Save Bold Letters In Access

i am using an online html editor to retrieve value from the database. i then make a few letters as bold and few in red colors. i now want to know can i save such words saved in different colors go into the database ms access??? can it be achieved. has anyone faced such issue before?

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How Save Pic In Access Or Sql?

can any one giv me some link or any helping material , how i can can pic in acces or sql database regarding by user ....

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Access Save To Excel Worksheet

Does anyone know of a way to take the records of my database and have it downloaded to an excel worksheet with asp???

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Bold Everything

i need to bold everthing on a line (as indicated by <br>) if the end of the line doesn't end with a punctuation mark, e.g. period, comma, etc.

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Uppercase To Bold

I'm a total asp novice, but could you tell me if the following is possible:

I have a field that contains text with titles in uppercase e.g.

Text goes here

Text goes here

Is there any way to make rows in uppercase display in bold?

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Bold Text

a way to pull certain key words from information in a database and put a bold tag on them. I have a comment form and when the user enters in there information I would like to make it so certain words, when entered, would have a bold tag added to them when the information that was entered is displayed on the new comment page.

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Upload Image And Save Filename To Access Database

How do I upload images and save filename to Access database?

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Bold Search Words

i have a form where the user keys in words to be searched from the itemDescription column in the database. My search works fine, but how to i bold that particular searched word?

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Capital Letters

i have a variable which holds a name like this

strname="john jones"

I want to change it to

strname="John Jones"

I want to make the first letter captital

here is my code

strname = (UCase(Left(strname,1)) + UCase(Right(strname,LEN(strname) - 1)))

it makes the whole string as capital

any idea what i am doing wrong.

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First Letters Of Variable

is there any command to get first X letters from a variable ? For example if variable is SOMEWORD and i want to get first three letters of this varible the command will return SOM ...

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Taking The Four Last Letters

how do i take the four last letters of any given form input? for example hello.asp
i want a function that will give me .asp

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Limit Str To 100 Letters

I want to limit a teaser-text to 100 letters and don't want to cut in the middle of a word. it should look like:

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy....

and not:
the quick brown fox jumps over the la...

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Norwegian Letters

We need to integrate an RSS feed in a webpage using ASP.

I've been testing out the great script at ByteScout:

It worked very well, but I couldn't make it work with feeds using Norwegian characters (æ, ø, å), e.g. Aftenposten:

The script simply crashed.

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Random Numbers And Letters

I have a code to create a random string of letters. The number of them can be whatever I desire.

what i would like to do, is have it both letters and integers. how would inmodify this code to allow that ....

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Capital Letters Only In Field

Not sure if this is an ASP or HTML question, but is it possible to force a field within a form to only allow CAPITAL Letters? If so, would anyone be able to provide the generic code. I've checked elsewhere but have been unable to find.

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Numeric Output Instead Of Letters

How do I change this output to give me numbers instead of letters: Code:

Dim intCounter, intDecimal, strTicket

For intCounter = 1 To 6
intDecimal = Int((26 * Rnd) + 1) + 64

strTicket = strTicket & Chr(intDecimal)...

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Export Data To Letters

I have a DB containing many records of customers' info. How can I pull these data to the MS Word mail merge letters containing the header (name, address, etc) and contents (description 1, 2, 3,...) page by page per record?

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Confirm Textbox With Letters In Image

how-to do a confirm textbox to match letters in an image in ASP. Code:

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Separate Numbers And Letters With A Space

How can I correct an address if the user forgets a space between the number and street name? For example, "1600Main Street" would be corrected to "1600 Main Street".

Is there a way to go step by step from the left and enter a space if I hit a letter or stop if I hit a space?

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Input A Randomly Alpha (letters) In A Specific Field

what i want to do is to put 2 fields in my table , username and password

what iwant to do is to create a page that ask you to unter your username only ,and when u click submit the other page will add new record for the username u enter and will input a randomly alpha(letters and numbers) to yr password field , so how can do this random thing throw the asp"!?!

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Detecting And Converting Letters To Digits In Input Form

I need a function for blocking or converting letters inserted into a Form to digits, since the Data will be used in mathematical functions.

Is there a specific seach-function for letters, or:

If Input1(not a digit) then...
Else... Input1 * 5...


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Need To Perform Form Validation For Negative Numbers And Letters In Textboxes

I have two URLs. Static.htm and dynamic.asp

Contains a form with two text boxes, called text_1 and text_2 and some other info that is irrelevant for my question.

Need some code to check that the text boxes only contain values greater than 0 and only numbers. Thus if any of the textboxes for example contain -3 or the letter m I want to cancel the form submission and display some kind of error message.

How can I achieve that?

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Split Function To Split First Letters

I have a variable which holds college names

strcollege="University of California"

i want a variable to save UoC

what i meant was there are 3 words University of California

so i want the first letter in each word to be stored in a variable ....

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Save As..?

I would like to have an option for my end users to do a SAVE AS. Is there a way to do this? I have a excel spreadsheet which is being created by asp and at the end of the page I would like to have an option to do a save as. so they can name the file and put the file anywhere they want.

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Save As .mht

Working with an asp page which pages through dates. If the
user saves one page as a mht file and pages to the next
day and saves the second page as a mht file, both files
turn out to be the same. It's as if I.E. 6 saves the
cached information, however if you open a new window and
save the page from that window it saves properly and the
cached information is available for the second window so I
think I'm on the wrong track.

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Save As

i need to force a download to open save as dialog box rather than opening the doc in a browser.

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Save Formatting

Is it possible to have line feeds/breaks automatically entered when the text wraps to a new line? I am using a <textarea> input on a form and using the <pre> tag when displaying the text to a html page (embedded in a .asp page). The text is being saved to a sql database. Returns seem to be displayed. But the wrapped text just displays as one long line.

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Save As Jpeg

beside save as htm and txt in IE , can i save as jpeg or other formats ?

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Save To MS Word

I need to save a lot of pages to a .doc MS Word file with one button click on my asp app.... can this be done ?.....I am thinking this .doc file will be saved on the server, so I can then download it to the users PC.

I can have the MS Word templates to fill out on the server , so do i create an asp page to fill out these templates and then save the file..then somehow download it automatically, hence it will end up on the users PC in a shared this all possible?

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Save A Web Page

I would like to save a web page to a file. When I do that, sometimes
the saved web page does not look like the original web page.
For example, when I save, it looks very different the
original page.
How can I save the web page to look like the original (as if I do
"File" - "Save As" and under "Save as Type" select "Web Page, complete
(*.htm,*.html)" ?
This is how I save the web page:
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filePtr = fs.CreateTextFile("c:abc.htm", True)
filePtr.WriteLine (WebBrowser1.Document.body.innerHTML)

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Save The Variables

whats happening is i do a form post from a form "A", to a form "B" where
it does some processing and then does a form.redirect to form "C"..where
there is a link to the form "A". I only want that when the user selects
form "A" from form "C" then at least i should be able to display his
name and email address what he had entered previously.
what the best way to save the variables and when i display back in the
form how do know whether hte form is coming back or not?

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Save As Dialog

is there a avaialble code in
that have a similar function to Save as Dialog

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Save Asp To Excel

i want to save asp created records to excel sheet by clicking a link.
link should be in same asp created page .By clicking link ,the populated asp records to be saved like save as option..At the same time i want to see asp records in html format .By clicking the link.

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