Search Network Folders For Pdf Files Inline

I am wanting to create a search page that will search a folder in the company network (unc path) based on a pdf filename (01223233.pdf etc) and open the file in the browser. acrobat will take care of the rest ....

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Copy Folders And Files

I am trying to use the FileSystemObject to create a copy of a directory (including all sub-folders and files within this directory) but i just cant get me head around it.

Can anyone point me to a tutorial or some sourcecode that i can play with?

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Fake Thumbnails...2 Folders, 2 Files

Would this be a good idea... to create a thumbnail folder and a lg image folder... and then like link it somehow? How would any of you approach this? I want the website to load the thumbnail images into watever given category and then let the thumbnail have a link to a larger picture which clicked on...

Would this be easy to integrate with what i already have??? I'm using filepaths for the mysql database and the images are resized with html so you can see where the problem lies at...

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How To Extract Files And Folders From A Zip Archive Using ASP

Is it possible to extract files and folders from a zip archive using ASP? If not classic, will .net do it as a standard task, ie no activex dlls, etc?

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Password Protection - Folders/individual Files

I have been using two forms of password protection:

A) On working web sites I use an ASP script that is included in every page requiring protection: uses session - works fine

B) On quick test sites or temporary stuff I use the Windows Network Authentication provided by my web host. A whole folder is protected at once which is very convenient but it has a problem. If a user types the wrong password and is denied access, the next time they go to type the password, their browser sometimes remembers the wrong password as so they go straight to the 'access denied' 401 page.

How to proceed?

1) Does anyone know of a way of preventing all browsers from cacheing the login info.

2) Is there any way of using ASP to protect whole folders?

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Copy Files On Network

I have created an VB-ActiveX-Componente that copy files on network.
This works on one my development computer when I install application
on other IIS servers (files to copy on same server with same rights) I
get error message "Invalid filename or number". So what can cause this

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File Protection :: Protect Files Or A Folders From Unauthorised Access

is there any way to protect files or a folder from unauthorised access, i.e.when a variable is false?


when variable li = 1 then grant access to folder and files within
when variable li <> 1 then deny access

i have a folder with images and word documents i only want people with the variable set to 1 to be able to access there a way?

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Print PDF Files To Network Printer

How Can I print PDF files to network printer or server printer using asp or

wuth out open PDF file

Or if there are not Code to do that can anyone tell me about buying component do that.

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Search On Pdf Files

I want to implement a search funcionalitý on a site, that searches on pdf files. Is there a (free and easy) way to do that on win server 2003?

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Search ASP Files

I need to search a folder & sub-folders for key words in ASP files. I can open the files with Notepad and see the text string there.

But when I try to navigate to the folder with Windows Explorer, right click and 'search for word in file' it reports back that the text string was not found.

I've fooled around with the 'advanced' settings but can't seem to make it work.even when I'm searching a single folder with a single ASP file in matter what the text won't find it.neither will the standard search tool with xp-pro.

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Search Hosted Files

In UNIX, one can use "grep" command to search for string occurrences within a file. How can I do this in Windows Server belonging to a third-party hosting facility?

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XP's Search For String In Files

I'm trying to use the Microsoft Search to search for a text string in a folder full of a bunch of ASP files. Seems like the normal "Search for text in files" program in XP Pro won't search between the ASP delimiters <% %> .

How can I search for text strings in ASP a folder full of ASP files with out opening each one individually and searching?

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Code To Search For Files In Directory

point me to some example code of searching for a file, like *.*, or *.pdf, much like the Windows search function. I am at a smaller location, away from the main office, and although I can map a drive or just use to go to the desired location, the connection is too slow to search.

I'd like to implement a search function on the intranet web (at the main office), where it will search a certain directory and its subdirectories and return the results as network links (using the convention); actually it doesn't matter how it displays the links, as long as it shows me where stuff is. That way the search is run on the computer where the originating directories are.

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Inline Variables

im trying : <asp:TextBox ToolTip="<% Response.Write(; %>" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

why does it not work, it acts like a literal... while putting it inbetween the tags actually does work... <asp:foo><% Response.Write(; %></asp:foo>

weird ?

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Inline Frame

I have a simple web app that consists of an index.asp page that contains in inline frame and several supporting .asp pages. none of the asp pages really include any asp code.

I am trying to set the session.timeout value in my global.asa under the session_onload sub. I am trying to set the timeout value to 1 minute just for testing purposes. In the end I would like the user to be redirected to a timeout page when he/she clicks on any of the links after the 1 minute timeout has been reached.

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Inline If Else Statement

value="<% If request("Starting Date") <> "mm/dd/yyyy" Then Response.Write Request("Starting Date") Else Response.Write "mm/dd/yyyy" %>"

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Dynamic Inline Style

I am storing content in a database, and when a text field is updated I am adding a line "Updated by <username> at <date and time>" inside the text field.

Now what I would like to do is to apply a dynamic style to that line by using a span.

<span style="<%=UpdateStyle%>">Updated by <username> at <date and time></span>
where UpdateStyle would be an ASP variable like "font-weight:bold;color:red" etc, so how that line is displayed is amendable at any time from within an include file.

Well obviously using <%=UpdateStyle%> didn't work ... I also tried defining it as a javascript variable and calling it using document.write, but that didn't work either.

