Save Asp To Excel

i want to save asp created records to excel sheet by clicking a link.
link should be in same asp created page .By clicking link ,the populated asp records to be saved like save as option..At the same time i want to see asp records in html format .By clicking the link.

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How To Save Opened Excel From Asp

I would like to open existent excel file and save it via ASP, I have to create save button to save opened excel cause I afraid that my user don't know path of saving. How can I do, now I open excel file on IE by <iFrame> and want to get data in <iframe> to save as excel file.

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Save As Excel File

After a user make the search, it returns 100 rows of record on the display page. I want to give an option for the user to save the records as Excel spreadsheet. Like a small icon on the corner, it prompts to save if click.Can anyone teach me how to do it? or have a simple tutorial or code that i can see?

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Save Output In Excel

I am developing my application in ASP and there is a requirement to save the output in Excel. One option is to use Content-Disposition header but it prompts user for saving. As per our requirement the output should get automatically saved.

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How To Save Excel From Webpage?

I have a webpage containing a link to a spreadsheet
<a href="somefilename.xls">click</a>

When the link is clicked a spreadsheet opens in internet explorer
using some sort of excel COM object.

I would like to enable the user to edit the spreadsheet and then
save the changes in the existing file. How ever IE only offers
"save as" not "save" and it dosent suggest the original filename.

The users already have write acces to the area where the excel
sheet is published. How do i make IE suggest the original filename
or enable the "save" menu??

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Access Save To Excel Worksheet

Does anyone know of a way to take the records of my database and have it downloaded to an excel worksheet with asp???

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Get Data From Database And Save It In Excel

i have an ASP page which get data from DataBase. To save it as EXCEL I am using:L


What i want is to stop the user from editing some columns of saved excel file just like we pasword protect an excel.

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Save Recordset As Excel File

I've got a simple recordset which writes a html table. I've put the following code at the top of my asp page:Code:

response.ContentType = "application/"
response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "inline; filename=filename.xls"
...then done a response.write to write the table.

This should output an Excel file, but it doesn't? It just writes the table to my browser as a standard HTML page. Can anyone see how to solve this problem?

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Office Web Components :: Save Changes In Excel File Via Web

In office web components u can use Excel through web with almost the same functionality. I have an emergency in finding out if it is possible in asp to save the changes u make to the spreadsheet though web to the original file in the web server.

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Save Export Excel Directly To My Server Without Prompting

Does anyone know how to save an export excel file to the server automatically without any prompting and opening of the excel file?

Because I'm doing archiving, I need to let the user click on the archive button and the exported excel file will be saved directly to the server without opening the file.

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Save As..?

I would like to have an option for my end users to do a SAVE AS. Is there a way to do this? I have a excel spreadsheet which is being created by asp and at the end of the page I would like to have an option to do a save as. so they can name the file and put the file anywhere they want.

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Save As .mht

Working with an asp page which pages through dates. If the
user saves one page as a mht file and pages to the next
day and saves the second page as a mht file, both files
turn out to be the same. It's as if I.E. 6 saves the
cached information, however if you open a new window and
save the page from that window it saves properly and the
cached information is available for the second window so I
think I'm on the wrong track.

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Save As

i need to force a download to open save as dialog box rather than opening the doc in a browser.

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Save Formatting

Is it possible to have line feeds/breaks automatically entered when the text wraps to a new line? I am using a <textarea> input on a form and using the <pre> tag when displaying the text to a html page (embedded in a .asp page). The text is being saved to a sql database. Returns seem to be displayed. But the wrapped text just displays as one long line.

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Save As Jpeg

beside save as htm and txt in IE , can i save as jpeg or other formats ?

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How Save Pic In Access Or Sql?

can any one giv me some link or any helping material , how i can can pic in acces or sql database regarding by user ....

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Save To MS Word

I need to save a lot of pages to a .doc MS Word file with one button click on my asp app.... can this be done ?.....I am thinking this .doc file will be saved on the server, so I can then download it to the users PC.

I can have the MS Word templates to fill out on the server , so do i create an asp page to fill out these templates and then save the file..then somehow download it automatically, hence it will end up on the users PC in a shared this all possible?

