Retrieving Data From Oracle

I've created asp reports getting datas from Oracle. The server im using is 8i while client is 9i. Does Asp support oracle 9i. I mean while retrieving numeric datas from oracle it displays only 0. But if the same query is run in oracle to test it, it displays properly.

Do I have to download any patch or driver where IIS is compatible with oracle 9i. Any ideas whats wrong. Did u guyz understand what im trying to say. For ur better understanding Im sending a doc attachment.

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Retrieving Oracle Date

I'm having hard time retrieving oracle date with the follwing sql statement:

Select * From Document Where Mydate= #" & RS("Mydate") & "#"

I get ORA-0091 invalid character error. Then I used the TO_Date function as follow:

Select * From Document Where Mydate= To_Date(RS("MyDate"),'mm/dd/yyyy')"

I get the error expected end of statement: Now When I inser an explicite date it works

Select * From Document Where Mydate= To_Date('03/28/2005'mm/dd/yyyy')"

How do I bind Mydate into a variale and use it in the TO_Date Function .

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Retrieving Sequence Numbers From Oracle

I seem to have a problem retrieving a sequence number from ASP using OO4O. Using ADODB, everything works correctly, however, using OO4O it seems to burn off an additional sequence number (ie it increments by 2 each time).

strSQL = "select sicontractnum.nextval as thenum from dual"
set rsContractNum = dbConn.CreateDynaset(strSQL,0)
response.write rsContractNum.Fields("thenum")
set rsContractNum = nothing

dbConn is a connection object created from the connection pool during session startup.

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Excel Data To Oracle

Need your help in uploading excel data to a table in oracle db.We cannot install any server component so pls give some suggestions.

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Retrieving Data

from the client side is possible to create a XMLHTTPREQUEST object to retrieve data ( in async way ) from web services, or simple from a asp page like this :

----- myasp.asp -----
<% response.write("<info>hello</info>") %>

how can i accomplish this, but from the server side using ASP and ASP.Net ?

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Retrieving Data From Other Tables

if there is two tables. for example

Table 1: IC No, Name
Table 2: IC, No, Address

IC No are primary keys

There will be only one user maintaining the Table 1 then another user maintaining address only in table 2. So the second user need to retrieve the data from table 1 on the IC No. how should i do it? is it using session?

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Retrieving Form Data (part 2)

Is there a way in asp to retrieve part of the URL and use it

say the url was


is there anyway of retrieving the word craig so to use it in the page, I just want the word Craig

This is because i could have other addresses that are for example


where i need to retrieve the word jon

at the moment i use the code

strURL = Replace(Request.ServerVariables("URL"), "/default.asp", "")

intStart = instrRev(strURL, "/") + 1
strName = mid(strURL, intStart)

this worked fine until new pages are added ie a page that isnt default.asp

Obviously i cant use strURL = Replace(Request.ServerVariables("URL"), "/default.asp", "") because default.asp will change...

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Retrieving Data Strings From Database

I am submitting data to a database field, and the data is being submitted in the following manner to a table in the database:


It's all comma delimeted. Now, what I would like to do is have an update page in which a user can update these values. I am trying to place the values in a repeated text box that corresponds with a repeated question.

The questions that I am displaying are in a repeated field and each question has a text box that will hold the value that corresponds to. I would like to be able to bring in each value into a repeated text box. Right now, each repeated text box contains the above information. (5,3,4,4,3,3,4,5,4,5,5). Is this possible?

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Problem Retrieving Data From Database

I have a search set up on my site to compare between two <select> values and the value in the data base, but not sure if I have the sql statment correct, my search returns all rows from the table, I want specific row that is between one form select and another... ie. below

for this particular example I want to know if the database AD_PRICE field is between <select name=price> and <select name=price1> and if so, return the only those rows, currently all rows are being returned... Code:

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Retrieving Data From Access Database

does any one just help me with the an example of retrieving data from access data base?

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Retrieving Data From Database - Query String?

I have this page with photo thumbnails that are clickable. Each photo has corresponding info saved on a database. When the thumbnail is click, im trying to show the data in an asp page called info.asp.

Photo #1 when clicked goes to: info.asp?no=1
Photo #2 when clicked goes to: info.asp?no=2
so on so forth..

the database fields are:

I only know how to display ALL info from a database.

But i cant figure out how to display SPECIFIC info triggered by a query string. Example. Photo #1 is clicked. I only want the data that corresponds to Photo 1 to be displayed. How can i do this?

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Multiple Drop Down Boxes Retrieving Data From DB

I have a database with many tables. I have many objects on my form, textboxes, checkboxes etc... I need to populate a second drop down box after selecting the first drop down box with out the user clicking a button, Yes Master I know how to do the JavaScript onchange but every thin I have looked at uses hard coded data in their example. Can you give me a form example using you tutorial DB of multiple DD Boxes.

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ASP And Oracle

I'm building a website using the oracle database engine. i'm conneting
to the database using the odbc. the database is created on a webserver.
when i'm using the odbc on my local workstation the connection works.
but when i'm trying to publish the site i receive the following error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 5 (Oracle in

/arabic/news_index.asp, line 46

line 46 is when i'm opening the connection.

Note: what i mean with "my local workstation" is when i call the
website using the localhost. and i mean by "publish the site" is by
giving the website a dns name.

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ASP And Oracle

When I place a record set on an asp page designed in dreamweaver. I get the following error when i try to run d page.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)

Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 127

I am connected to the database i can see my tables i was able to make a record set but when i place it on the pace and try to prview the page in internet explorer i get the above error. I have used oracle 10g to create the database.

