Report Back Available Tables/columns With Only Knowing The Db Name

I want to be able to connect to the database (the name is known) and then have it report back the tables in the database and the columns available in the tables. Is there a way to do this?

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How To Add Columns In Crystal Report

I want to create a report with 4 fields( employe ID, emp name, DOB,age).

out of this 4 , record for 1st three flds i m getting from table in my data base, and the 4th fld that is age ....i m calculataing that in my code behind.

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Having Trouble Getting Openschema To Work To Report Table/columns Names

dbpath = "D:Pure-Flo IntranetdatabaseEngDB.mdb"
set objConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & dbpath

Set rsSchema = objConn.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)
Do Until rsSchema.EOF
If rsSchema.Fields("TABLE_TYPE") = "TABLE" Then
Response.Write rsSchema.Fields("TABLE_NAME") & "<br />"
End If
set rsSchema = Nothing

just a simple example of what i'm trying to do. its supposed to list the names of all the tables in the database, but instead its returning the following error:

ADODB.Connection error '800a0cb3'

Object or provider is not capable of performing requested operation.

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Form Submit That Must Report Back To The Same Page An Error...

I have a form submit that must report back to the same page an error if a pair of radio buttons inside the form block are not checked. But data from the buttons must still be sent to another page.

I tried having the form send data back to the same page, then putting the data in session variables and redirecting to the page they have to go to. But apparently the session variables are having unpredictable effects on the very complex page I'm sending the data too.

I'm thinking about using Onsubmit = somefunction inside of the <form > . I've tried javascript but I haven't found the right code yet, and also I'd rather avoid the popup alert box, it is inconsistent with the rest of the website. Perhaps an ASP subprocedure could do the trick?

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"Back" Button Issue On ASP Generated Data Tables

Imagine an asp-script that retrieves data from a database and returns an HTML with table of the retrieved data, allowing user to edit some values and delete rows. The issue occurred after deleting a row. Lets say the initial table was: Code:

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Knowing Who Is Logged Into Any Particular Workstation?

I'm developing an intranet site that will require knowing who is accessing the site. Since all of my users are using a WIndows domain, I figured I could cut the necessity to log into the intanet site if I could identify each user based on who is logged into the workstation being used to access it. So I figured I would need some Microsoft-specific tech to get this done.

Is something like this even possible? I figure ASP .NET would be my best hope, but seeing that I've never programmed for a Microsoft environment, I would need some coaching. Here's how I thought this could be accomplished (I may need some help filling in the details):determine the IP of the machine accessing the sitedetermine which machine on the network currently has that IPask Active Directory who is currently logged into that machineI don't know that this is possible in this manner, though. Anyone accomplish something like this before? I would think so as it seems like something a lot of developers would want for web applications.

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Knowing Column Names

I'm working in ASP VBScript, and I'm trying to transform an SQL row into a formatted line of text. My question is, is there a way to bounce through columns without knowing their names (like an array).

The answer to the obvious is yes, I do know all the names of the columns, but I'm trying to minimize future maitenance and this should be a fairly simple process. Basically I need to get the name of each column and it's value in a specific row, and I need to do all of this in ASP.

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Knowing When A File Download Is Complete

I have a requirement to record in a database when a file is finished
downloading to the end-user. Currently when a user clicks a download icon
for a file it directs to an ASP page that records the "hit" into a database,
then I use a response.redirect "filename.exe" to point the user to the

What I'm missing is knowing when the download is complete so I
can update the database to show the file successfully completed its
download. Is there a way to do this with ASP? A way to do this with an
aftermarket component?

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Back Button : : How To Fill Values Back

I have a form that submits values to an asp page. If their is an error on the asp page that is called and you go back to the first page with the form. The values are not in the form.

How can I set the value back into form without the user having to retype them in? If I use hidden fields on the first asp page and I go back to that page wouldn't the values for the hidden fields be empty as well?

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Creating Dynamic Tables In Dreamweaver To Display Tables

I know how to create dynamic tables in dreamweaver to display fields and records in a table of a database, but in my case I need to create a dynamic table that lists all the tables in the database, then to click on the one i want 2 edit the data in there.

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2 Columns

I want to display the results from my database in 2 columns.any easy tutorials or article out there? havent found any easy so far

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Get The No. Of Columns!

How do I find out how many columns exist in a SQL Server DB table before displaying the records of that table?

Also how do I get all the column names as an array so that I can seperate each column using the Split function?

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SQL Columns

I have a small doubt, my access database has been moved to SQL Server. Now I had some columns say [Where NoP] and similar many such columns. Are these columns going to work, since some of my queries are returning error. When i change the column name to say WhereNoP, it works fine, but in that case, I have to check around 300 forms where the column name is mentioned. So any clues to make such column types work.

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Listbox With Two Columns?

I want to make a listbox which will show the results of two fields (the ID and the Name) of one table , but the one field (ID) will be the one to pass.

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ADOX Add Columns

can't seem to get this ADOX code to add columns to existing Access 2000
table what's missing ?