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Save A Web Page

I would like to save a web page to a file. When I do that, sometimes
the saved web page does not look like the original web page.
For example, when I save, it looks very different the
original page.
How can I save the web page to look like the original (as if I do
"File" - "Save As" and under "Save as Type" select "Web Page, complete
(*.htm,*.html)" ?
This is how I save the web page:
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filePtr = fs.CreateTextFile("c:abc.htm", True)
filePtr.WriteLine (WebBrowser1.Document.body.innerHTML)

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Save The Variables

whats happening is i do a form post from a form "A", to a form "B" where
it does some processing and then does a form.redirect to form "C"..where
there is a link to the form "A". I only want that when the user selects
form "A" from form "C" then at least i should be able to display his
name and email address what he had entered previously.
what the best way to save the variables and when i display back in the
form how do know whether hte form is coming back or not?

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Save As Dialog

is there a avaialble code in
that have a similar function to Save as Dialog

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Save As Dialog Box

When users submit a Form with a SQL query, the resultset is retrieved from a MS-Access database table which is then exported to an MS-Excel worksheet. After the records get exported to MS-Excel, I want to give users the option to download the Excel file to their local machine.

In other words, when users click a download link, I want the Save As.. dialog box to pop-up so that users can save the Excel file to their local machine (note that I don't want users to view the Excel worksheet in their browser). This is how I tried it: Code:

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Print Out And Save As

how to print with pre-define preference such as margin and page size ?

and a quick Question , the function call to save as

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Save-As Dialogue Using ASP

I have a PDF link in my flash site and want to force the Save-as dialogue to pop up when the link is clicked.

I've seen how this can be done by calling a php script, but my server only supports ASP. So was wondering if anyone had an ASP solution for doing this.

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Save Target As

I would like to place a button on a web page that when clicked performs the same funtion as when you right click a link and choose "save target as..."the files I want people to download are .swf and I don't want to zip them.

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Save Contents

I have successfully been able to load text from an SQL-DB into a <textarea>.Now I need to save the edited text back to the DB But I can't seem to extract the value from the <textarea> into a vbscript-variable.

When the user clicks the submit button under the textarea I need the text to be saved into a variable, how?



<TEXTAREA NAME="text1" ID="text2"><%Response.Write(Recordset("text"))%>

<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="submit2" ID="submit3" NAME="submit4">

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Save File

how to make a box come out and let the user select which directory the user want to save the file to?

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Save To File

I'm trying to do this:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.CreateTextFile("C:Program FilesTestUploads
es.xml", true)

but in IE I only can see progress (in status) bar which never ends and never save anything to the disk. Why?

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Save Value In The Database

I have a main window which has a form in it. Inside the main window there is a button, which when clicked opens a pop window (showModaldialog window). Inside that pop window I have a checkboxes, which user can check. When he is done selecting them, He clicks on
"Done", which is of type button.

My problem is when user clicks on Done, I am not able to retreive the values of the check box group. I could have used request object to retrieve the values, but that is functional only when the event is submit.

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Save Date

in my form I made 3 text inputs (one for the day, other for the month and other for the year). The problematic code is:

ob_rs ("nacimiento") = request.form ("dia") + "/" + request.form ("mes") + "/" + request.form ("aņo")

The error message I receive is that there is a problem with the field format and the content of the variables. I hope you can correct this problem for me. But, I have another question for Sitepoint's mentors; I need to save the actual date (i mean, the date when the .asp is running) to a database field. I ll have the same problem than before, but even if I solve that, I still dont know where to find the when-.asp-is-running date.

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Force Save AS

Is there a way to force a file to be saved instead of using the "default action". In my situation, I've got a series of MP3 files that are being used by my chorus as a learning tool for learning the current music quickly. I have instructions on the site telling them to save the files to their hard drives and to play them from there.

However, people are just clicking on the links and their default MP3 players are trying to play the files. Now, I have compressed the files pretty hard because some were griping about the filesizes, so if they are played right off the link, the quality is a bit choppy. If they save it to their hard drive and play it there, it sounds fine.

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Save File Name

I have an ASP page where an applicant would keyin his details. Nothing but his resume on line. My problem is that we have a large text wherein the candidate will paste his entire resume for reference. Once he submits it, while viewing if we copy and paste the text to word, the alignment is not there at all.

Could anyone suggest some option to attach the resume and store it in the database and then downloading the resume as it is. Could anyone help me out on this as soon as possible.

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Save Target As

I have an ASP application that uploads a specified file to the server. To retrieve the file, I simply assign the filepath and file to a hyperlink on the page.

When you click "Save Target As" for some file types, I get the following error messsage:

IE can not download <file> from <server>.

IE was not able to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavalable or can not be found. how to save a file of any type? It works for MS Word, Excell, text files.

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Save Contact To Outlook With Asp?

Where can I find docs or help on how to do this?

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