Reset A Variable

I've been trying to reset a variable from a popup window. I want to be able to provide member stats for a message board but every time I click on a different member the first members stats keep getting displayed. The variable needs to be reset after the popup window is closed but I don't really know which way to go about it. I've tried methods such as member="" and stuff like that but I've still got the same problem.

function info()
{ ('member.asp?username=<%=sectionRS( "Username" )%>','website', config='height=300,width=400,toolbar=no,menubar=no ,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,location=no,directori es=no,status=no');

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Connection Reset

I'm using serverXMLHTTP to retrieve pages, but in some cases its throwing "The connection with the server was reset" back to me, im not completly sure what the message means, when i used other variations of the the http component i get similair errors, though sometimes it pulls through (once every so many'th times)

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Reset Combo Box

How can i reset the combo box or <select> in asp?

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Reset Button

I have a a reset button on my page but when i press it nothing happens? Why is this?

(input name="Reset" type="reset" id="reset" value="Reset" />

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IIS Reset Automatically

This is the message i get when we have our application running using our own ISAPI code, it desapears when we don use the ISAPI filter, Can anyone help, It seems IIS assumes that we have a virus as stated by microsoft Message



It only happens when we are using our own ISAPI FILTERS .

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Reset To Default In SQL

Is it possible to reset a SQL field to it's default setting? For example, someone changes FIELD1 to "John Doe" and the the default is "YOUR NAME". Can I reset it back to "YOUR NAME" somehow?

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INPUT Type=Reset

I have a form on which I have a INPUT Type='Reset'. On clicking this button all the fields on the form should reset except a few. Is it possible to do this by setting some property of the control or do I have to specifically write code form that?

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Reset Button Problem

I have a search page where i have like 10 combo boxes and some radio buttons and check boxes.

Now when the page loads, i do some selection in the combo boxes and when i press reset button it clears all data in the form elements.

But when i select things in combo boxes and do a search by clicking OK button then the search results are displayed there and now if i want to clear all the form elements , i tried to click reset button, but when ever i did a search ie click ok button and after than press reset button reset button is not clearing the form elements.

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Session/application Reset

Does anyone know of a way through asp code to drop a users application
connection and prompt them for their credentials? I would like to offer the
ability to log into the application with different NT username and password
with them having to close and re-open their browser. I am using basic
athentication for my application.

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Reset A Database In Frontpage

I created a new database using the Frontpage 2003 wizard. Everything works Fine but I would like to have the option to Delete the database (What I mean is anything that was puyt in to get rid of it.) after they are done putting in what they have to put in. Is there a way to do this I can't find one.

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ASP Session Reset Question

When a user goes through our online purchasing system and their session
information gets recorded, when proceeding to our next page and then
clicking the back button in their browser, the session variables are reset.
Its not that the session is timing out or being forced to end when visiting
the next page (or when reloading the previous page), but regardless, the
variables are reset.

This is a problem because during the purchasing procedure several items from
the order go missing, meaning the purchase doesn't go through properly.

Any ideas why a simple back button press in the browser by a user would
cause a session to be reset?

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Accesss Complete Reset

is there a small command that resets a whole accessdatabase? I need a code that deletes all records in a database. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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Network Password Reset

The LDAP is located on the mainframe. I can successfully select records using some ASP (Classic) script. I choose to use ASP classic because there are very few examples I
could find of using the directory services other than the MS AD.

Anywho, as I said I can select the LDAP record using a mixture of SQL and LDAP dialects but now I am at a standstill. I have been asked to create a form to reset the passwords on both the mainframe and the network at the same time.

The actual user accounts on the mainframe exist in RACF and the "field" I need to access is racfPassword, could this be accomplished via a SQL Update command using the same mix of SQL and LDAP dialects?

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Reset Remote_user Servervariable

i use nt user authentication on our iis 5.0 webserver. user get a login popup for username/password when they connect to the website. i also use session handling which works fine. the session ends when the user uses my logoff process.

but unfortunately, the remote_user server variable is still filled with the username. so the user can just call the website again and he does not get the username/passwort pop up. is there a possibility to empty/reset/destroy the remote_user servervariable
(maybe on client side, cookie)?

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Cookies Being Reset Or Disappearing Mysteriously

My website uses cookies to persist a certain amount of data on the client. However, occasionally the cookies will disappear or be set to an empty string for no discernable reason. It does not happen in our development environment at all, but does happen in our production environment. We looked at all the likely settings and they were identical on both the production and live servers.

We set the cookie domain properly and the cookie path.

Has anyone seen similar behavior? And if so, what did you do about it? What IIS settings should I be looking at? Could it be a service pack that was installed on one machine but not another?

