Resource Files

Does classic ASP have some notion of resource files, similar to JSP,
for use in internationalization/localization?
It should also support variable substitution too.

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Requested Resource Is In Use

I've just upgraded our intranet server (production) from Win2K to Win2K3. After the upgrade asp works fine on the root and lower level directories, but any virtual directory returns http: 500- The requested resource is in use. I have caching enabled on all webs.

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Requested Resource In Use

IIS 5.0 is throwing out "The requested resource is in use." for any site that uses ASP - HTMl is executing fine. I have tried re-installing scripting, latest MDAC, and all my hotfixes are up to date. This just happened after the latest hotfixes were install this week.

I have also tried re-syncing the IWAM account but that didn't work either... Running the webs in HIGH (isolated) did not help either. I hit and followed the instructions there .. is reinstalling IIS my last resort? If I restore my backed up metabase will I introduce this problem again?

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Requested Resource

I've seen references to this error on-line but the fixes listed haven't helped me. I'm getting the error 'The Requested Resource is in Use' when I attempt to access a classic asp page on IIS on my home machine.

I only get the error when I create a new directory in wwwroot and designate it as an application. If it's simply a subdirectory of wwwroot I can access the asp page just fine. Try to set it up as an application and I get the error. I am running IIS on XP Home and it's working fine exept for this error.

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The Requested Resource Is In Use

I got error message "The requested resource is in use. " when access a
database asp page. I check and see that IUSR should have all the
rights. It seems that the page doesn't like response.redirect . Code:

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The Requested Resource Is In Use.

I have a problem with IIS + ASP. If I try to read asp page display me this error: The requested resource is in use. In Evet Wiever i have this message: Out of process application '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT' terminated unexpectedly.

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The Requested Resource

I install a new forum for my web site, but when i try to login or post a new message it gives this message : "The requested resource is in use." How can i solve this problem ? Why server gives thi message ?

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Requested Resource In Use Error

I recently installed project server onto a new server (the server is
an all in one box that hosts the database (MSDE) and Sharepoint as well as
project server). When I attempt to load the project server web access
screen I get the error "The requested resource is in use." I've tried
researching this issue, but haven't been able to find any usable
information. At this point, I'm totally stuck. Has anyone else encountered
this problem?

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System Resource Exceeded...

Issue : "System Resource Exceeded..."

I always wonder why this error usually happens to my site. I never know what's the cause of this system error. Is it with the host or my pages itself? When this scenario occurs, this certain error is always returned... Code:

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The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

I am getting an error message - The requested resource is in use on Windows
Server 2003.

I have tried check and uncheck the Cache ISAPI extensions. The web server can serve up HTML pages and images. The problem is with the ASP/ ASPX pages.

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System Resource Exceeded

Basically the problem relates to how ASP fundamentally works - even though you open a DB connection, it uses it only for the first SQL query. For subsequent queries on the same open connection then ASP spawns its own connection but doesn't properly release it, thus leading ultimately to server memory leaks which can only be resolved by rebooting the server.

It seems that the only way to prevent this happening is to use the following methodology in your ASP code.

For Each SQL Query
¤ Open DB connection
¤ Make recordset
¤ Use the data
¤ Close and kill the recordset
¤ Close and kill the connection

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System Resource Exceeded

I am receiving and error that says, System resource exceeded. I have done a bit of research on this and I have read that it is because the recordsets/connections are not closed properly. Now I must admit this might be the source of the problem, however, it was working on Friday when I left, and is not working this morning. Could it be because the server might of went down this weekend? Any suggestions as to what I can do to resolve this issue or to as why I am reveiving this?

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System Resource Exceeded.

one of our servers (win2k adv server, IIS5, MDAC 2.8, full patched), once a day in the afternoon starts giving this error on every site that uses asp:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

the memory used goes from 800Kb to 1,5Gb (1Gb of physical ram available), and even though the cpu used isn't 100% we need to reboot because everything dramatically slows down.

There are many sites hosted on this server and we never had this problem before... The culprit must be one of the new sites then. Is there a practical way to find out which site is the culprit?

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System Resource Exceeded

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
System resource exceeded.
/webutils/include_webstats_weeklycount.asp, line 23

Anyone know what this means and how to fix it.

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CDONTS Resource Problem

I have a database of email addresses, currently about 600 which I want to send a mail to. So I loop through every record sending an email, but at some point something stops.

Initially it timed out, so I increased the session timeout to 10 minutes.

Now I never find out where it got to, because the page never reloads, even after 10 minutes.

Its not something I can test easily because to do so I have to send an email to everyone. So I'm trying to improve it for next time.

I wondered if I should put some delays in the loop in case it is overflowing the server buffer? Other than that I am at a loss.

