Search On Database Tables

I want to do a searching on database some tables' content, is asp have so function or tool to do this?

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Search All Tables In An Access Db

how do you search all the tables in an access db with different field names? i would like to place a textfield and a dropdown of the different tables of the db. i cant figure it out. im using asp and dreamweaver.

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Search Multiple Tables

i have a simple search page which i want to search mutiple tables with different layouts so i can return the search results in one recordset. how owuld i do this?

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Search Two Tables And Display Results

I have two tables like this:


TapeID - Integer Primary key
Title - Text


RecordId (Primary Key)
TapeId (related to the taperecords table)
ProgramDetails (Text)

The tape details table has a record of the programs that are stored on each
tape and each tape we have about 20 programs.

What i want my users it to allow them to search by programdetails and
display the list of tapes that match that search. I am not able to built a
query to search and display at the same time.

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Creating Database & Tables Using ASP

I want to create a database and its tables and populate it through a web page, using ASP. The database is MySQL on win32 (4.10.13-nt) and the driver is MyOLEDB 3.0.

One thing, to set up the ole-db connection, it seems I have to specify a data source, which is an already existing database.

The Connection works and I actually can create the database, but the code for the table creation generates a 500 server error. The SQL itself is taken straight out of MySQLcc query window, so I know it's all good, syntactically.

(Also, regarding the connection, I can connect to and read from an existing database. It's the table creation that seems to be the trouble.)

I did a response.write to the page to make sure that the code coming out is what went in and that is the case. So, I guess one question is, what could be different about creating tables in a db that would fail, when "create database test_links;" and "use test_links;" both complete successfully (and the newly-created database shows up, just no tables in it).

To test the sql, i made three strings of SQL and executed each of them sequentially. The first two work, the third (table generation) fails.

A second question is, is there a way to capture any error message that might be generated at the MySQL end, rather than having the page bomb out; and then display the error. I tried using a RecordSet object, that didn't work, the page still crashes.

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Join The Tables In Database

I have an access database called employment.mdb The fields that I have in this database are:

Company, Location, Dates, Position, Signing, and Duties.

The problem I am having, I can go in and create a Drop Down pulling information from the Company field, but I can not get the information from the rest of the fields to
populate. I want the Database column values to change when I select a different company.
I will be honest, my only experience with it has been thru Frontpage, I can go in and create a drop down, but get errors if I try to add other database connections into that query. I have enough experience at working with html, but not the asp side of it. I would really appreciate some help with this.

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Hot To Create Tables In A Database With ASP?

I've made a website for a little athletics club in HTML. I want to transform the records page into an ASP page that has an admin page so i can go to the admin page and easily add in the records without having to create all the tables and doing it all the manual way.

I know how to create the admin page and the database, but in my case, i want to be able to create a new table in the database for each week of records (as seen in the link below), and each of these tables will have the same fields (age, gender, event, athlete name etc.) I know how to make it so that asp can add, edit and delete a field in a table, but how would i get it to add a new table for each week of records?

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2X Tables Database Treat

I have Database with 2x tables one with Client data and 2nd with invoice data.
When a new invoice is submited in the invoice data I enter only the client ID not all the client data.

Ok the problem is that when I want to print out the last or any invoice data I have only the Client ID
not the all client data.

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Joining Two Tables From Two Different Database

I wanted to ask your opinion about *joining two tables* from *two different database* together. Is *that* possible My project requires me to join identical tables from different database; *eg. MyTable* from *Friends.mdb* and *Foes.mdb* respectively. Is that achievable? I do hope anyone here can enlighten me on this one because I am really a newbie in using Access DB and also I'm using *ASP* in this project.

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Searching All Database Tables

How can ASP be used to search through a database that has multiple tables in it? I want to be able to enter a string into a field in an ASP page and the resultant tables to be listed in a table or list on an asp page. It might be the same page or another. I know it can be done - but I can't link the concepts or code together.

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Linking Tables From Another Access Database Using ASP

I was just wondering if there is anyway to link tables from another Access database using ASP. Just like the function in Access where we can go File->Get External Data->Link Tables.

I have implemented some e-modules and they all have individual database as a backend. But, my boss would like to allow all these e-modules to share data. Therefore I am thinking of linking all the tables in those databases through a 'gateway' database (gateway.mdb). This 'gateway' database would have link tables from all other databases.

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Display Tables In MySQL Database

i need to display all my tables from the mySQL database in a table on an ASP/Javascript page, each as a link, so that when clicked, it wil open the selected table for editing. unable to do it as dreamweaver MX is not accepting 'show tables' as a valid query. how can i go about doing this? i'm relatively new to ASP, working on it for only 2 months now.

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Select Database Then Multiple Tables For Updates

What I want to do I select one database and the set the Rs1, rs2 etc.. like in Vb6 I would set DB then:

Set rs1 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table1")
Set rs2 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table2")


However how do I do this in asp3? Code:

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Database Search;

I have been thinking about this wee problem for a while now, and usually I figure out what I need to do, but in this case I'm drawing a blank And the most annoying thing is that I don't think it should be that hard! I use this code to search a database: Code:

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Using ASP To Search A Database

My setup is going to be like this:

I have one page that has a few categories on it. When the person clicks on one of the categories it sends the querystring to the next page. That page takes the query string, searches the database and only replies with found results. Thats what I'm trying to setup, I think I'm very close.

I know the request.querystring is being sent properly and receieved properly, because I also have it's name displayed on the next page and that works fine. I know my connection to the database is okay, becasue if I just set it to display the entire database that will display fine.

