Setting A Server Variable

I know that you can do : Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") but can
you actually set a serverVariable?
I know that sounds counter intuitive , but is it possible, via vbscipt/asp?

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Setting Variable In Query

I have a sql query that runs on my asp page.

contactname,contactnumber,contactnumber1,contactem ail,address,city,state
,zip,type,sqft,0,bedrooms,baths,lotsize,acreage,ga rage,comments,price,0,
0,county from table1 where active='Y'

I need HASPHOTO to equal 1 if hasphoto <> 0 and HASPHOTO=0 when
hasphoto=0. Make sense? HASPHOTO usually equals a number, but in this
case, I want it to equal a 1 or 0 because I am exporting this to a CSV
file. I know how to do everything else, just not this part.

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ASP Equivalent Of CFParam - Setting A Value Of A Form Variable

I'd like to do something similar to CFParam, but in ASP - basically, I have a form variable ("Type") which may or may not be passed from the referring page. Some referring pages have an input field called "Type", whilst others do not.

I'm actually a CF developer, but keen to learn ASP. My current code at the top of the script is : Code:

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Setting Session Variable Maxes Dllhost

I have an ASP application that has been running for 5 years that I am now modifying. Since then, I have installed 1.1 and 2.0 on my xp pro box. Whenever I run the "login" code for the app, it crashes as my dllhost goes to 98% cpu. I have traced the code to this line:


What is strange is if I set the value to 11 or lower, this does not fail. What is also strange is if I set Session("SCH1UserID")= 123 it works. I know this has to have something to do with running on this box as well. I have tried running the app in its own process (High) and creating it's own virtual directory with no luck.

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Setting Result Of Sql Statement Equal To A Variable For Further Use

I'm trying to calculate the total time using values from database I run a select statement to find the timein column in my database.

Now how do i assign the result to a variable so that it can be used? There is only going to be one result because i'm checking it against an autonumber field. that is used as time 1. Code:

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Setting Up The ASP Server ...

i'd like to make asp page which will run on my computer and other users can connect through the internet on it's a simple one asp page. .. the thing is i don't know how to setup ASP server ... anyway ... Code:

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Setting Server Timeout In Asp?

Is there a way to specify the server timeout for IIS in an asp file rather than with IIS. As I would just want one page to have a long timeout period but limit the other pages in the site.

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Setting Up Local Server?

What is the best way to set up a server with MSSQL on your local machine. I have IIS set up, and am wondering if there is some way to get MSSQL for testing purposes for a reduced cost? From what I understand, a typical MSSQL license is around $8,000, am I right

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Setting Server's Timezone

I host my web application with a USA company, which using USA timezone.My audience is from Malaysia which is in different timezone.How to set the server timezone in asp?
I wish to get a solution which, after I set the timezone, response.write Now() can return the Malaysia local time.

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Cost Of Setting Up An Asp Web Server

what would be the cost of setting up an asp web server apart from the hardware?

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Setting Up Personal Web Server On XP Pro

I want to set up a Personal Web Server on my computer, which is an XP Pro. THe book has a link to download this -- at THe problem is that this page looks kind of outdated and I am using XP Pro. Also, when you click on "Option 1" on that page, you go to a page with 4 different NT Options. WHich one do I select when using XP Pro?

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Server Variable

Is it possible to assign a value to a server varaiable? i have installed a program and i want to set a value to a new varaiable HTTP_NEWVARIABLE. How can i do this?

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Server Variable

i am making an online application for my company where only company members can access it. anyone know any server variable or how to make this happen. i need to know the computer name of the user . i can track the ip but need the computer name.

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Server Variable

I hv recently developed a site which was developed locally within a domain, and for some simple restrictions I used an if statement based on the server variable 'auth_user', and all worked.

All was working fine until I need to now move the project. It is being hosted within our company but on a different subnet and now the variable is not being passed through, which im guessing is something to do with the different location.

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Server-Side Variable

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
dim a
'I want b=a at this place
<Script language=VBScript>
dim b
How can a'value be given to b by program?

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AUTH_USER Server Variable

how it is possible to change the value of the AUTH_USER server variable? Is this possible? If no, how I could change the logged user?

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Server Variable REMOTE_USER

I'm writing a page and i need to store the username of the person submiting a form so that that person can later edit the information if need be. But right now the only variable giving me a value is REMOTE_ADDR. Which will work but if the ip changes ect it wont.

Right now REMOTE_USER, LOGON_USER, UNMAPPED_REMOTE_USER, and AUTH_USER all return a Null string. I dont have direct access to the server so any options i need set i need to make a request to the I.S. Department. What do i need to do so that the server retreives this information?

