Show Textfile In Browser

I'm pretty new to webprogramming. I use VWD 2008 Express Edition.
I try to build a webpage and the content of that page is stored in a
textfile on the filesystem. That way I can change the content of my webpage
very easy. The problem is that I can't figure out how to show the content of
that textfile in my browser.

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Web Browser Does Not Show

i have very strange error.i can not see some of the asp pages on my browser. when i
look from view source, all the source is there but browser does not show anything, just an empty page.

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ASP And TextFile

I would like to know how can I open a textfile from other website like

I want to open it in my default.asp, without remove my banners and buttons and all my Images, Im just want to open it in the middle of my asp page. How can I do that?

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How To Append To A Textfile?

I cannot append to a textfile. This is my sample code:

set f=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set obj_log .CreateTextFile"C:loglog.txt",true)
obj_log.WriteLine("Added schedule by [Name]")
Set obj_log=Nothing
Set f=Nothing

The problem is the next time i execute these lines from an asp page, it does not append in a new line. I cannot figure out how.It just keep on overwriting.

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Asp Guestbook W/ Textfile

i need a asp script out there for a guestbook. all the form input will be stored to a normal txt file, not a database. anyone have any links out there for this ? i have found a couple, but got errors when setting them up and it's been the script, not the server.

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TextFile Never Return

I cannot use the OpenTextFile method, it's never return and I get no
error message! Setting Response.Buffer=False, has no effect. No matter
if I use it ForReading or ForWriting, it never return. In the following
code, the problem occurs at line 3.

aFileName = Server.MapPath("WEB_PROD.htm")
set fs = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fso = fs.OpenTextFile(aFileName, ForReading, False)
s = ts.ReadAll
set ts = nothing
Response.Write s

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Create Textfile Using Asp

i want to create atext file using asp(filesystemobject but my explorer hangs on. Why?

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Editing A Textfile

I am currently writing a script for a course i am doing, It lists all the files and folders on the server, and works similar to windows explorer ( if you click on the folder it shows the content ). I have enabled it so you can delete, view source, and download all files/folders.

Now theres one more thing i would like to do, and that is to enable the user to edit a file, and i am struggling quite a bit, any guidance, ideas or links to a similar tutorial. I am probably going about it completley the wrong way, I was trying to open the file read each line and write it into a textarea, so the user could edit it, and then save it.

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Cannot Append To Textfile

With the following code I can create a new textfile if it does not exist, but it seems impossible to me, to append data to an existing file.

Dim objOpenFile, objFSO, strPath
StrPath = Server.MapPath("../smslog.txt")
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If objFSO.FileExists(StrPath) Then
Set objOpenFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(StrPath, ForAppending)
Set objOpenFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(StrPath, True)
objOpenFile.WriteLine "KundNr;Namn;Datum;Tid" 'header
End if
what I have done wrong?

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Textfile Search

I'm trying to make a text file search that will read a text file looking for the string the user typed in, then if it finds the string i want it to display all the information on that line then continue it's search through the rest of the file repeating the previous step if needed.

What i've got so far is it reading the text file in and it can search for a particular string(word, name etc) and say whether or not its in the file, but i don't know how to get it to display the whole line of information and continue it's search.

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Write And Read From Textfile

Alright im tryin 2 write 2 a text file and then read from tat text file on the same page is this possible this is what i got so far. Code:

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Keyword Search A Textfile

I read a text file in ASP using readline. The line is stored in a variable. I want to be able to search that line for a specific word.

How do I go about this?

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ASP RecordSet Output To A .CSV Textfile

After I've performed a query and held the data in a RecordSet (rsQuery), can
I dump the recordset into a comma separated text file? How?

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Read Last Line In Textfile

I wuz just wondering, whats the easiest way to read a text files last line...

I know i have to count the lines and put pointer to the last line and read from there.. but i cant get the hang of it

heres my code:

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If Then Show

is there a tutorial around anywhere that tells you how to change images on the page when a user selects from a select box

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Don't Show Everything

I have a database of songs listed as Title, Artist,Description, DiscNo and TrackNo with a seperate record in that format for each song.What I would like to do is search through them for the Description, show only the disc numbers in the results.

This I can do easily. Where I am lost is that I only want each individual disc number to show once. If I moveNext through the recordset, it shows the disc number 15 times per disc. Is there a filter I can add to limit this display?

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Don't Want This To Show

Is there any way to input .asp code so that a specific element isn't show on a page? example: I don't want a menu on a specific product page, but I want it on all the others. Is there any code to input into a site wide includes file to implement this?

