Repost From Scripting About Sig Fig Functions

I need a function that can format a number with the appropriate number of sig
figs. Ideallty a function that takes two values the value to be converted
and the number of sig figs I want it formatted to. Has anyone done this?
Any leads on how to? I have been searching the net and haven't found
anything yet.

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Repost: Global.asa And EnableSessionState

I was wondering if the following line at the top of my global.asa file is


It does not produce any errors when I access my site, but since I am mixing
an @ directive with the Language and Runat statements, I just wanted to be
sure. I was also wondering if having the EnableSessionState=False directive
even needs to be included inside the Global.asa file.

At the top of all my .asp files, I have the following:

<%Option Explicit%>

If I have the EnableSessionState=FALSE in my Global.asa file (and if it's
legal), do I need to have this same statement at the top of all of my .asp
files, or will the setting propagate through the entire application?

Also, I've been wondering why I seem to have to separate the Option Explicit
into other <%%> rather than being able to have all of these statements
within the same <%%> block.

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ASP Form Repost Issue

Basically, there are times when I need to see if a form was submitted to my page; if so, I need to resubmit the form as-is to another page.

So, how do I know if a form was posted to my page and, if one was posted, how do I go about reposting this form to a completely different page.

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RePOST Form Data

if there's a technique to use POST instead of GET to send data back to a form so to refill it with user input after this hasn't passed validation. Any clues?

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Repost Form Data Automaticaly

I have a form that posts to a page that processes it.

The mailform processing page mails the form to 2 people then enters it into a database.

I now need that page to repost the form to paypal so the user can pay. It already has grabbed all the values and stored them into hidden fields. But i can not find an asp script to post again

I dont want the user to have to hit two submit buttons.

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The script below does what it i supposed to on a remote server, but when run on my local host, it hangs endlessly. Do I need to do something on my computer to accommodate this ability to create folders?

Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
folder = Server.mapPath("images/rentals") & "/" & Request("l_name")
Set objFSO = Nothing

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I am trying to get a database working on my site but I am very New to ASP. what I want to do is if ther is a match in a database to automatically sent a msg to the user to say there is a match.

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Using Scripting

I've got a freebie hosting mirror of my production personal website
(sounds kinda grandiose, doesn't it?) at
At the production website I was using Scripting.FileSystemObject to get
the date that the file was last modified and to read/write a counter
text file for the number of hits that the whole site had. The freebie
has a kind of half-ass*d FileSystemObject, but it has no GetFile method.
Is there any way I can accomplish the same things without using the
FileSystemObject, or by using the crippled one?

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This ASP script below is sitting on a Windows 2000 IIS Server Box and the
fldr was pointing to Bradford2 emp which was a Windows 2000 server and
worked great, now I changed the fldr to point to Bradford7 emp which is a
Windows 2003 R2 server. After pointing to Windows 2003 R2 box the
FolderExists(fldr) no longer works. The directory is there and all the
permissions are the same from Bradford2 to Bradford7.
Dim fldr, fso
fldr = "radford7 emp"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If NOT fso.FolderExists(fldr) Then
' Folder Found
' Folder Not Found
End If

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Cgi Scripting

I have a form who's action is an ASP page used to verify the form data. If the data passes, it re-directs to a cgi script. Otherwise, it redirects back to the form page and shows the appropriate error messages. The problem, however, is that the data is lost once it goes thru the validation page. It doesn't get sent on to the cgi script, and it doesn't get sent back to the form page if the data validation fails.

What I need to know is how I can pass the values that were entered on to the cgi script or back to the form page after validation. Or, better yet, how to do the validation on the form page itself, and only proceeding to the cgi script (the form's action) if validation passes.

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FTP Scripting

I have been "hitting the wall with my head" for couple of weeks now, what I need is a way to automatically generate ftp script that will be run when I click the download link on the site that is made using asp technology (not How can I do that,can anyone give me some helpfull information ? I am using windows2003 server, with IIS and FTP server set up.

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Using Functions

I have a file i created
it contains several functions, and some other code to build a string based on diffrent vars.If i run this file standalone, it works absolutly fine. However the problem comes when i include it half way in another script.

I get the following..
VBScript Error 800a03ea
test4.asp, line 2 function encr..

This is line 2
Function Encrypt(Message, EncryptionKey)

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I am searching for a function that can separate a string var to some string vars and devide the string by "," marks, os this possible?

str1 = "2,34,1,54"
and I want "2","34","1" and "54" be devided and inserted into new vars, or an array var, is their a VBscript function for this?

I have made a function myself that does this using ths Instr and the Mid functions, but its quit messy and I don't wan't to have to insert it in every page I make, Any Ideas?
Another small thing, I want to learn how to use Classes in ASP, I don't know what to look for exactly, (vlince, I could use a link now...)

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<%= functionName(value1, value2) %>

Trying to call a function which returns the modulo of two numbers, can l simply whack the function name in and the value will be returned ?

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Functions In Asp

I've written the following function but somehow the output is not what I want it to be. Can someone explain to me what i'm doing wrong?

function fn_piping(inputWaarde)
outputwaarde = inputwaarde
Response.Write outputwaarde & "<BR>"
if i = 1 then
i = 2
call fn_piping("thisshouldbethefinaloutput")
fn_piping = outputwaarde
end if
end function

i = 1
figure = fn_piping("bla")
Response.Write "<BR>" & figure

So 'thisshouldbethefinaloutput' should be the final output, but it doesn't output anything?!

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Sub/Functions With FOR

I need a current record in the database for it to work but I have another page that uses this same code and it works fine on that and the only thing different in the coding is where the information is being pulled from in the database and when i first copied & edited the page it worked fine but now it doesn't and i've worked on it .....

