Show Previously Entered Data

I have two pages in my Web system that works in such a manner:
1. Page A allows users to input data into the web form
2. Page B displays data from Page A and other additional info

Page A contains only data inputs of HTML types TEXT and SELECT.I'd like to have an "Edit" button in Page B where it allows users to be redirected to Page A to view all of the previously entered data (and edit the data from there).

Can I do this without using "Request.QueryString" or "Request.Form" commands? I can't use "history.back()" or "history.go(-1)" commands, because with them, Page A is shown with empty data in it.

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Entered Data

What I would like to know how to do is take entered data from a textbox on a form
and then use that typed in text as part of a SQL query. For instance I have a textbox
(lets call it txtDate), and say someone entered "04/27/2004" into the textbox. I would
like to then make a sql query call like: SELECT * from myDatabase WHERE scheduleDate
= "04/27/2004" (<- Data entered in textbox)

This seems like it should be very simple, I have my database connection working and I
can pull out all the tables and tables using Static Querys.

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Validating To See If Data Is Entered

I have this JavaScript code in my html file(search page) to check and see if any data is entered in the text field. If there is no data entered, there will be this box that 'pops up' to say ask the user to enter some data.

The problem is that when I enter some data into the textfield, it is suppossed to lead to the database which i have created. But in this case, when I enter some data into the textfield, instead of opening the .asp file, it just reloads the search page(html file).

How am I supposed to solve this problem?

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How To Ensure Data Is Entered

I have data being entered in a form and I would like to ensure that the fields are not left blank. How can I do it?

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User Entered Form Data

I am storing user entered form data from an ASP page in a MSSQL 2000 database. I would like to give my administrators a way to download a tab file with the entries. Is writing an ASP page the best way to do this? And if so, how can I convert database records into a file that will download through the browser?

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Previously Generated HTML File

This is a tricky one for me and I'm hoping someone might have a bright idea. Ok, here goes. I've made a form generator which generates a html file. I need the user to be able to go back and edit the form at a later date perhaps adding another form element.

I know that you can 'openTextfile' and get the html code. I need to work out a way of the user being able to add a form element at a specific point (ie between two other previously generated form elements).

I know I could load the html into a textarea and have the user edit it from there, but I am assuming the end-user has no (or little) html knowledge.

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Best Way To Show Summary Of Data...

i would like to show a summary of data in our database. it's more like a report showing things like totals for 2006, 2005, etc. what is the best way to do this and make it efficient?

i have a report right now consisting of about 20 queries i've been slowly putting together. when i run all of these on the page, it takes a good 15 seconds for it to generate the figures (and this is on a dual 3.0 ghz xeon machine). does anyone have any suggests on an efficient way to accomplish this?

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Cannot Show Up Data From Access

My code show no error but the record cannot appear. My code =

if request("tarikh") = "" then
tarikh = Date()
tarikh = request("tarikh")
if isdate(tarikh) = false then
ralat = "Sila masukkan tarikh dalam format dd/mm/yyyy"
tarikh = Date()
end if
end if

sql = "select * from audit_trail where cstr(tarikhlogin) = '"&tarikh &"' order by masalogin desc"
set rs = conn.execute(sql)

response.write sql =
select * from audit_trail where cstr(tarikhlogin) = '04/02/2005' order by masalogin desc

Storing record have no problem but this code cant display any data.

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Show Excel Data

how to show excel data in asp?

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Show All Post Data

I was just wondering if there is a variable or procedure for getting all the POST data sent to a page. I don't want to have to handle every case for the POST data, I just want all POST data sent to the page to be outputted automatically.

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Show Selective Data

I have an Excel file and NEED to show the data onto the webpage using ASP. The data shown on the page varies depending on the ID entered in the webpage.

Right now i Import the data into Access and then show it on the page with the JET engine.

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Show Data Without Database Installed

I have a strange problem. I have to show demo presentation in CD. In
this presentation record will be show from database. But we dont have
to install the database. any body can see the cd and can search the
data. how it is possible because the databse will not be installed in
CD and computer also.

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Show Only If Data In Individual Database Fields

I have announcements down the left hand column of a site and want to display contact info if it is available - if it is entered into the database. So I only want to display a space plus the data if there is data in the field. Code:

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Adding Items To An Array - And Keeping Items Previously Added

I have a funtion that is supposed to add items in my shopping basket.

It's an array, and each time the user is adding an item, it adds the item to the array with its quantity and size.

I've never used arrays before, read about it, etc...

The only problem is that when it adds the new product, it's not keeping the ones which were there before :-(.

I have used REDIM PRESERVE. So can't find out what is wrong.

Below are the funtions that i use for testing and the coding where I implement them. Code:

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Keyword Entered By User

i want to search a database containing the keyword entered by the user.
i tried this code:

myquery = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author LIKE '%" & Request.Form("keyword") & "%';"

but this one only searches the "author" field. i want asp to search the entire database regardless of the field.

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Entered Items To Inbox

i have 5 textboxes and 2 radio buttons in my form and one submit button.after filling datas in my form if i click submit button all the details has to go to my client mail inbox in the same format

for example

name :timmy
age :25
sex :male

in this format i will fill datas in my form and in the same format has to be shown for my client after sending mail this to my client.if my client open this mail he has to able to see entered datas in the same way i entered before sending.

