Save .asp Or .php File Run At Jrun Server

I want to know that for jrunserver what is the name of default directory,in which we can save ".asp file" or ".phpfile"

Just like in the case of iis we can store in wwwroot....

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Save File On Server

the client uses its machine and browse the path D:filesabc.xls . now if we want to upload the file, server find that path on its own machine and cant find that file. how i can overcome this problem. i m using FileSystemObject for copying file. i also try to save the file using stream but no success. same problem.

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To Save A File To A Server And Retreive The File

I have an asp page, which displays graphical images.I am using Flipper graph in my application.

There is a link in the asp page "Click to view Image file",On clicking on this link,The graphical image need to be stored(Preferably in the server machine) and has to be opened in a new browser window.

To explain in detail. On clicking of that link"Click to view Image file" a function is called which does the following

1)Save the image file(.gif file) on the server machine
Graph.ImagetoGif("Location to be saved",100,200);
2) Opens the image on a new browser window.'from location from where the image is to be retreived',100,some more properties) So i need the image file to be saved in the server and retreived from the server.

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Edit And Save A Text File On The Server

how to creat a page that will allow the user to edit and save a text file on the server.

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Save Remote Image To My Server

I would like to reference a remote image, such as and save it to a local folder such as c:pics . Can this be done with ASP? I have played with many image manipulation components and none of them perform this fuction.

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Save File

how to make a box come out and let the user select which directory the user want to save the file to?

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Save To File

I'm trying to do this:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.CreateTextFile("C:Program FilesTestUploads
es.xml", true)

but in IE I only can see progress (in status) bar which never ends and never save anything to the disk. Why?

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Save File Name

I have an ASP page where an applicant would keyin his details. Nothing but his resume on line. My problem is that we have a large text wherein the candidate will paste his entire resume for reference. Once he submits it, while viewing if we copy and paste the text to word, the alignment is not there at all.

Could anyone suggest some option to attach the resume and store it in the database and then downloading the resume as it is. Could anyone help me out on this as soon as possible.

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Help Me Save An Image File?

Can someone please (i dont even know where to start on this as i am completely incapable of file or image functions at the moment) help me do this:

i want to write a script that will copy an image from an internet page, then save it in a folder with the speficied filename. The url link is like this :

The image is captured by the webcam, of course I can view it in the browser by typing the url, but I want to save it without any popup window or right click, I want to do it in the script.

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How Do You Save An Object To File?

How the heck would I go about saving an object to file? Put would be perfect, and can basically save everything except objects - how do I save an object if I can't use put?

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Save An Image File

Is it possible for asp/scripts to create and save it in an image format(gif, jpg)? Say a script that creates an arrow picture.

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Save As Text File And Zip

I want to loop through a recordset and save each records contents as text files and then zip all the text files and promt user to download the zip --- can this be done?? Does anyone have any code?

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Save File Automatically

Is it possible to write asp file which create some text file and then save
in local drive automatically without human interaction?

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Auto Save File??

possible or not auto save file as .html in client pc when this page onload...

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Save And Open Csv File

I am creating csv file by doing following. So when asp page get load this code run and it create csv file and store in specified location.

How can i open this store file in same window after it get created. I have a name and location of file "whichfn" how can i open into excel format. Code:

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Save As Excel File

After a user make the search, it returns 100 rows of record on the display page. I want to give an option for the user to save the records as Excel spreadsheet. Like a small icon on the corner, it prompts to save if click.Can anyone teach me how to do it? or have a simple tutorial or code that i can see?

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File Save As Dialog Box

i want to write an application in ASP,in this i want to generate an excel file,in which all records will save in that excel file as per i ve given the query after saving records in excel file ,immediately i should get save as dialog box so that i will save that file on my local drive.i don't want to save that file on web, whenever file gets created & records saved,it will show me save as dialog box.

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How To Save Recordset To File

i have a very simple online store/shop which is still in development, once payment has been accepted the contents of the shopping cart is written to a database what i want to do is also write this info to a text or html file so i can then send it via email using cdosys i have all ready tried to do this using .creatmhtmlbody() but this will not work due to the way i am using session variables.

the main program i am using is Dreamweaver, i am using access as the database this is all running/testing on a windows server 2003 the code is in JScript (before you all start shouting at me i know i should have used VB script and SQL but too late for me now) but either way i am just asking for roughly how to do this, even if it can be done.

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Save To TEXT File

I have a small search engine that searches for strings, anyways I want to save each search query that users are searching for in a text file (".txt"). I tried this one as an example: Code:

dim fs, f
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f=fs.CreateTextFile("c: est.txt",true)
f.WriteLine("Hello World!")
set f=nothing
set fs=nothing

But when I ran it, It gave me an error "Permission denid".. so whats the problem with it.

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Save A Word File From ASP

I wrote a code that allow to open a Word document, and save it. Before it worked perfectly... but after changing the Server, it doesn't work anymore! Code:

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Save The File Before It's Parsed?

Is there any way to save the ASP file before it's parsed? I want to take a look at some example ASP files.

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Save Export Excel Directly To My Server Without Prompting

Does anyone know how to save an export excel file to the server automatically without any prompting and opening of the excel file?

Because I'm doing archiving, I need to let the user click on the archive button and the exported excel file will be saved directly to the server without opening the file.

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Upload :: Save The File Path

I am not able to save the file path into database remaining everything is working good i can upload the image to the folder and save the data to the database. I am using MySQL database .....

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Save As Window/download File

i have a table...with th e subject notes that has been uploaded using my i would like to display all the subject notes that has been uploaded in a upload table...

and let the user to choose/click on it to save it to a certain directory(sumthing like dowloading the notes)..but i dont know how to display th save as window when the user clicked on the subject.

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Save File To Client System

How can i save the textarea(retrieved from DB) data to client system as a
textfile.I am using filesystemobject to create a text file with the path

set fso=server.createObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set ctext=fso.createtextfile("c:mydata.txt",true)
set ctext=nothing
set fso=nothing

But it is storing in the server cwebserver c: drive)
My users will access simultaneously in my LAN. They use these textfiles to
print in DOS mode. Coz it contains large and formated data and to print
How can i store the generated output to the client system only instead of
server. B'coz the data generated is diff for each user.

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Upload A File & Save It In Database

I would like some one to help me in how to upload a file at aprticular kind of a file in the server at save it in a database in a feild using an asp.

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Disable Save-as In File Menu In IE

how i can disable the Save-As option in the File Menu in an IE?And also to disable the Print Screen Option using JavaScript or ASP?

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Save A File On User Harddisk

How do i save a file on the users harddisk in C:...?

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Save File From Webserver To Clients Pc

The client needs to save a file on his pc which is located on the server disk. What can be the solution for this?

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Save Recordset As Excel File

I've got a simple recordset which writes a html table. I've put the following code at the top of my asp page:Code:

response.ContentType = "application/"
response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "inline; filename=filename.xls"
...then done a response.write to write the table.

This should output an Excel file, but it doesn't? It just writes the table to my browser as a standard HTML page. Can anyone see how to solve this problem?

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Save Dynamic Page To Text File

Can anyone recommend how to do a screen scrape from a dynamic page and save it to a text file?

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Read The Content Of Db[ms-sql] Field N Save It As A File

is it possible to read the content of a db[ms sql] field and save the content as a file[e.g: .bmp]

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Save A File From Remote Location To Local?

Is there a way to save a file from a remote location to my local computer with asp?

Let's say as an example that I would like to save a file from
on my pc using an asp page located either on one of the two locations?

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