i m doing a custom search. i have included SEARCH USING:


i m not able to have the search results using option no. 3 EXACT EXPRESSIONS. how to do that thing ?

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Exact Search

regarding EXACT search. i want let user search with ANY or EXACT match. i had done any with

instr(products, '"&st&"') > 0

where products is my database field, from where search result come and st is the search string entered by user. now want to provide EXACT search. e.g. machinery will match only machinery and not machine, machineries, machines etc. i had tried LIKE predicate. is there any other way to provie EXACT match ?

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Database Exact Keyword Search

i am doing a database search project. and i would like to know how do i get exact keyword searched from the database. for e.g. if the user enters keyword as "lan" to be searched it should return only records that contain exact keyword "lan" and should not return "plan" and other words like that.

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Regular Expression :: Search A String Of HTML

I want to search a string of HTML and insert a querystring into any url where the url is an asp page and is either a local link /folder/page.asp or of a specific domain It needs to be able to handle plain links and those with querystrings already in there.

I could do it with instr functions etc but I thought this might a good time to brush up on regular expressions. Can anyone point me in the right dirction?

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Regular Expression :: Search Engine Friendly URL

I have a search engine friendly URL like this:

by applying the following pattern:


I'm trying to change the SEF url to this:

by using code like this:


however, all I'm getting is this:

which is only partially right. does anyone know how can I get this thing right?

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Exact Value Name

I'm uploading a file locally and I'm trying to passing it throug a variable and I'm having a problem with locating the exact file name from the upload_document page. I thought is was "r_title" but for some reason the file name isn't stored there.

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Set Exact Time

im defining a cookie as so:

Response.Cookies("something")("value") = "value";

now i want it expire in 20 minutes.. how do i do that? i tried to give the .Expired property a date object but it faild.

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Exact Matches

I am using ASP to query access db on IIS5
I need to find exact matches for search terms within a string. EG "cat" will find cat but not catastrophe from within a large string.
I cannot use "=" as that would match the whole string and I only want to find the exact match within the string.
I am trying "like '%[!a-z][search term][!a-z]%'" which is pretty clumsy and also doesn't pick up the search term if it is at the beginning of a sentence.
Can anyone help me with the syntax here? I have racked my brains coming up with all sorts of convoluted solutions that all end up having a flaw. I have been looking around ASP fora and it seems a few people are asking the same question but getting no answers. (you might see my question in some of them...) I am sure there must be some operator within sql as there is in FMP but I cannot find it.

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Exact Match Query

i want to provide exact match. e.g. if user enters pharma machine result only display records containing pharma machine and not records containing either pharma or machine.

database table: company_info

database field: products

user entered search (field name): st

i had tried the following

select * from company_info where products like '"&st&"'

but is shows the wide result

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Order By (number/number2) Not Exact

Here's the problem I'm running into:Code:

Set RS = Conn.Execute("SELECT TOP 10 id, score, numvotes FROM [user] WHERE active = '1' ORDER BY (score/numvotes) DESC")
Simple query, nothing to fancy. However it doesn't order highest to lowest correctly. Here's a sample output:


As you can see it's not correctly ordered from highest to lowest.

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Whats The Exact Error For "system Cannot Find The File Specified"

i get "system cannot find the file specified" error. iam sure that the path of file iam looking for is true. i guess this is a friendly message thrown. when i turned off the freind messages in IE (client side) i still get the same error. is there any way that i can see the exact error so that i can debug.

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Need To Convert Google Search Ref To Find What The User Search

i get the ref url that come to my site and i want to convert it to find
out what was the query in (google or other searcher sites)

foe example : if someone goes to google and search some text and my
site was in his resaults and he click on it , in my site i see his link
ref like

i want to know (in asp and save it to DB) what was the word or words
that the user write in search engine.

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SQL Expression

I am getting Syntax error saying Missing operator in query expression.

sql= "SELECT qryReferral_report.Employee, Sum(qryReferral_report.Amount) AS SumOfAmount, Count(qryReferral_report.ID) AS CountOfID"
sql= sql & " FROM qryReferral_report"
sql= sql & " WHERE (((qryReferral_report.CDate) Between #" & Date1 & "# And #" & Date2 & "#) AND ((qryReferral_report.StatusID)='C'))"
sql= sql & " GROUP BY qryReferral_report.Employee"
sql= sql & " Count(qryReferral_report.ID) DESC;"

I'm not real good at SQL, so I don't know what I'm missing. I think it has to do with the Sum and Count statments.

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Regular Expression

Can anyone give me a regular expression for finding a URL in a string of

Essentially what I want to do is find URLs in a text string and embed
them in {a href...} tags. However, I haven't used regular expressions
all that much in ASP/VBSCRIPT.

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Regular Expression

I need to create a regular expression for a date field that works only
in the following format MM/DD/YYYY with the / in the format. No other
format can be inputted into the field. I need 2 numbers for MM 2
Numbers for DD and 4 numbers for YYYY. If the users enter 1 number for
month, 1 for day he should get an alert.

I have this code and thought it was working but it is not.

var RegExPattern = /(d{1,2})W(d{1,2})W(d{4})/;

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Mismatch In Expression

I cant figure out why I get the following error...

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
Type mismatch in expression.
/html/results.asp, line 60

rsSearchResult.CursorType = 0
rsSearchResult.CursorLocation = 2
rsSearchResult.LockType = 1
rsSearchResult_numRows = 0

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Vb Expression Problem

I am trying to validate an input field that should only accept numeric values no larger than 6 digits to the left of the decimal and up to 2 digits to the right of the decimal. The values to the right of the decimal are optional though.

so the max format should be (xxxxxx.xx)

I tried this format:


but this format takes values larger than what i want.

