Shop Cart List Page With Several Remove Buttons, No Javascript

how would I go doing it without javascript and using 'POST'?

Having a page with a variable list of items in a shopcart, each item
with its own 'remove' button. How could I do this without a javascript
and using POST as the form type? (so having <a href="page.htm?remove=2>
is not possible)

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How Do I Remove Decimals From A Shopping Cart Prices

I have almost completed a small japanese shopping cart in asp. The shopping cart was freecode in english and I converted it to japanese. The problem is japanese Yen does not use decimals and the prices are displaying decimals.

The cart uses a access db, I went into the db and specified the price to have no decimals but the decimals are still being displayed . Is there a easy way to get rid of the decimals Code:

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Remove Items From A List

Here's my list:

required = "street_name, city, zip, country, email, phone, url,
username, password"
notrequired = "email, url"

So what I need to do is take email and url from the required list and make a new list. I've got a bad cold, and my brain doesn't seem to be functioning correctly. I just can't seem to make this work without either truncating the result incorrectly, or getting duplicate values.

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Automatically Remove Symbols Using JavaScript

i have created an *.asp page where I alert the user if they attempt to submit the form using with commas, single or double quotes (, ' ")

I have written the following function but for some reason it is not working as I thought it would Code:

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How To Remove Blanks From A List Menu??

One of my tables is used for two purposes so there are blanks in the column I'm filtering. I tried using an IF statement but it still put the blanks in the list menu. Any idea how to remove the blank items? Code:

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Remove Duplicates From List Or Array

I am returning a list form a db: this could be 1,2,3,4,12,67,1,2,34 so basically I am looking at how to remove the duplicates before doing another select. I saw a thread here with a funciton to do this bu it does not seem to work.

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2 List-boxes With Add & Remove Button

I would like to create a page with VBscript and ASP which will contain
two list-boxes one in the left side and the other in the right side
with two buttons namely "Add>>" and "<<Remove" so that if the user
selects a value listed in the left side list-box and presses "Add>>"
then that selected value should go inside the right side list-box.

Similarly if the user selects a value listed in the right side
list-box and after clicking "<<Remove" then that selected value should
go back to the left side list-box.

Can anyone provide me the code?

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Online Shop Using ASP..

Need some advice/pointer on how to develop an online shop using ASP.

I have some experience developing with ASP having previously designed a web based IP & Hardware tracking site using an Access 97 database to store the data.

I have been asked to develop a pilot web site in the form of an online shop with possibly a shopping cart feature and web based admin to update the site as and when required.

I am quite comfortable about setting up the initial site however I need more information and examples of how to set up the E-Commerce side of the site, how a shopping cart feature can be implemented using ASP and user registration and account management.

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Remove The Page.asp After The Link

How can I remove the page.asp link from the address bar? For example I have a link called, after the user clicks on the menu navigation. How can I get rid of page.asp?f=1 so that only appears? Another thing, will request.querystring still work then?

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How To Remove The Title Bar From A Page?

I just made a link that opens up a new page. I have it to where it will not show the address but Is there a way to get rid of the title bar?

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Remove Cached Page In Browser

I have three asp pages. The initial page is login.asp, it goes to page hello.asp. And hello.asp goes to page another.asp. If it goes back from hello.asp to login.asp, then in Internet Explorer, clicking on Back, the cache of the page hello.asp has been removed, which is the effect that I want.

If it goes back from another.asp to login.asp, and then in Internet Explorer, clicking on Back, the page another.asp still remains. Code:

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Remove Cached Page In Browser

I have three asp pages. The initial page is login.asp, it goes to page hello.asp. And hello.asp goes to page another.asp.

If it goes back from hello.asp to login.asp, then in Internet Explorer, clicking on Back, the cache of the page hello.asp has been removed, which is the effect that I want. If it goes back from another.asp to login.asp, and then in Internet Explorer, clicking on Back, the page another.asp still remains. Code:

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Update Cart Page

i am using following code to display purchansed items...

<tr bgcolor=#ffffff>
<td class=h1 class=stocktextfont><b><%=RS("cnt")%></td>
<td class=h1><b><input type=text name=qty<%=RS("Order_Qty")%> class=stocktextfont size=2 value=<%=RS("Order_Qty")%> maxlength=2></td>
<td class=h1><%=RS("Order_Item")%> <input type=hidden name=pname value="<%=RS("Order_Item")%>"></td>
<td class=k1><input type=text name="pval" class=stocktextform size=5 value=<%=RS("Order_Amount")%>></td>
<td class=h1><input type=button name=but value="Update" class=stockbuttonfont2></td>

in this i get by <%=RS("cnt")%> which keeps increasing by 1. when i change some quantity how to capture in next page as i wont be knowing how many itesm are displayed in this page and which item user wants to update.

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How Do I Reload The Page To Show New Info With Multiple Submit Buttons

i am new to asp and web designing, and was wondering how to reload a page so that a different set of images appear, depending on which submit button is pressed. Code:

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How To Make A Hierarchial Tree Of Option Buttons Expand Without Refreshing Asp Page?

I have a list of broad categories. For example:


Each of them are preceded by an option button. After the text, there is a plus sign. (this means that I can click on the + sign and then drill down further). For instance:


Similarly, if I want I can drill down California, if I want to.

Now my question is:

How can I drill down each of them without refreshing the page ? Every time I click on the + sign, the whole page refreshes and then I have to scroll down to see the break down list of the hierarchial tree.