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Passing A Variable To Another Server?

its for a uni project and i need some help, my uni asp server doesnt support CDONTS and i cant get an automatic emal thing to work, but i have got a simple php one working on a different server (

now the user is entering their email address ( variable = "m_ail") in flash and passing it to a asp script to put it in a database, and i want to email out the user welcoming them to the list. I have been told i need to set up a poxy script to pass this variable over to a php script on the other server.

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Server Variable For Querystring

Is there a server variable that returns the query string part of a url?

Below gets my page, but i need to capture what comes after ".asp"




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Changing Server Side Variable

how I could change the value of a server variable when the user clicks a button. The asp page displays a report using server side vbscript, and I have added an 'export' button that will copy the report to a file. I need this button to change a boolean so that the page will re-run, writing the report to the file instead of the screen.

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Server.execute Inserting A Variable Into An Array

I have a main page 'album.asp' which server.executes a file 'alicia2.txt'.

I am currently using session variables to move the values of the variables back and forth. I have run into a problem with an array. I currently have : Code:

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OnClick Event Increment Server Side Variable

When the user clicks a button, I want to increment a server side variable by 1. When the user clicks a different button, I want to decrement a server side variable by 1 only if the variable is not less than or equal to 1. Does any one know how to do this?

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Accessing/Passing An Object Variable To A Server.Execute Include

I've been browsing this and a few other related newsgroups trying to get my head around this problem, and so far all the trails seem to go cold, without an acceptable solution being reached. I'm posting here because there seems to be a few MVP's knocking around, and if they dont know, then it's a safe bet nobody does.

I'm beginning to think that what I want to do is simply not possible - but i'll put it out there once more.

Here goes: I'm writing a content managaement system - and i'm making use of dynamic includes via the "read a text file" technique, and then substitiuting values into markers in the template. Code:

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Calling Com + Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

I'm turning my application into a "DLL". Everything worked fine untill I try to do a "While" in my asp code. Then I recieve an error like this:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

My vb code look like this.....

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Passing Data From Javascript Variable To Asp Variable.

is there any way of passing a javascript variable over to a asp variable so
i can write it to my database.

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IIS Setting To Run Asp

I am trying just to run a simple asp commands in the
Internet Explorer. ( I have windows XP)

When I run this asp lines on ASP Matrix web server it is

But, when I run this on IIS it acts like the asp engine
is not working.

I created the virtual directory and started the default
server web page but still not working.

Please let me know what else I have to do to run asp
program at IIS?

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Setting The Value

I am creating an edit facility for an online showroom which I want to output the
contents of a database record into a form so it can be edited and updated by the user.
Two of the form fields are text boxes of type="file". When I try to output the value of
these filenames to the text boxes they don't appear.

I have tried outputting these in a normal text box and they output fine so it is obviously
a restriction when outputing to file type text boxes.

here is the code I am using:

<input type="file" name="file" size="50" value="<%=rs("File Name")%>">
<input name="thumb" type="file" id="thumb" size="50" value="<%=rs("Thumb Name")%>">

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Setting Up IIS PWS

I am currently having problem with parsing .asp files when I tried to type http://localhost/iisstart.asp file with my new IIS local server.f I tried to open .html with my localhost server.. it is working properly, example: http://www.localhost/postinfo.html

I suspect it could be because of my firewall or the way I setup my IIS local webserver was inappropriate.

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Setting Up IIS

Does anyone know about setting up IIS on WinXP? I have it installed but when I try to use it, it asks for a username and password, and I dont know what the username and passwords are. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Convert ASP Variable To Javascript Variable

How do I convert an ASP variable to a Javascript variable?

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Setting Cookies

I am not able to set cookies with the domain name on a
Windows 2000 server with IIS 5.0. If I use the IP address
it works. I have another machine running IIS and I
configured them together.

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Setting Up An Array

im trying to set up an array of database records. i want to be able to display all information but only display the request numbers once for each number...while displaying all seq number's associated with each request number. ex:

request # seq number instead of
500 1 500 1
2 500 2
501 1 501 1
2 501 2

right now, it works so that the request numbers are printed out for each seq number....i've marked the section of code where the problem is being caused...i think it's in the way im trying to set up the array. Code:

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Setting Img Size

I need to set the image size in the following line. When I try to set the
img to 75x75 I am getting an error. The line I'm having problems with is :

Response.Write "<a href='" & imageFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'><img
src='" & thumbFilePath & strPicArray(0,x) & "'width="75" height="75"></a>"

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