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Inline HTML Editor

I need an inline HTML editor for my ASP pages to modify database content because it's for use with people who don't know how to use HTML.Hopefully it's modifyable to a point because when you make links and what not, you'd have to add "class="contentLink"" in order for the site's css coloring to take effect (hopefully the ASP code or Javascript code allows customizing)

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Cdonts Attachfile As Inline

How to attach a file to an email as an inline element ? Code:

objMail.AttachFile Server.MapPath("./path_to/image.gif")

The result:

Content-Type: image/gif;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode
Content-Disposition: attachment;

I'd like the content-disposition to be inline.

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Passing Info Inline To And From Javascript/ASP

I have a wierd problem. I have a multi-dimensional array. When a user selects a certain item in a drop down box, I need to manipulate certain data in the page. So essentially to find the correct information in the array, I have to know the selectedIndex in my select statement. I error checked the javascript function using an alert, so it works. I just need to know how I can pass the selected index to the array, and then pass the array to the javascript "updatePreviewPane"

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What Is The Best Free Html/inline Editor?

What is the best free html/inline editor which supports IE Netscape and Firefox.

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SSL Folders

I have a domain and also a sub domain like I have learned that the sub domain is actually a
folder under my main domain so if I typed - it
would go to the same file as if I typed the sub domain, unfortunatly
all the files in the subdomain point to root paths eg:

This isn't a problem as the subdomain is seperate and I treat it like
its a new website.

I was wondering before I spend more money and activate a 10mb SSL
folder - how would I actually code for this folder?

Is the SSL on a seperate server, or just a folder off the main domain

I want to do a register system "username" etc & some personnal details
through a sercure line.

Can anyone point me to where I can get more info?

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Translating Folders

My web site is entirely based on XML/XSL. Transformation of XML into HTML is a
server-side process. All my URLs are like this:
http://host/Application/?Document=AnyDoc&Chapter=3. There is only one script,
default.asp, in the root web that processes requests and displays HTML content
based on the query string.I'd like to intercept calls to http://host/Application/Catalog and translate into http://host/Application/?Document=Catalog before it is passed to the custom
error 404 handler. Can it be done - do I need a HTML filter or something?

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Hyperlink Sub Folders

I am writing an intranet and want to be able to hyperlink to all files
within a specific folder AND it's subfolders. Whilst I can hyperlink to the
files in the specified folder AND I can also iterate through the subfolders
and list them, for some reason I cannot hyperlink to the sub folders. I am
writing this software at home using a computer that has IIS and Windows 98
and am accessing this as my server from another computer on my network.

My Home Page on the Server is http://maxitek (the name of my Windows98
Computer) and when I look at the value of the variable "PathSpec" - it
becomes C:Inetpubwwwroot which when I try to create links to the sub
folder it is probably here where the problem is. The files themselves link,
but not with their full subfolder names, i.e., for a file called
"C:Inetpubwwwrootmytestmytest2mytest.txt" I am getting a link that just
looks like this Code:

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Creating New Folders

I've looked everywhere and can't seem to figure out how to create folders. I've got a tonne of other stuff sussed and am about to attempt creating text files, but folders elude me still.

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Create Folders

I have written some ASP code that creates a group of folders using the FileSystemObject. It all works fine when the folders are being created on the same server becuase I have the correct permissions. The problem is that the code is going to be activated when people do something on our intranet. The guy in IT has set up the permissions for the Inetuser account so that in theory it should work.

It isn't working though. The first place it falls over is when I check to see if a folder exists on this other server, it doesn't find it. I am trying to access it using the full path i.e.

If fso.FolderExists(//servername/folder1/folder2)) then...

That doesn't seem to work though because it doesn't find it when it definitely exists. Does anyone know how I should be doing this?

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View Folders

I expect this has been covered before but I can't anything to reflect this. How (with code) can you view folders within a directory from within a drop down menu?

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Searching In Folders?

How can I use these search scripts to search in folders ? Now the search is only going through the folder where the script itself is. Code:

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Browsing Folders

How to adjust is so, that when an Word or xls link is clicked, that file will open in the right appl (Word or Excell) Code:

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Browse For Folders

This HTML will give you a browse button that allows you to select a file on your hard drive:

<INPUT TYPE="File" NAME="FileName" >

Is there something similar that will allow you to select a partcular directory? For example, I may want to select a folder called projects rather than a file.

When I click search in Editplus, I get a browse button that allows me to select directories. Under ODBC Data Sources in my control panel, there is a button to select directories. What programming is needed to get this type of browse capability?

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Different Virtual Folders

If I have 1 Virtual Dirctory with 2 different subfolders are these 2 different folders different virtual folders? Or if I have 2 different Virtual Directories each containing a subfolder are these two subfolders 2 different virtual folders?

I'm asking because Microsoft is using the term "virtual folders" and I am not sure if they mean the former or the later.

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ASP Page As Inline Frame In HTML Page

I have a ASP Page[inline frame in an html page] that does login to a database.

When the user visits the site, the first attempt to login will always failed and session is broken. Login name and password are correct though.

Only when the user re-try agian he/sge is then able to login to the site successfully. Can anyone tell me what could had caused the first time login failure?

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IIS Folders Wont Change

Seems that my XP Pro IIS is being a jackass. When I run my ASP scripts it seems to give me this wierd error. Big_Al told me that it was because my script is inside a read-only folder and that something along the lines is really messing it all up.

Now this had brought a new problem. I changed the IIS Console features to Read, Write etc. but its not changing the wwwroot nor the sub folders. Whenever I un select read-only it simply reactivates itself ! What do I do to make the damned thing change!?!?!

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