Send Data Into DB Same Time

When more than one user send data into Database same time using following code, do you think the code is correct? I concern if 2 users send data into DB same time, it is one user is ok and another is failed, or both ok, or both failed? If this happened, how to make that work? I remember syncnization/parallel thread can be used to solve this issue, but don't know how. Any suggestion and sample code? Code:

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Send Time Stamp To Database

How to insert time stamp data into Access Database when insert other data together in ASP/.

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Send Url Request At Schedule Time Interval - Asp

I am developing site in asp where I need to call a url at every interval. Is there a way to automate this. I want to call the url every 15 or 30 mins.

Cureently I have written a asp script tp call it using

Set objWinHttp = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
objWinHttp.Open "GET",URL
objWinHttp.Send ' Send it.
strResponse3 = objWinHttp.ResponseText ' Get the response string from the object.

But it is not schedule..I can call it only when I rum the asp script. So is there any way I can schedule this url call for every 15/30 minutes.

Also forgot to mention : the site does not have that much traffic that I can add it in index page...there may be a user visiting the site in 5 hours time or within next 5 mins or for next 2 days there may be no visitor.

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How Do I Send Automatic Emails After A Set Interval Of Time From My Website?

I want to send automatic emails from my website after a definite interval of time.
I need a way to execute my ASP script repeatedly without any external triggering....

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Send Data With SSL

I want to know how to send data through forms HTML with SSL and ASP. Which is the difference betweeen the use of ASP with and without SSL? Is it only the https and not the http or implies another changes?

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Send Form Data Using CDO

I'm trying to retrieve the data off a form (survey.htm) and email the results
back to me using CDO and ASP (survey.asp). I'm confused as to how to
retrieve the form data from survey.htm and send it using survey.asp. Below is
a sample ASP script that I found on and it works fine, but now how
do I grab the info from a form and incorporate it into the emal. Code:

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Send And Process Data

How to send data through winhttpd and process the data in the target page?

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Send Data From To C++ Server

Suppose I have a C++ server that listens to a port (WinSock API). Is it possible to send a data to that server from ASP page? If yes, how?

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Send Secure Data

I've sent private data back to the IIS by implementing the web page reference to HTTPS, but how can secure data be sent to the client computer over the internet using SSL?

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How To Send Data To ASP Pages?

How to use VB to send data to ASP pages?For example,i click the ON/OFF command button.If ON button is pressed,the user that viewing the ASP page can be able to know that the ON button is pressed.

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Send Cdo Email With Database Data

i've got a database in ms access. using ASP (vbscript) and IIS. I can send text e-mails through ASP but i want to attach a file from the database to the e-mail when it is sent. can anyone give me any hints on how to get the data from access, attach it to the e-mail and send it on?

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Web Form Which Send Data In XML Format

I've written many pages that emails the content of a web form, but the data
formatted very nicely. Is there a way to have the content of the submitted
form data via email in XML?

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No Data Found,send Messag Then

What I'm doing is to show people data from database with ASP, but when there's nothing to show, ASP brings the browser with an error where only people like us knows what it means so what I want to know is how can I make ASP go to another page where I can explain the user that there's no data ralated to that new search and that he or she needs to try again?

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Send Form Data To An Email Address?

What I am trying to do is create a page on my company's internet site so that our customers can fill out a form, click a submit button and then have the data they entered be emailed to me. I have already created the form within Dreamweaver MX. How do I setup the Submit button to automatically email the information to me?

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Send Form Submission Data To Another Server

A website has a form with the first line as written below:

<form METHOD="POST" action="submission_form.asp" name="FrontPage_Form1" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">

Can I, if I match the field names used, submit my form and have it sent to their server as if the submission had come from their server?

Could I use:
<form METHOD="POST" action="" name="FrontPage_Form1" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">

and I match all of the field names? Would that work?

Could I harm their "database", or whatever they are doing with the form submission?

Since you are going to ask "why". My reasons are noble enough. It would just make things much easier.

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Send Data From A Combo Box To A Text Field

I use dreamweaver and i have a combobox named country and a text field named email. I want the user choose a country from the combobox and the email for this country go to a text field. Lets say the user choose England from the combobox and an email will be puted in text box. I use PHP or ASP. This is my form:

<td><select name="country" id="country">
<option>2</option> </select>

<input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="email for the country in combo box"> </td>

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How To Send A Form With Binary Data To Another Server?

I'm trying to submit an image object, along with some other text fields to
another web server from within an ASP page but am stuck on getting the image
to be submitted with the form.

In a bit more detail:

1. When this particular page is executed, I want the server to pull an image
from a db (stored as a BLOB) along with a few other text fields. This part
is easy and I have no problems with it.

2. I want to submit the image, along with the text fields to a second
webserver which typically accepts its input from a form (ie, the second
webserver usually has a webpage where a user enters some information into
form and browse for a file. When clicking submit, the form fields along with
the file are submitted to the second server).

