Render A Html/text File

i have a field which contains html code, which is then rendered as a layout for several templates.the user can change the template if they so wish. the layout html is currently stored as a varchar 8000 - but 8000 characters is not enough for detailed layouts.
i dont know where to begin on this problem, does anybody have any useful links. i would search in more detail but i dont know the procedure is called for what i am doing
what i need to do, is have the asp refer to a html/text file and render the html directly from that file? Is this possible? or is there any other such ways to do the same thing.

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Render HTML Doc As Excel

This is a simple report that is supposed to render as an Excel document, for some reason it's not anymore, not sure why, I think it's related to permissions, we recently added a domain user as the anonymous user for the site, everyone has permissions to the virtual directory where the asp page is executed... Code:

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Render Dynamic Site As HTML

I have a database-driven site which I'd like to render down to HTML. Can anyone recommend a good (preferably free) tool to do this?

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Export Html Table To Text File

How do I export an HTML table to a text file? tab delimited, comma delimited... just another note, I create the table using ASP.

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Include / Render

I want to include files, a header and a footer to my asp page. The files i want to include its on another server, i can reach it with a www-url. Can i use the www-url to include the file to asp page?

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How Do I Link An Asp Page To A Pdf Document And Render It In A Web Browser

how do i link an asp page to a pdf document and render it (the pdf document)in a web browser without it downloading to the client computer viewing it?

i have tried the response.contenttype="application/pdf"

now the main problem is how to embed the pdf doc in that asp page!

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Text To HTML

I have text that a user enters via a form.This text is saved to a database named SText. The actual text is under the record "text". Now, I want to write the code to see if they enter in a link like it will convert it to a hyper link to that very address.

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No Html On Text Box

How can i make a text box not reconize a html tags.

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Text To HTML Replacer

i want to have a complete text-to-html conversion within a string. but "<" and ">" shouldn't be replaced. so the htmlreplace function would do too much for me and the search function only offered me single replacements. Code:

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HTML And Plain Text

Is it possible with CDOSYS to send HTML emails with a plain text alternative? If not, I'm going to have to purchase 3rd party mail component (e.g. JMail) which I'm not really keen to do.

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Outputting Text Into HTML

I have a blog online and I'm wanting to make an ASP page on my computer to just input the title of the daily update and the "entry" I'm making. So I'm developing a form page so that when I submit the information from it, it goes into a page that shows the HTML so all I have to do is copy and paste.
Question is when for instance I'm typing in my "entry for the day" and I have a break I need it to automatically put in a <p> or <br> for me

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HTML And TEXT Email Using ASP

Need help with sending HTML and Text email from ASP page. I want to specify both and depending on the receivers email reader the apropriate one should show. Any help or pointing to a source for MULTIPART MIME type is going to be greatly apreciated.

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HTML And Text Versions

Is it possible, using CDONTS, to send out both a text and HTML version of an e-mail (in the same e-mail) so that people who have HTML turned off on their client will see the text version?

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Showing HTML As Text

I am sending out an HTML email using CDOSYS and want to include some HTML code within the text of the email. So, it's something like:


Your link is <a href="">Link</a>

But it includes the code within the HTML. How do I just show it as it's written?

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Get Text Out Of Html Page

I have an html page, how would I be able to just get the words in it? I mean I can probably program to get it but is there any existing tool that we can use and just fetch the word content of a html page?

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Inserting/publishing Text As Html

I need to populate a field with html formated text. I'm using a simple form field to do so.

When I use a textarea to return the record, it comes out formatted, but when I use a Response.Write command, it comes out as plain text. Anyone can tell me how to make the response.write publish formated text?

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Is there a way for me to send TEXT-only (i.e. no HTML) email message via
CDOSYS in ASP 3.0?

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HTML Text To Graphic Image

I have a requirement to display Html text to Image (any format).

Let say i have text as "TEST", this value i need to convert to Image and display. Please let me know if there is any tool or code sample to resolve my purpose.

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In HTML , I need textarea box with 4 rows & 5 cols . But if I enter the 4 th row, it shouldnt allow 5 th row. Only 4 rows should be accepted, can anyone tell me hw to creat text box?

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Diff Colors In Text Area Of HTML

Is it possible to have, first n number of charectors in a text area in one
colour and the remaining in a different colour? If so how can it be done?

