Setup Custom Error Page

I have a custom 404 error page. When I change my site properties in IIS (IIS 5.0, BTW) to point to a file, I still get the original 404 error page. But, then I copied my error page to my root, then pointed to it via URL and it works! BUT, I would prefer to use the file page instead of the URL.

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Custom Error Page

I am still in the debugging of my website, but I'm nearing the end. As a last phase implementation, I want to be able to catch all asp errors and if there is one, send the user to a custom "sorry bout that" page, rather than having the errors displayed on that; if there aren't any errors, let the page load.
I setup the 404 error, but that doesn't seem to accomplish what I want.

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IIS ASP Custom Error Page

why I can't use custom error messages with the asp extension in IIS5.1? I have set up a custom page to handle errors called errorHandler.asp and all HTML is rendered but not the asp.

If i put Hello World in the html body section it renders but if I put the same in a response.write of the asp it won't render.

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Custom 404 Error Page

I have created a custom error page using asp. When I upload it to my site to test that it works, it appears to run fine. I have set it up so that an email would be sent to me if there is a page that can not be found. I first tested the page to make sure an email would be sent to me and it works.

Then I made sure that my server variables where be queried by printing them to the screen. But when I go in to IIS to point the 404 error to my new page and test it, the page is processed like straight html and not as an asp page.

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Custom ASP 500 Error Page

i have looked around on google and on here but cant find a decent example of making a custom 500 error page. I want an example that i can look at and unserstand then amend for my own needs (ie emailing the errors etc).

Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Custom Error 404 Page

I set up a custom error 404 page as URL and it works sometimes but not always. The problem is when the URL contains special characters, like [ or : , it produces the error message:

The system cannot find the file specified. and nothing else. The response code is 404, and it does not contain any other info in the response header. The server is IIS5.

The odd thing about this problem is that it happens on only one server that I am aware of. Most of my clients do not have this problem, so I suspect that this is a server related issue instead of coding issue. What can possibly cause this problem?

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Modify IE Page Setup

I would like to modify IE page setup before printing the window. But i want to do it without opening the FILE-> Page Setup window. In fact, i would like to remove the header and footer of pages beforeprinting them. but i want to do it using asp or vbscript and without any end user action.

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Browser Error Setup

I just reinstalled my computer and I use to have my Internet explorer set up in such a way that is would give info on the error's on my pages, like it would tell me which line the error was on and what the error was. But I can't remember which option I schould change in the browser to get this working again.

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Error During Virtual Directory Setup

I just got one virtual directory setup and try to run my web application from there. I am getting following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: 'Session'

I even try to create test.asp and put it in wwwroot folder only code I had was:

Response.write Session.SessionID

and I got same error. Am I missing somehting in my IIS setup? I got IIS 5.0 and front page 2002 extension applied.

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Trying To Setup A Receipt Page. Problems With Recordsets.

I'm trying to setup a receipt page to finalize my whole shopping cart deal.

PayPal is used to pay and it uses IPN to return the data back to my script which inserts everything into the database and then forwards to my receipt page.

The IPN script page stores the orderID under a session variable called orderNumber. With that, I've created recordsets on my receipt page to hold the orders and orderDetails information just fine.

My problem is that neither of these tables hold the product's name so that I can display line items. The orderDetails recordset does have Product ID and is related to the Products table in my database by the productID field.

How can I make the receipt page list the actual names instead of just the IDs?

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Custom 404 Page

I notice that when you have the defualt setup of 404 error
pages the IIS 5.0 log tracks the page the user was trying
to get to and the page they where at when they tryed to
get to the now missing page. I recently wrote my own 404
error page to make it match my site but when I set IIS to
use my custom page it no longer traks the page that the
user was trying to get.

I was told I needed to add some
code to my page to fix this, but I don't know what code to
add. Can someone tell me? (I am useing ASP on the custom
404 error page) I am returning a 404 error response,
everything works fine it is just that IIS does not log
what page the user was trying to get to.

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Custom 404 Asp Page

I created my own custom 404 handler and it works, so when I put in
it produces the correct 404 error and you see in the url still which is fine.

But when I put in

it redirects to

it gives a 302 (moved temporarily) as well as the 404 error.
Why does it do this for not .html files? I dont redirect it at all, and am
thestring = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") to get the url

but thestring sometimes does not display the asdf depending what I do after
this command, very odd.

does anybody have anyideas as to how to preserve this in the url and avoid the 302?

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Custom 404 Page On IIS

I asked my hosting service to setup a custom 404 page for me. They did, but when purposely calling a non-existing page with XMLHTTP, the new 404 page returns a 200 / OK status.

They seem to be taking their time trying to fix this, so I wonder if a custom 404 page that truly returns 404 status is a hard thing to set up for individual domains hosted on IIS. I hope my question makes sense to the readers.

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Custom 500 Error

When you have a custom HTTP 500 error handler, how do you go about making sure all your previously opened recordsets/objects/connections/etc.are closed properly?

It would seem to me that once you hit a 500 error, you have no opportunity to close any of the previously opened objects, eventually causing memory leaks.

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Custom Redirect 404 Page

I am trying to do the similar to mod rewrite and use the custom 404 rewrite
page to handle the table look up, so
will redirect to for the detail pages.
Will google see this forwarding in the 404 redirect page and ignore the
links?Also, how can I make the URL of
appear in the users url window instead of the

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Custom Login Page

We have a requirement where we have to develop a custom Login Page which
will accept user's NT credentials ( Username , password, domain name).
This then needs to be passed to a website which uses Windows Authentication
my question is how do we pass these credentials to IIS in classic ASP?

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Custom 404 Error Handling

When a user tries to visit a non-existant page in our web site they receive a custom 404 error message. I want to capture the URL the user tried to visit. Does anyone know where I can find this string?

