Specific Machine's IP Address

Let say I wanted to get an IP address of a machine called mybox. How can I do it in ASP?

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CDONTS Doesn't Always Send To A Specific Address?

When I use CDONTS on a Win2k iis5 server, I do not always get the mail that the form is sending to me (sometimes it ends up in the badmail folder but then I get the message undeliverable mail from the server?) The problem is not consistent, so it is rather baffling.

Secondly, I can't seem to send to some linux based mailservers, It just absolutely refuses to deliver the mail (and oddly enough, also not to hotmail.com addresses), and then lastly,

Is there any way to force CDONTS to use a different smtp server (can you assign a new/other server to handle the mail?)

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Pages Are Not Refreshed On Client Machines

I have a web site where I use cookies to navigate between
the pages. The cookie is his id no which is nothing but
his staff id no. All most all pages are dynamic and
connected to sql server 2000 through ADOs. My problem is :

if any one logs in and enter bowse the pages and goes back
uses other log in his old page is displaced rather than
new one, untill he explicity uses the refresh button. Once
he does that , it is working. Iam using javascript menus
to navigate between pages.Previously when menus are not
there pages were working fine.

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2 ASP Pages Communicate With JavaScript Object In 2 Machines

I wrote 2 ASP pages that communicate with JavaScript objects. page1.asp and
page2.asp are put in separate servers in separated machines. If I put in
single machine, it is fine. Now it has Runtime error: 'params.test' is null
or not an object. Any ideas?? Code:

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IE Produces 404 Error When Calling Page, But Only On Some Machines...

We are currently facing a strange problem. We wrote an ASP application using some sessions and database-connectivity, nothing special.

On some machines (we are all using IE5.5 / IE6) those applications produce a 404 error.

The pages that are called do exist (I checked it thousands of times and it is only happens on some machines). Most of the machines have no problem with that pages and do not produce any errors which makes me belive that it is no real programmed problem.

The strange thing is that a reinstallation of IE mostly helped and if not we reinstalled the complete computer (as you can guess this is no real suitable way.

Maybe it has something to do with the sessions we use, but they are not so big.

I hope (not for the one who really has) that somebody has also experienced this kind of problem and can point me into the right direction.

I also tried different IE newsgroups but they had no idea, that's why I now try to ask ASP-programmers.

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ObjWshell.Run :: Command COMSPEC Disappeared Of All My Machines

I was using:

<% Set objWshell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objWshell.Run "%COMSPEC% /C ren topoX.jpg topo_cliente.jpg", 0, TRUE %>

BUT the comand COMSPEC disapeared of all my machines which we have ms-windows 2000 installed!So now no-one machine can continue run my routines which accessed ms-dos by ASP. COULD anybody send me the comspec command by e-mail whith the subject: Comspec to WScript.Shell.

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Permission Denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' Is Not An Allowable Remote Socket Address.

Permission denied. Address 'zzz.zzz.z.zzz' is not an allowable remote socket address.

What is the significance of this error, and what should be looked into to fix the problem?

(if this is of relevance: My sandbox is localhost.. so zzz.zzz.z.zzz is internal ip)

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Remove Email Address/ Pseudo Email Address

has anyone got a function or subroutine which will remove blank out or remove email addresses.

i've wrote a function which will remove valid email addresses, it's pseudo addresses such as "blah @ blah.com" or "blah_at_blah_dot_com" or "blah_at_blah_._com"

the function is basically to stop users posting an email address in a message.

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Specific Row

I was able to alternately change the rows colors, but this time lets say I have 10 records in a table taken from my database. How do i put colors on rows where value(certain value from a field) is lets say greater than 10?
Like for example I want to highlight only those student number greater than 10.

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Getting A Specific Date

I have a program that needs to rely on the date for Sundays on a given month. Here's an example:

Today is 3/18/2005 (Friday). When a user logs into my page, I need to grab the date that the past Sunday fell on (3/13/2005)

If the user logged in on 3/24/2005 (a thursday), I would need to grab 3/20/2005 (that sunday)

Any ideas in vbscript?

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Get Column Name And Value Of Specific Row

Ok let me explain what I am trying to do as easily as I can. I have a table in my access database that I am connecting to. I select a specific id number using my SQL statement. Now what I am trying to do is scroll through that records row and get the column name of that column along with the value of that cell. I hope that isn't to confusing. Now I'm not sure whether this would be done using ASP or done in my SQL statement. Code:

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Specific Field

I am working on a college project which has a user area and a page where only a user can access their information and no one elses.I am trying to do a select statment to read specific information from a field without reading any other users info.
The code below is for a drop down menu for payment months i have stored in a database...
Here is what i have got so far...

Set oRs = Conn.Execute("SELECT [Payment_Period] FROM wages WHERE [Staff_ID]=" & staffid" ORDER BY [fullname]")

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Grab Specific

I am looking to find out how to grab a specific content on a particular Website and put it on my Website. Of course, I will get permissions before doing so. Any ideas? I have found a sample ASP script that shows how to grab the entire page, but certain sections of the page.

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Specific Values

I need to execute different asp programs based on different values of a parameter. For example, if the user inputs ID of 1, program1 needs to be executed automatically, if user inputs ID=2, program2 needs to be executed in the background automatically. How do we do this in asp?

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Getting A Specific Date

I'm then going to use the answers in my select statement to pull data from the database.

Heres what i have now:
sql= "select * from assistancerequest where datein >= Date() - 7"

heres the problem with it:
it gives no errors but when it shows my output it shows wrong data.


this is some of what i get. as you can see it counts back 7 days, but its not working because this is from two different months! so it looks like its only checking for the days and not the month. does any of this make sense?

