SessionState - Db Settings

In a app in the web.config the session state can be looked after by the data base - the settings need to be entered into the web config such:

sqlConnectionString="data source=;user id=sa;password=t09

Our problem is that we do not want to expose the password of the data base user here - rather maintain it in a dll - is there a way for the code behind classes to set the user/password programmatically ? and if so how?

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Local Settings

The webserver I'm using (which I can't make any changes to) has a
Dutch-localsettings. When doing simple calculations the decimal-symbol in
ASP is a , (komma). Is it possible to force IIS to use a . as decimal symbol
by code? (IIS5)

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MySQL Settings

trying to connect to mySQL4...using....
set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection") "driver=MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver;database=kraken1"
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
SQL = "SELECT * FROM Access"
rs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
Set rs = conn.Execute(SQL)

And what i get is the error...
"Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype."

Is adOpenKeyset NOT the cursor to use????

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SMTP Settings

I'm trying to send mails from asp page.Its showing error.Permission denied.When I checked the IIS settings SMTP server showing unnknown. I cannot start the SMTP server. Wat shall ido to start the smtp server.

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Regional Settings

I have a problem with the regional settings. I have set the regional settings of the web server to display the numbers in this format 123.456,78. But when I open my web site all number are diplayed with the old format which is 123,456.78. I changes also the regional setting of my computer but it does not work.

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Resetting All Iis Settings

is there a way to reset all iis settings? i have tried a reinstall but still have problems. the main one being i cannot see any pages on a website it says page not found when i know there are pages there . i have even switched on directory browsing and clicked through directories to get to any asp pages and it just says page not found . i think its something to do with permissions but cant correct it so i want to reset to original settings, can i do this?

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Is It Possible To Change IIS Settings From ASP?

That was the first question. BTW, I am using Windows 2000 Server.

Second questions is how do I transfer session variables from one virtual
website to another website. Currently I have session variables set in say and then I click a link and goto How can I
transfer session variables from to Both sites
are virtual websites and running on the same physical server running Windows
2000 Server and IIS.

Is it even possible to transfer session variables between 2 websites? Or
share the same variables?

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Get To The Ragional Settings

how can i tell the user location (from the ragional settings?) in asp? i have a website written in several languages, i want to check the user country and redirect to his language automatically.

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Window Settings

Is it possible to declare the window settings (like toolbar displayed, width and height, etc.) when a page is loaded? Or is it only possible when with a link to a page? And is it possible with ASP only, or do you need javascript? Does anyone has some examples/tutorials?

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Modify IIS Settings

Does anyone know if there is a way of changing IIS settings using ASP specifically:

"The content where this content should come from" radio button property set on the Virtual Directory Tab (of a VD).

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Dayofweek Regional Settings?

I just installed a win2k server with sql2k and when i run datepart(wk,getdate()) it gives the american day of week, not european were monday =1 how do i fix that? can i set something in control panel? everywhere i look in regional settings I see it all set to swedish.

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Regional Settings In IIS6

I am trying to set a webserver to use French regional settings for testing
ASP pages.
According to, for IIS5, this is a
matter of changing the regional settings for the authenticated user, and if
this user does not have a user profile then the default regional settings.
Unfortunately, this does not seem to be working in IIS6, in that I have
change the default user's settings and I am still getting English dates. Can
anyone tell me if this is because the way IIS chooses its settings has
changed for IIS6 or just because I have done something wrong?

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Regional Settings In Iis Server

Iīve ran into trouble after a server upgrade. Win server 2003, IIS ver. 6.
All regional settings on the server is swedish(thatīs what i want) and it
looks correct in all ways but when running the date function in a asp page
it returns english short date format 24/5/2004 when I think it should be

The problem is that the application assumes swedish short date format.

Iīve read somewhere that the IIS server account has itīs own settings, how
do I change this ?