It's when I try to use the Request.QueryString that was sent to search the database - it returns like it can never find anything. The page displays, no asp or coding errors - just no information.

The database Column I'm trying to have it search is called "Classification". I think that's all the info.. if I'm missing something you need to know let me know. Code:

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Database Search

Does any one know of any good asp database search scripts. What I'm looking for it to search the database on different criteria or phrases. Eg Kane 400 Boiler.

The user could put in kane 400 and it would pick it up, basically something that you don't have to put in the search how it appears in the database, I have worked on this and works fine if you put the exact phrase in, or one work but if i put in kane 400 it does not work. Also if I put % it lists the whole database, this database will hold 10000 > products so want it not to be to heavy etc.

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To Search A Database

I'm trying to use information that a user enters into an HTML form to search a database. For example, if a user clicks on a check box stating their interests are 'holidays' then this information needs to be used to search the database for entries that match, ie the entry has a category that states it is about holidays.

The entries in the database are linked to pictures that will then be loaded onto a website.

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ASP Database Search

I'm having a problem with a simple search. I have a telephone directory where people can search by first or last name. This works great but when someone tries to search for a name with an ' in it you get an error.

Here's my code for the database connection:Code:

sql = "SELECT Staff.[first_name], Staff.preferred_name, Staff.no_location,
Staff.[last_name], Staff.[location], Staff.business_title, Staff.department,, Staff.fax, Staff.[email]
FROM Staff WHERE (((Staff.[last_name])like'%"
& Request.QueryString("[search-lastname]") & "%')) "

I'm certain it's just a syntax error so hopefully someone can spot it quick. Using a - in the name search doesn't bring the error.

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Search Database With ASP

I've created a search bar on my site to search a database with job information. I dont know what i am doing wrong, i just want what the user types in to display after pressing search. I thought all i would need is Code:

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Creating Dynamic Tables In Dreamweaver To Display Tables

I know how to create dynamic tables in dreamweaver to display fields and records in a table of a database, but in my case I need to create a dynamic table that lists all the tables in the database, then to click on the one i want 2 edit the data in there.

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All Database Fields Search

I am looking for an ASP script that let me to serach all database contents with only one textfield in search page. eg: I have a database with five columns for lessons: Mat, physics, geography, history and sport. Each field have numbers 1 thr 5. I want to search only those students have number eg:3. with entering the number in textfield in serach page. I have no problem in result page.

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Search Function W/out A Database?

I would like my ASP-based site to have a search box to bring up a list of relevant pages according to user-defined search criteria.

Q: Do I need to have a d/b like SQL Server 7 at the back end to process and match the search string? Or can I do w/out a d/b somehow and run a search, and somehow still bring up the same results?

If a d/b isn't necc, pls. advise on webpages where I can find such ASP-search codes.... TQ!!

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Access Database Search With ASP

I have built a small cms driven website using asp and access database. There is nothing special about it, it has about 5 tables each containing unique data.

I want to add a search field on all pages which will search the entire database and present the results.

I have been searching for hours now and cant find a script that suits my needs. Can anyone point me in the right direction or reccomend a script?

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Database Search Function

I have a page that uses the data from the previous pages form to search the data in the database and dispaly any matching results.

On doing so i get this error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03F9)
Expected 'Then'
/IT/searchresults.asp, line 20, column 15
If Request.Form"(Typesearch") = "computer_name" Then

My statement has a then in the statement already.

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ASP Access Database Search

I'm having trouble figuring out how to do a freetext search in my ms access db table. Code:

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Should I Use LIKE Or InSTR For A Database Search?

Which is better practice?

Select * From groups Where groupName LIKE '%bli%' AND cusType LIKE 'CUST%'

Select * From groups Where InStr(groupName,'li')>0 AND InStr(cusType,'CUST')=1
Right now I'm using and Access database but plan to upsize to a MSSQL if that makes any difference. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to either technique?

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ASP Search W/ Access Database

I would like to get asp code for searching database.I have data in Ms Access. I want to search by catagories. A dropdown list to choose to narrowdown search. If keyword found, create a hyperlink of the location so that easy to view.

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Keyword Database Search

I have been searching for a way to search a database based on keywords. All I can seem to find is google searches. All I want to search is my own database.The db contains inventory for a friends store. As list is long he would like to be able to search an item based on item name, supplier, or type.

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Search More Than 1 Database Table At Once

Im looking for a means to allow the search criteria provided by a user to be checked against fields in more than one recordset table in a ms access database.

Is there a means within asp to check multiple tables at the same time using one set of criteria? So far the only solutions i've seen to this includes the usage of a list box which dictates which recordset is opened. I would like to avoid this.

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Database Column Search

I am looking for a asp script, that will do an OR search on keywords in two differant columns in an MySQL database. for example if someone searches for joe bloggs I want to bring back all records that have either of the words joe or bloggs in column one or column two.

I have found a script that does exactly what I want but it will only search one column of a database whereas i would want it to search two columns.

how to modify this code or point me in the direction of some other code that will do the same job.

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Search A Word In Whole Database

I'm trying to find a Sql query to find a word in all the data of all tables of an microsoft access DataBase.

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Database Driven Search Engine

Does anyone know where I can find a free simple script to create a search engine using Access Database backend and will allow the user to type in a word (not a using drop down list) and it will search the table.

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Combobox Criteria For SQL Database Search

I have a combo box in an ASP page, there are 7 lists total in the combo box, there is another text box on the page and a search button. I want the users to select an item from the combo box and type a keyword and click search.

The combo item and keyword will be used as an criteria to query a SQL database. I'm familiar with SQL connection and running queries but how do I take the criteria and pass on further.

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