Retrieving Foldername And Filename Place Into Database

I want to seach though the drives i.e c or d drives and find for the folders and subfolders and even the files and by that order only it should be inserted into the database.I am using MSACCESS database.

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Filename To Database - AspUpload Problem

I have a problem with AspUpload. It's about sending the file name to my database. First of all I don't know the exact amount to post, so, I did a little function for this. The amount is between 1-20. In my database I have fields named 1-20, and text fields for the text to the files that is named "text1-20". My code:

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Upload Image And Save Filename To Access Database

How do I upload images and save filename to Access database?

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Getting Filename From Form Then Deleting - Filename Is Changing!?!

I have a form that gets a filename from a db like so

<FORM METHOD="POST" encType="multipart/form-data" ACTION="pic_delete.asp">
<input type="hidden" name="File1" value="<%=rstemp("filename")%>">
<input type="hidden" name="ImageID" value="<%=rstemp("ImageID")%>">
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="cmdSubmit" VALUE="Delete" ></form>

when I submit I get the error message "File not found"

So a did a respnse write to write my filename and found it is now called 2006_Apr_19-83955.23.bin It seems to be the time as it changes each time I try and get the filename to write...

this is the code on my delete page

Dim Upload
Dim FileName
Dim Folder
Set Upload = New clsUpload
FileName = Upload("File1").FileName
response.write "Here is the file " & FileName & " name <br>"

Folder = Server.MapPath("") & "" & strPathToSave
response.write "Here is the folder " & folder & " name"

Upload.DeleteFile Folder & FileName
'Upload("File1").SaveAs Folder & FileName
Set Upload = Nothing %>

The folder name comes out right, just the filename changes.

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Retrieving Data Strings From Database

I am submitting data to a database field, and the data is being submitted in the following manner to a table in the database:


It's all comma delimeted. Now, what I would like to do is have an update page in which a user can update these values. I am trying to place the values in a repeated text box that corresponds with a repeated question.

The questions that I am displaying are in a repeated field and each question has a text box that will hold the value that corresponds to. I would like to be able to bring in each value into a repeated text box. Right now, each repeated text box contains the above information. (5,3,4,4,3,3,4,5,4,5,5). Is this possible?

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Retrieving Database Fields Problem

I'm trying to retrieve information from a field in a database, which contains data, some of which are the same. ex:

let's say the table is called "Person_info" and there are 5 rows of info with a different person's info.

let's say i want to display the info in the fields called "City" but there are duplicates ex:

New York

I'd like it to display all the cities in there on a web page, but, I don't want it to display the same city twice:

so it'll display this:

New York

I just can't get it to work? it keeps displaying duplicates.

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Problem Retrieving Data From Database

I have a search set up on my site to compare between two <select> values and the value in the data base, but not sure if I have the sql statment correct, my search returns all rows from the table, I want specific row that is between one form select and another... ie. below

for this particular example I want to know if the database AD_PRICE field is between <select name=price> and <select name=price1> and if so, return the only those rows, currently all rows are being returned... Code:

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Retrieving Infornation From An Access Database

I am trying to write a web application that can retrieve information from an access database, store it in a recordset, update it, then update the access database. However, when I try to update the recordset, I get an error (500).

I have checked my field names a million times (so I am pretty sure it isn't a spelling mistake or anything like that), but nothing is working. I included my code so you can take a look at it. Code:

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Retrieving Data From Access Database

does any one just help me with the an example of retrieving data from access data base?

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Retrieving Limited Words From Database

Just wondering. I am developing a blog. I would like to display the message post on the blog to be limited to, say, 100 words rather than the whole message itself as this will increase the page length.

I would like to know if there is a method to count the words from the record in database and display only 100 hundred words from the actual message..

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Retrieving BLOB Fields From A Database?

I am currently working on a document management system for my company's Marketing department. They wish to be able to upload files to the server.

Rather than deal with the many permissions issues we have had in the past with saving and deleting these files to the server's file system, this time we are trying to use SQL server BLOB fields to store the files.

The premise is simple -- a user clicks on the link and the file is then shown in the browser. The documents are mostly word, Quark, and Adobe Illustrator documents. I was thinking the code would go something like this: Code:

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IIS Running - Error Retrieving Database

I have sucessfully installed IIS 5.1 on XP Pro, and have validated a couple of test .asp pages.

When I try to connect to Access through Front Page, i get the following error:

The Database Results component on this page is unable to display database content. The page must have a filename ending in '.asp', and the web must be hosted on a server that supports Active Server Pages.

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Apostrophe Error While Retrieving The Record From The Database

I am using a Replace function to replace single quotes with double when
submitting a text field in the database i.e. Replace (q, "'", "' ' ")
which works fine. When I retrieve the field from the database which has
apostrophe I am getting 'Object expected' error message. Is there a
way to fix this?

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Retrieving Array From Single Column In Database

I have about 26 checkboxes that place all of my contacts into categories so in my database for contacts i have a field called categories that contains all of the categeories that each contact belongs to seperated by a ",". 1,5,17 etc.

I need help getting these values out of the database so that when I user select category 17 they get all of the contacts that containg the 17 in their respective categories field.

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Retrieving Data From Database - Query String?

I have this page with photo thumbnails that are clickable. Each photo has corresponding info saved on a database. When the thumbnail is click, im trying to show the data in an asp page called info.asp.

Photo #1 when clicked goes to: info.asp?no=1
Photo #2 when clicked goes to: info.asp?no=2
so on so forth..

the database fields are:

I only know how to display ALL info from a database.