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Regular Expression

i know there are tutorials for Regular Expressions too, but can a 'simple' example be posted in these forms

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Regular Expression

I'm going down the road of learing the pattern matching in regular
expressions, and I'm trying to convert the characters into English in my
head so I can see whats happening...

For clarity with this one...


Ok - the first thing I did was break it up - because it looks a nightmare
like now I have..3 parts..




In part 1 I under stand that the is telling the expression that a special
character is coming next, thus escaping the [ and ] respectively, thus ,
and in part 3 I understand the same and also the escaping of the /, thus
- no problems so far...

In part 2 I'm assuming that the brackets are seperating a "pattern" so that
I might reference it as $1 later on, I understand that the [^] are saying
"not enclosed" so therefore it's going to ignore a ], the + sign however
perplexes me - my VBScript book says "Matches the preceeding character one
or more times" - so does that mean the ] just before it, or does it mean the
character OR characters defined within the [ ] etc?

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ASP Query Expression

is it possible to have a replace() function in an SQL query? I need to use
something like that to be able to sort my "sequential-numbers", which are
actually textfields like this:


What I want is to query these numbers, convert them by removing the dot with
the replace command and the sort the recordset on it.

Is this possible?

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Regular Expression Example

looking for a regular expression example for asp in vbscript. just want to search for a name in some text, possibly display that text.

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Regular Expression

I'm trying to find a regular expression function to strip contents out of a string which lie between square brackets [].I've got one for chevrons (to remove HTML - as below), but would prefer not to have to replace the chevrons for square brackets first.Code:

function funRemoveHTML( strText )
Dim RegEx
Set RegEx = New RegExp

RegEx.Pattern = "<[^>]*>"
RegEx.Global = True

funRemoveHTML = RegEx.Replace(strText, "")
end function
how I can modify this for square brackets as opposed to chevrons?

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Regular Expression For URL

I am working on an ASP page which looks in a set of text for web page URLs.

Using the VBScript.RegExp regular expression object, I have this regular


And it works well finding URL's such as:,, etc.

However, I have been trying to modify it to ALSO find URL's like this:

Any ideas?

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Evaluation Expression

A client wants have acess to an online databases records controlled by group strings and evaluation strings e.g., each use would have in his client record a group string like this:


And each record in a database would have an evaluation string like this :

[ACME]) etc.

No limit to the number of groups or the complexity of the boolean expression evaluation algorithm. I need an asp function that I will just pass the group string and the evaluation string and it will return True or False as to whether the client can view that particular record. I can't find anything in ASP on the internet though this must be a common database control method for non-browser applications? Has anyone done anything like this in ASP?

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Regular Expression

I'm making url's out of text starting with "www" etc. but I've got two problems. Firstly, if the string begins with www it doesn't get matched, and secondly, if there's a dot or a comma directly after the url, it becomes part of the url. I hope someone who is better at this than me will be able to help me out. Code:

reg.Pattern = "(s)(www)(S)(S+)"
s = reg.Replace(s, "$1<a href=""http://$2$3$4"" target=""_blank"">$2$3$4</a>")

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Expression Not Supported

I have a SQL statement here that im trying to troubleshoot, it is coming up with 'join expression not supported'. I have tried the statement in the access database (in msaccess) and it works fine without any errors. The statement is as follows:


strSQL = "SELECT 'tbl Item.Art_No', 'tbl Item.Description', 'tbl Item.BA', 'tbl Item.Retail Sales Price Incl GST', 'tbl Item Bin SOH.Location', 'tbl Item Bin SOH.Blocked', 'tbl Item Bin SOH.Stock on Hand' FROM 'tbl Item' INNER JOIN 'tbl Item Bin SOH' ON 'tbl Item.Art_No' = 'tbl Item Bin SOH.Art_No'"

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Understanding Regular Expression

I have been using a regular expression that I don’t uite understand to
filter the valid email address. My regular expression is as follows:

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator id="valValidEmail"

ErrorMessage="Invalid Email address."

Can someone explain me why the email address Join Bytes! is
considered an invalid email address?

Also can someone explain me what the above regular expression means?

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Regular Expression Syntax..

I need to parse the following:


aaa = ITM, CPF, FAC, GEN
bbb = almost anything (even more then 3 chars)
d = M,Q,Y,R
yyyy = year
mm = month

I'm terrible at figuring out regexp so I turn to the kind folk of SP

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Regular Expression Problems

I have a field that should take a date in the following two formats:

MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD (and assume it is this year, it will fill in current year)

I have my program checking against two regular expressions. The first one is ok:

Dim regEx
Set regEx = New RegEx

regEx.Pattern = "^(([1-9])|10|11|12)/(([1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|30|31)/200[0-9]"

If the date checked comes up False, it then goes to this expression:

regEx.Pattern = "^((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))/((0[1-9])|((1|2)[0-9])|30|31)"

My problem is on the second one. If I enter an erroneous date like this: 11/189

It will go through and crash my program.

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Problem With Regular Expression

I am using regular expression to replace the text, This is asp function I have used to replace the text, but it’s not working properly Code:

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Mismatch In Criteria Expression

I am trying to make my update page work, but when i submit the form it comes with this error "mismatch in criteria expression" and the problem i think lies on one of my menu list that is joined to another table in the database.

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Regular Expression :: Replace

addContent = replace(addContent,"<font>","")

Right, pretty simple eh!

However, what I need is something to say replace all occurence of strings that start with "<font" to eb replaced by zilch i.e.

<font color=green>
<font tag=this another=more>

I believe regular expression are the way to go?

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Regular Expression :: AlphaNumeric Only

any one have a quick regex for making sure that only 0..9 a..f are in a string?

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