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Specific Reservation Id

i want to check item before insert new item. let say resID = 1052. before that, i have inserted item which is prodNumber = 100 for resID = 1052. then, still at resID = 1052, i insert another item, prodNumber = 100.

then an error message will come out. but if i insert item, prodNumber = 100 but for resID = 1047, suppose there is no an error message.

that means the sql conditions are at current resID and prodNumber.

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Specific Sql Roles

i need to connect to sql with different roles. is there any way for do that without passing users or passwords in the connection string?

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Specific Date

Does anyone know a way to find out the numeric value of a day of the week for a specific week, I am trying to display week periods from Mon-Sun. Ive toyed around with is but can seem to come up with anything.

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Insert Variable Into Specific Row

I have a feeling someone can answer this very quickly, but Im having problems. Basically Im trying to get the rate variable which will be either a 0 - 10 inserted into the appropriate row. I want the variable filename to match up with the matching filename in the database and then insert the rate variable into that filenames rate column. Hope I didnt confuse you to much.. Code:

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How Can I Get Data In A Specific Format

I want to get data in a specific format. For example i have 10 names in database and i want to show these 10 names in this format.

Name1 Name2
Name3 Name4
Name5 Name6
........ ........
....... .........

how it could be possible.

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Remove A Specific Item

I have a script which creates an array by doing this:Code:

strInputValue = "this will be split into an array"

arrMyArray = split(strInputValue)
This produces an array of 6 (UBound(arrMyArray) = 6).

Is it possible to remove part of the array, so that "into" for example will be removed, such that UBound(arrMyArray) = 5?

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Sql Statement For Specific Data

im a bit of a rookie and i couldnt find anything using search,how can i have a statement which selects only the records which contain data.

"WHERE (BusinessID = 20) AND (Parentid = " & objRScats("CategoryID") & ") " &_"ORDER BY CollectionName"

Thats what i currently have. This is for the page navigation - and i dont want a those collections that do not have any data to be diaplyed - but i do not want to delete these records altogether just yet.

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Return Specific Page

If Request.ServerVariables("URL") renders


How can I just return mywebpage.asp?

I can use the RIGHT function, but I'd like for it to work on any page,
regardless of the length of the page name. I'm looking for a good example of
using a combination of MID, LEFT, RIGHT, etc to get certain parts of

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How I Can Getting Data Specific Format

I want to get data in a specific format.For example i have 10 names in database and i want to show these 10 names in this format.

Name1 Name2
Name3 Name4
Name5 Name6
.. ...
... ....
how it could be possible.

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Reading In Specific Value From Table

I'm trying to read in a specific cell, and am having problems. I have a table of contact information, in which each contact has a user_id that defines where there information is.

At login it stores their user_id into a temp variable that is used to define where to find the information for each contact. I can read in contact information for the first row but anything below that I cant seem to grasp.

Im not sure how to tell it to match that temp variable with their user_id and read in the user_name. the temp variable is user_ID. Code:

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Return Specific Record

I have a few ASP pages that go out and query a database and return data that meets a requirement. For example I have Department hyperlinks in a Nav bar that select just the records associated with that department. The returned records are placed in a table to be viewed. In that table I have a field hypelinked to a PDF image. 100+ records could be returned.

How could I place a hyperlink, or check box, in one of the fields that would select that specific record and display the data on another ASP Page. What I am trying to get at is when I get the returned set of records, being able to click ONE of them and display that information as well as any associated images connected to that single record.

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Count Specific Characters

I have a string like this - 203_4_54_3_12_43_0_204_3_23_43_0_2_2

How could I count how many "_" there are in the string?

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Replacing A Specific Line

i have a remove user and change password script written, but the only thing they are missing is the actual text file editing part. i have the file open because i have read it, but how can i delete a line that matches with 'OldLine' and put 'NewLine' where it was with a couple of lines of code?

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Pull Specific Line From Txt

I would like to collect financial data from the stock exchange into the asp web page.
Complete daily results are in txt format on a fixed URL. Soo far I managed to pull the data on my web page, but now would like to select only specific rows. Unfortunatly the rows are not fixed, but each one has a 4 digit code on the beggining.

So I would like to create asp code which would select n rows from txt page based on specific code on the beginning - for example 0020. In the SQL would look like this one SELECT * FROM file.txt WHERE the beggining of the row = 0020

Is that possible in asp ?

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Specific Text In A Document

This might be i bit complicated, but i'll explain this to the best of my ability. I have a txt document with the following content. PHP Code:

Blue<br>7<br>2. Green  <td align="center" class="normal">3. Light Blue  </td><br>8 

How would I go about creating something that reads the text file, and only outputs the text without the html?

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Password On Specific File

I have made a secure website which you can only get access to with right username and password. On this webpage I have some links to some pdf-files, but how can I avoid people from getting the file if they are not logged on first? As it is now they can
easily get the file if they just know the exact URL-address, ex:


If people type the URL above I would like them to be redirected to the logon-page first.
I can't use components or MS-Access database, so I'm looking for another solution.

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How Can I Get A Specific Value From A Datagrid As A String ?

I use an access database and vb.net

The code is :
dim dtraw as System.Data.Oledb.oledbdatareader

dtrav = OleDbCommand1.ExecuteReader() ' oledbcommand 1 is an sql
DataGrid1.DataSource = dtrav



That works geat but what i want to do is to take a specified value from a
datagrid (for example the third row of column productid ) as a sting.

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Specific Browser Functions

Is there any way to disable certain functions in the browser when someone is looking at certain pages on your site which would disable the user from being able to print, view source and save? I learned the no right click trick here earlier, but users can still click file print or save or source.

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