But i cant figure out how to display SPECIFIC info triggered by a query string. Example. Photo #1 is clicked. I only want the data that corresponds to Photo 1 to be displayed. How can i do this?

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Retrieving Information From Database Using Multiple Search Criteria

I am trying to search for clients contained within a database using multiple search criteria that the user is able to select using a front end form.

The user is able to select there criteria by selecting one or more check boxes and the results are thus retrieved based on what the user has selected. The search works fine until you try and select multiple client types Code:

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Where Should I Place My ASP Files

I am using PWS with Windows 2k pro. Is there any specific location that I need to use to place all the asp files. The prob i am stuck with is that all my asp code is getting visible as soon as I submit from a different form.

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Place The Function

I am trying to convert a VB.Net 2005 progrma tinto an ASP.Net webpage. My initial problem is that while my function appears to be working, it is returning the results above the form instead of below the <HR> that is positioned below the form. I do well in VB.Net but this is my first attempt at ASP.

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Format A 2 Place Decimal In Asp

What is the easiest and best way to format a form field so the numbers show as a 2 decimal format?

(i.e. 2.50 instead of 2.5). I am developing a client based form that calculates fields but cannot seem to get the number format correctly. Code:

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Forma Tcurrency () Place In Dollar

Does anyone know how to correct or why formatcurrency() places the dollar sign after the number?

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How To Place Shopping Basket Contents Into Orders Table

I am reaching the point in the implementation of my first shopping cart where I need to place all the customer’s products within their shopping basket into an orders table.

I am sure many of you have performed this task before so I wondered if you wouldn’t mind pointing me in the right direction. I am not really sure exactly what is usually stored within the orders table in most shopping carts. My shopping cart contents is stored in a session array like this Code:

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If Filename Contains Then

I'm looking for a way to check if a directory has any filenames with 'w9' in it, and if so print 'yes' in the appropriate place. My database has a field called CustomFieldFilesDir where the appropriate folder structure is already entered for each person ex. 'p:john doe'. I've searched and found scripts that look at extensions but not the file names themselves.

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Get Filename Out Of Pathname

i have this form to upload a document to a folder on the server. i have a field where you browse the files on your computer to upload to the server. once that field is chosen i would like another field to be populated automatically with only the document's name, without the path extension on it. does anyone know how to go about doing this?

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Download Under A Different Filename

My problem is: i need to write an ASP page which first checks whether
the user has permissions to download a ZIP file, and then streams the
file itself if the user is allowed to see it.

I have succeeded until
this point, but the client browser asks to save the file with the
original filename (and ASP extension). Obviously this would mean
making the downloaded file unusable at client side, unless I tell the
site user to manually rename it, but this is not a solution.

So I ask you: is there any way for an ASP page to stream data to the
browser and have it saved with a default file name and extension which
are different from the page's ones? Code:

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Retrieve FileName

I want to have a form where there is a textfield and a Browse... button to the right of it. I want the user to be able to press the Browse... button and select a file and then that filename be returned to the textfield.

I don't want it to upload it or anything like that...I just want to know the filename that the user has selected. Also, when the user presses the Browse... button, I want it to automatically go to a certain place.

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Add Timestamp To Filename

I have an asp file upload facility on my website and I now want to add a timestamp to the name of each file uploaded to my webserver to ensure no clash of names.
I have no idea how to code it so egfile.txt will arrive on the server as egfileYYYYMMDDhhmmss.txt (or something similar).
Is it possible to do?

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Extracting Filename From An URL

What string function(s) would I use to extract just the filename from an URL?

For example, if I have, how do I extract just the "some_file.asp"?

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Randomise A Filename's Name

I've created an upload application that allows a user to upload a file a space on the web server.

What I want is when a user selects the file to upload, when the upload process takes places, a random number is generated and added to that filename.

I work out I can add the code:

intrandomnumber = Int((1000000-1+1)*Rnd+1)

but how do you do the change to the filename when it uploaded as I can change the filename name but the physical filename name would be the filename held on the user PC?

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Trimming Filename

I am storing URL in a database for a 'sort of' directory type website.The <a href> is built from the recordset of URL's which is all working no problem, easy stuff.What I have found is going to be necessary in some cases is to trim the URL back to just it's address for the link display.

I still want the actual link to go to it's long 'deep linking' location, but there is limited room for displaying a URL that could be a hundred chars long.

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Path And Filename

I'm making an error tracking system.I want to include a file (or function) at the top of each page which gets the A) current file name B) directory the file is in. In PHP this is $_SERVER( PHP_SELF )

On a side note, why is it that you can type "PHP SERVER FUNCTIONS" in google and get wonderful results, whereas "ASP SERVER FUNCTIONS" returns garbage?

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Filename Renaming In ASP

am trying to upload a file and at the time try to rename the file to autogenerated name.

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Request The Filename

One of the things I do is do my testing on an alternate address, then store the file as the regular address after it tests correctly, but since I might mention the test page in various forums when I ask questions, I leave it uploaded just in case someone later sees the link and clicks it.

So far, my kludgy way of handling it is to have a variable called "thispage" and set it equal to the page I'm working on, so when it links to itself, it links back to the page in question.

Is there a way of automatically testing for this value instead of manually defining it? I tried a quick Google search, but I didn't know what to call it. I assume it might be in the same general collection as the HTTP_REFERER item.

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NS7 Renames Filename

I coded a simple asp-script to force a file-download. (ex. dummy.doc). In IE6, NS4.7 and Opera 7 everything works fine and the file can be easily downloaded. But NS7 renames the filename in the dialogue-box to dummy.doc.asp . How can I prevent that?

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