Select Query According To User Input For A WebPage In C#.Net With SQL Server 2000
How to select query according to User Input for a WebPage in C#.Net with SQL Server 2000.I am trying to build a web page in C#.NET with SQL Server 2000 using Visual Web Developer 2005. I want to select and execute the query according to user input.
I have a form which has 2 textboxes which gets start date and end date from the user. Based on start/end date my 1st query runs. Now if user does not enter any start/end date I want to run another query which takes default dates from database(which is in varchar:ex. now()/now()-180) according to logged on user's permisstions.
I have one 3 tier architecture application running on Windows 2000 Server.
I have created replica of same machine on another machine where OS is Windows 2000 Advance Server.
But when I port same running application on new machine i.e. Machine with OS as Windows 2000 Advance Server, my middle tier (Active-X Dll, COM+ application) fails.
It throws common error Invalid Procedure Call or argument
What could be the problem? Do I need to change any settings for running application on Windows 2000 advance Server.
I am planning to design a database (destined for the web) that will have between 20000 and 45000 records in it and will receive a lot of reads but very very few writes (just from me).
Now the question is should I use:
1) The combination of Access 2000 (accessible through ASP or ASP.NET) using OLEDB Jet
2) SQL Server 2000 ?
Of course I know that the SQL Server option is a better one, especially since it's said that an Access DB can have about 9 users or so accessing it at the same time. But is that a general rule or is it about many people writing to the DB? In other words, if an Access DB has hardly any writes and 99.9% reads can it be used as efficiently as it would be used on SQL Server 2000?
I would like to create, using ASP, a new user inside a "Group of User" that I prior have created, as Administrator (Eg. IUSRGroup), in order to use the internal Win 2000 SRV DB, Security and Permisions.
I have a Stored Procedure with a Where clause for a date range, I would like to know is it possible to add onto my Classic ASP two select input boxes for filtering my date column?
For instance filtering January 15, 2008 thru February 14, 2008. If so would you be able to show me what that might look like?My where clause starts on 01-01-2005 and end on a future date, for example 12-01-2040
I have a form which inputs info into a database. However what I would like is to populate a select box directly from the dbase. When the form is entered the field is updated along with all the other info.
I have enclosed two of my pages - I think I'm nearly there.
I'm using the following code and if someone enters something in the "instructions" field with characters -"', - it causes the SQL statement to change using those characters.
Does anyone know if its possible to create and email HTML forms. Email recipients would then input information to these forms in the same way that they would on a web page. Pressing the submit button would mail the form back, after which it would be separately submitted to an ASP page on the web server for processing.
The main reason for this is so we don't have all the issues associated with firewalls and security to deal with. Our corporate mail servers will strip out viruses so that not a problem.
I have a form that I am trying to append to include a CAPTCHA validation field.
I have added the CAPTCHA code to the end of the form itself and now I am struggling to make the processor do a couple of things:
***If the CAPTCHA validates as well as all the form input data>>confirmation page and send appropriate email.
***If the form is filled out, but the CAPTCHA authentication is wrong>>go back to the same page, keep the form filled out, and give one more chance to correctly enter the CAPTCHA field.
***If the form is being and die gracefully.
What is the best way to handle user input into a form which passes info to an .asp application. The problem I have is if somebody enters in "dave's" the asp code breaks because of the ' in the input field. What is the best way to handle this kind of input?
ASP without Access database (my webserver does not support this). I'm looking for some ASP code that can show a calendar on a webpage. The people looking at the page should be able to type in a small message and a date and then send the info to the webpage. which then updates itself.
I have a more specific example of my needs. Often when I need to arrange a meeting with friends, then I send out a mail to ex. 10 persons. They can choose between 3 different days and I want to find the day that most people can come.
Instead of getting mails back and evaluate thise, I would like them to make their reservation on the asp-webpage. This way the others can follow the "favorite" day that is accurring when a few people has typed their favorite meetingday. Hope this was understandable.
I have forms and photo upload features in my website. I'm using IIS 5.1 in Windows XP Pro. What do I need to add into my code to validate user input? I had SQL injection attack before, now I use replace function to remove any malicious words such as SELE, DELE, Ad, etc.. to prevent SQL injection attack. Are there any other attacks which it can be triggered in a text input field? What do I need to do to prevent it?
I also have a photo upload feature, it allows user upload photos to my table and the photo will be displayed in the gallery. How can I validate the user upload file is image file only? I mean user might be able to upload malicious scripts, virus to my server. How can I prevent that?
