the query.

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Need To Remove DAY Name

I found a simple date script, which is this:

var_date=date() 'get the current date

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

How can I get this to not display the day of the week, I only want - September 29, 2004

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Remove DAY Name

I found a simple date script, which is this:

var_date=date() 'get the current date

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

How can I get this to not display the day of the week, I only want - September 29, 2004.

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Remove Dot

i have a variable which holds a value like this


response.write stramount

the output sometimes is

50.00 or
50 or

if it is 50.
i want to remove the (dot) at the end. can someone tell me how to use the instr function to see if there is a dot at end and if it is there then remove it.

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Remove The Gap

i have problem in removing the gap between two images, pls see the attached image. coz my item name is quite long, i dun wnat it display in horizontal, i want it display as vertical. so i create the images for the character and use ascii to recognized it.

my code is as below:

<td align="left" class="BorderLeft" width="1%">
<%dim word, pic, word1
pic = ""
for i = 0 to len(word)-1
word1 = cstr(right(left(word,len(word)-i),1))
pic = asc(word1) & ".gif"%>
<img src="../images/<%=pic%>" border=1 vspace=0 hspace=0>


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How To Remove Cookie?

How can I remove a cookie from the client in ASP? I'm not talking about setting the value to a blank string and I've tried this:

Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = Now()
Response.Cookies("mycookie").Expires = Date() - 100

Neither of which work.

Is there any way to completley remove the cookie?

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Remove Header

can anyone temme the script or style sheet to remove the hearder and footer url address of the web page when printing the pag

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How To Remove Duplicates

How to write asp code to remove duplicates in an array.

For Eg: A()=(1,5,10,15,10,20,5)

After removal of duplicates it should be


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Add Remove Button

The main idea goes like this: I have a textarea, on the right I have a listbox whose elements are loaded from an Oracle Database, I want to have an "Add" Button which when pushed will insert in the textarea the value selected on the listbox between "{ }" (ej, The {white} cat), you can add as many values as you wish and also manually edit the text, and a Submit button which open another ASP page that will check the sintax of the textarea and insert it on the Database.
So far I already have the part which checks the sintax and inserts it on the db, and the listbox with the elements you can insert on the textarea, but my boss really wants the "Add-Remove" feature and I need to finish this for Tuesday

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Remove Underline

I have image icons that are clickable. I want to remove the hyperlink from around the image.
I tried the STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION: NONE" tag but thats not working. How should I remove the underline from the hypelink.

strImage = "<A target=""_blank"" href=""document.asp?job="
strImage = strImage & jobid & "&doc=" & filename & """ STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION:NONE">"
strImage = strImage & "<IMG SRC='" & GenerateIcon(rs("filename")) & "'/></A>"

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Remove Left Of ,

Would search for this but forgot what its called? I wanna remove everything from the left of the camma in a variable:


to 7-3-05

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Remove IMG Tag Toggle

I am wanting to create a large dynamic web site with an accessible Text Only version.Instead of creating additional pages for the text only version, is it possible to implement some regular expressions, which remove all the IMG tags from page.

I have found a useful tool at which removes the CSS from the page but I also need to remove the images.Are regular expressions the best means of doing this?

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Remove Duplicates

I have an array like this:Code:

arrColour = split("blue,blue,green,red,purple,blue,green,yellow",",")
What I need to be able to do is to remove all items of the value "blue" from the array. I can just run a dictionary function to delete all duplicate values, because some of them need to be retained. I just need to delete all of them of a particular value. how this can be done?

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Remove Items

Response.Write "<TD>" & "<a href= objRS.Delete>Remove</a>" & "</TD></TR>"

I have a basket which people add stuff to that they want to buy. i want a code that allows them to delete the item too. how the basket works is. thy choose a item from stock page and then it adds to a basket table.

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Remove Duplicates

I have declared a multidimensional array as follows. dim parray(100,5). Now this array contains some duplicate values. So how to remove duplicate values in this multidimensional array.

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Remove Last Character

How can I get a string from this

22, 32, 43, 23, 44,

to this

22, 32, 43, 23, 44

I want to cut the last coma.

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Remove Hyperlinks

I have a page which takes data in an HTML table, and exports it to an Excel file. It works fine, but I want several things about the spreadsheet to look different from the HTML version. Things like fonts and colors. I think I can use a style sheet for the latter, but I haven't figured out how to remove hyperlinks from some of the items. On the HTML page, the hyperlinks are useful, but I don't want the spreadsheet to have them.

So on my ASP page which builds the Excel file, I have this: ...

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Remove First Entry

used to other languages and using ASP for a particular project. Is there a way in which I can remove the first element from an array and then return the array with remaining elements intact?

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Remove Commas From End Of String

Using ASP/VB I need to remove unwanted commas from the end of a field
that will be use in an array. There are items in the field that are
comma separated, so I don't want to remove them, just the end ones,
could be anywhere up to 5 unwanted commas.

Any ideas?

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Remove Last 4 String Characters

how to take a string and output it such that the last 4 characters are removed (.txt, .pdf, .doc, etc.)

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Remove Item From Cookies..

Is there a way to remove item from cookie collection that has a key to it...

Response.cookies("items")("item1") = "111111"
Response.cookies("items")("item2") = "222222"
Response.cookies("items")("item3") = "333333"

Is there a way I can remove items- item2 and rearrange above cookie into
Response.cookies("items")("item1") = "111111"
Response.cookies("items")("item2") = "222222"

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Remove The Page.asp After The Link

How can I remove the page.asp link from the address bar? For example I have a link called, after the user clicks on the menu navigation. How can I get rid of page.asp?f=1 so that only appears? Another thing, will request.querystring still work then?

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Reg Exp To Remove Part Of String

how do I get a reg exp to remove part of a string? -

I have: '/page/txtonly/index.asp' and I want to remove the '/txtonly' to end up with: '/bobby/index.asp'.

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Remove Period From Username

I'm trying to remove a period in a username. For instance, I want:

First.Last to look like FirstLast

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Import From Csv - Remove Commas

I'm importing data from a csv file but have the following problem.

It see any comma in a specific column as the end of the current column and move the rest of the values into the next column I.E Data from column 4 display as data from column 5.

I do know that it's comma delimited but would like to know if there's no way that I can distinguish between the commas in a column and the commas that indicate a new column.

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
Value Value Value Val,ue Value

How do they do it in excel?

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Remove Stylesheet Effects

How can i remove the efects off a stylesheet ? I want to export to excel and dont want that the effects off style sheet come with.

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for each item in Session.Contents
if NOT( Instr( item, "customer_" ) = 1 OR Instr( item, "user_" ) = 1 ) Then
Session.Contents( item ) = ""
Session.Contents.Remove( item )
end if
next 'item

response.redirect( "menu.asp" )

the code essentially - is supposed to - go through the session variables and remove every one that doesn't being with "user_" or "customer_". So when i try this out, it goes through and removes some, but not all of the session variables in question.

run the script 3 more times and then they are all gone. So i inserted a bunch of response.write statements and found that not ALL of the session variables were even being tested. Can anyone offer explanations as to why?

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Remove A Specific Item

I have a script which creates an array by doing this:Code:

strInputValue = "this will be split into an array"

arrMyArray = split(strInputValue)
This produces an array of 6 (UBound(arrMyArray) = 6).

Is it possible to remove part of the array, so that "into" for example will be removed, such that UBound(arrMyArray) = 5?

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