Save Output In Excel

I am developing my application in ASP and there is a requirement to save the output in Excel. One option is to use Content-Disposition header but it prompts user for saving. As per our requirement the output should get automatically saved.

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Output To Excel

When the output is in excel format for an ASP page, some of the values displayed get transformed to decimal numbers instead of their true values. How to solve this problem? When the output is in plain html, the values are displayed correctly. Note that the values to be displayed are in TIME format. How can i change the format of excel cells in asp?
For output in excel when the form method is POST, no parameter values get posted to the other page. But when it is GET the values get posted. Y? I even change use request.querystring for GET but the result is the same.

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Output To Excel Chart

I create an excel chart by using the asp, but due to my selected database is quite large until the chart shows the data in a messy way and it is too tight even the name for the unit also cannot see.
Is any way to seperate it? i mean show it in another way for eg show it for 10 data in a page and can click on a "next" to link another page, or create another drop down list to select for how many data to show in a page? and how to write that ?

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ASP Output To A Excel File

I have a asp page which will get the data from multiple tables (with
functions and procedures)and display data in HTML tables <TABLE> on ASP
page.Is there any way we can create a excel file from the output of this ASP
file.I know how to export if this information on ASP page is coming from single
query from a database table.

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Save Asp To Excel

i want to save asp created records to excel sheet by clicking a link.
link should be in same asp created page .By clicking link ,the populated asp records to be saved like save as option..At the same time i want to see asp records in html format .By clicking the link.

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Transfering Output To MS Word Or Excel

The website sends users through a series of questions. When they are done they can view there results and open a printer friendly version, but my boss wants the user to have the option to send their answers to Word or Excel so they can either change their answers or the layout of whatever. Is there a way to do this?

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Resultset Output In Excel Format

I have written an ASP script that connects to a database and runs a stored procedure and displays the results in text format ...using the <TABLE> tag. But I would like to
have these results appear in a NEW Window in an Excel format. I used :

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.Buffer = true

This opens up Excel in the same window and usually does not refresh my data ...even though the stored procedure is actually running on the database server.

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ASP Forms Output To Email And Excel

I have a site that currently collects info from a form. The info is then emailed to an elected email address. It occurs to me that perhaps there is some way of collecting the information and sending to a spreadsheet that would keep updating. THe information is all word based (as in mostly yes or no answers).

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How To Save Opened Excel From Asp

I would like to open existent excel file and save it via ASP, I have to create save button to save opened excel cause I afraid that my user don't know path of saving. How can I do, now I open excel file on IE by <iFrame> and want to get data in <iframe> to save as excel file.

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Save As Excel File

After a user make the search, it returns 100 rows of record on the display page. I want to give an option for the user to save the records as Excel spreadsheet. Like a small icon on the corner, it prompts to save if click.Can anyone teach me how to do it? or have a simple tutorial or code that i can see?

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How To Save Excel From Webpage?

I have a webpage containing a link to a spreadsheet
<a href="somefilename.xls">click</a>

When the link is clicked a spreadsheet opens in internet explorer
using some sort of excel COM object.

I would like to enable the user to edit the spreadsheet and then
save the changes in the existing file. How ever IE only offers
"save as" not "save" and it dosent suggest the original filename.

The users already have write acces to the area where the excel
sheet is published. How do i make IE suggest the original filename
or enable the "save" menu??

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How To Send Output From Table To Ms Word Or Excel

i have created a quotation page where customer could view the quotation details and i just thinking to allow customer to print his/her quotation as a reference. all the data are fetched from db and displayed in the table.

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Access Save To Excel Worksheet

Does anyone know of a way to take the records of my database and have it downloaded to an excel worksheet with asp???

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Get Data From Database And Save It In Excel

i have an ASP page which get data from DataBase. To save it as EXCEL I am using:L


What i want is to stop the user from editing some columns of saved excel file just like we pasword protect an excel.

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Save Recordset As Excel File

I've got a simple recordset which writes a html table. I've put the following code at the top of my asp page:Code:

response.ContentType = "application/"
response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "inline; filename=filename.xls"
...then done a response.write to write the table.

This should output an Excel file, but it doesn't? It just writes the table to my browser as a standard HTML page. Can anyone see how to solve this problem?

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How To Convert Asp File Output (in Tabular Form) In Excel

how to convert asp file output in excel dynamically.