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HTTP 405 - Resource Not Allowed

My Default.asp page has a listbox to redirect the users to other pages on
the web site.

If I access the web site by giving it the full URL, the listbox works fine
(for example: http://domain/Default.asp)

But if I access the web site by just using the domain (for example:
http://domain), the Default.asp page is displayed fine, but if I select an
item in the listbox, I get the error "HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed"

Any ideas?

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Resource Editor - Make Icon

How do you access the resource editor for creating an application icon? I went to View/Resource View, but no palette.

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Resource For Developing Your Own Accounting Software Using MS Technologies

Save precious time and dollars in learning the secrets of programming.
Complex logics made simple and easy to learn.

Own a complete Database Application built using OOPs, Classes,
Datagrids, ADO (ADO .Net) with options like Sale, Purchase, Receipt,
Payment, Reports like Cash Book, Registers, Trial Balance and P and L
Statement for the desktop and client server platforms.

Leverage the full potential of Microsoft's VB, VB .Net, ASP .Net,
Crystal Reports and SQL Server technologies.

All these, now readily available, packed and organized. Get instantly,
what others take years to collect, develop, test and put together.
Includes Database design and Server side programming - Stored
Procedures, Triggers and Constraints. Code:

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MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0 Error :: The System Cannot Locate The Resource Specified

I am running the following code and I get an error:

Set xmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
xmlHttp.Open "Get", URLToRSS, false
RSSXML = xmlHttp.ResponseText

The error is:

msxml3.dll error '800c0005'
The system cannot locate the resource specified.

It points to the "xmlHttp.Send" statement.

This code runs perfectly on my old ISP's server but not on my GoDaddy server.

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System Resource Exceeded.

i m trying to coneect to a access database Using DSN , but when i try to connect i get an error

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

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Displaying Image From Database Saves Files To Temporary Internet Files

I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.

We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.

Here is the code to display the image:
Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL )
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")

SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database

When I add this code:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.

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Can Php Files Execute Inside Asp Files?

Can a php file be executed inside an asp file? I need to execute a php file in another asp file but i'm not so sure it's possible.
My server can run both asp and php and they run without any problems... I just need to find a way to include the execution results of the php file in the asp one.
Is it possible to use SSI and include the executed php file and then the executed asp file in a main ssi file?

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Convert ASP Files To Executable Files

I have installed PWS in windows 98 in each of the system at various places and put my Sales program files in the WWWROOT directory in all the branches. I'm afraid that the users may tamper my ASP files. Is there any way of converting .ASP files to .exe files so that the dont see my program.

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How To Use ASP But Produce HTM Files, Not ASP Files?

I was wondering how some sites let you search by using a form, then present the results as static .htm files.

The reason I ask is that I tend to use ASP to process form information, then give the user a list of results presented on an .asp page. The list is simply drawn from a database in real-time and formatted into a template page.

The problem with this is that search engines can't see any of the information in the database, since they can't do the form submission. Is there a way around this?

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.exp And .lib Files

When DLLs are compiled in VB, in addition to the dll, there are also
exp and .lib files created. Can somebody tell me what these are for?
Do I need to include them when I deploy my application?

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PHP Files

I want to include just the result of a PHP file within an ASP file. <--#include won't work, it just imports the text.Is there an alternate way to do this?

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IIS Log Files

Checking our IIS log files we often get the chinese bots probing our sites. My only concern at the moment is that when an item is called by ID (i.e. select category from table where categoryid = id) and the id is called from either a querystring or a form request, I use CLng (i.e. CLng(request.querystring("id")) to convert the id to a long int to prevent the bots injecting the variable with any non-numeric characters.

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Ftp Files

how can i do a ftp function to upload and downlaod file to the server without using a 3rd party component?

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Zip Files

can somebody advise me, how to put a few text files into zip archive on IIS5
on user request on some asp page?

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ASP Files

IYHO, if I have say 10 different product categories that extract their data
from say 10 text files or an Access DB, is it more efficient to have an ASP
for each product category to query each section or 1 which parses the lot??
The only reason I am asking is for multiple user access I have this strange
belief that if 1 page is getting requested and queried by 10 simultaneous
visitors then 'spreading the load' on different pages would help.
Is my logic correct or do the ISP fairies have this in hand??

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Pdf Files In ASP

when the user submit a form, all the form data's will be saved
as a pdf file
is it possible?
yes means. by what way we can get this..?
For doing this we have to use any third party tools..?

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I would like to capture the data from a textarea box and save it to a file.

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.Inc V/s .Asp Files

i want to know what is the difference between using a .asp include file and .inc include file.I know how an Asp Include file works , but some place i have seen .Inc as Include file. What is the difference?

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