Please suggest ways of doing this dynamically. How can I expand my hierarchial list without having to lose the focus on my hierarchial option tree?

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Javascript And Asp Page

I have a javascript code which was helped by someone in this forum. Here is the code:

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JavaScript & FSO In One Page

I am just a beginner in ASP and need your experiences. I want to display a popup menu written in JavaScript on some links in a page.This popup menu will be multileveled.And when the mouse comes over an item in the menu File System Objects code will execute.Here is an example: Code:

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List Box In Web Page

I need a vb 6 's list box equivelent component in web (HTML or ASP) ?The detail is. I need to develope a system in which a database offers list of items from which user will select its choice & that choice will be added to a list box of selected items. When user's selection finish he can see his selected items in a seprate list box In VB 6 it has been done using list boxes. If we create a web based system for that how we'll accomplish that.

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Ca;ll Javascript In Page Load

I'm having some fits with getting this to work but I'm near the end and I'm
hoping this one obstacle is not a huge one to get past.
Here's my scenario:
I have a page where when someone clicks on a dropdown and selects an item,
it will hide 2 other dropdown boxes that are related as the input in those
are applicable. When I save those items, everything gets into the db fine.
The problem is when the page refreshes, those 2 related dropdown boxes that
should be not visible are still visible. Is there a way in VBScript to
hide/show those controls based on the data in dropdown A? Javascript is
handling the actions but I don't think I can call Javascript on page load.

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Print Page With Javascript

I display an HTML Report on the screen and have a print button on the page. The print button uses the following JavaScript code.


Works great except it displayed the print dialog box and the user must hit the print button on the diaglog box to print the report. Is there any way to print the Web Page directly without displaying the Print Dialog Box?

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JAVASCRIPT Validation In An ASP Page

I created an upload page.. using ASP. It works fine but there seems to be a problem with the javascript field validations I wrote. There is a Paper title and upload extension validation in the page... when people use netscape and submit it... nothing is happening...

but the paper is being uploaded... doesn't go to the confimation page... and if they use Explorer and try to submit the paper again... it gives a 'File already Exists' error as they already submitted using Netscape.. Can any one help me fix this problem so that it works fine with both browsers... or is there a way I can write a server side validation? HERE IS MY CODE:

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Javascript Confirm In ASP Page

I'm trying to make a confirm window for my site, the confirmation ask user a question with yes or no answer then if the response is yes redirects the user to a page and if its no redirects to another page.The problem is that i need the two pages to carry a different querystring; also i need this to act as a link and not as a form.

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VBScript And JavaScript On Same Page

I want to pull data from a number of tables, Categories, SubCategroies
and then place into JavaScript drop downs and have the options in the
second drop down change upon the selection from the 1st drop down. Is
this possible.? How is it done..? Arrays..?

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Print Two Page List

I have a list that has two pages or more. How to print all the pages
clicking a print button? Right now, it just prints the screen using the

<input type='button' class='button' value='Print'>

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How Do I Call A JavaScript Function From An ASP Page?

I have created a JavaScript function to validate values of a parameter. Let's say validate(parm). I have saved the entire file as and included in my ASP page as:
<!--#include virtual="/"-->

Now from an ASP page I want to call JavaScript validate function and pass on a parameter, X, to validate. How do I call a JavaScript function from an ASP page?

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JavaScript Where It Runs When Embedded In Asp Page

I want to know when we embed javascript or vbscript in asp pages where the script runs whether on client's browser or web server? also is there any possibilities like in we have "runat" wherein we can specify sever or client option available when we are programing in asp.

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How To Call Asp Page With A Javascript Command

How to call asp page with a javascript command.

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Accessing List Box On Same Page Before Submitting

My form contains a drop down list of univ. campuses and depending
upon the campus user is selecting, I am selecting the courses offered
in that campus from database (MS Acccess) and showing those in a
different drop down list below.

Is there any way that I can access that campus-list value before
submitting it to database?

Also, please give me solutions in VBScript and no javascript. That's my
Prof.s restriction. One of my friend told, there is no way this can be
done. But I am sure there must be some solution. Microsoft is not that less

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Database List Page At A Time

I show information from a database in a table format. I will be showing more and more data and would like to show it one page at a time with a next page back page option.
Can I do this on a web page and does anyone know where I could look to find out how

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Pass A Javascript Variable To Another Page But Vbscript

I have an input box when the user clicks on the button.

var number=prompt("enter journal number");

How is it possible to pass this variable forward but to vbscript? So i could use that variable in an sql procedure?

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ASP Page As Remote Function Call From Javascript

I've been playing with the idea of just how to use an ASP page to provide a
remote function call. In an ideal world this would be a web service but how
can you do it if restricted to ASP 3.0 ?

Idea 1 was to write an ASP page that accepted arguments using the classic
?X=1&Y=2 type of strings and have the page return an ADO disconnected record
set containing the results of the action. This is call very well, and works,
but you do have to allow the browser to create an ADODB.RecordSet in which
to place the results which goes against some security principles. Code:

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Printing Web Page Without Using Javascript Command Window.print()

I want to print a complete asp page without using Javascript command window.print(). I want to print current web page in backgroud withot displaying printer dialog. Can you give me some information.

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ASP Auto Generated List Forcing Page To Push Out

I output a list of towns from a database via a normal recordset loop into a normal paragraph with links - BUT for some reason it is totally pushing the page out... is there any reason for this? I also placed trim() on the town name in case there were lots of mistaken spaces, etc. Code:

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