The reason for this is that I'm trying to migrate from one web based photo
album to another which uses a data structure that is complicated and
difficult to interface with, so I'm using the web based image upload
functionality of the new album. Code:

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Inserting Data/time To An Access Db

i have an access db with a "date/time" data type with a format of "Long format";
i want to add the date/time automatically in DB when a user submit a form.

i tried using the
xdate = formatdatetime("var",1)

and putting that var in the DB, but i get an error

can someone show me how to do it right?

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Adding Data To 2 Tables At The Same Time

i have 2 tables;

fields are

and another table

fields are

when someone submits the form, i want to add the infos supplied by the user to be added to these 2 tables.

field01 & field02 shall be added to tables 1 & 2;


field03,field04 & field05 to table01 only

i tried using this code:

myquery = "INSERT INTO table01 (field01,field02,field03,field04,field05) VALUES ('" & f1 & "','" & f2 & "','" & f3 & "','" & f4 & "','" & f5 & "')"

myquery2 = "INSERT INTO table02 (field01,field02) VALUES ('" & f1 & "','" & f2 & "')"

adocon.execute myquery,myquery2

but this one only adds to the first table.

can someone tell me how to fix the problem?

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Date/Time Data Type

Im having trouble in storing blank or space value on a variable wich data type is Date/Time, if i make a statement like this

Field Data Type
CPARCAVEDate Date/Time

strCPARCAVEDate = rstFEVV.fields("CPARCAVEDate").value

if strCPARCAVEDate = "" then
counter = counter + 1
end if

The value doesnt increment. Do you guys have an idea how to recognize a no value.

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Inserting Data To SQL Database And Sending Email At The Same Time?

I’m attempting to insert some basic information (name, address, details) to the sql database and send a notification email (at the same time).

Right now, I can insert the information to the DB after I click submit, but how can I also receive an email? Please give some ideas how to do it.

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Time Calculation :: Difference Between Login And Current Time

I would like to display the difference between the logging time
[Session("start"] and the current time [now]. In hours minutes and seconds,
I have tried a couple of things but all I see is gobbledy gook.

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ASP To Re-load Page From Time To Time To Reset Varaibles

I have a website that I subscribe to that allows me to track tasks. I have an extra computer with a big monitor that i want to always display the task list. the problem is after so many hours I get logged out.

I need to need to reload that sign in url every few hours Code:

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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Data From Date/time By Date

How do i select all records from a table that has a datetime field in it by date.
so i want all the records that was created today.

if i put only the date it doesn't work. this is what i have:

strsql = "select cnum from [topline data] where cnum = '" & cnum & "' and activerecord = "& activerecord & " and timestamp <> '12/10/2007'"

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Time/Date Format And Changing Time To GMT

Currently working on a ASP for a friend, which requires the date and
time on it. It pulls in entries from an Access Database with dates and
times in the format of:

"Fri Oct 17 18:02:46 2003"
However my date and time on the ASP page is displayed as:
"Friday, October 17, 2003 18:02:46"
using the script:
"<%Session.LCID = 1033%>
<%=FormatDateTime(Date(), vbLongDate)%>
<%Session.LCID = 2057%>

Anyone know how to change this script, fully or partly to produce the
date and time on the format that's in the access database i.e. "Fri Oct 17
18:02:46 2003" Code:

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Time Convert String To OdbcType.Time

I am working on a database that collects information about incidents. One of the fields that people enter is the time of the incident. I am trying to convert that string that people enter into a OdbcType.Time and I am at a lost.

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Local Machine Time To Eastern Time

How will we convert the system date & time to other timezone for eg: Eastern Time zone using ASP?

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Time Function Returns Wrong Time

When the Form is submitted I use the Date() and Time() functions to put the date and time into the Body part of the e-mail. The time reported is three hours earlier than the time at which the Form is actually submitted.

I understand these functions are evaluated on the server so the server must be in a time zone three hours earlier than where I am . Is there any way I can get the local time at the location where the user is actually located. ?

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How To Get Asp Execution Time And Database Connection Time ?

Any some tools or sample codes drop down asp script execute time and
database connection time ?

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Server Time Local Time Convert

I'm trying to do a very simple code that converts the server time into a time zone of your choice.

dim h 'Current Hour
dim i ' Time Zone Increase - add or subtract hours
dim r 'Result Here
h = Hour(Now)
i = + 2
r = h + i

but obvisouly i'm having trouble with the time zone convert.

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Compare The NOW Time With A Deadline Time

I am trying to compare the NOW time with a "deadline" time. Please help. Just not sure why this is not working. I need to be able to say IF IT'S BEFORE 9:30 TODAY, IT'S OKAY TO ADD SOMETHING. IF IT'S AFTER 9:30 TODAY, YOU MUST ADD IT TOMORROW.


deadlinetime=formatdatetime(now(),2) + " 8:30:00 AM"
response.write "NOW: " & nowtime & "<BR>"
response.write "Deadline: " & deadlinetime & "<BR>"
if nowtime<deadlinetime then response.write "can send out today" end if
if nowtime>deadlinetime then response.write "must send out tomorrow" end

NOW: 1/18/2007 8:51:43 AM
Deadline: 1/18/2007 8:30:00 AM
can send out today

As you can see, NOW is GREATER THAN Deadline, so it should must send out tomorrow.

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