Run The If Else Statement After Click The Submit Button

How can i run the if else statement only after i click the submit button??

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Submit And Call Function On Click

i've been making a simple registration page. i got a quest , i need my page to check the form for mistakes (i check mistakes using javascript but it can be done by asp aswell)
and submit it to another page for deeper check, (the deeper check can only be done in asp since it needs to connect to the database) is this posible?

or if its posible to call a asp function on click it would be better. ps: if i get a link to a free asp script regis page, that would be best.

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First Click On Button

I have a web form with a button and a number of text fields with validators. When users on dial up connections use the form and click the button the progress bar in Internet Explorer will slowly works it way over and the page status will say done but nothing ever happens. If the user clicks the button a second time all is well. The page works fine on a high speed connection.

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Submit Button Versus Regular Button

I want to understand the difference between submit button and regular button: <input type="submit"> and <input type="button">. My understanding is that submit button will send the entire HTML form to the web server, but regular button won't.

I have a problem that needs to pass HTML elements data back and forth in several ASP pages. I am using regular button to do that. But what's the approaches?

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Send Post Method Without Need To Click Submit

is it possible to send info to a page with the post method automaticaly ?
whithout the user having to click the button ?

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Redirection On Button Click

i want to go to another page on button click is there any method other than form submission

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Disable Button After First Click

Anyone knows the method/codes to disable the clicked button after first click by using .aspx-- to prevent people to click many time when waiting for the server response.

I tried to do this by adding a java script for the button. But, useless..

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Send Email When I Click On A Button?

I have a website that was initially generated by a program called ASP
Runner Pro. It's really nice, has my access database online (I run it on a server) and I love the layout. However, I really want to make it
so that when I add a new DOCTOR to my database of doctors, an email is sent
to the doctor telling them that they have been added to the database. I plan
on editing the website files manually from Dreamweaver. I don't know how to
set up my email smtp server in ASP or anything like that though. I've
searched the forms desperately, but all instructions assume that I already
have setup my email smtp (which will be google) in my ASP, which I don't know
how to do.

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Generate Email When I Click Button?

When I click "save" after adding a new record (which contains, among other
fields, the person's email address), I want an email to automatically be sent
to that person (at the email that is in the field of that record). How can I
do this?

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Add File Field When Button Click

I have a "Add more files" button on my asp page. I want to make it that when user click on the button, it will create a file field under the existing one. How can I do that.

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Call Asp Fuction On Button Click In Asp

1 I want to call an asp function through onclick method of button.
2 I want to call an asp function through javaScript

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Opening Another Page On Button Click

I have a form that assigns to 2 variables. Now I want to have a button that if clicked sends a different asp page the 2 variables and runs the page. I think I need the new asp page to open in its own window as I want the original form to stay open in the background and the new form generates an Excel file to download rather than opening in the browser.

Could I get an example, preferably in vbscript, of how to do this please? The only sample code I've found so far uses a hyperlink instead of a button and doesn't pass any arguements to the new page.

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GridView Button Column Click

How to programaticaly in GridView check that my ButtonColumn was clicked?? I've tried sth like this:

protected void MyGridView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,
EventArgs e)
MyGridView.Visible = false;


It dosent work I click on buttons but nothing is happened. I haven't problems with dataGridView in WinForms.

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Click On Browser's Back Button

when my asp page displayed in browser..and suppose i click on back button of browser then it should not go to back page. in this case the same page should be always display.
how can we do this?

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Click Button To Wrap Tags

say i have a word. i click bold on the word. and it gets wrapped with the <b> tags . how do i do this.

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Submit Drop Down Without A Submit Button

i'm trying to get a drop down menu to submit automatically when an option is clicked. i've tried various javascripts and they don't seem to work correctly with asp. does anybody know of anything that will work properly?

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How Can I Redirect To A Page When I Click The Window Back Button?

How can I redirect to a page when I click the window back button. I think javascript will do. But I will embed it to my php script.

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How To Add Click Function To A Dynamically Created Button In WebFormapplication?

I am trying to create a bookstore WebApplication using c#. I can
display the books (obtained from sql server) on a table in a WebForm.
At the end of each row, I would like to add "add to cart" button.
Therefore, I use

Button bt_add = new Button();
bt_add.Text = "Add to cart";

and put it in a cell which is later placed in each table row. The
Buttons display fine on the WebForm. However, I don't know how to add
the Button_Click function for each of the Button I created since I don't
know the total number of books in advance. Can anyone help me get "add
to cart" button to work?

Note: I try clicking on each Button, the WebForm page loads back to its
original stage (Page_Load function) and my search result is gone.