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Custom Asp Error Messages

On windows xp we can modify 500-100.asp file for custom asp error messages. How can we do this on a windows NT 4.0 and IIS.or what is the similar file on NT and IIS?

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Custom Error Pages

is there a way to make custom error pages specific to a particular page?I know you can make customer error pages for iis to use.but if there is an error on a particuar page, can i make a custom error page to be redirected to?

for example,if a user is clicking away and runs into an error,it would display error1.htm.if they were on a different page and an error occured,they would get an

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Custom Error Handler

Just a quick question about making a custom error handler. Can I use. Code:

<%On Error Response.Redirect("error.asp")%>

instead of defining a custom error page in IIS? My site is hosted by an ISP so doing the latter would leave me completely without error messages; my way I could comment out the On Error code when debugging.

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Custom Error Messages To Alert Me

I have a site that currently has custom error messages enabled for all error messages, i.e. any error goes directly to error.asp etc. What I want to do however is have this error.asp email me with a fairly detailed error message outlining the problem that caused the error.

What is the best way of doing this? My server allows me to setup custom messages for any type of error but obviously to do this would be time consuming. Is there a way I can basically email myself an almost exact copy of the error message that I would get if I was viewing the page and the error happened to me?

For example, a 501.100 error can cover any number of error and whereas a message telling me that a person got a 501.100 at 12.43 on 31/5/2004 is ok it isn't very helpful. I want it to say:

501.100 at 12.43 on 31/5/2004
Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03F9)
Expected 'Then'
/kshs/cms/cmsDefault.asp, line 54, column 39

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IIS Log / Custom Error Database Discrepancies

We currently have custom error logging setup on all of our websites. We
have IIS setup to redirect to our custom 500-100.asp page which logs the
error to a database and then redirects to a friendly error message page.

Last week we were working on a pretty troublesome error on our intranet site
and noticed huge discrepencies between the IIS Log and our error log
database. On this particular day for this particular site, the IIS Log has
literally thousands more errors logged than our database does.

I am very familiar with ASP error logging and completely understand how our
current system is working. I've been given the task of figuring out why
there are more errors in the IIS Logs than in our "dbSiteErrorLog" database,
the destination db of our custom 500-100 page.

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Search Result To Custom Named Page

Here is what I am trying to accomplish.

Language: .asp vbscript

Building a searchable real estate property database (MS Access)

Search page submits form variables to result page.

Works great but I have seen other web sites where the results page is a custom named page. for example.

If you search for homes with the following criteria.

Criteria: Buford, GA 30519

Your results page is named something like the following.


Is this only doable in .aspx or can I accomplish this task in .asp?

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Custom Http Error 404 To Catch Requests

I have 404.asp file that catches non existing pages such as for spanish version of site. Now I would like to move ahead and have instead. I started digging into subdomains in IIS and found out that usually when creating subdomain in IIS it creates a separate sub-directory by the same name as the subdomain created. From some reason the custom error 404.asp file I already have is not called when a call to a non existing sub domain page is made.

Anyone knows why?

How do I configure 404.asp to also handle subdomain page requests?

I know that in Unix/Apache I can use .htaccess file to direct calls to to quite easily, can this be done somehow on IIS?

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IIS Setup

I'm a bit fed up with having to constantly change my INCLUDE statements from INCLUDE FILE to INCLUDE VIRTUAL when I'm ready to put a new page out on my webserver. How can I configure IIS on my WinXP Laptop to mimic how my hosting company has their server setup?

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Setup SSL

I setup SSL. Now users can see the site at port 80 and at port 443. i want to disable 80.
How to?

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Upload And Setup

I have a problem with uploading my sql database and I dont know how to set up it
and how to adjust it with asp.

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Printer Setup

Is there code that I can write that will change the user's printer setup so that my web page will always print out on one page. I would like the output of the page to look the same no matter who is printing the page. How do I do this?

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JMail Setup

I have JMail installed, and when I code for remote servers, I am able to send the mail just fine, however I have yet to figure out how to test locally with IIS 5.1's mail server.

Does anyone have some information on how to setup the local system so I can test this feature before I script for it remotely? I'm sure that there 2 key points where I'm having a problem is

1. Setting up the IIS Mail Server
2. Defining the Mail Server in the JMail ASP code....


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Application Setup

We have recently developed a document management application for internal use.The application uses SQL Server backend,ASP frontend and also stores the documents uploaded in a folder on the server.

It all works okay at present but when we do implement in the different country. The network is setup such that all the servers are accessible internally

We plan to setup the second site by using a local webserver and altering the asp code to upload the files to thier local server and also setting up the local sql server which replicated the data from our main server.

Is this approach a good one?and How do we maintain the integrity of the Order Number column which is set to Indentity type so it automatically generated a new order if when a new order is created.

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To configure CDOSYS, there are values that have to be set similar to:

EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @iMsg, 'Configuration.fields("").Value','2'

So everytime an email is sent, the script will contact Microsoft's website? Is this information that is being read necessarily taken from Microsoft's website? Is it possible to hold that information locally and or to hard code that information such as:

... ("<hard-coded info>").Value','2'

I would rather not depend on Microsoft to be able to send out email.

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Setup Basic Authentication

I have setup basic authentication on one of my web sites. For some reason, I get challenged when I navigate to some of the ASP's within the website. I have checked all the pages and made sure they all have authorisation set to a specific group.

What can be causing this?

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How To Setup A HTTP Server In The PC

I actually used a tool called HFS(HTTP File Server 2.2a) which allows to
upload or download files but with this tool am able to retrieve the contents
of the page using GET method but not able to test the behavior of POST, PUT
and DELETE HTTP methods. Code:

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