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I would like to call a asp function when i click a button in a form. I'm using VB. I know in Javascript it the onclick event is there a similar handler in VB????

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ASP Scripting Languages?

I was reading up on ASP for a report and it talked about scripting languages. It also talked about using VBScript or Javascript as a scripting language? What exaclty is a scripting language and why do you have to use it?

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Client Scripting

The following HTML exists on a page in Internet Explorer v6:

<FORM action="x" method="post" name="Form1">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="key" />
<INPUT type="submit" value="Go" />

What would be the correct VBScript or JavaScript syntax to:
A. Set the value of the key field to "ABC"
B. Submit the form to the server

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MS Access Scripting

I want to script real-time data FROM financial Web sites TO an MS Access db.
on a PC (no server issues).
Is this possible?If so what should I use ASP VBScript, ASP.NET VB or something else

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ASP Scripting Technology

Does anyone know if the ASP scripting technology has a support lifecycle at
Microsoft? Is there any information on if/when ASP as an application platform
will no longer be supported by Microsoft? I have a customer that wants to
know if they stay w/ a mission critical ASP based application, will Microsoft
will still provide support (updates, security patches...) for the ASP
technology it is built on.

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Remote Scripting ASP

I use the RemoteScripting with the rsproxy.class within my asp pages.
I don't have problems except, when the Java console is not active in IE.
Is there a way to detect from asp, if the java console is active or not ?

or, how to do remote scripting without the rsproxy ?

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ActiveX Scripting

Does anyone know where I can find any good documentation using ActiveX scripting with asp and vbscript? How is ActiveX scripting different than using ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)?

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Remote Scripting

I have a Web application that uses Remote Scripting to provide dynamic data to a web page.I am testing the application in Internet Explorer 6 SP1 running on Windows XP Professional.
When I use the Microsoft JVM,the application works without any problems.However, as a result of future withdrawal of support of the Microsoft JVM as a result of the settlement with Sun, I need to ensure that the application works okay with the Sun Java plug-in for Internet Explorer.
This component is no longer available,and clicking on the OK button only reiterates this message. When I click on the Cancel button instead, the Remote Scripting functionality fails to work.Is it possible for Remote Scripting to be configured to work with an alternative JVM, such as the Sun Java Plug-In, or is it entirely dependent on the Microsoft version?

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SCripting.FileSystemObject In ASP

I have written this code in ASP

Dim oFSO
Dim oTempFolder

Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oTempFolder = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)

Response.Write "<br>Temporary Folder Name is " & oTempFolder.Name
Response.Write "<br>Temporary Folder Path is " & oTempFolder.Path

It hangs forever on the line
Set oTempFolder = oFSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)

However it works perfectly if I write the same code in VB Application. Can anybody tells me what's wrong in it.

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Action Scripting

Anyone can help me to create a Text Formating. AS I want that there is a object. I want to write some text in a textbox on Run time. and it displays on the object and if i want to change his font,size or color.

so tell me how its possible. can i get tha code from anybody or from anysite or anyone plz me to do this in Flash with Action Scripting.

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I've some problems with "Scripting.FileSystemObject" object. If I try to create a new text file with the function myfile.CreateTextFile I have two differents result:

If I execute the script client-side there are no problems, but if I execute the script server-side the process stops when I call this function (I think that the process is in loop because I must close iexplore to stop the application).

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Scripting Or SQL Statement

This page,, contains info of my movie collection. I have the title and year in one table cell, as in Lord of the Rings (2001). I intend to put all the info in an Access database, but I would like to have separate fields for Title and Year.

The pseudocode can work like this:

1. Find open parenthesis "(" in field -Table-
2. select everything after "("
3. move the selection to the new field -Year-

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I'm trying to use the Scripting.Dictionary. However the item I'm adding to the dictionary is an array. An example is

Set objD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
objD.Add "Key1", Array(1,2,3,4,5)

I know for sure the array always has 5 items. In VBScript, I can access the item like this:

objD.item("Key1")(1) to objD.item("Key1")(5)

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Calling Functions...

Where's the best place for me to include all my functions that I want to call throughout different pages? Should I just put them all in one ASP file and include that page on every page? Or use global.asa somehow (how??)?

Anyways, I was just wondering because I didn't want to slow things down if I could help it (I didn't know if having another big file attached to every page when I'm just using a small portion of it was very effective or not)

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Date Functions

i am wondering how to actually get the month in letters..... i have used a

strMonth = Month(Date)

but it is returning a number of the month... i would like to make this the actual month such as January, August, etc.... how would i go abt doing this in ASP.....

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ASP Apps And Functions

Over my years developing ASP applications and writing asp code in general I have created a library of nice little apps and functions that I use over and over again.

I was "thinking" about maybey setting up a site with all my useful functions, subroutines, and possibly applications for people to download and hopefully donate some money if they use them. Perhaps even have some apps for sale only.

The apps will mainly be my useful plugin developments such as guestbook, gallery, login system etc. My question however is do you think it would be worth the time and effort? Do you find yourself using plugins a lot?

I defo think the functions could be handy but again how many of you search for functions to help you out or indeed how many of you currently use functions you have gotten from other people? Would you donate something if you used them?

Mayby some of you have already done something like this and can let me know how you got on?

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Math Functions...

Didn't remember if anybody had started started like this, but I decided it would be cool to start it again. If you have a math function request ask it below, or if you have made one then add it:

I have a few cretegean plane (think thats how you spell it), calculations. One request I have is, does anybody have a short function for square root?

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