Simple File Sharing Is Not Enough

to share files is 1 thing as IIs will od it just fine on its own, however i would like to give my site a little more than white backgrounds and garbage about times files are created so i ( with some help ) wrote the following script. Code:

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File Sharing

how d code works under this category?

any samples?website references?recent projects?
i'm looking for ideas..

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Sharing Violation File May Be In Use

After a ASP page call a DLL I cant't delete the DLL anymore.
"There has been a sharing violation file may be in use"

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Simple ASP File Upload Code

Can anyone tell me where I can find some 'simple ASP File Upload code'? I've googled 'File Upload' but they all seem to be very involved with a lot of files. I'm still considered a novice when it comes to ASP.

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Sharing A Folder

I really need a coding help regarding sharing Folder Module to specific members through giving them rights for access while using Classic ASP....

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Sharing FormsAuthentication

How do I can Call .net dll in an asp Page.I want to implement .Net formsAuthentication as dll in .Net and I want to use that in my asp pages.My project contains both asp and pages.My Logon page is an asp page. How can I do this?

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App For Sharing My DVD Collection With Friends

I have several hundreeds of DVDs, and friends often call
me to borrow some.

I'd like to be able to have my entire collection on my
web page (i have everything in a database already) and
let them browse for the title they want, then "check" the ones
they need and see if they're "available" or not.

Then this would send me an email with the titles and the name
of the person requesting them.

Is there any ready to use solution or should I just jump into
developing it myself?

If there is something, any link to a product like that?
Something simple: title, cover picture, available or not.

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2 IE Sessions Sharing The Same Per-Session Cookie!!

I am having a problem tracking down what I believe to be a problem with
the way cookies are being used on our website application.

When user log onto the application, an in-memory (per-session) cookie
is created to hold the session key for the user. This unique key is
assigned as part of the business layer logon process, and never changes
while the user is logged on. The call to the business component returns
this unique key if the logon was successful, and the cookie is set up
as follows:

Response.Cookies("SessionKey").Path = "/"
Response.Cookies("SessionKey") = strSessionKey

Nowhere is the cookie assigned an .expires value.

Once a user has completed this logon process, they must then click past
an intermediate agreement page before actually having access to the main
application. When this intermediate page is submitted, it accesses the
cookie, extracts the session identifier and writes the value to a
database table.

The code to achieve this looks something like:

strSessionKey = Request.Cookies("SessionKey")
Dim objInstance
Set objInstance = Server.CreateObject("SomeComponent.SomeClass")
objInstance.StoreIdentifier strSessionKey
Set objInstance= nothing

The whole process works fine until I try to do the second stage (the
intermediate agreement) with two separate IE sessions (there are 2
separate IEXPLORER.EXE entries in task manager) very quickly.

I can go through the whole process fine, and then while leaving the
application open, I can start again with a new IE window and complete
the process again. In each case the correct identifier is stored in the
database for each separate session.

If I get to the second stage of the logon process with 2 separate IE
sessions, and submit both agreement pages at the same time (or as close
together as I can), then they both write the same unique session
identifier to the database, as if they are accessing the same cookie!
The session identifier used is the one from the first agreement page I
submit. This definitely only happens if I do this at the same time.
Wait a few seconds between the submissions and all is well.

Has anyone come across something like this before and can advise on a
possible reason?

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Sharing Data Among Pages On Different Domains Using ServerXMLHTTP

I'm including the output of an .asp page hosted on other domain using serverXMLHTTP.
Is it possible that I can share the values of some variables from external file.

Like session or others like (suppose..)

TablesBGColor = "#FFG445"
TableHieght = "600"
session("ImagesFolder") = "http://www.SiteABC/_images/"

If i include the settings.asp file on the top of my asp page then How can i use
the above mentioned variables/values down in my own ASP page.

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Sharing Data Between Client And Server Scripts

Suppose I load data from a database and store it in a VBScript array using asp (i.e. this is all done from the server)

I then want to have some client side scripts (they have to be client side because they are activated depending on what the user does on the page). Is there any way of accessing the array generated at the server, through the client side scripts???

If not, how else can I write my page?? The data is loaded from a database, which is obviously done at the server. If not by doing what I have already described, how else can i use the database data in my client side scripts???

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Simple Encryption (simple)

A system I use uses advanced encryption for passwords. It was taken from some sample script and adapted some where. However this was I think intended to be for passwords. So nothing too long.

However the time has come where I need to create a function to encrypt a large amount of text. It has to encrpt a large amount of text but nothing too advanced is needed to be honest. Just so its unreadable because its written to a text file on drive. It has to be a function though then capable of decrypting the encrypted text.

Any ideas ? Again Dont have to be nothing too flash. I mean I had a go at just changing letters to different letters but the function got huge with all the replaces.

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Simple One

i have 3 fields like these

and i add them up to get the totalcharge like this

Total_charge=Int(membershipamount) + int(Postage) + int(GiftArticles_Amount)

so i get Total_charge=120.00 which is what i want

but when i have like this


i get Total_charge=118.00

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Simple One

does someone know a good site for asp 3.0 interiew questions

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Simple If

I have only begun to look into ASP due to an assignments requirements.I usually code in PHP,one feature in PHP is to be able to do an if.else statement,where if a certain statement is true then a chunk of HTML can be outputted.