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How? Send Same Email As HTML *or* Plain Text

I'm looking for a simple way to do the following:

We have a database that serves-up content to a website. Some of those items
are events, some are news articles. They're stored in the DB as formatted
HTML so ASP just drops them right into a page shell.

Now, we want to send out a newsletter email containing some of those items.
No problem sending as HTML. However, some of the members want just plain
text. Is there some magic method in CDO that can automatically convert HTML
to plain text? Or, is there some existing VBScript code out there that can
do this?

BTW, the environment is IIS 5.x (Windows 2000), Classic ASP, and CDO.

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HTML Email Can't Be Read As Plain Text??

I'm using the ASPEmail component to send HTML email newsletters:

Mail.Host = ""
Mail.From = strFrom
Mail.FromName = strFromName
Mail.AddAddress strTo, strName_In
Mail.Subject = strSubject
Mail.Body = strMessage
Mail.isHTML = True

The emails are coming through fine, though in Outlook the option to 'View as Plain Text' is greyed-out. This should let the user see the plain text version as defined in the code above, but it is inactive.

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Sending Email Both As Html And Plain Text

Is it possible to send email both as plain text and html in the same email
using asp?,,,if do you do it and what do you need to set up to do

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Multipart Mime Type For HTML/Text Email

How to send the HTML and Text email at the same time? CDONTS only send one type of email at one time and we should know before hand what type of email the client can receive. In my case i want to send both and depending on clients email reader the right one should show up. I have used ASP email component also but for this component to work properly we should have relaying enabled on our SMTP server. Due to the threats of SPAM i dont want to do this. I am not any demanding here but simply trying to find the better way.

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How To Get HTML Text String From Dynamically Built Control?

I have built dynamic HTMLTable. Now I want to attach it directly to the Email Body - it is already built, so why not to use a ready table. However, I cannot find the way of getting plain HTML text out of dynamically built control. I tried to put my table between div and read div.innerHTML then - HTTP exception has been thrown.

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Sending (text Or Html Version) Messages Using JMail

I have that form that send email to subscribers. Even if the specified option is set to "TEXT" I still see the HTML coding in the message... Tho when I look the source of the message I see "X-Mailer: JMail 4.5 by Dimac

Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1: and all the <br> code are that way : <br=3E

my jmail code:

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Incorporating Contents Of Text Files Onto A Html Page

im wondering if there is a method/command which can be used so that when an asp page is called, it can 'explode' content from a text file (.txt) onto a web page, thus enabling a n00b to alter the text within the file, rather than the web page itself?

Further more, if I wanted to incorporate the text which is exploded into a CSS to give it some style flava, how would I do this? Is it possible?

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Converting An Image File To Hexa, Read Text File

i'm converting an image file to hexa..then the hexa is saved to a text file..

can any one help me how to read the content text of a text file?...

im doing it this way because i don't want to save hexa in my database, because it makes the database slower to open up.

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Converting Text File To Sound File In ASP

Does anyone know of a method of converting text files to sound files (.wav, mp3 etc) which can be accessed from ASP?

I have an ASP-based website that enables users to design choreography for equestrian dressage. The resulting design is held as a series of coded movements in a database and it can then be reproduced as text or as a series of diagrams. I would like to offer the option of an audio version.

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ASP Or HTML In Asp File

I am just curious as to when it is better to use straight HTML or ASP
(response.write) to put out HTML code on an ASP page.

For example, if I have an ASP page that is including another ASP page,
but the rest of the code is just HTML, which is the better way to do it.

Here is my example: Code:

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I have a website that takes a long time to generate/load, so I'm looking for a way to have the ASP update hourly and save that to an HTML file, which is the actual file viewed by users. I could go through and have everything written via writing to text file, but this seems like more work than needs to be done. Is there any way I can have the ASP page loaded once an hour and have the output saved as a seperate HTML file?

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Converting Text File To .iff File (VB,ASP)

Does anyone have knowledge of converting text file to .iff file. I am working on a VB ASP application. I searched for example on internet but I didn't get anything.

If you have any idea of converting text file to .iff file (VB ASP) please share with me.

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Read An Asp File As A Text File

I want to read an asp file as a text file. The problem is that the file that I want it to read is located on a server. For example: I want to read te content of this file: . I want to look after some values in that file.

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