Security On Uploaded Documents

I maintain a website, written primarily with ASP, which allows users to fill out a form and upload documents to the web server. Once on the server other users can download the documents. Currently anybody within the Intranet can upload and download any documents. I would like to do something that would allow the user to specify who can view a document. I was thinking of using the users domain/handle as the security key.

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Asp And Word Documents

I have created a word template containing logos. I want to be able to open the document and dynamically add data to it and save the file as something else. the problem is when I use the streamobject method it does not work! I can only add data if the file is a notepad (unicode file). Is there any way to do this? I can't find any ttutorials on the web.

Also I know how to write word documents using html and I cant use this method because when I open the document the image will not display. Is there a way to keep the image contained within the document?

If I can get either of the methods above to work that it would have solved my problem!

Or if anyone knows of other ways to creating a word document using logo's and dyanmic data then please let us know.

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Word Documents

I have a HTML page with field data on, I would like to know if in ASP i am to pick up that field data and send it to a Word document, the application this data comes from is hosted in an IIS box and uses an ISAPI filter to parse the data from SQL tables to that GUI for the user. This function is need for an individual page at a time, & unfortunately I'm still quite new to ASP so I'm not sure if this is possible.

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Upload Documents

I have a documentation management system written with ASP.This is a simple system.I want to upload necessary documents and create folders when necessary delete folders etc.When uploading documents I should select both the uploaded file & also the target location.Because I have many many folders and subfolders.

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Delete Documents

If there a way using ASP to delete files from a folder on the server if the file doesnt exist in the database.

I have heard of something called FSO (File System Object) but not sure how to use it - does anyone know of an ASP method or how to mate ASP and FSO?

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Secure Documents

I have a client who needs to be able to upload confidential documents (.doc and PDF) to a "hidden" area within their website so other members of their organization can later view them at their convenience. This area would be restricted by logins and passwords, but it also needs to be secure enough that no outsiders could gain access to these documents if they tried.

I've read on here about placing files in a directory outside of the root directory and then reading them back with a script but I'm wondering if there are other options that would be even more secure than this. Maybe with using some sort of file encryption or something else used in conjunction with files outside the root. I would be open to any 3rd party commercial software if someone has had good experience with it. Does anyone have suggestions to offer?

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Searching Uploaded

A client uploads a document (a msword .doc file) to the server,
I need to search a string that document and find specific words in it
(this is an Application to a School, most of them look the same, so all you can do is replace the school name in the application, but sometimes people forget to do so and get rejected for sending inappropriate application).
So I need to find in each Application possible names of other schools and alert about it.

I'm writing in ASP (I can use as well)
I DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO THE SERVER (it belongs to the hosting company, and there's no way of installing anything there)

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Uploaded Page

i already have a functional & running asp page in my pc but when i tried to upload it (i used it gives me the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/vyrna/index.asp, line 8

can anybody tell me what codes need to be changed in my uploaded file?

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Site Uploaded

I have produced a quick site and now have uploaded onto the internet but it dosen't work. The problem seems to be the connection to the database.The link shows the page and the error that is displayed
Page Example
Here is how i have connected to the database on my machine


Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "DSN=TPVSite"

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Uploaded Files

I am trying to gain the filename (not file path of an uploaded file) using just asp. The upload occurs correctly however I just need a snippet of code so the file name can be input into a database.
For example say C:somedirectorymyfile.htm was uploaded I would need myfile.htm as the file name. Does anyone know how I could do this. I have endlessly searched the web and tried a few things but none seem to work

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Upload Documents With Aspupload

I am using what seems to be a straight forward script but am getting an error, is the term Funtion not accepted in aspupload?:

the error is:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'

Syntax error

/legacyUploadscript.asp, line 15

Function isValidFile(filename)

The script I have created is this: ...

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Generating A Set Of Word Documents Using ASP

May I know how I can create a set of word documents using ASP? Is there any sample code available on the web for such document generation system?

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Searching Text Documents

I'm making a new database that is to store details about word/pdf documents. I need to have a search function that can search through the content of the file. Is this possible? [I'm using Access].

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Streaming Documents To The Client

I am working in an intranet/extranet application in which the user should be able to see some documents (specially doc and pdf). These documents will be stored in a safe place in the server preventing anybody from downloading them directly from the URL.

In order to achieve this, I have made an activeX component which takes the original file and stream it to the client. I have basically two questions/problems.

First, is there a way to manipulate the document generated dinamically in order to change the way it is displayed in the browser(zoom factor,etc)? By default it depends on the client configuration. Maybe I could use an application.word object in the ASP but the problem is that I don't have the document in a file, I only have a stream sent from the server.

Another question is, how can I avoid the download dialog(open/download file prompt) on the client? I always want the document to be displayed on the browser. I know this is for security reasons, but can this be configured in some way through the IIS options for the web site? Code:

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Generating Word Documents

Here's a quick query for any ASP/MS Office gurus out there!
When attempting to use the following code:

Set WordApp = CreateObject("word.application")

I get the following error message:

ActiveX component can't create object: 'word.application'

Could this be because MS Office is not installed on my server? Or is there another reason for this error message?

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Formatting Word Documents

I'm using ASP to create a word document using response.contenttype=("application/msword"), which works fine, but I want to do some formatting to the page setup (such as change the margin sizes) before delivering it to the client.