Basically I want to be able to do this in ASP to use with a simple authentication system which I will construct.I have just got a fat book on ASP,and am beginning to read through it

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Simple If/else

I am not an ASP programmer, but I need help with the syntax. I have a simple if/else statement that I need to translate into ASP. Begin Pseudocode

(id == 1,2,3,4,5,6),
then print "Private"
Print <a href="<%=rs("ID")%>" target="_blank">Register</a>
End Pseudocode

So how do I say this in ASP?

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Simple Upload

i'm trying to create just a simple upload - fill in a form with the article
title, and description - and select a file - i need to upload that file to
the webserver, and then rename that file to the <% =Sartid %>.pdf

any ideas where to get something this simple from? never done anything like
this before - i'm guessing the FSO will be used?

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Simple Sendmail With CDO

This code is working partially fine

sch = ""
Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2
cdoConfig.Fields.Item(sch & "smtpserver") = ""

Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set cdoMessage.Configuration = cdoConfig
cdoMessage.From = Request.Form("E-Mail")
cdoMessage.To = Request.Form("sendto")
cdoMessage.Subject = "Tilbakemelding fra nettsiden"
cdoMessage.TextBody = strBody
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing
Response.redirect Request.form("resulturl")

Well, this works with only some addresses and not others.


will work...

On the other hand:

won't work at all...

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Simple ASP Page

I need to send data from a 'form' on an HTML page to an ASP page.

The ASP page should 'return' a simple HTML page containing
the data from any items submitted, including any hidden items.

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Simple Login

A user logs in, then based on their account (username/pass), they are redirected to a specific web address.
I only need 3 different accounts.
Can this be done with Javascript? Or do I need to use a database?
If you can point me to some script that will achieve this I would love it!

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Simple Problem

I got a small problem that I think you can solve in a sec.I use ASP to tell day, date, month etc on this page:

But,as the servers is in Sweden and I´m in Sweden to, I see the text in Swedish.
Can anyone that lives in any other country just please tell me if the text is in English when youre not viewing it from a Swedish connection.
IF it´s still in Swedish, how (if) can I make it change to English text or am I stuck with some messy old Java Script??

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ASP Simple Upload

does anyone know of a good place to find code samples for ASP Simple Upload. I can't seem to get to the original site.

What I need to do is upload the file and save the path and some other info into to a database.

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Simple IF Statement

I have a stylesheet switcher which store the user style preference in a cookie, however how do I modify the following to use the default stylesheet of “styles.css” if there is no cookie on the users computer? Code:

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Simple Update Where?

Ok how do i update based on 2 Where options
i know this is wrong but i don't know how to do it.

strSQL = "UPDATE [Job Contract Assignments] SET currentassignment = 0 WHERE cnum= '" & cnumqs & "' "&" WHERE currentassignment = -1"

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Simple Thing

can someone tell me whats wrong with this code.i applying the style in right way


<tr style="background-color: #386cae; color: #000000; a:link {color: #000000; font-weight: bold;}
a:visited {color: #ded9dd;} a:hover {color: #000000; font-weight: bold; decoration: underline;}">

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Simple Textbox

i have a shopping cart type system where a user adds items to their cart, and as they are doing this, i have a textbox for the user to enter the quantity of the selected item they want!i want this textbox to be max. 3 characters in length (for asthetic purposes!!) but no matter waht width i make it, it is always displayed much bigger(longer) than i want! So how do i force this
textbox to be no more than 3 characters in length?

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Simple Query

I want to display a message if the submit button was pushed on the same page.

<% If Request.form("submit") = "Submit" Then

Response.Write "Your photo was successfully uploaded."


The action of the form is the same page. Code:

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Simple Task

I want is to have my asp code test if it is the first time the page has loaded. If so it will need to skip my validation info, if not then run the validation code:

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Simple Script

I've agreed to help a friend with a free project and everything was going fine until they got some free web space from another friend. It's running on windows and everything is ASP. I have never been near ASP and I really don't understand much. I use PHP/apache and even then it's only tinkering.I was hoping to find a simple script I could plug in and use as a contact form and one for a mailing list (both form to mail type things). But I can't. I've eventually managed to find a couple but I coulnt'd make any sense of them or get them to work.

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Simple Checkbox To / From DB

I have a form that only has one check box in it for active / inactive. This form is when viewing a member record. My 2 questions are:

How do I get the checkbox into the form showing the state that it is in the database? - I can get a check box to show, but can not get it to show ticked / not ticked according to the database Code:

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Simple DB Permissions

I have a database (*.mdb), which I can connect to, query on, and return results from in ASP. Now, I want to do some ADDs,UPDATEs,and DELETEs.... but I get errors executing my SQL... What's the trick?

PS My connection (thus far) is this, and works.

Dim Conn
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open Server.MapPath("myDatabase.mdb")

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Simple Cookie

I have this little flash movie on the main page of a website and I want to set the cookie so that when user first enters the site, the flash plays but when the user browses around and goes back to the main page, the flash movie won't repeat again ... kinda like ........ they can only see the movie 1 time when first entering the site but after that they won't be able to see it again unless they clear their cookies from their computer

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Simple ASP Uploader .dll

how can get simpleaspuploader for free.

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Simple Math

I am trying to add my numeric fields together to produce a total. Does the following make sense to anyone? Code:

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