Send An Asp Page As Html Email

This is my first post hope it makes sense. I have learnt how to send emails from forms passing variable etc and it works, but I am lazy so here it goes:

I am writing a set of intranet based asp reports for which the underlying asp code can get quite complicated (tables nested in tables, all sorts of calulations and parameters etc). I would like users to be able to send that report (neatly formated in his browser) by pressing a form button. (by the way, we use Outlook)

1. either as an .html attachement (which would of been saved automatically either locally or on the server)

2. or as an html email (as you would do when doing File > Send > Page by Email in IE 6.0) Code:

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Send HTML Email From External Server

how to send an HTMl email from an external server. I am trying to Send email using CDOSYS
this i what i have tried but cant get it to work.

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How? Send Same Email As HTML *or* Plain Text

I'm looking for a simple way to do the following:

We have a database that serves-up content to a website. Some of those items
are events, some are news articles. They're stored in the DB as formatted
HTML so ASP just drops them right into a page shell.

Now, we want to send out a newsletter email containing some of those items.
No problem sending as HTML. However, some of the members want just plain
text. Is there some magic method in CDO that can automatically convert HTML
to plain text? Or, is there some existing VBScript code out there that can
do this?

BTW, the environment is IIS 5.x (Windows 2000), Classic ASP, and CDO.

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Send Html Email With Form Included

I been trying to send a Html email with a form included. I tryed by including <form> and <input> as usual in Html code. What happen is that the email is send and the form are seen but the input button doesnt work right, in hotmail , msn, I mean its not active
Any idea?

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Send Html With Embedded Image Email In Asp

I want to send email in html format with containing more images added dynamically using cdo.message method. can you pls explain any body one how to do this. i alredy done this, but it send only one picture with that email. here i posted my code also. pls any one tell me what is the problem in this code.

Set cdoConfig = server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(theSchema & "sendusing")= 2
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(theSchema & "smtpserver")= "smtp server"

Set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

html = "<html>"
html = html & "<head>"
html = html & "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"""
html = html & "content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">"
html = html & "</head>"
html = html & "<body>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial"" ><b>Name: " & name & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>Company Name: " & cname & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>Country: " & ctry & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>E-mail: " & email & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p><font face=""Arial""><b>Details: " & remarks & "</b></font></p>"
html = html & "<p>&nbsp;</p>"

for i = 0 to ubound(iid)
html = html & "<img border=""0"" src=""" & "" & fnme(i) & """></td>"

html = html & "</body>"
html = html & "</html>"

mail.From= emailFrom
mail.To = emailTo
mail.Subject = emailSubject
mail.HTMLBody = html
set mail = nothing
set cdoConfig = nothing

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How To Send Email From An Asp Page ?

how to send email from an asp page?

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Send Email With Link To Current Page

How would I send an email to someone from a webpage with a link to the
current page? I've seen this where you can put in your email, the person's
email that you are sending teh page to, a subject for the email, and a
message along with the link.

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Asp Page Wont Send Email If Form Fields Are Blank

I created a feedback form for my website that has only 2 required fields. When you submit the form it calls my asp page which puts the information in a database and then sends me n email with the information that was entered into the form. The problem is that the form only has two required fileds, and if the remaining non required fields are left empty when the asp page is called it does write to the data base, but does not send me any email. However if I go back in and put somethng in every field in the form then when I submit the form and my asp page is called it writes to the data base and sends me an email with the all the information I entered in the feedback form. Is there a way to tell my asp page that it is ok to send the email even if the non required fields are left empty? I really do not want to have to go back through the form and put default values in for each area of the form? Also is there a way to have an error displayed if the email is not sent? My asp code is below....

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Email The Same Html Page As Attachment After Submission

I have designed a form after submission of which an email is sent to a perticular e-mail id. Up to this it works fine but I need to send a complete filled html page in attachment too.

Can this be possible. If any way to do this please let me know. As mail sender am using CDO.

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Convert Html Page Or Database Shopping Basket To An Email

OK - I have a shopping basket with data in a database. Once the person
has successfully completed their order I want to be able to send them
an email with the products ordered roughly in the following format:

Product Price Quantity

prod1 £6.99 1
prod2 £5.99 2
Postage £0.50

Total whatever..I'm

Formatting would be a little different (just spacing out the prod
table a little more.

Any ideas or links to scripts that do this?. I've been looking for a
while now but have had no luck in finding a solution. I just want to
send a text email (and not html).

The other thing is that on the last page but one, this shopping basket
is displayed. Is there anyway I could capture the html data from that
page, store it in a session variable and then generate the email after
the order has been completed (so sort of like sending a mirror of that
page)? In that case having a HTML formatted email would be ok.

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Cdonts Email Script Won't Send Email

i used the following script but it won't send the email. any suggestions why?

Dim TBdy
CR = Chr(13)
Set MyCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyCDO.From = ""
MyCDO.To = ""
MyCDO.Subject = "collegebound info"
TBdy = Request.Form("cb_name")
MyCDO.Body = TBdy
MyCDO.Importance = 1 (Normal)
Set MyCDO = nothing


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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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I have a small problrm in sending mail in HTML

I'v done this code, but.:


Private sub SendMail()
MailBefore = "<html>" & chr(13)
MailBefore = MailBefore & "<head><title>" & MailSubject & "</title></head>" & chr(13)
MailBefore = MailBefore & "<body>"
MailBody = MailBefore & MailBody & "</body></hmtl>"
select case strMailMethod
case "cdonts":

I receive like this....:

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Send E-mail In HTML Format

If i want to send an email in HTML format, do i just set the bodyFormat to 1 or it's much more complicated? any examples available?