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Why I Need To Click Refresh Button In Order To See Session Values

in our asp, in order to prevent data disppearing problem in form fields,we
use session variable to display the field values if a customer click "back"
button on the page2.asp in the browser,(the session variables
Session(aQuoteName(iPerson)&"TripCost") is set up in the page2.asp) i.e.
then in the page1.asp, we use:

<input name="<%=aQuoteName(iPerson)& "TripCost" %>" type="text" size="6"

to display the tripcost. This works very well in the past all the time. But
today, when I do the similar programming, whenever I click "back" button on
page2.asp, the data on the page1.asp all disappeared and I have to click
"refresh" button on page1.asp in order to display all the session variables.

What's going on, does this have to have something to do with window security
patches, I didn't have anything changed in the program or IIS configuration.
I also test the production version, same thing happened which it never
happend before???

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Submit Button

I have a submit button - I would like it to submit and then I would go to the next page when the submit button is pressed.

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Submit Button

i am having problem with my submit function. When i refresh my page or select an option from the drop down list it is submiting the values into the database where it should submit when i click the submit values. Another problem is tat wad ever values i submit it is appearing with comma at the beginning of the value in the database.

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Submit Button

I have a question about using a image as a submit button. Basically I have:

<INPUT="image" SRC="c:whateverwhateverutton.jpg" NAME="Login">

Now I have two different buttons in one form. I trying to figure out how to get the page to know what button was pushed, and then do a set of actions. Such as:

If button1 is pushed then
end if
if button2 is pushed then
end if

Thats the basic pseudo code for what Im trying to do. Keep in mind this is a image button.

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Submit Button

I figured out that it is a default feature that if you are in an input box and hit the enter button it will cause the form to sort of 'submit'. I have a page where the form action is the actual page but it does all its variable assigning and such inside of an if then statement.
If Request.Form("submit")<> Then
and at the end of the if then I have a response.redirect to throw the results of my variables in the llink.
So what happens is when I hit the enter button it almost looks like the page is refreshing since the form action is the form itself. And the form doesnt even get into the If then statement. Anyone have any suggestions or direction as to what the easiest way I can do this is?

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Submit Button

I'm using this code to enable the sumbit button.The problem is that it enables on odd numbers of ticks once even it disables thee button.Basically it disables the checkbox until one checkbox is ticked.


<input type="checkbox" onClick="document.all['mysubmit'].disabled =(document.all['mysubmit'].disabled)? false : true">
<input type="submit" id="mysubmit" value="submit" disabled>

I just want it to enable if 1 or all checkboxes are ticked.

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Submit Button

I have an ASP form with a submit button. When the form loads, the submit button is automatically highlighted. Is there anyway to stop this?

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Submit Button

I have a form,I don't want it to submit when user presses enter?I only want the form to submit when user clicks on the submit button.

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One Submit Button

I have a ms access db with several one to many relationship links. I wish to create a asp page where the user can fill in the information and then update it to the db.

The textboxes on the webpage range back to 3-4 different tables and I cannot figure out a decent way to update the whole page from one button.

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Submit Button

I have created a submit button to my asp page but I need help with getting it to do what its suppose to do. Can anyone help me with getting a submit button to "submit".

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Submit Button

if i wanted to do an insert statement..where i should put the code.. is it under the sub Submit_OnClick??? or anywhere on the form itself?

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Submit Button

I have a form that I allow the user to use the ALT-S key to submit. I'd like to have just the S in the Submit button underlined, Is this possible?

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Submit Button To Image

How can put the action into in image? because instead of submit button, i will replace it with image?

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Need A Submit Button To Run Two Hyperlinks

I have a Submit button on a web page that runs the following hyperlink code below.

<a href="ProducsTotalBasket.asp?Remote_computer_name=<%=FP_FieldURL(fp_rs,"Remote_computer_name")%>&Committed=<%=FP_FieldURL(fp_rs,"Committed")%>">

<input type="submit" value="Click to Continue" name="ClicktoContinue"></a></p>

The hyperlink uses parameters that pass the value of the "Remote_computer_name" and the value of "committed" to a SQL statement that uses the values returned to update the underlying database.

The hyperlink code runs perfectly when I click on the submit button on the web page and updates the database however at that point I want the user to be redirected to a new page i.e. a second URL address.

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Disabling A Submit Button

I have pulled some date from a table in access and displayed it on a form in a table. If there was no data in the Table, Hence the Html table displaying it was empty is there a way of disabling the submit button that submits that data to avoid a conflict?

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