Setting Up A Sql Database On My Home Computer

I've been meaning to setup a website on my computer again. I have calbe so its a static IP

i remember I downloaded three three programs but i can't remember exactly what they were or where I got them

1.)I think i had a sql database: mysql I think

2.)Then i think i had php but where can i get that for free?

3.) finally i think i had some kinda of board program using the sql database bbforums or something

Finally, I think i found out latter that all three are available in one download that preconfigures everything (configuring the stuff was a real pain in the butt)

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Localhost / Home Computer

I am trying to play with ASP on my home computer. I am placing a "hello.asp" page with simple code in C:Inetpub or C:Inetpubwwwroot and running it and am getting:

The page cannot be displayed. The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. I am running Windows 2000 Server, and I just stripped off Apache/ MySQL. I am not sure what I need to do to allow myself to run ASP pages on my home computer.

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Database To Another Computer

I use Sql Server.I want to back up a database on server over network to my computer.I do not have Sql server on my computer.It will be kept as a file.
The questions come to my mind:Should I first back up database from Sql server to server which Sql Server resides? or Is there any possibility to back up database from Sql server directly to my computer over network?If it is not, how should I accomplish this? Using Vbscript?First Create "Scheduled tasks" then using ".vbs" file which I will create to automatically send file to my computer over network.

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View Database Content On My Computer

how can i view an ASP pages on my computer that contains some data from a DB. i can view the ASP files with no problems but when it comes to some pages with a DB content it doest appear.

should i download SQL server or MySQL..?

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Setting Database Path

What is the best/common practice when configuring the database path?When the asp application is distributed to customers. How can I facilitate trouble-free installation?. In my applications I use servermappath to determine the position of my files, but databases (Access) are usually stored in different folder structures depending
on the servers.

What is usually done to configure an application?? Ask the administrator/customer to edit global.asa manually? Is there a way to make this task easier for non experienced customers? Is the connect string with the path usually stored in global.asa or in an include file?

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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IIS And XP Home

Is there a component I can download that will run asp on XP Home?

I have XP Pro on my home dev system but only have XP Home on my laptop
and don't really want to spend out on another XP Pro license.

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ASP On XP Home

What's the best way that I will be able to code ASP on my XP Home, can I get it for free

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Home Page

Our home page name is index.html index html include left and right html. so google
get left or right html. and we would like if someone click the page then
open home page. ( if opening page is not in frame then redirect
ndex.html )

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Asp Home Page

Im building a website for a mate they want a news story on the front page that is pulled through from a database.Just want to know if i can make this page called index.asp - will it be recognised as the index page?

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Alternative To IIS On XP Home?

i have read a few articles saying that you can run IIS on XP home but it does not look too reliable to me and am not too willing to try, so is there an alternative set-up i can use to test my ASP before uploading?

i say this as all ftp hosts seem to want your code pre-tested before uploading .

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Run ASP Pages On Win XP Home

is it possible to run asp on win xp home edi? i know that it does not have the iis, but i was wondering if there is any other third party softwares that allow to achieve this.cheers.

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Running ASP On XP Home

is it possible to install PWS on XP Home? If not, is there another way to run asp on XP Home?

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IIS 5 Running On XP Home Edition

I'm running windows XP and went to add "IIS 5.0" from the add windows components but it wasn't there,does anyone here know what i should do? One more question, is it still worth learning ASP since ASP.NET came out?

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Redirects To Home.aspx.

I' currently making a time and movement site for our department.I would like for the user to use a login page,once they log in I want them to be directed to a personnal home page that allows to add and view their current week movements.How would I proceed
I built a login page, once the login is validated it redirects to home.aspx.
In the home aspx what would the coding for the home page to retreive the date related to the particular employee without having the employee to retypr his login information in a search form.

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IIS Server On Windows XP Home

is there a way to install the IIS server on Windows XP home? Like the one you get wih Windows XP Proffesional CD. I have found this website which has a method of doing it, although it says here tha Microsoft says you need Windows XP Professional to install this and that this is only a workaround I wasn't sure if this was true or not.

