Send Multiple Values

I have a stored procedure that requires one variable to be filled: WHERE ItemNo = @ItemNo
Instead of sending 1 value,I'd like to send a bunch of values. I don't mind changing the SP if I new how to approach this. The user would select any number of ItemNo's from a form and submit.

Assume ItemNo's like: B1, B2, B3, etc...
The end result would be something like ...
WHERE ItemNo = B1 or ItemNo = B5 or ItemNo = B10 ...etc....

I want to build a recordset based on the user's selections. How?

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Send Values From One Page Form To Another

one page displays the values which have just been retreived, and i want those values to transfer to the next page which is a booking page.. Code:

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Cdo - Send To Multiple Recipients

I'm using cdo to send auto-generated emails. I'm calling a stored procedure that returns a recordset.

In most instances, the recordset will only return one record containing one email as the value. However, there are instances, where two records can be returned with two seperate email addresses that I need to send out using cdo. This is how I'm calling the procedure:


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Send To Multiple Recipients

I am using CDONTS to send a confirmation email. I am using plain text to send my email. I would like to send to multiple users, but I am already using the "To," "Cc," and "Bcc." Is it possible to send to multiple recipients in the "To" field? I am also using variables instead of hard coded email addresses. Here is my code:

Set MyCDONTSMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyCDONTSMail.From= TeacherEmail
MyCDONTSMail.To= Administrator, Administrator2, Administrator3
MyCDONTSMail.Cc= Secretary
MyCDONTSMail.Bcc= TeacherEmail

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Send Multiple Receivers

I have a database with a tbl "Email" in the tbl are two fields "Name and Email", now I have writen a asp script that emails to the all email addresses that are in tabel, here comes the problem, if I buld a loop that will bring all the emails in the same message iis doesn't allow it If i have fixed this problemm(hope that anyone can help me?), there is on more left, the recevers of this email have to see to who the email has send.Job

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How Can I Send The Mail To Multiple Recipients

how can i send the mail (CDONT) to multiple recepients in ASP

if i select the address from the address box ,then all the selected mail id will go to TO text box with ' seperator.

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ASPEmail To Send To Multiple Recipients?

ASPEmail to send to multiple recipients? I tried to use comma and semicolon but all the time give this message error:

Error: 6 - 501 Bad address syntax

nor : email@dom,email@dom,email@dom
or: email@dom;email@dom;email@dom

what is the sintaxe for it? can I only send for one recipient by time?

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Multiple Values

How do I pass in more that one variable in the form tag below
Dim CmdPopulatelist
Set Conn= Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
Set CmdPopulatelist = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
<% sql_select= "select * from Patch_Feedback where Patch_name= '"& view_name &" ' and Name_of_user = '" &Name_of_user &"' " %>
Conn.Open "DSN=Patch;uid=cmadmin;pwd=dci01;database=cm_db"
CmdPopulatelist.Open sql_select, Conn
<form method ="post" action="updateresponseA1.asp?update_ID=<%Response.Write(""& CmdPopulatelist ("Patch_ID") )%> ">

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Allow Multiple Values

I have code that is looking at the userlogin name and then assigns them to a certain value, thereby allowing them to see certain groups of reports on a website. If I want them to have multiple values, how would I code this? This is what I have so far:

if strUser="jdoe" or strUser="jsmith" then

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How To Send Multiple Attachments To Email, From This Script I'm Using Now...

Here's the script I'm using now to send me a picture selected in a form (from a browse button type thing), sent to me in the attachments.

Right now it will only send the one picture (field name="Attachment"), how can I change this script to send multiple (for example; ten) pictures in the attachments from the form??

Here's the script...

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Multiple String Values

how can I compare a values to multiple string values. i.e.

If Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") = "" Then
WriteLine "A problem has occured, please email for help<BR>"
end if

Would it be to do multiple if the elses, case or can you put all the possible values on the one line? i.e. "" or "345.234.234.234" etc.

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Insert Multiple Values

I've a multiple checkboxes and would like to insert those values into the db. How can we insert all those checkboxes’ values into 1 field (DB), we use a stored procedure. This is urgent

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Multiple Values In One Field

how do i insert multiple values into one database fields using ASP.

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Multiple Values From QueryString

how i could put multiple values on to a Query String and get them on the next ASP page. Currently on wy website, i know how to get one, but i am not sure how i am able to get more than one assigned to a specific variable.

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Passing Multiple Values

I have a link as follows:

<A HREF=""Tracker.asp?MovementID=" & RS("MovementID") & " PONumber=" &
RS("PONumber") & """>" & RS("MovementID") & "</A>

I am trying to pass: MovementID & PONumber.
On linking to Tracker.asp,

MovementID = 2257 PONumber=21071045
PONumber = Empty

I am just testing this with Request.querystring. What have I done wrong, how can I separate these values ?

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Multiple Queries And Using Their Values

I am running two queries on a single page and they essentially work, the only problem is that i am unsure exactly how to get one aspect to function properly.

To explain it correctly it will probably be easier to just show you the code, the first query looks like this: Code:

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Using Replace() For Multiple Values

is there a more efficient way to replace multiple values than this (so that the numbers 0-9 are placed with particular texts in one go): Code:

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Displaying Multiple Values

how do get ASP to display multiple calls from a database? For example, I can name a variable for a password, then query the database, then call the password variable later in the code and it should display the password from the database.


strBody = "Here is your login password: " & strPassword

If in the body of this message I want to have a username on the next line, how do you do this in code? I thought you used a &vblt command, but that throws an error.

