Restart Iis

Is it possible restart IIS from ASP? I tryed activex dll, but it wont work, i think its an "user rights" problem When i use this dll form vb6 all works fine. Any other solution?

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Restart Your IIS Programmitcally

Sometimes i need to restart the IIS on a current server, but the
problems is that if i want to, then i have to contact them by either
email or phone, but sometimes it takes few hour to do it. So i wonder
if there Is a way to restart your IIS Programmitcally?

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Restart Apache

is it possible to restart apache from asp? the asp, of course, is running on the apache. it seems impossible to me, but.....of course, that is exactly what i am supposed to do. my asp script edits the config files, and i want the changes to take place immediately after i edit the files.

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Cannot Restart SMTP Service

I have a big problem with the SMTP service in IIS on Windows Server 2003.

I tried to install FTP service on windows Server 2003 but had to cancel it as it did not appear to be working. Since then, i went back into IIS Manager and all services were stopped. I have got the default web site services started OK, but the SMTP service is stopped, and right clicking and selecting start does not start it running again. I just get a dialog box saying that the service isn't running and to start it running again (!!!!! That's what i was trying to do!!!!!!!!)

i also tried to restart it from DOS and got a message saying that the service was already running!!

i have also tried to stop the service from DOS and get a message saing that 'The Service could not be controlled in it's present state'!!!

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Iis Restart And Session _onEnd

When IIS is restarted session_onEnd is called. though the debugger is not available at this point in Session_onEnd, is there any way that the code in session_onEnd is running due to iis restart and not from the timeout.

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IIS Restart + Session Time Out

I am using classic ASP. When the session times out theglobal.asa event
called session_on end is invoked which is absolutely correct. When I
explicitely do IIS reset or iis restart then again session_on end is
invoked. How can I distguish in global.asa event session_on end that this is
natural session time out or explicit IIS restart....

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Asp Pages Shown On Localhost - After Restart Only

Recently changes were made to my pc. So I am now using another profile (which is a copy of the old profile), in order to enter a different domain when signing in to windows xp.

Since those changes, when I am trying to view asp pages through localhost, I am getting a 500 error, saying the page can not be displayed.

After shutting down and restarting, it works again (maybe a shutdown is not necessary, but only a reatsrt. I haven't tried).

When it was not working, I have checked the IIS and the directory "WEB SITES" state was "Running".

I do not remember anything regarding IIS, as I installed it a long time ago and once it worked, I did not have to do anything more. I do not want to reinstall, as I do not remember how, and it will take me a lor of time now.

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Sql Open Exception Persists Until I Restart IIS

using win 2000, asp and mysql. when i perform a bad sql statement in asp like...

dim cn
set cn = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
cn.Open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=homerton;UID=root;PWD=;OPTION=35"
dim rs
set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
sql = "selec * from tablename" 'note the typo on select
rs.Open sql,cn

IIS complains with
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01FB)
An exception occurred: 'Open'

If i correct the error IIS still fails to work until i restart the w3svc service. On another pc running the same setup this doesn't happen, and correcting the typo enables the asp to work again.

IIS isn't crashing, it would still run a simple asp page with response.write etc on my pc, it's just when it comes to an sql statement again.

Anyone know why this occurs and if there's a solution?

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How To Capture The Server Restart Event?

I am trying to capture the server restart event, so when ever it restarts, it connects to a web page to update its current ip address.

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