The main reason I thought of this was because I would have thought Microsoft would have had a file you can download from their website or some thing like that, although I haven't found any other way of doing this yet.

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Custom Home Pages

I'm looking to do custom homepages based on user login, something like googles homepage, But not as drastic. I'm not sure how i should go about this. any suggestions on the thought process would be nice .

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Install IIS In XP Home Edition

I have Windows XP Home edition. Is there any way I can Install IIS in my machine (without upgrading to XP Pro)? I need to run and test my asp programs utilizing MS Accsess and SQL Server.

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Setup ASP Server At Home

Could someone lead me in the direction on how to set up server on my home PC so I can view my ASP pages, rather than uploading them to host server to view. The easiest and less painful way.

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Wierd Issue With XP Home / XP Pro

When I access a web page that adds information to a database on a PC running
XP Pro it works as it should.

When I access the same page from a PC running XP Home I get a ' Internal
server error - page cannot be dispalyed' message.

I've tried it on 5 PC's running XP Pro & 5 running XP Home - same result.

ASP code is: Code:

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Personal Web Server On Windows XP Home?

Is there a way to have Personal Web Server on XP- Home?

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Home Page - Default Variable?

I'm very new to ASP, but developing a dynamic website using ASP and an Access dbase.

I've created a template page (index.asp) and I plan for this to be the only page required for the whole site as the rest of the content will be loaded dynamically based on variables in the querystring. For example, if the querystring was: index.asp?PageStr=home, the home page content would load, if it was index.asp?PageStr=contact, the contact content would load.

My question is this. If someone went to my domain there would be no default variable in the querystring and no content would load. Is there a way round having to create two pages - a default home page and another page for everything else?

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Computer Name

I'm building an Intranet for my company and would like to retrieve the computer name of the users PC which they're using to access the Intranet. Is this possible? If so how?

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Computer Name In ASP

How can I retrieve the computer name of the browser and output it to the
webpage in ASP/VBScript?

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Get Computer Name

I need to get the computer name of the computer that is accessing my page.I have a web app on an Intranet (server) that is getting the name "INTRANET" if I use the " Wscript.Network " code. If I access this web app, I need the name of my computer, the one accessing the web app, not the name of the Intranet server.

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Unable To Install IIS On Windows XP Home Edition

I red a tutorial for installing IIS on windows XP HE, I bought a new
laptop with windows xp he, and i want to install iis on it, in the
tutorial i enter the system and make some changes then i add the
iis.dll and the iis.inf, anyway.. after some steps I reach to the
control panel and I have an IIS option, I thought it worked but when I
was not able to check the option in order to click next and continue
to the installation of the IIS.

I rebooted and remade the tutorial but i got the same problem - can't
check the option of the iis in the control panel "ADD/REMOVE WINDOWS
COMPONENTS" - what can i do ?

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500 Internal Server Error On ASP Home Page

hosted on my own IIS while developing and had no problems, but since putting the site up onto an external ISP, we have been getting server errors when trying to access the default.asp page. Clicking refresh loads the page fine (but of course, new visitors don't know this!)The address of the site is . If you type this address into the address bar you may recreate the error (it doesn't always occur)

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Computer Can't Count

Essentially all I'm trying to do is add numbers together. If there isn't a record then create one with the number 001.

If there is a record add one to the number (Which in most cases will be 001) so the next number should be 002.

My problem is that it gets to 002 and stops. Any ideas why? Code:

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Can You Grab The Computer Name?

can you grab the computer name via asp?

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Computer Room

we have 7 computers can access our web application.Is there a way I can use their computer names to identify which computer login?I use asp and javascript.

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Search For A Certain Computer On A LAN

how to search for a certain computer on a LAN? Using its name for example.

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Install Asp In My Computer

how to install asp into my computer and i know that it needs iis server connection.can u tell me how to do that.

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Retrieve Computer Name

how to retrieve the computer name using ASP?

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