Resizing Automatic Reformatting

What is the difference between the HTML <table> and ASP <asp:table>? I've just shifted development environments from DreamWeaver to Visual Studio. I've put together a page by dropping elements directly onto the grid, but I get no automatic reformatting. My old technique from DW would be to put it all in a table for formatting, but I find that clumsy in VS.

First, they have both html and asp table controls, and I don't know the difference between them. Second, the two controls are rendered on the design page differently, and I really can't tell what they are going to do. Third, the asp:table is shown without any rows or columns. What's up with that?

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Reformatting The Time Stamp

i have some vars throughout an application that has a time stamp in the format:


at the end of the app in a few places, its required that the stamp be like this format: YYYY-MM-DD

i'm trying to change this and am having no luck, any suggestions:

varDate = "8/30/2006"

Replace(varDate, inStr(Left(varDate "/", 2)&"/"), Right(varDate, 4)&"-")

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Uploading And Resizing Pic

My client wants me to add a functionality which would enable him upload and resize the pictures. His server is having ASPUPLOAD and e-kov components intalled. Also he doesn't want to write files to the disk and save only to memory.

I can use ASPUPLOAD's functionality to save files in memory or save files in the database. My question is how can I access a file so that I can resize the image using e-kov software. And when using '' only, without path, it saves the file virtualy but where does the file and how to access it.

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Resizing GIF Images

I currently use ASPImage and resize JPG files with no problem. How, though, do I resize GIF images? Is there a different component?

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Image Resizing

I have been using Imager Resizer....

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Image Resizing In ASP

Recommend me a good free image resizing tool you've been...

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On The Fly Image Resizing

I have a load of images on a server, but I don't want to resize the original images. I want to display the images on a page but at a reduced size.

Just forcing the browser to display the images at a smaller size using the width/height attributes is not really acceptable as the picture looks like *** (a technical term if ever there was one :P).

Ideally I want to see if there is the functionality to properly resize, i.e. resample?, the image on the fly. Im not interested in storing the images just resizing and displaying.

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Resizing Images?

I have a web page which pulls images from a access database.

The images are displayed on the page from a recordset (objRS("Thumbnails") - Thumbnails being the field in my database that holds each image.

However, because I want the images display in thumbnail format, it means I have to open Photoshop and resize each image to thumbnail size (100 x 100) before adding them to the database.

Is there a way in ASP that I could code so that each image brought in from the record set, no matter what size, will display at 100 x 100px so I don't have to manually resize them to thumbnail size myself?

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Image Resizing

I'm designing a site in asp where the user can upload an image and the page will read from a database and show the image. The problem is that all images are odd sizes and the image is being stretched when displayed on the page. I want the page to intelligently resize the image so that it will fit within the confines of a frame. I've tried all sorts but nothing seems to work.

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Prevent Resizing Of <TD>

I need a help to prevent resizing of <TDwhen i post inside this <TDhtml text of other web page.

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Image Resizing On The Fly

I realise that ASP can't dynamically create images on the fly using ASP code. I am considering getting a DLL file to do this for me. My question is this: do I just place the DLL on the server with my ASP file? As DLL files need registering, how does this work with using a web server? I have a folder called cgi-bin on my server.

I realise this is more a question for my webhost but I have never used a dll before and wondered if anyone could shed some light on what is involved?

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Resizing Image Proportionally

making the image proportion to its size...

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Uploading/resizing Images

I've been looking for ages for decent serverside (or clientside I suppose,) software for uploading images. I need the software to make thumbnails of the images too.

I'm making a property website product and I need to make it easy for the user to upload pics by browsing to them and selecting them. When he/she adds the info and photos the thumbnails will be made automatically ....

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Image Resizing And Uploading

I have a register module where user can register with their information and they have to upload their images.

1. I need to know how i rename that image and upload to server with that new name.
2. how to i change the image's height and width and then upload that image.

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Resizing Linked Images

I've been tasked with the challenge of re-sizing images linked via BBcode on the fly. I have compiled a list of functions that do individual components of this task, but stringing them together has proved, well, a challenge.

I discovered this code that will re-size the images, however this will need to be added on an ad-hoc basis, and the fact that the image name appears twice complicates the usual system I used to add the code.

Usual way of replacing the code (inside a function):


vText = Replace(vText,"[ img ]","<div align='center'><img align='middle' src='")
vText = Replace(vText,"[/ img ]","'></div>")

Image resize code:

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Image Resizing Component

I need to install a component which will upload and resize images (jpegs). I don't need too many bells and whistles but would like one which is reasonably good at keeping the file size low (or lets me set the compression options).There's quite a few out there, has anyone any recommendations?