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Send HTML Body Format CDO Mail

I have been using CDO Mail but the message body is plain text. Is there a way that I may send an HTML body so that I can format some tables?

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Send Email With Asp

I'm new with asp and server thing so if somoene could help me to resolve my problems
it would be very great.

I'm trying to send myself an email but it doesn't work, no error message, I just don't receive any email.

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"
myMail.TextBody="This is a message."

I'm using IIS at my home to test this code.

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How To Send Email Via

Our local educational host doesn't have any COMs on their servers so I need
to use the built-in (if there is one!!) mail/smtp component of to
send web form data via email.

Is there such a thing in My apols for the newbie question, but I'm
still an ASP classic developer.

Could somebody post me an example of how to use it.

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Send Email In ASP

We currently have a form that is in PHP that after the user fill out the form and hit submit, this form send all the information via email to us. I like to know if there is a similar feature or way to do this in ASP.

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How To Send Email In ASP

using the code below is how to send email using asp;

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"
myMail.TextBody="This is a message."
set myMail=nothing

but i encounter this error;

There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.

attached with this thread is the file (send.asp) so that you can check it for sure.

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How To Send Email

I am trying to develop a web site which involve in log in n to retrieve password. When a user forget their password they will use this service, after they enter their email address, i will send their user id and password to their email which allow them to see their user id and password, but i don know to to do this service which will automatically send email to user email address when they click the button .....

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Send Email

I've got an asp page that uses CDO.Message and
CDO.Configuration to send an email.

I'm not receiving any of these emails normally (i.e. in
Outlook), instead they all end up in this folder :

Could someone please explain what this means? Does this
mean the emails have been successfully sent?...or are they
waiting to be sent?

I'm pretty sure my smtpserver name is correct because i've
got the same thing going in .NET and it all works ok there
(as in I get an email thru Outlook). Just can't seem to
get it going in ASP.

Not sure if it this relevant...I'm behind a firewall, so
i'm assuming the smtpserver name is for a smart host,
which is fine in .NET, but i'm not sure how that'll work
out in ASP (eg. what do i set the serverport number to?)

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Send Email On Asp

I've just downloaded a component called AspEmail ( When i tried to test my code using the localhost, it require sthe address of my SMTP server inorder to send the email.

I put "localhost" as the address but i cannot send the mail for some wierd reason. I check the badmail folder just to find some mails under the "queue" folder.

I've tried the same code in a different pc, and i got a different error: AspEmail: Simple.asp
Error occurred: Connection timed out.

Does any body know how to send email using that aspemail component on localhost
Appreciate it.

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Send Email

I want to implement a function to send emails to the registered users from my web site using ASP. The problem is that the web server provider I'm using does not support any email components (such as CDO, CDONTS, or third-party) or SMTP server.

Therefore I'm looking for some free email/SMTP provider which enables me to send the email information from my ASP web page to their server and it will forward it as ordinary emails to the recipients.

One way to do it could be to set up a html form with fields to hold the email information (recipient addresses, sender address, subject and body) and send it to the service provider. Something like: ....

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ASP Send Email

Set Mail=Server.CreateObject(“CDONTS.NewMail”)
Mail.Subject=”Just testing my script”
Mail.Body=”Hey! I am sending this email through an ASP Page and
guess what? I haven’t learnt much yet, but know that ASP is very
Set Mail=nothing

Can I use the above code, if my pc is running on Windows XP Professional Edition?

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Send Email Somewhere

I'd like to get opinions on how this can be done. The brief background is that there is someone who, on a daily basis, puts together an email with links and text related to immunization.Would it be possible to automatically: receive this email; fit it into a database; then have a web page read the contents of the page from the database?
e.g., the web page could be told to present the text with the highest record number (assuming each new email is entered in as a new record).

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Send An Email

I want to send an E-mail whoever registers to my website. How do I do it?
I visited but it is not working.

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How Do U Send Email

How can we send email to the given email id with the current page text as the body text of the email.

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Send Email

I try to send email, however i have a problem

set mailmsg = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

mailmsg.To = ""
mailmsg.From = ""
mailmsg.Body = "This is a test message."
mailmsg.Host = ""

With this code they work fine but if i do this code
Set oConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
to do smtp authentication i received the error that object can be created, because pc of my web hosting have linux with operating sytems and have installed a package to run asp.
Can anyone know other object to do smtp authetication.

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CDO Send Email Using IIS

i have created a form that emails the data once the submit button is pressed...however i am not recieving the email message. Im not sure if it is because im developing with IIS and its not able to send from my local computer or if it is my code. here is the basic action page

Set myMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
myMail.Subject="Sending email with CDO"
myMail.TextBody="This is a message."
set myMail=nothing

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How To Send Schedule Email In ASP

I have developed a website in ASP 3.0 and Acesss 2000/SQl

I wan my web site sent invoices to my customer
automatically some specified time
(lets say it execute ceratain ASP page at 3:00 am that
send emails)

how can i schedule that?

Should i write some program (EXE) that will run on web
seerv to do this task or do we have soem other decent

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How Can I Send Email Via My Web Site?

how can i send email via my web site?

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Send A Form To My Email

Basically I have a page and I would like to have several forms on this page where a user can input thier email address and a short comment, then click on send and i get n email with the details.

I know how to set up a basic form but I have no idea how to send it, can anyone help me and show me what to put where to set this up on brinkster please.

Oh and I would prefer to use ASP if thats possible.

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