Replace Rude Names In String With Anonymous

I'm going to make a database of rude words, that i do not want users to name themselves when they use my scoreboard. I need my asp to scan their string and if a word from the database appears replace the entire string with anonymous.

I have some code which was designed to astrisk out all but the first and last letter of any appearing rude word

eg: d**n this b****y game
or godd**nit

i have changed this to just replace each word to anonymous, but cant get it to the stage above, can any one help? My code so far is below. Code:

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Replace String

i want to replace string.

a= "I am trying to replace a string from 1 point to another point which is
point 2. But I dont know how ? "
b = "This"

Now from string a I want to replace from 1 to 2 with string b="this"
so the final string will be like c
c= "I am trying to replace a string from this. But I dont know how ?

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Replace A String

i have the content of a db field output as 'GUEST' on a asp page, i would like to replace it with 'Guest' using the replace function, but im getting kinda lost with the syntax..can anyone help with an example?

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Replace The String

The string contains the text " this is "test" message"

when I pass the string the function , it gives the problem/

I tried this method:


it doesnot work

what is the solution to this problem?

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Replace The String

let say i have one string

"today, i eat, a, bread"

how can i count where is the comma and then i need to replace them with spaces? is it just use Replace(str,","," ")?

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Wildcards In ASP Replace String

I want to replace everything after a colon (:) in a string using ASP

Here's an example of the procedure I want to perform:

dim hr1, hr1replace
hr1 = "H.R. 1908: Patent Reform Act of 2007 (On Passage)"
hr1replace = REPLACE(hr1,": [WILDCARD GOES HERE]","")

so the remaining text is only: H.R. 1908

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Substring And Replace String

I have this sentence

"I like to eat apple"and I need to change it to "i like to eat orange"

i have to check either the string contain apple or not. If yes, then i need to replace the "apple" to "orange" else i done nothing to the string.

can anyone show me how to write this in asp code?

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Replace Sql String Line

I'm executing a stored procedure where I have the values hard-coded. I need to replace the hard-coded values with variables.Here is the hard-coded line:

Query_Allo_Amt = "exec app_get_alloc_ABR 'STRATEGY', 'AUS', 2005"

I need to replace STRATEGY with cmdAlloAmts__alloc_type, AUS with cmdAlloAmts__ddo, and 2005 with cmdAlloAmts__ay. I've made several attempts at replacing the hard-coded values with the variables and come up with different error messages. How can I replace the hard-coded values with variables in the above line?

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Replace Occurences Of A String

colleages are creating links in asp sites. however the links are static . is there a way to replace the links with another prefix ?? (on the fly) e.g.

<a href="../../files/">some link</a>

is replaced to:

<a href="">some link</a> and this for all files in the site ? i read something about a replace function but can't use it properly .

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Out Of String Space: 'Replace'

All of a sudden this morning my ASP files started generating the error:

Out of String Space: 'Replace'

These script files have been running just fine for several weeks with no
problems. I did review the code and yes the script is calling the
Replace function at the line specified in the error information.

I'm puzzled as to why the code would all of a sudden start generating
this error ?

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Replace MS Word Quotes From String

I'm using the following function to replace quote marks from a string into a format allowing storage into an Access database: Code:

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Trimmed String After Replace Function

In the ASP page that is in question, I build a large string (no more
than 10K) which is basically an email template in HTML format. Then I
replace the parts with the values, which are also strings with the size
of 1-2 KB. Code:

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Anonymous Authentication

One of our webdev guys is having trouble with IIS set up on his system, particularly with anonymous authentication. On all of his web instances, he can get to non-asp pages but all asp pages return 401.3. when using HTTP/1.0 or a proxy server. It doesn't seem to be at all related to the file system, because a test file has wide-open access. And it only happens with script pages; html or other files can be retrieved

The anonymous user is the one the iis install generated, and the "IIS controls the account password" box is checked. Everything looks like it's set up properly and the same way it is on other systems. There are no authentication errors in his system's event log. So what is asp.dll not liking.

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Simple Anonymous Access

I have what I think is a simple question but I am finding nothing but
complicated answers.I have a web site running on IIS6. One directory used to use an
alternate account as the anonymous user (not the IUSR_ServerName
account) to connect to a database, etc. Now the pages in that
directory no longer do anything special and I just want to start using
the default IUSR_ServerName account again. I put that account back in,
but what do I put in as the password? I am reading all about security
improvements, network service vs. local system, unprivileged vs.
priveleged, etc. I realize there is no longer a "Let IIS control
password for anonymous account" option, but all I want to know is, HOW

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Anonymous User Account Name

I often have permission problems when I move my pages unto different servers.It would be very handy if I could programmatically determine the anonymous user account name from my asp page.How can this be done since it is not in the request header for anonymous requests?

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WWW-Authenticate To Force Anonymous

I have a server that hosts a few intranet sites. The one that all my coworkers have their Home Page set for causes their browser to authenticate, which is all good.

The one i'm working on now requires Anonymous Access in order to work, but the authentication from the first one is carrying over to the other. Can I use WWW-Authenticate to force anonymous access isntead of using it to force NTLM, Basic, etc?