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Resizing Activex Controls

I have a sysmon activex control inside an ASP page. When I resize the window, the activex control does not resize itself to fit the window. Does anyone know how to make the activex control automatically resize to fit the window?

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Two-Dimensional Array Resizing

how do I resize a two-dimensional array? The array I'm working with is "data(X)(Y)" where X is 0 or 1 and Y grows to a dynamic number.If "data(1)(highest element)" IsNull, then I need to strike it from the array. I believe this should be doable by simply resizing the second dimension down by one. Through researching I established the following set of code:

I = UBound(data(0)) - 1
ReDim Preserve data(2,I)

But it results in a "Subscript out of range" message on the latter line. Short of looping through and building a new array.

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Dynamic Iframe Resizing

I have a script on a site that i am redoing and have used an i frame that resizes depending on the size of the page that is loaded into it.

I would like to use an existing asp driven page from a realesate site to laod in to the iframe as the "listings" section; however the frame will not resize. any sugestions? Code:

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Client-side Image Resizing

My company works with a lot of estate agent websites and other projects that require images to be uploaded by the client (and their employees). We have been searching for a client-side resizing application (such as a Java applet) that can perhaps create a thumbnail, as well as a smaller version of the original file and then upload these two images to the webserver.

There are plenty of php and perl Applets that do this, but none that can submit to an ASP form.

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Uploading / Resizing / Thumbnail Images

I am working on a gallery and am uploading pics. Is there any way of resizing the resizing image eg make a thunbnail from the image been upload. Also can I rename the image so that images aren't overwritten.

below is the code I am using.....

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Upload Component And Resizing Images

is it possible to resize images uploaded in the dundas component or any other upload 3rd party component.

Also i woudl like to be able to rename them and put in specific folders?

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Resizing Images In Upload Process

Can this be done? I have designed a site that displays images in a specific dimension, but the majority of site visitors either disregard this requirment or don't know how to resize images. Is there a way to upload in image and then physically resize it to whatever I want?

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Resizing Images And Displaying As Thumbnails

i pulled this out from an archive but without any comments or instructions on how to use it. any ideas. Code:

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Automatic Email In Asp

I am working on asp and ms sql.

I have created a table called as 'usertable' in ms sql database. The columns in 'usertable' are username, loginid, password. The record gets added to this table, when a new user makes a fresh registration.

Eg: username = 'david'

So My question is whenever a new user is added to a table, an automatic mail should come to me '' mentioning that a new user is added to table ALONG WITH HIS USERNAME, LOGINID, PASSWORD.

All this information should come to my email account automatically. So how to write ASP Code for this.

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Automatic Post

I need to some how do the following and if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it very much.

I have a form that the user would fill out. When he/she clicks submit it goes into another page that reviews the information that the user typed in the previous form. If all of the information is good for the user there's another button in that page that they would have to click.

This is what I want to happen after they click on this button. I want to record the data in a SQL database, which I know how to do that, but what I want to happen automatically right after inserting the data in the SQL database is that I want the same data to be carried over to another page where there'll be another form and want that data to be populated in this new form. How do I do that?

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Automatic Action

is it possiable in run some automatic checkups on the server every X time or every time (with no reaction with the user). I need to run all the time checkups on the sql database and check values of some column.

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FTP Automatic Backup Possible

I would like to backup the Remote Access database from a link on my asp application . Is it possible ?For instance, there would be a menu which once clicked will initiate login/password and ftp server, get the database and rename it with currentdate, close the connexion ?

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Automatic Login

I want to add code to the URL so on click will be performed login action with some username and password (ex. h t t p : / / w w w . s o m e - s i t e . c o m /login&username=USER&password=PASS)

I think I wrote total nonsense, but I think you know what I am talking about

If someone want to help me here is that site I want to perform auto login: ...

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Automatic Printing

if there is a way to have a page print automatically, with no dialog box when the page loads, using VBScript or Javascript. This will be an intranet application, running in IE6. I will have control over the browser settings, so those wont be a problem.

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Automatic Login

As u see that in yahoo messanger it provide facility for auto fill login and password for specific system. If we want to see our yahoo messanger in my personal sysem then we dont require to fill this user id and password. It automatically fills user id and password. I want to do it in asp.

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Automatic Generation Of

Is there any way to create automatic generation number like, INW001.......INW002.... ans so on without using any code in ms-access using "autonumber" type with default value.


Can you give me the code for creating automatic generation of numbers for a column IDNO , using alphanumeric.

Eg: INW001 , Next should be INW002 ,....... INW010 and so on

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Automatic Printing

where I can get a script which will automatically print a page when its entered or when a form has been submitted. Ive tried to find a script to do such a fing but I really cant find anything to support it.

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