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Asp With Oracle

i would like to ask what is the best and easiest way to connect an ASP application to an ORacle database? i will be accessing the database server from our network. do i still need to install anything in my local pc?

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Asp With Oracle

I know how to connect with Access.How can we connect ASP with oracle without mentioning the Data Source Name?

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I written a procedure in oracle which returns a value. What all I want to do is to hold the value in a ASP vairable. The Oracle procedure,

create or replace procedure tat
(j out number,i in nnumber,k in number)
end tat;

I need to get the value of j in a variable & how to pass more parameters. i need this to be handled in asp i will pass through request form and call the procedure, and the procedure will return a value that also has to be hold.

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Connect To Oracle From ASP

My asp application is connect to oracle database. However, when i try to open the default page, an error occurs and i receive this message:

- Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6)
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'MoveFirst'

The code that is causing this error is following:


Dim objConn
Dim rsForums
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "dsn=ORCL9; uid=toy; pwd=yes;"
Set rsForums = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsForums = objConn.Execute ("SELECT * FROM Forums ORDER BY Forum ASC")
<table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" border="1">
<td width="60%">
While Not rsForums.EOF
<td><a href="forum.asp?ForumID=<%= rsForums("ForumID") %>"><B><%= rsForums("Forum") %></B></a>
<%= rsForums ("Description")%><BR>
<SMALL>[Total Posts: <%= rsForums("Posts") %>] [Last Post on <%= rsForums("LastPost") %>]</SMALL>

The forums table in the oracle database has 2 lines of records, and it should not occur this error. Do you have any idea what is happenning?

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Connection With Oracle

Can I connect oracle using asp?Is it possible?I have done it with msaccess and sql server 2000 before. Can you guide me to create a connection with rdbms oracle with asp.(with dsn or without dsn)

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Sysdate In Oracle

I am trying to write a simple SQL statement which will take a string
(startdate) in the format DDMMYYYY and compare it to a date stored in
an Oracle database. My SQL is as follows:


"select * from tblhistory where datechanged = '" & startdate & "'"


The field datechanged in the Oracle database is set up using the
Sysdate variable, on a previous occasion.

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Oracle Package

I have a big problem here ....i have an oracle pakage and i need to call this package in ASP , when i use "microsoft odbc for oracle" it work fine .
But now we need to change the odbc to "Oracle in OraHome92" evrything in the package call must be change. any one can help me ?? how can i call this package via this odbc driver and how i can retrun a record set from the package?.

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8i Oracle Database

i searched the web for a code to connect an 8i oracle database with the ASP and i didn't find anything useful untill now . So if any one can help me in this i will be so greatful , also i wanna know if it is possible for the PWS or is it only working with the IIS

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Shutting Down Oracle

On User Logout,I Close my Asp Application Browser Window,
and attempt to shut down oracle database.
The window closes, but Oracle Shutdown displays
"Stop Active Connections".

Can i avoid this window ? I am not using global.asa.

The following is my logout code :
<script language="JavaScript">
</script><%dim Executor
Set Executor = Server.CreateObject("ASPExec.Execute")
Executor.Application = """E:ORAWIN95BINOSTOP73.EXE""/screen"
Executor.ShowWindow = false
set Executor=nothing%>

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ASP Oracle 9i Connection

I am trying to connect to Oracle 9i Database Installed on Win 2000 Server using a DSN and i am getting the foll error :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]
/test/includes/openconn.asp, line 7

No error description

The line 7 is where I am opening the connection using "Dsn=test;uid=xxx;pwd=xxx;"

I am able to connect to the Oracle 9i Database using my SQL Plus and also thru Oracle Management Server

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ASP Oracle Package

Does anyone know how to return data from an Oracle pakage using Oracle driver?

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Oracle Paging And Asp

Anyone have any good links on accessing the paging methods in the Microsoft ADO when dealing with Oracle? I've tried just about everything I know, and I can't get those methods to work worth a diddly. Code:

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ASP > Mysql, Oracle

I am currently drawing up a sample server architecture for a windows environment,

from ASP is there any limitation on which Database one can work with, ie are MYSQL and Oracle supported ...

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I'm writing an ASP page using an Oracle driver OraOLEDB.ORACLE and am getting the following error message:

"Multiple-step operation completed with one or more errors. Check each status value."

I cannot use the Microsoft MSDAORA driver because it will not work in my new environment.

Has anyone encountered this problem or know how to fix it?

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Connect To Oracle

am trying to connect to an oracle db. I'm not sure if I need a whole path or what am I doing wrong here?

Username = Request.Form ("UserName")
Password = Request.Form ("Password")
Source = request.form ("source")

If username="" Or Password="" Then
Session("Error_message") = "User name and password are required."
End If

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'original connection string
conn.ConnectionString = "msdaora.1;Password='" & Password & "';User ID='" & Username & "';Data Source="clscen;"

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Oracle CLOB

I have had an issue that I have been working on for a couple of days.I am trying to retrieve and display an Oracle CLOB datatype containing a long description using ASP and ADO.

I cannot seem to get the contents of the recordset to display and the RecordSet.Eof and Bof properties are not returning true or false.

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Use With Blob In Oracle

I'm searching some code samples that using blob data type with asp.

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Connect Asp With Oracle

i am newbie to this environment,please tell me how to connect asp with oracle, ineed all the steps and sample coding.the sample coding has to show "connected" msg after conecting asp with oracle.

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Excel To Oracle

I'm having an asp page and I have data in excel sheet records. what i'm doing is getting those data from excel sheet through VB dll as recordset and storing it in Oracle database.

Eventhough i have a length check for each cells, when there is more than 255 chars in a cell it's throwing an error which is as follows. Error desc : Invalid Use of null Error No : 94.

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