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Reset Session.timeout After Warning

Do you know how to reset session.timeout after user click to extend the session timeout?
For example, default session.timeout is 20 mins and 2 mins before will ask whether extend working on the site or logout.

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Reset Cookies Values When Window Closes

Is there anyway to reset cookies values when window closes?

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All The Sessions Reset When Run Copy Folder Or File

I have very weird problem on my server, when I run this function: Code:

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Reset Document Position After Form Refresh

I have an asp form. The page is kind long. After user scroll down and make some change on the items, the form needs to be refreshed with new selections (some controls may disabled based on the selection).

My question is, each time after the refresh, the form always go back to the top position. Since the form is quiet long. User may get frustrated if he/she have to scroll down the page to find the current position each time after make a selection change. Is there a way to remember the document postion before refresh the form, and reset the position after the refresh? I guess some javascript code may be able to do it. But so far I have no clue at all.

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How To Reset Input Data On Detailsview, After Error On Insert

I'm using the detailsview to perform edit and insert of new records via an
object datasource.

If an error occurs on the insert, I want to preserve the data the operator
tried to input, along with my error messages. Currently, it appears that the
detailsview is trying to rebind after the error, to the empty/null detail
item(on insert it is null), and thus I lose all the operator's input. Can
someone suggest the proper way for me to achieve the persistence I'm looking

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Update Number In Access Table And Reset It By The End Of The Year

I have an Access table with (among others) a number type field.

I'm building a web form which will add a new record to the same table. My problem is as follows:

I need to retrieve the (number) value from the previous record and increase it by 1 when submitting the new record. Also, this number should reset to 1 whenever a new year occurs.

Was that clear?

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ASP To Re-load Page From Time To Time To Reset Varaibles

I have a website that I subscribe to that allows me to track tasks. I have an extra computer with a big monitor that i want to always display the task list. the problem is after so many hours I get logged out.

I need to need to reload that sign in url every few hours Code:

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Input Type="reset" - NOT WORKING!

I'm facing a peculiar problem..I've multiple text fields in a form.

One of the text object(named-A) is getting populated with the help of some JavaScript code written in the ASP page .

Now, when I click the "Reset" button, all the text objects are getting cleared of their content,EXCEPT "A".

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Calling Com + Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

I'm turning my application into a "DLL". Everything worked fine untill I try to do a "While" in my asp code. Then I recieve an error like this:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

My vb code look like this.....

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Passing Data From Javascript Variable To Asp Variable.

is there any way of passing a javascript variable over to a asp variable so
i can write it to my database.

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Convert ASP Variable To Javascript Variable

How do I convert an ASP variable to a Javascript variable?

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How Do I Put A Variable And A Non Variable In A From Statement?

sql = "SELECT * FROM & console &'news'"

I got that right now but i want the variable, console to be placed along with news so when it selects from the db it selects from gcnnews or whatever variable it's on. How do I do that?

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im trying to subtart one quantity from another then stick the answer in to an update statment, but all i get is an error in syntax message

variable math bit=

sql =
sSQL="Update spares SET spares.location='"&request("location")&_
"',spares.qty='(" & qty & ") "&_
"',spares.updated_by='"&session("name")&"' WHERE(" & form_id

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Variable Name, Dependant On The Value Of Another Variable...

I need to assign a value to a variable, but this variable name is dependant upon another variable!! I am including the code below so you can see it, cos if not I am sure you are thinking whattt?? Code:

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Can't Get The Variable

I have many buttons that mapping many textbox, when I click button, I
want to show a string that contains button number( and the mapping
string ), but it failed.

Here is the code:
<%response.write"<input type='button' name="'btUS95resone"&" a &"'
value='Save' onclick='resone("&a&")'>"%>

function resone(cnt)


It seems that the component I called is not there...

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If Not Variable

Can anybody tell me what is the asp equivalent of the php-phrase:

if (!$Variable) {}


Another question: is there a special syntaxis for asp conditions in condition?
I tried this code it doesn t work:

If Condition Then
If 2nd condition Then
ElseIf Then
End If

End If
And it works only when I remove the 2nd condition's End If and the ElseIf. Seems strange, no?

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I have a text file that looks like this:

Artist Name: Kiss
Song Title: Rock and Roll All Night
Running Time: 04:38

And I need to be able to get the artist name and song title in asp and display it on a website. The thing is, the text file changes with the song being played on the radio. How can I do this?

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VB Variable

I've been given an ASP app written with server side javascript. This app needs to get the username of the person currently logged in to windows (Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") in vbscript). I found a way to get this variable in javascript, but then it wouldn't let me split it (server kept saying method not supported). So I've gave up on getting the username with javascript, and have set variables in VBscript at the top of my page. How do I access those variables within the javascript portion?

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