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Request Multiple Values

i've got 7 radiobuttons with the same name, but them values are different. I need to request the checked values and insert in my field on the database, but how can i get do this separated ones?

<input name="idioma" type="checkbox" class="campo" value="1">Portuguese
<input name="idioma" type="checkbox" class="campo" value="2">Germany
<input name="idioma" type="checkbox" class="campo" value="3">Russian
<input name="idioma" type="checkbox" class="campo" value="4">Spain
<input name="idioma" type="checkbox" class="campo" value="5">French
<input name="idioma" type="checkbox" class="campo" value="6">English
<input name="idioma" type="checkbox" class="campo" value="7">Italian

Can anyone Helps me?

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Retrieve Multiple Values

I have some problems in trying to retrive multiple parameters from a stored procedure. When i want to just get one i use

select @param AS 'para'

But how should i do when i want multiple parameters out to the ASP files?

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Multiple Page Values

i want to submit 30 field(textbox,combo etc.) data into database.if i take all 30 fields on same asp page or form,the page will not look good, so i want to break that into 3 pages,each page will having only 10 fields.when all required fields on first page will be filled by the user then he will click on next button,so he will see next page , i.e. page no. 2,same for page 3.

if he want to come on previous page for editing some info,it should be possible.on 3rd page there is submit button,when he clicks on submit all the info will stored into table. can anyone tell me is it possible using ASP 3.0? if it is possible then tell me how to do this?

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Return Multiple Values

At the moment, the function looks like this:

public function fncGetPageContent(intSectionId_In)
set rsPageContent = connection.execute("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sections WHERE section_id = " & intSectionId_In & ";")
if not rsPageContent.eof then
strSectionCopy = rsPageContent("section_copy")
strSectionTitle = rsPageContent("section_title")
end if
set rsPageContent = nothing
end function

My question is, how do I call this function and return the two distinct values?

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Send Form Info To Multiple Database Emails?

I have two forms, one on each page. The user fills the first, then the second, then on the third page all the information is displayed for the user to make sure thats what they want to send.

Then they click submit on the third page and it goes through a database and depending on which category, state and county the user selected it will email all the information displayed on that third page to all the emails in the Email field in the database.

Now, I already have the first and second pages(easy enough) and the third page I can get it to display all the info how I want it and now I need to know how to go about emailing that info to the emails that match the specific fields? Right now all I have it doing on the third page, instead of submitting it for emailing, it just displays the info from the forms AND emails that match from the database. Code:

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Returning Multiple Values From A Function

I've looked around the net and searched this message board and haven't been able to find a solution to this problem. An application that I am currently making pushes and pulls data from SQL. One stored procedure is very important and returns many values.

I call this sp many times in my script and wanted to put it in easy to manage function, sub, or whatever works. The problem is that it returns about 10 values that I would need to return from the function back to the standard asp. Code:

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Multiple Values For Radio Buttons

I have a form on a web page with a number of radio buttons bound to
the same field. Is it possible to set up the form so that users can
select more than one radio button to submit multiple values to a field
in the way that you can, for example, in a drop down field?

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Returning Multiple Values From VBScript Function

I am using both VBScript and JavaScript functions in the same ASP file. All I need to do is to retrieve some values which are calculated in the VBScript function, to JavaScript. The call to the VBScript function is made through a JavaScript function. Code:

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Post Multiple Values For One Form Field

I loop through a recordset to return values that populate a form which
the user can then edit and save. However these fields need to be validated first
to make sure the data entered is correct. I have a Firstname field that returns 3 records
from my recordset which means when I try to validate, I get an error as the page doesn't know which of
the 3 to use. I believe I have to do it through an array, but have no clue how as my efforts have failed

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VBScript Function Returning Multiple Values

Is there a way to return multiple values from a function without using an
array? Would a dictionary object work better? Code:

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Freeaspupload: Retrieving Multiple Values From A Select Field

I'm having problems retrieving all the values from a multiple selection field using the freeaspupload component.

I'm creating an online email app that uses the freeaspupload to add attachement functionality, which means the form encoding type is multipart/form-data. I've done something similar with the persits aspupload component, and had no problems with that, but the freeaspupload version seems to handle <select> fields slightly differently. Code:

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Retrieving Multiple 'values' In A Single OPTION ITEM

I have a difficult technical challenge I'm facing. I need to retrieve multiple values for the very bottom item in the list, 'Federated' (ignore the rest).

The database will query based off the option 'value', however, in this special case I want to perform a retrieval based off of multiple of values. I want to try to use the existing code without reinventing the wheel. Code:

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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Form Values With A File - Passing Values

I want to call a recordset so you can edit the details and then obviously pass the parameters onwards into the db. However, the user guide just says this:

To process other fields in the form, use the Form collection of the upload object the same way you would use the Form collection of the Request object. For example, if your form had a text element named UserName, your processing code would include: Code:

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How To Convert Escape Values In To Actual Values

i need to convert the escape values which are by mistake updated in DB.

this is a sample text string
is updated in DB as

here %20 is the space.

like wise there are many entries for :,'

is there way that i can update all this in a update statement?
or use asp to to update the records?

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