Sub AddTableFields()

Set tbl = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Table")
set cat = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
cat.activeConnection = conn

With tbl
.Name = "events"
Set .ParentCatalog = cat
.Columns.Append "MaxEntries", adInteger
.Columns.Append "CurrentEntries", adInteger
End With

cat.Tables.Append tbl

Set tbl = Nothing
Set cat = Nothing
End Sub

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Formatting Columns

I have a SQL 2000 table with data I display in three columns. The code
I am using sorts the data horizontally but I need it sorted vertically.
Here's the code I am using. Perhaps somebody can help me find a way to
modify it.CODE

response.write "<table width='100%' cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>"
if not oMain.eof then
count = 0
do while not oMain.eof
if count mod 3 = 0 then
'there are 3 in the current row, so end the row and start a new

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Dynamic Columns

Is there a way to make dynamic columns? I'd like the data from one field to be the column in a dynamic table. What i'm trying to do could be compared to a pivot table in excel.

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The Art Of Printing Columns

there are many ways to make this happend but what is the best way of printing sql records in non divided number of columns-say 5 columns? say you got 10,000 names and you want to print it in 5 columns, that is a poor drawing of 12 records in 5 columns:

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12
...every one of this 12 is a name

printing a name + checking if is there some ditails reffered to this name in other table column...

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Access Columns

I access an access-table by this SQL-ADO-string:

SQLGetInfo1 = "SELECT * FROM kalender ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, day DESC;"
Set rsGetInfo1 = DBConn.Execute(SQLGetInfo1)

Now I want to drop all the names of the columns, that is the field names, into a 1-dimensional array (or perhaps some ordinary strings, doesn't matter), but how do I do that? I tried with some rsGetInfo1.Fields.Name() and stuff like that, but the bottom line is, I don't really know how to fetch that property.

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Looping Through Columns

Normally I do a query, and loop through the records. Is there a way to loop through the columns of each record?

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Get A List Of Columns

I have to fix an asp database site, that may or may not have ever worked properly. I keep getting the following error:

"ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1' Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal."

I have researched and found that this is happeneing most likely because the script is requesting a field that doesn't exist in the database (maybe a mis-spelling). I can't find the code to display a list of columns in the database.

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Number Of Columns

How can I know the number of columns of the .csv files? I want to import them to the database.

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Get Columns From Recordset

Just like we have Recordset.GetRows() method to retrieve all the rows of the recordset, do we have anything that retrieves only the column values for a specific column from the recordset. I want to transfer all the contents of a column field by doing this into an dynamic array in a single go. instead of using loop statements to fill the array.

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Display Only 3 <td> Columns

I want to display a table with 3 columns only. The cells will be populated with database fields requested from a queryString .

The actual Access field value is either "Y" or null. If a "Y" value is true then I want the Field.Name to be displayed.

Anyway, the table has 40 possible columns so I'd like to limit it to display
only 3 columns: I can generate the field names below: Code:

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Displaying All Columns In A Table

What I want to do is list all of the columns in a table from a MYSQL database.. How would i go about this? I already know about select *, what I want to do is write them all down.

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How Do I Format Excel Columns In ASP?

I'm using Response.ContentType = "application/" to display my SQL filled table in Excel and all the data shows up, but the column formats are not correct. For example, Excel treats my column with data such as "01-80" as date "Jan/1/80" and I want it to stay as a string. How do I specify the column format as text inside my ASP code?

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SQL Update Multiple Columns

I'm trying to update an acccess database using (
Can anyone tell me why the following code does not update the columns

Dim sqlUpdate As String = "UPDATE tblForumMaster SET Replies = @Replies, LastUser= @LastUser WHERE ID = @MasterID"

Dim objCmdUpdate As New OleDbCommand(sqlUpdate, objConn)
objCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@Replies", intReplies)
objCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@MasterID", Request.QueryString("MasterForumID"))
objCmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@LastUser", strUserName)

No errors are produced so the syntax passes but the update does not happen.

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Select DB Columns Dynamically!

A Form has a select list which lists all the column names of a SQL
Server database table. Users will select one or more than one column
from this select list & after submitting the Form, the records of only
those columns that he had selected in the previous page will be
displayed to him. This is the Form code:

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Appearance Records In Two Columns

I have this code who show some records in one column. I want to appearance the records in two columns. What changes i make in code to do this? Code:

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Doesnt Retun All Columns

I have a query in ASP that does a select * from table
It doesnt retun all columns!
When i use objRS("columnname") I get blank. This only effects some colums and I fix it by using

select *,missingcolumn1,missingcolumn2 from table

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Display Records In 2 Columns

i have a database with 60 records. I display all of them into a single column. What i want to do is to display the records in a table with 2 columns, the half of them into the first left column and the rest 30 to the right column.

I used the RecordCount to count all my records but how will i count the half of them and when the half is reached i will change the column and go to the right one?

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The Best Method To List By Columns From A Db

I'm using the following code to read articles from a db and show them by columns and not by rows. Code:

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Search On Combination Of Two Columns

I have an ASP page where I am building a query to get the data from the
table. I am using Microsoft Access and ASP

The table has three columns Id, StartDate, EndDate.

For each record the users only enter either the startdate or enddate and not

When i am writing my querystring I want to sort my results by date but the
date should be a combination of StartDate, EndDate

I tried something like this

SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY NZ(StartDate,EndDate)

This works in the database directly but on the ASP page it does not allow
the NZ expression.

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