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Export Excel Report From ASP Output (Dynamic Stage)

I have one problem, that is i design a ASP report getting data from MS SQL Server 2000 and displays it as a desinged format and also "one option to export this same format to MS EXCEL". Before i seen it, but i dont know its code:

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Office Web Components :: Save Changes In Excel File Via Web

In office web components u can use Excel through web with almost the same functionality. I have an emergency in finding out if it is possible in asp to save the changes u make to the spreadsheet though web to the original file in the web server.

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Save Export Excel Directly To My Server Without Prompting

Does anyone know how to save an export excel file to the server automatically without any prompting and opening of the excel file?

Because I'm doing archiving, I need to let the user click on the archive button and the exported excel file will be saved directly to the server without opening the file.

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Getting Output Sent

How can I retrieve the output that has been sent to the client, e.g


this is output
Dim strContents

'Now I want to put the contents in an variable, something like
strContents = Response.Contents '(but that doesn't work)

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Output XLS From ASP

With this line of command :

Response.ContentType = "application/"
I can output a file in XLS format with no problem.

But on a specific server, the file pops as an ASP page. My code is fairly simple.
Does the server need to have Excel installed in order to work ??

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How Do Output

How do I output an ASP variable insde of Javascript?

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Output To Rtf / Doc

The problem i have in my system you can seacrh clients and then display their details. what i wanna do is find the client i want and then have a button called e.g. generate and then the asp pops up a word or rtf document with there details sloted in to a preformatted document.

Now i know i could do this by creating the doc line by line with asp on the file but is there a faster way of just inserting the asp values into placeholders in the word or rtf file which has already been setup?

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Asp Output From Db

I'm having a problem controlling the output from an access db and the css two column layout. It goes like this.Left side has a connection string and outputs 3 columns of db data to the leftside of the page. There is also a conection string on the right side of the page. It outputs that db data AFTER the right side processes that data. So the page is staggered, left to right instead of displaying the results across from each other.

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Output As XML

I have an ASP program. It outputs HTML with some
XML data islands in it. When I run the program, the
browser sees the HTML and doesn't work the way
I want it to. however, if I view source on the output
page, save the source as an XML file, then open the
saved file, it works properly.

How do I get the browser to treat the output from an
ASP program as XML instead of HTML?

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GZip Output

How can I send gzipped (compressed) output back to the browser, using ASP (and IIS)?

I'm looking for a function similiar to PHP's ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); function.

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Output HTML

This is really puzzling me; I am developing a site for a client and have uploaded it to a remote server with ASP enabled; I and my friends do not have a problem diplaying the output HTML from my ASP statements however, my client is unable to see it. He says he can see all the other page (CSS layout) but is unable to view the content (output HTML) from my ASP statement.
Now I am clever enough to know that ASP is server side, so I cannot understand why he can't see it- and he has tried this with two of his computers.
The only possible explanation that I can come up with is that he may have Javascript disabled in his browser as my pages contain a small amount of Javascript.

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Display Output

if guy can help how to output if my customer make reservation....enter everything ..etc enter first name, last name. then after click make reservation button it will come out his/her name on the page for his/her referrence ...then it will clear once another customer enter it.

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Shorten A Output

This might sound stupid to you guys, ok i have this:

perc = (total*100)/limit

response.write (" You are using ")
response.write perc
response.write (" % Of your 1GB")

but on the output i just need the first two digits, but i get this
You are using 21.8057899 % Of your 1GB

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Output The Records

Please guide me. How can I output the records from my recordset in columns in a table? That is, instead of just one record per row in a table, how can I have multiple records per row?

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Database Output

There is no error in the code but can't get output from this code;

<% set db=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" "C:/data/CIS_data.mdb"
VarQuery="SELECT FullName,ICNo FRoM Patient_Details"
set rs=db.Execute(VarQuery) %>
<% Do while NOT rs.EOF %>
<% rs.movenext %>
<% Loop %>
<% rs.close %>

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Output Buffering

if something similar to php (ob_get_contents(), output
buffering) exists in ASP/VBscript.

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Can Output As HTML But Not As XLS

I haven't being doing that much in ASP, but I have to create this:
It has to read out data from some DB to excel.

The following (corrected) code works if just it outputs as html, once
the Response.ContentType is excel. then it offers to open/save the
file, and stops - file not found - what do I do wrong? Code:

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