Resultset Returned By Stored Proc

I've got a problem with an ASP page which calls a stored proc. The sybase stored procedure returns numeric values as shown: ...

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Records Returned From Stored Proc

I've created a Stored Procedure which adds a new record and updates some more records and then returns the primary key for the added record.

The SP seems to work OK, but I'm having problems getting at the returned key in my ASP code:

"Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal."

A common error, but in this case I can't see why... I output the SQL instruction that is sent to the DB and have run it in Query Analyser and it runs OK and returns a single row, with a single column - the new primary key...

But when I try and access this in ASP, I get the error message....

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Stored Proc

I need to also add an AND after the where like

WHERE (Id = @CId)
and MAX(end) < NOW()

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[sp_rsgroup]
@Id int

SELECT ISNULL(Group, '') AS GroupCalc, MIN(start) AS START, COUNT(Id) AS Count
FROM Table
WHERE (Id = @CId)
ORDER BY start

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Stored Proc

What is the simplest way to open up a stored query in Access - I'v got this far but I need to open: qry_Listings.

set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" &
Server.MapPath("../database/listings.mdb") '//This one is for Access
cnn.Open strCon

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Array From Stored Proc

as I'm in the process of performance tuning, I'm trying to receive a NUMBER type array from a Stored Procedure.I made a VARRAY OF NUMBER in my stored procedure. I'm not able to receive this in a Function in ASP.

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Calling A Stored Proc

I would like to call my stored proc and invoke the WITH RECOMPILE option. I can't figure out what to set in ADO to make that happen. how to make this work? BTW, I _don't_ want to create the stored proc using the WITH RECOMPILE.

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Open Dynaset From Stored Proc

I need to open a Recordset with a dynamic cursor from a Stored Proc. Does anyone have the syntax?

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AdDate Parameter To Stored Proc.

I am trying to pass a VBScript Date variable as value to an ADO adDate
parameter of a stored procedure (which runs in an SQL Server).
If I add the parameter like this:

oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter( "@p_Date", adDate,
adParamInput, , dParam)

where oCmd is of type ADODB.Command and dParam is a VBScript variable of
type Date
then when trying to execute the stored procedure I get the following error:

Optional feature not implemented

I was able to get round this by passing a string value in an adVarChar
parameter, but it would be easier and more readable with adDate and
Date-type variables. Is this latter possible?

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How To Call A Stored Proc Asynchronously

Is it possible to call a stored procedure asynchronously from an ASP page?
We would like to be able to execute a proc and have the page continue to
process without having to wait for the proc to finish. I know you can make
a dll and call it from there, but we'd rather just be able to keep it simple
and call it from the page if we can.

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XML STRING Passed To Stored Proc

I am using SQL SERVER 2005 and ASP.

Would anyone be kind enough to give me a solution to the problem below please?

If for example in the stored procedure looks like this:

-- Initialize the SQL Server XML stored procedures
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @xmlDoc OUTPUT, @xmlString

Insert into @TableBook
SELECT * FROM OPENXML (@xmlDoc, 'books/book') WITH
bookNameVARCHAR(100) 'name',
authorVARCHAR(100) 'author'

The question is supposing there is a node called 'Surname' but I am not adding 'Surname' to 'Author'. If I want to check 'Surname' value DOES exists and I want to replace it with 'Author' or if 'Surname' does not exist, just use 'Author' node instead.

I am not sure how you can use IF statement to check a node and put the value into SET @surname and then put something like author VARCHAR(100) '@surname' OR author VARCHAR(100) '@Author'. Just like switching it around.

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Post Param From Asp To Sql Stored Proc

I am trying to run the following t-sql stored proc from my VBScript page

Create Procedure getUserInfo
@login nvarchar(8)
USE proj_dashboard
SELECT f_forename, f_surname, f_profile_id
FROM t_users
WHERE f_login = @login

basically I wasnt to pull in the login of the user pass it to the proc and pull out the info for that user. I use the following sql statement Code:

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Executing SQL Stored Proc And Returning XML Through ADO In ASP Page ??

I need to return XML from a SQL Stored Procedure which I will execute through ASP ADO code. Stored Procedure as below:

@JobType int,
@CntryID int,
@JobTitle varchar(8000) OUTPUT
SELECT @JobTitle = ltrim(rtrim(JobTitle))
WHERE JobType = @JobType
AND CntryID = @CntryID

Now the output parameter (@JobTitle) cannot be assigned to FOR XML, so what must I do ??? My ASP code reads as: ....

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ASP, ORACLE STORED PROC Must Return A Recordset

Does anyone know how ASP calls a stored procedure in ORACLE ? I want the stored procedure to return a recordset bact to the ASP environment.

Can a stored procedure in ORACLE return a recordset to ASP. If so can you direct me to the necessary syntax that can be useful for this ?

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ASP Button To Execute Stored Proc In Table Adapter

Is it possible to add a stored proc to a table adapter and execute the proc
inside an ASP button click event?

I have a table adapter called Claimers and a sp called AddWatch. On the
onclick event I would like to call the table adapter and execute the sp.
Note that the sp does not return records. Code:

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Record Set Problem When Nothing Returned From The Stored Procedure

I have a stored procedure, which receives 3 parameters and returns a record set. Now if i pass a wrong id, or different checks in the stored procedure fail my record set does not open Here is the code:

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I have a stored procedure below.. When I run it with a well parameter in
query analyser 3 of select statements return me. (i named select statements

But in asp page when i call this procedure same as query analyser it returns
me 2 select statements value? what is the problem ? Code:

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To Send The Resultset To Printer

I want to send the whole resultset i retrieved. now i am retrieving the resultset and able to print 15 records in one frame. if i want to print whole the dump records what i have to do.?