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Adding Images To RTF Documents

I have been struggling with this for a couple days now and wanted to see if anyone can point me in the right direction... I am generating an RTF document using ASP and the FileSystemObject from values selected in a form and database values. I have had no problem creating the document and even using some pretty advanced RTF formatting but I cannot figure out how to add an image to the document.

I have read in many places that it is possible and I know there are third-party components that claim to do it but I wanted to see if anyone had any sample code to do this using ASP and the FileSystemObject. I have an image stored on the server and I want to include it within the RTF document.

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Creating Word Documents

I have tried three ways of opening word documents on my win95 machines.

(Yes, my client still has some win95 machine)

#1-With Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment;

#2-With Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "inline;

#3 without the content-Disposition header.

#1 is not good because it forces the user through two dialogs. #2,#3 seem good because they open the document in IE, but the window does not have the corresponding document toolbar, so the user can not saveAs xxx.doc

How can I accomplish # 2 or #3 with IE showing a word document toolbar?

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Displaying Word Documents

displaying word documents onto a webpage? The word documents will contain text/tables/pictures. I am new to this and can't quite find what I need.

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Cannot Upload Documents Or Pics.

I run my applications perfectly, can make changes to my database, but I cannot upload Documents or Pictures Etc.Etc.I was able to with my Windows ME OS. I now run Windows 2000.

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Compare 2 Word Documents

How To Create An Object For Word Application To Compare 2 Word Documents In An Asp Page.

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Saving Edited Documents

I am creating an web application with IIS 5.0 where the user will be given a facility to view a PDF or word document. The user can edit these docuements. But once the document is edited, I want to save the changes on server side. Is it possible to implement such a feature?

By the default behaviour of IE, if abc.doc is opened and edited, if we try to save the file by entering the path as URL we are not able to save the file on the server. This is because server creates a readonly copy of the file. Please let me know whether such a feature is feasible? Or whether I have to develop my own component using which this might be possible?

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Displaying Documents In ASP Webpage

I have developed ASP Website and have a Login page for 3 different user groups. Each group is directed to their own specific webpage within the site.

Can someone please tell me how to display word documents in these ASP webpages.
This must be a simple process, as these documents are just for viewing purposes, ie: not editable while been viewed by user group.

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Send Documents To Printer

I have a series of hyperlinks on my page which open up documents. Mainly pdfs. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to send these straight to the users printer or is this just asking too much ?

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Securing Word Documents

I intend to send word documents thru mail to my clients. I don't want my clients to save the word document to there system and i don't want them to print the word documents. How can i achieve both the tasks ?

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Searching Uploaded Attachment.

Can somebody help me in implementing Searches on the uploaded attachments through ASP..?

To explain it a bit more, I have a web app through which the users post knowledgebase articles, these articles are in the form of .pdf or .doc... Now to visit these uploads, I am in need of a facility which scans through the contents of the uploaded attachments, the search criteria being the user given keywords...

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How To Process Uploaded Images

Anybody have idea about Image processing tools available for ASP (like Imagemagick,I dont think ImageMagick will work with ASP).

I want to adjust the images uploaded to my site(ASP) to a particular resolution and do some image resolution changes, like creating thumbnails from originally uploaded images,etc..

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Uploaded File Size

please help me to send code for limiting size of uploaded files,i want no one can upload any file upto say 2 mb in a stretch and overall say 5 mb.

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How To Send The Uploaded File's Name???

I am having a file (default.asp) on which i am taking many details from
a user before mailing it to someone. I have also provided the user with
a facility of uploading files on a server.

I am uploading files from a
page upload.asp which has a link on default.asp. Now my problem is
that, how can i send the file name that is uploaded, in a mail along
with other details that the user enters on default.asp?? In the asp in
which i am sending the email, i am collecting all the details from

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Uploaded File Type?

Can I check uploaded file type? This is my code:

if (file.ContentType=="application/")

But if I rename a txt file to .xls it not run.

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Uploaded Txt To An Access Table

I am trying to find out if I can take an user uploaded file. comma delimited txt file. and read this information into an access table. I have the file upload working now I want to read it into a table, all using ASP.

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Rendering HTML Documents As Images

I'd like to take a HTML document as input (preferably a HTTP URL to a HTML / PHP document), render the page as a web browser would, and display the output as a graphic - kinda similar to what the <object> tag can do in HTML (i.e. within the Windows Explorer Web View, you could "Preview" HTML documents like a graphic etc.)

It doesnt matter too much whether the rendering needs to be done in or - although I'd prefer!! To be honest, the only method I can think of for doing this is to open the page in an IE window using, take a sceenshot and resize! But as the request could be run as and when,

I think that it'd add a large workload to the server if it has to launch a (reasonably large) .exe every time!! Plus that method would also rely on no other windows appearing on top of the preview window before the screenshot is taken!!

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Protect Documents And Images On Webserver

Is it a way I can protect my documents and images on a webserver without having direct access to administrate the webserver.

When I make an asp page I protect the information pulised on this page easy. But if I link to some images and pdf files on my site, these are not protected. If a person get the url to this image or file thei can easy download it.

One way to protect these files is to store them in a database, but is there another way to protect them.

Can I for example password protect a folder where I can put all my files and images? Here I mean password protect a folder without having direct access to the webserver.

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