Sms To Mobile

I'm supposed to send sms from our intranet to mobile phone. I'm not
relevant to this; its extremely new to me. I need ASP code to build
connectivity from our server to the mobile numbers of any service

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Trap Mobile No

how can trap mobile no. with asp & wml?i want when user send email through mobile then there mobile no. is also show in the recipient email same as the message show in there e-mail how can i trap the mobile no?acctually when i enable my site with wap then some body missuse this feature (send e-mail).and i can't trap them .

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Outlook Mobile Access

I keep getting this message when logging on OMA

Server Error in '/OMA' Application.

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a
configuration file required to service this request.
Please review the specific error details below and modify
your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unable to read the security policy
file for trust level 'WSS_Minimal'.

Source Error:

Line 62: <compilation batch="false" debug="false" />
Line 63: <pages enableSessionState="false".....

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Mobile Plan Calculator

I'm working on my first ASP web site. The idea of the site is to calculate
which mobile phone plan is right for you. The idea is that the user answers a
few questions about their calling habits, and the server calculates the
ammount of talk time for each plan and then recommends on or two.
I've created 2 excell sheets already. One is a user input sheet, the other
is a database of all the plans available.
At the moment the excell sheet works like this. The user selects a rate
plan, enters in their details and calling habits, and a total talk time is
displayed on the bottom of the page. I want to go one step further.
I want the ASP page im working on to calculate the total talk time for ALL
the plans in my database (based on the users input) and then recommend the 3
with the most talk time.All of the tutorials I've
seen are simple "add this to, delete this from" database

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Mobile Number Recognition Over WAP

Does anyone know whether it is possible to recognise a users mobile number over WAP.

I think it must be possible because when a mobile phone call is made, the recipient gets the callers id. So is it possible to do the same over WAP so that the users mobile number can be used to identify them?

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Detect Mobile Visitor

How can I detect if someone is browsing with a mobile phone or other small screen device?I'd like to give them a text and small pic version of my site.
Also, what media player is common to them, and is it programmable, ie, can I turn sounds off and on.

I have an interactive page with alot of text, I'd like to offer the interactive page without the text. Do they run javascript?

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Connecting To A Mobile Device

I need to dial in and connnect to mobile devices from my asp website over internet(using VOIP) and sent numeric messages to that mobile device (not just the sms or email). I did some reading on VOIP but couldn't get usefull info. If any of you could help me out on how to do this.

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Using Make Mobile Application

i am trying to make a wap application using I have some problems viewing some pages. I have used mobile form class to create a wap page and in some of them i used a link or command which use onActivate or onClick command to call a function.

These aspx pages will shown on the IE but on the mobile it says there is no response.

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GPS Info From Mobile Browser

Some of the newer cell phones have a built-in GPS. What I was wondering was if when a mobile browser from that phone opens a web-page on my server is there any location information that I can use? Presumably it would be stored in the request.servervariables
collection somewhere.

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Web Page Viewed From A Mobile Device

How can i build a simple (Classic) ASP page which can be viewed from a mobile device?

Can someone give me an example.& is there any way that i can test these asp pages of mine using some emmulator of some sorts. as i do not have any mobile devices to browse the net.

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Download Of Files To Windows Mobile 2003

We have a WEB-based application (developed in Visual Studio 2005) running on
handheld devices in Internet Explorer on Windows Mobile 2003. The application
needs to print tickets on a Bluetooth printer, which is accomplished by
preparing a RTF-file on the server and then downloading this file to the
handheld device. We use a third-party application (PrintPocketCE from
FieldSoftware) for the actual printing of the downloaded file. However, when
the file is about to be downloaded we first get a question saying "Download
<filename> to the My Documents folder in Main Memory?" with Yes, Change and
Cancel buttons.

Is there a way to avoid this question and download the file
directly? We need the checkbox "Open file after download" to be checked (as
it is by default when the question is displayed) to get the file processed by
PrintPocketCE after download.

To avoid adding file by file to the handheld device we always use the same
filename for the downloaded file. This leads to another question on each
download, asking whether to overwrite the previously downloaded file. Since
the file has no interest after being printed this question is always answered
with Yes. Is there a way to avoid this question too, for example by setting
some Registry value?

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How To Display Chinese Character In Mobile Control

I having problem in displaying chinese character with mobile control. what configuration or settings should i set in Pocket IE or PC IE in order to display correct code page??

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