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Special Anonymous Account

IIS set up after VS.NET. On a virtual directory for a web app...I go to properties and click on the 'Directory Security' tab, click the 'Edit' button,check
anonymous access, type in username/password for account, check 'Integrated Windows authentication' at the bottom...then OK out.

in web.config, I add the tag identity impersonate="true" />

startup the app in Page_Load I have...

string samp =
System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurre nt().Name;

firstload I get the account I typed in above...on postback it changes to my personal windows account. strange. Also when I switch on the anon user account for the whole website it works.

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Anonymous Email Form

I'm creating a simple email form with just a text area field and a submit button. I want it to send to my mailbox. I want the senders email address to be anonymous. I don't know any server side scripting, so I'm hoping somebody can tell me how to build the .asp page to send the email. Code:

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Anonymous Access To ASP Pages Not Working

A freshly installed IIS on my Windows XP SP2 does not allow anonymous
acces to the default ASP file (localstart.asp). I just used default
configuration for installation, which enables anonymous access. But
when I load http://localhost I just get a login box. A simple
index.html placed manually for debugging purpose loads without login

I am testing the same thing on a Windows XP (w/o SP2). ASP works for
anonymous access like a charm.

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Anonymous User As Domain Administrator

I have several website that use asp pages and backend databases running on my win2000 server. I removed everyone from the permissions on all of my Hard drives and added the annonymous user to the winnt folder and the wwwroot folder and all of the folders within these directories. Now my sites that just run straight html work fine but my sites with .asp pages are having problems.

However if I add the Domain Administrator account as the annonymous user to the site it will work. Then I have reverted back to the I_USR account and the site still works until the server has to be rebooted. At this point the site won't work until I add and then remove the admin user as the annonymous user to the site.

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How Can I Create New Folders On The Server Which Allows Anonymous Upload

How can I create new folders on the server, via ASP programming, which automatically allows by any user:

1. Files to be browsed
2. Anonymous upload to this directory
3. Allow uploaded files to over-write the existing file

I use the following ASP codes to create new folders, but all above options are off and I cannot e.g., upload (via ASP programming) to upload a file in the new directory because the option is off.

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set b = fs.CreateFolder(newFolder)

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Replace Function Not Replacing What I Tell It To Replace

If I replace "a" with "b", and then I replace "b" with "a", shouldn't I get the same result? That is what I am trying to encode and decode with Replace() function, but it is giving me different things when I replace and replace again. Here is what I am talking about: Code:

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Get Tables Names

Does anyone have some sample code on how to get all tables names in a MS Access database?

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Names Of Scripts

I need the names of some either ASP or PHP programs that will work like a video rental store. I know there are some out there, but i cant seem to remember the name of them. I would prefer something that is free.

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ASP Variable Names

Does any one know how many characters possible in a variable name in ASP?
Is it only 15 characters long or could it be more?
i.e. could the variable name be ThisIsTheFirstName
I do not name my variables like this but I would like to know the max length possible.

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Cdonts Names

I have a web application which saves files to a server and emails the file as an attachment. I generate a unique name for each file by concatenating a unique numeric string so the file name is unique and cannot be accidentally be overwritten. I also store the original name of the file. Is there any way to rename the attachment when I send it so it doesn't have the unique name but rather the orignal one.

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Column Names?

im reading from multiple databases, and one restraint is that i must know the amount of columns and the names of the columns before i can display info from the question: can i somehow GRAB or READ this information from each database and then just adapt my Display accordingly

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Using Arrays With Names

Is it possible with ASP to use arrays with names (e.g user("username") = "ble") instead of numbers (e.g user(1) = "ble")?(I do know of the dictionary object, but is it wise to use that 7 times or more a page?

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SQL And Table Names

ive got a small problem, i dont know if this is possible but its bound to be. What im trying to do is request a cookie which contains a database table name and put that inside an sql query...sort of like this

id = request.cookies("tablename")
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM &'id'&"

i know that doesnt work, ive tried every other combination .

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Table Names

I am planning my next move on my current website and am looking at doing the following. I am adding a feature where as a database can be viewed on the web page as this has been requested for me to do.

I am pretty sure i can do this without a problem except for getting all of the table names. Is there an SQLQ command where you can say


Antoher way to look at it is to have a seperate table in each of the databases to hold all of the table names.

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Get File Names

a script that will automatically pull the names and custom preview icons of image files from a folder and display them on a page? is this possible? i need to use this script on a win 2000 server.

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Path Names

I have two temporary variables that are equal to folder paths. The first temporary variable could equal one folder name or multiple folder names depending upon an if statement so "" & fldr1 & "" & & "" will not work.

Is it possible to combine both into a third temporary variable? Example:

TempPath1 = "" & fldr1 & ""

TempPath2 = "" & & ""

FullTempPath = TempPath1 & TempPath2

FullPath = fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(FullTempPath))

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Get List Of Names

We have a script the will grab names from a form and display them on the next page but will only get a max of 60 to 80 names depending on the total number of characters of each name.

Can anyone guide us on how to create a script, where if a user copies and pastes 5000 names or email addresses into a form and clicks submit, we can then grab each name and display individually on the next page?

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