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Visual Studio Settings

How do I turn off the feature that adds code to my ASP pages in Visual Studio 6? I using include files and the editor keeps adding


to all of my pages causing them not to display properly in IE or NS. It's a pain going back in and deleting all of the unnecessary code it adds to my pages.

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Cannot Read Application Settings

I've defined two application settings in my web.config file. But in the following code :

Dim rootWebConfig1 As System.Configuration.Configuration
rootWebConfig1 =
System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.O penWebConfiguration(Nothing)
If (rootWebConfig1.AppSettings.Settings.Count 0) Then

sField1 = rootWebConfig1.AppSettings.Settings("field1")
sField2 = rootWebConfig1.AppSettings.Settings("field2")

End If

rootWebConfig1.AppSettings.Settings.Count always returns 0.

What am I doing wrong?

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Visual Studio IIS Settings

I have been trying for ages to get IIS running ASP script pages, without success.I don't know if it is a problem with IIS or visual studio I have tinkered with all the obvious stuff. point me to a website or a book which covers initial setup, step by step.

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Server Permission Settings

I have asp pages that call a database and sometimes updates it. The pages are under the root the database is in a db folder under the root. My server guy isn't too sure what the
permissions should be on the server to these folders (root & db). Can you give me some general instructions for this? Or point me in the right direction for the answer?

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Save Settings On Browser Close

I've been trying to save some user settings when the browser closes, but with little success. What I want to do is count a users' resource usage, and write it to a database when the user closes the browser. I tried to use the 'Session_End' event handler in global.asax, but that doesn't seem to work.

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Changing Internet Options Settings From ASP

i am producing some asp report pages for our company intranet but they dont print out correctly unless i change the internet options settings to "Print background colours or images" is there any way i can change this when people open the webpage?

I wouldnt think that is possible so.... is there any way to get around this using style sheets? I havent really used them yet.

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Different Session Timeout Settings For Individual Pages?

I have an IIS v5.0 installed in a windows 2000 box hosting a set of asp pages. These pages are accessed by premium service subscribers only with a 5-hour timeout setting.

Now I need to build another jsp site for a special group of users which enjoys a longer session timeout of 8 hours. I have duplicated the original asp pages and this duplicated asp pages will be accessed and displayed by iframe in the jsp. (I hate to do this because I'm relying on an ocx for the page to work).

How do I control the session timeout settings of these 2 sets of asp pages so that they have individual timeout settings?

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Reading Registry Settings From The Client Machine

1. I need to read the registry settings from the client machine using an ASP file running on the server.

2. Also I need to create an XML file at the client machine and the ASP file running on the server should read the data from this clent XML file.

If anyone could give me some suggestions on how to proceed this I would be very much glad.

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Adding Smtp Server Settings To CDOSYS

i am having trouble getting CDOSYS to work, i have just changed from CDONTS (which was working fine), because i want to be able to email a webpage as my body Code:

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How To Get Back The Date Format From The Server's Regional Settings

I was testing the date formats with different values set to Session.LCID and then I removed the Session.LCID completely from my asp page and expected the date format to show according to the Regional settings of the server but it was showing the last format of the Session.LCID.

My question is how to remove the value which I previously set to Session.LCID because I want to use back the date format from the Regional settings.

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Change In Short Date Format Under Hebrew Regional Settings

This is regarding a change in the Short Date format under Hebrew Regional
Settings, that has caused huge problems in our ASP web application. The
change appears to have been introduced sometime before Windows 2000 Service
Pack 4 and has remained through to Windows XP. I am looking for a solution
that doesn't involve rewriting our application (much) and that allows all
our users to keep using Hebrew Regional Settings.

To summarize our problem - we have an ASP-based intranet web application
that is used in our Israel office. Before we installed Windows 2000 SP4 on
our web server and on the client machines in the office, the application ran
perfectly. Dates appeared on the pages and in input textboxes in the correct
dd/mm/yyyy format. Immediately after installing SP4, dates on the pages and
in input textboxes are formatted as yyyy/mm/dd. This is not just a visual
change, it has caused many functions in the application to break. Code:

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