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Calendar / Album Style Resultset

I am trying to make my result set print out the results in the same style as
a calendar or photo album. I am actually making a photo album, and I can
only print the results in list format. I would like to have 3 or 4 results
per table row. Then once I have 3 or 4 results across a new row in the table
will start. Code:

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Resultset Output In Excel Format

I have written an ASP script that connects to a database and runs a stored procedure and displays the results in text format ...using the <TABLE> tag. But I would like to
have these results appear in a NEW Window in an Excel format. I used :

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.Buffer = true

This opens up Excel in the same window and usually does not refresh my data ...even though the stored procedure is actually running on the database server.

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ResultSet For Multiple Select Lists

I am populating a SELECT list from a result set. I need the same result set to populate a second SELECT list. Only one list is being populated. How can I get this to populate both? Here is my code:

<select name="options" size=10 multiple="multiple">
<% while (!rs.EOF) { %>
<option value="<%=(rs.Fields.Item("FIELD1").Value)%>">
<% rs.MoveNext(); }
if (rs.CursorType > 0) {
if (!rs.BOF) rs.MoveFirst();
} else {

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Run An Exe From Asp And Get Returned Values

How is it possible to execute an exe from asp and get a returned string (no http headers in exe) ?

To run exe I use :
cmdExe = sPath & "cgi-bin
Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sResult = WshShell.Run(cmdExe, 1, True)
Set WshShell = Nothing

Response.write sResult

sResult always content "0" and not the string returned by exe file (something like "!!-1!blabla!blablablabla!")

- How is it possible to get the exe returned value ?
- Is there a solution with ?

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How Many Rows Returned?

When I do a query that I know has 2 rows, I get rs.recordcount equals -1. Same thing when it's just one row. I need something that gives me the number of rows.

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Error Returned

I am trying to update a record but it returns this error :

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Function'.
/performaindia/security/functionssys.asp, line 210

Now at line 210, I have this function :

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Error Is Returned

I am getting this error on selecting an option :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'SystemUserOnly', table 'performaindia.dbo.SecurityTableFields'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

/performaindia/security/tablefields.asp, line 220

now the line 220 is an update statement :

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Returned Values

I have a bit of a situation here, I own a job board and have multi-posting comapnies posting jobs to our database and we have returned values going back to them to tell them if the job vacancy was posted succesfully or not.

The problem I have is that our main ASP guru is of sick and the other is off away on business. I have pretty good knowledge of ASP but not as much as these guys. So I need to know how to send a response back to the posting company whether it has been succesfull in posting the job vacancy instead of sending back a page back displaying whether it was successful.

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Pagesize Not Returned

I define a recordset with a pagesize of 100 in my COM object and return this recordset to ASP. When I check my pagesize at the ASP level,it is 10 I assume this is the default.

I can set my pagesize at the ASP level after the COM function is called, but I would prefer to have this encapsulated within the COM.

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Text Returned From Sql Db

I am not sure what way to do this, i want a specific row returned and displayed in asp but not in a text box, in acess and vb i ahve done this and its just a label but not sure in asp.

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Determine If More Than One Row Returned

I have an ASP/ADO application querying an SQL Server DB. I want know the most efficient way to determine if more than one row is returned from a query. If more than one row is returned, the user will be presented with a choice of which row to process. If only one row is returned, I want to skip this stage, and process that single row immediately.

I can think of a number of ways of acheiving this (eg. .recordcount) but I'm looking for the slickest and most efficient method.

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No Data Returned.

I have a simple VBS to return some unless data (as a test) and it works correctly. Code:

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Highlight Returned Words

wondering if its possible to have some kind of searched word highlight! IE. every thing it throws up in return of search it will highlight why it has brought it up! so if search "a" all "a" in return results would be highlighted.

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Change The Returned Rows

I've got a DropDownlist with predefined numbers(5,10,15,20 etc.) which I
want to do a postback to the GridView pagesize, so that the user manually can
change returned rows. Is there a way to do that in the properties of the
Designview or must there be a code behind. If so, what is the code for this?

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? Instead Of ' In Returned Data From Xmlhttp

I am retrieving a response from another site but certain special characters such as ' (single quote) or "(double quote) and £ (pound sign are being returned as ?. The code i am using to get the page is as follows:

Set objhttp= Server.createObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "POST","" & PrmRef & ".rsp",false
' objhttp.setrequestheader "Content-Type","text/plain"
' objhttp.setrequestheader "Accept-Charset","iso-8859-1"
' objhttp.setrequestheader "content-type","text/html","charset","iso-8859-1","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
' objhttp.setrequestheader "content-type","text/html"
' objhttp.setrequestheader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objhttp.send formData
prmResp = objhttp.responseText

I have tried setting various values for the requestheader as commented out above but with no success.

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Times Being Returned As Dates.

I'm currently developing on IIS 5, ASP 3 and MySQL 4.1 using the latest ODBC driver from MySQL.

Any time field I have return from the database is returned as the current date. I've tried every table which has a date, created tables which soley keep records on the date.

I've submitted the date from MySQL Query browser using CURRENT_TIME and from an ASP page. Both submit fine.

I've returned the record using a Recordset to move through each and filled an array using GetRows().

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