I have written a function to validate user input, so that it properly returns a valid time if the user inputs 1600 or 16:00 or 4:00 pm the time is properly formatted (it may need a little more tweaking, but you get the idea) This is the function : Code:
I have a HTML page with a form on it. I have an ASP page that processes what a user has entered into the form (updates a database etc).
I now need a page that fits between these two pages to pre-process�the users input. I need to do it this way because I am not allowed to change either of the two existing pages.
I know how to read what the user has input into the form and I know how to pass control onto the next page.
What I have not been able to work out is how to change the user input and have those changes passed onto the next page as if nothing has happened (that is, the original ASP page just performs its request.form(�item�) calls as it always has but instead of seeing what the user actually typed in, it should see the changed text as created by the new pre process� page)
I have tried using a regular expression replace but can only successfully make this change a variable and not the original form input. Equally I cannot find a way of swapping the original form input string with the output variable from the replace.
I am working on a web application that uses both asp classic and pages. We need to validate user input to avoid attacks like sql injection. Can a component be created that both page types can use? Is that the best approach? Would I simply use pattern matching to validate strings and/or remove any unwanted characters?
write a simple function to check the user input from a form. I need to check that the string contains only numbers, has a maximum leght of say 15 and that the first number is zero.
i made database with these fields : id ,name , address ,favo ,email , phone now i did every thing ok i can add data readdata search by on of any field. but i do not know how can i search with 3 fields . i mean i need page include 3 input text one for name 2nd for email , and 3rd for phone . also botton for search but i want when the user do not input any name or email and click on search botton popup messege come tell you must input all fileds then back to search page . if he input all and click search i want new page read data from database.
Isn't there some line of code that I can write to tell ASP to treat everything between BLAH and /BLAH as text (including the apostrophe). So that users can type a name of "O'Malley" in a form and I can retrieve it and store it in my database.
i created an application that streams from a server but my problem is on my server there quiet a few drives for eg drive m,u,f,g,h right and lets say my ip for my server is for arguements sake right.....
HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error Internet Information Services
Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'IUSR_MOHD'. /sql1/data.asp, line 16
when i try to add data to my sql server 2000 database throw asp?!? so whatz the problem , i try to connect it to access on the same lginuser and it works well
We are not using Active directory and as such do not have access to Kerberos authentication methods. What I need to do is connect to an SQL (2000) database using ASP 3.0 - I have setup an account on SQL Server with read access to two tables (and no password). Just to complicate the issue even further, the IIS server and the SQL server reside on different machines on the network. Code:
I have had a web server up an running for a while based on Access 2003 and asp code. Now I have decided to upgrade the database to SQL Server 2005 (not the express edition). The problem is that I just can't get it to work properly.
During the installation I was prompted for an instance name (I chose the default radio button). I am using windows authentication on a Windows 2003 Server OS.
I have created a database called "testDB". This database has only 1 table called "testtable" and this table consists of a single column called "name" with just 4 records. I want to display these records in my webpage.
The code below works fine with Access 2003 but how should it be changed to work with SQL 2005 too? Code:
I'm just after installing windows 2000 server. It seems to be running fine. I can log onto sites stored within etc. However I'm having major problems trying to sending email forms. I am using an asp form to send the details however I never receive them. After completing the form and submitting the user is brought to a confirmation window which displays all the form details. There are no errors howver the email is never recieved.
With the errors I cannot say if the email was sent or not. So i do not know if it is the server settings or the asp file.
Do I need to preform additional installation of configuration to get the smtp server up and running as I am only using the default settings.
I just started learning ASP.NET and i need to learn to use the database for SQL Server 2000 quickly. First, (forgive me for my ignorance) what is a database? Do you guys know any good sites that teach you how to access the database for SQL Server 2000? and have tutorials, and sample code?
How would I be able to simply read an MS Exchange Server 2000 mail and transfer it to a SQL Server 2000 database programmatically. I need reference for this an has been unsuccessful in looking for any for the past week already.
I've noticed a few times yesterday I recived this error on my web server:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
I know for sure the server is running and at the time was under a load of about 2,900 page views for the hour. By far not my largest audience. What could cause this? Is ODBC having some issues? FYI, the database server isn't on the web server, they are physically two different machines connected via LAN.
I was wondering if there are any known problems when using an apple macintosh to upload files and put text in a database via an ASP page that could cause either database error pages or simply some data not being written to the database. I have had this problem on a couple of sites now, and not been able to recreate the errors on my PC.
I am creating a small program for my workplace in asp. It runs fine o my laptop using XP Pro through IIS. I set IIS up on the server runnin Windows 2000 Server Standard, have IIS set up identically, and i doesn't recognize the session variables. Even trying to run i directly on the server, not through the network, it doesn't work.