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Text Field Equal To Entered Value

I need to make a text field equal to the entered value. Example: First time to the page nothing will show up in the field because nothing was entered. I enter a value and submit the form. The redirect is to the same page to add new inforation but this time the value entered in that one text field will be there. I tried <%=Request.Form("box")%as the value of the text field but to
no success.

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Checking For Nothing Entered In An Asp Form Post

How do you check for a empty value from a form?

lservice = request.form("pservice")

if not isnull(lservice) then <== this doesnt work.
tried "" empty string and it still didnt work.

I'm having problems with the fact the user didnt enter anything. The field is optional.

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Text To Appear On The Secont Textbox,while Entered On The First

i have a form in asp, with the following textboxes


how do i make whatever is entered in the username textbox to automatically appear on the username2 textbox before the form submission?

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Passing Entered Value To Multiple Pages

Is it possible to take a value entered on one page and access it on several different pages? For example, I want the user to enter their email on the first page, make a selection on the second page, and the third page will display a form based on their selection on the second page. I then want to submit all the data entered on the form on the thrid page along with their email address from the first page to a database.

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Check Entered Form Values And Insert Them To Db

I have this page set up at
what is the easiest way to check where the user has entered a value
and submit the row to the db. Maybe i'm going about the form wrong.
Each box has its one name but I was hoping i could get around using a
request.form on each one and useing the isEmpty. Its so tedious and
non efficient there has to be an easier way.. Maybe with .net possibly?

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Change Time Zone On Date Entered

how to either change the time zone or add three hours to the following?

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If Then Show

is there a tutorial around anywhere that tells you how to change images on the page when a user selects from a select box

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Don't Show Everything

I have a database of songs listed as Title, Artist,Description, DiscNo and TrackNo with a seperate record in that format for each song.What I would like to do is search through them for the Description, show only the disc numbers in the results.

This I can do easily. Where I am lost is that I only want each individual disc number to show once. If I moveNext through the recordset, it shows the disc number 15 times per disc. Is there a filter I can add to limit this display?

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Don't Want This To Show

Is there any way to input .asp code so that a specific element isn't show on a page? example: I don't want a menu on a specific product page, but I want it on all the others. Is there any code to input into a site wide includes file to implement this?

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Show A Progress Bar

I have a ASP application which let user to download their reports in pdf format. I would like to show a progress bar, or change the mouse cursor to a hourglass while the user is waiting for the file. How to acomplish this? In the asp code, I use response.BinaryWrite to create the pdf file directly to the browser. How to detect when the file is ready?

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Show Recordsets

I create a page which will show me all the Regions from the table "RegionTable" where I have no information (empty fields) in on of the fields RegionDescription or RegionRank.
It is to make my content managing easier. I do not want to see those records which contain all the necessary info (region description and rank).
I tried the following code, but it does not work

qry = "SELECT * FROM RegionTable WHERE RegionDescription="" AND RegionRank="" "

error message is:
([Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1)

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Show Full Value

I have a query that displays values from a db.
The problem is that the value displays like this:
R 6.5
instead of like this:
R 6.50
How would I get it to show the full value?

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ok, well what I have been having some trouble with is to show the person character name like this:

Welcome, 'Username' <-- Here I want it to show the persons username from the database.

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How Can I Have A % Or $ Show Up In An E-mail?

I am using a Cdonts e-mail script that e-mails the results of a form to my address. It currently displays the data like:

Amount: 12.00
Percent: 2.00

I need it to say:

Amount: $12.00
Percent: 2.00%

How can I get the $ and % symbols to be included in the e-mail template without getting a 500 error?

Here is what I have:

Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Amount: " & request.form("amount")
Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Percent: " & request.form("percent")

I've tried a few diffrent ways but here is one example:

Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Amount: $" & request.form("amount")
Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Percent: " & request.form("percent")%

I've tried using / before the symbols and "" but everything I've tried keeps coming up with a 500 error. How can I add these symbols to my template so they will show up in the e-mail?

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Show First 100 Chars

I know we have this thread somewhere, but I can't seem
to find it now

I want to show the first 100 chars of a string, but
I don't want a word to be cut in half at the end, it must
show the whole word then and go a bit beyond 100 chars.

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Show Array

How do you print out all of the contents of an array if all you know is the array name?
FOr example, I am looking at pre existing code that looks like this:Code:

scartItem2 = session("cartItem")
arrCart2 = session("MyCart")
For Z = 0 to scartItem2
cartfields2="&Email=YES" & "&processed" & z & "=" & arrCart2(cProductid,z) & "&quantity=" & arrCart2(cQuantity,z)
What I need to find out is if there are ANY other elements other than cProductid AND cQuantity in this array and what their names would be so I can add them to the code.

I know that I could print out the values of the above by simply doing this:


But how do I find out if there's a cFeature or any other element?

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Web Browser Does Not Show

i have very strange error.i can not see some of the asp pages on my browser. when i
look from view source, all the source is there but browser does not show anything, just an empty page.

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