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Show A Progress Bar

I have a ASP application which let user to download their reports in pdf format. I would like to show a progress bar, or change the mouse cursor to a hourglass while the user is waiting for the file. How to acomplish this? In the asp code, I use response.BinaryWrite to create the pdf file directly to the browser. How to detect when the file is ready?

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Show Recordsets

I create a page which will show me all the Regions from the table "RegionTable" where I have no information (empty fields) in on of the fields RegionDescription or RegionRank.
It is to make my content managing easier. I do not want to see those records which contain all the necessary info (region description and rank).
I tried the following code, but it does not work

qry = "SELECT * FROM RegionTable WHERE RegionDescription="" AND RegionRank="" "

error message is:
([Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1)

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Show Full Value

I have a query that displays values from a db.
The problem is that the value displays like this:
R 6.5
instead of like this:
R 6.50
How would I get it to show the full value?

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ok, well what I have been having some trouble with is to show the person character name like this:

Welcome, 'Username' <-- Here I want it to show the persons username from the database.

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How Can I Have A % Or $ Show Up In An E-mail?

I am using a Cdonts e-mail script that e-mails the results of a form to my address. It currently displays the data like:

Amount: 12.00
Percent: 2.00

I need it to say:

Amount: $12.00
Percent: 2.00%

How can I get the $ and % symbols to be included in the e-mail template without getting a 500 error?

Here is what I have:

Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Amount: " & request.form("amount")
Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Percent: " & request.form("percent")

I've tried a few diffrent ways but here is one example:

Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Amount: $" & request.form("amount")
Body = Body & vbcrlf & "Percent: " & request.form("percent")%

I've tried using / before the symbols and "" but everything I've tried keeps coming up with a 500 error. How can I add these symbols to my template so they will show up in the e-mail?

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Show First 100 Chars

I know we have this thread somewhere, but I can't seem
to find it now

I want to show the first 100 chars of a string, but
I don't want a word to be cut in half at the end, it must
show the whole word then and go a bit beyond 100 chars.

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Show Array

How do you print out all of the contents of an array if all you know is the array name?
FOr example, I am looking at pre existing code that looks like this:Code:

scartItem2 = session("cartItem")
arrCart2 = session("MyCart")
For Z = 0 to scartItem2
cartfields2="&Email=YES" & "&processed" & z & "=" & arrCart2(cProductid,z) & "&quantity=" & arrCart2(cQuantity,z)
What I need to find out is if there are ANY other elements other than cProductid AND cQuantity in this array and what their names would be so I can add them to the code.

I know that I could print out the values of the above by simply doing this:


But how do I find out if there's a cFeature or any other element?

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Show The Content

im looking to find out how can i make, when the pointer is over a link or picture without clickin on the link an small textbox(something like that) open and show the content of that link. for example in this forum when you go over a thread you can see the content.

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Show Most Current PDF

I have a ASP page that when a user clicks a link it uses a DLL to stamp a .pdf with a watermark and then display the .pdf in there web browser using the Adobe Reader. This all works fine.

if a user views a pdf and then modifes it if they click the link again it still shows the old version of the file. They have to hit there refresh button to show the changes. How can I make it so my page always displays the lastest version of the PDF and not what is in the cache?

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JScript Show

i have a website that users log on to. On one of the pages is a form. What I want to do is only show a certain part of the form for specific users. The way i want to do this is by using their username as a 'show if' command in dreamweaver. What I currently have is this

<% If Session("MM_Username") = "union" %>

all data to be hidden shown is here

<% End If %>

But this doesnt work for me! Any suggestions on how to show this properly?

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Show To Currency

I want to show the currency like that xxx.00. In my database, i already set the type of column which i want to show to currency. However, the currency can no be shown as my expect. It only show like that XXX..

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Show The Visitor's IP

In one of my ASP page, I want to show the visitor's IP. Who can I do that?

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Show Popup

how to show popup windows (html format) and the size is depending on the size of image?

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Show The Link

i m displaying only 4 lines of my main news..and after that there is one link more...if user click on this link then the detail of this news will display....but problem is i want to show the rest of content of this news at same place..i maen to say after clicking more it will display my main news content in place of 4 line and more link Code:

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Show Message Box

I have some problems with how to show error message. Now I have two asp pages such as page "A" and page "B" and When I click a button on page "A" then the process will check conditions from page "B" ,so if there're some errors it will redirect to page "A" and show error message box.

I would like to know that how to show the message box?

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Show Db Table Name

where in i could show in a dropdown the database table name as i would like the whole databse be searched according to a specific table?

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