Splitting Text Fields

I am about to show a text field from SQL7.0 database, but need to display x number of images spread out amongst the text!! Basically similar to how bbc.co.uk/news display news articles....

I am wondering the best way to do this...

I was considering splitting the text into variables and then to display these sections next to the images.

Anyone else done this?

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Splitting Text Into An Array

I need to split a large amount of text into an array
everytime there is an enter (meaning line down) what is the code for
the delimiter i would use..
Example text
This is some sample
text that needs to be put
into an array
by everytime
we go to the next line

sample code

Array = Split(sampletext,?)

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Disabling Text Fields

i have a form that has a multiple fields,when a user chooses an option from option seleect then it should disable some part of the form and i have no idea how to do that.

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Converting Text Fields

Using ASP,VB Script,Access 2000. I have a macro which imports Fox Pro 2.6 databases into Access on a daily basis and then these tables are uploaded to the website.

When the tables are imported the fields which store numerical values with 2 decimal places are converted to text fields and it drops any zeros after the decimal point (e.g 124.40 becomes 124.4 and 110.00 becomes 100).

I am querying these new tables in my ASP pages but I want to convert these text fields back into numerical values with two decimal places. This is so that product price list on my page is all formatted the same. Is there a function I can use in my SQL statement to achieve this, or will I have to run a macro which re-designs the tables before I upload them to my website?

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Numbers And Text Fields

I have a form where you input year (number) and a Ref (number) and a section (char) and then submit to output a record, i added an if with a messageto prevent the eof and bof , and it is working if i inputed wrong numbers, but if i input text in the year or the ref, he will give the following message, how to prevent users from entering text into numbers fields, because in the database they are numbers, or what else could i do.

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
/iri_site/Importer/auth.asp, line 27

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Single Quotes In Text Fields

I have an events calendar on my site, allowing local people to post events there. Two problems have come up:1. In the details section, people will naturally want to include apostrophes (single quotes) from time to time. This fails, because VBScript sees them as delimiters. Is there any form of quote marks I can use to make sure this doesn't happen?

2. The same field is defined in the Access db as Memo, which normally gives up to 64K of text, as opposed to Text, which only allows 255. Despite this, text over 255 is ignored, leading to the text being truncated.

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How To Create Multiple Text Fields

How to create multiple text fields and will be submit when press a "enter key" ...

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Hide/Show Text Fields

I have a form that has a drop-down select box which is linked to a database table, and also tow text fields. I would like to show or hide text fields according to the value selected in the select-box without refreshing the page.

If I select TEST from the select box I want to show the RESULT field and hide OTHER field . If I select anything else I want to show the OTHER field and hide RESULT field. I'm interesting code in ASP and PHP.

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Form Submission With Same Text Fields

I have 3 fields in my form and one of them called ID with multiple text fields e.g (there are 10 text fields for ID) and when you submit the form all the 10 ID's should be submitted to the DB for that particular record with a single space inbetween the 10 ID's. Can any one tell me how this is possible.

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Breaking Text Up Over Multiple Fields

Is there any way that I can break up text in a text field to spread across multiple fields in an access database? I've got a FAQ section that I want admins to be able to edit via an online interface. Unfortunately, it often doesn't fit into the 255 character restriction that access has. Any ideas?

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Form Including File And Text Fields

i want create a form that include many text boxes and an fiel field for upload a file to server but when i add "enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form tag i cant get the texts . how can i do a form working with file upload and text fields.

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Binding 2 Text Fields On An Online Form

I am trying to bind/link 2 text fields on my online form.

So they both should show the exact same text entered in them.

When text is entered in one of them I want to see it in the other text box and vice versa and when text is deleted from one of the boxes it should also be deleted from the other one aswell.

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Populating Text Fields Based On Drop Down Box Selection

I am working on a small application for senior users, so I want to limit the option for incorrect input whatsoever. I have a drop down box that is populated from a query and I want to make it so that when an option is selected, the pertinent text fields are populated based on the selection.

All the info I need is already being extracted from the query so its just a matter of displaying the right info based on the selection. I have been looking for examples of code but they all seem to use javascript. I am not too strong in javascript so I kinda avoided those. if there is a pure asp example, that would be fine!

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Accessing Text Or Large Varchar Fields In SQL Server

I have read that there can be a periodic problem when reading large varchar or text fields from SQL server (or memo fields from Access)--they can sometimes come up as empty strings.

What I have been unable to find out is whether this problem is still around in recent versions of MDAC (>= 2.8). Does anyone know whether this problem still occurs--is it still necessary to follow the steps in that aspfaq article?

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Splitting Up A Date

I am having a problem with getting my date to display in the format needed. The date is being called up from a database in the form of the date and time but I need to have the them both seperate from each other. Its for a message board app I'm currently developing. I've tried various methods but none have worked so far. I am using this code at the moment:

<%Response.Write FormatDateTime(sectionRS("MesDate"), vbGeneralDate)%>

The result comes out the same as if no formatting is used. Do I need to create a variable for the value being called up from the database?

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Splitting Arrays

I have a string that looks like this: a|b|c|d%e|f| ...

I split once on "%"

ar1 = Split(Mystring, "%")

then when I try and split the ar1 by

ar2 = Split(ar1, "|")

I get error '800a000d' Type mismatch

I have tried
ar2 = Split(Cstr(ar1), "|")

How can I split this string?

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Splitting A String

I have a var with the value of ADED I want to be able to break this var into an array of 4 elements, or it could be three, depending on the value of the variable.
I tried the following but got nothing.

dim strVar, arrVar
strVar = Request.QueryString("strVar")

arrVar(0) = Left(strVar, 1)
arrVar(1) = Mid(strVar, 2, 1)
arrVar(2) = Mid(strVar, 3, 1)
arrVar(3) = right(strVar, 1)

When I try to response.write(arrVar(2)), i get nothing. What am I doing wrong?

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Splitting Data

i need to write a query that splits forname and surname that are held in the same col of a db eg old form requested for name(so users just put sarah smith)
but I have added another col forname in the db and the forms now collect forname and surnane into seperate field but I have to now split the old data and put ot into the separate fields can anyone point me in the right direction.

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Splitting 1 Column Into 2

Pretty basic but I cannot figure it out.

FULLNAME (lname, fname)

Needs to be


Should split at the comman.I already have all the columns created; just
need to SQL command to make it happen.

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Splitting This String

i get the querysting like this:
www.abc.com?email=abc@abc.com phone=33333333
Now i want to split this string so that i can just pass the phone number to the variable in my program so that the fax gets going.

Can you please let me know how i can split this string and just get the phone number to be passed to the variable ,so that i can initialte the next function of send fax?

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Splitting Value From A Select Box?

I have this SELECT box which allows users to select multiple items to delete... however if they select 2 or more items... the values get passed over as 'one, two' so the sql looks like Delete From Table Where Field='one, two';

How do i do it in such a way that it becomes:

Delete From Table Where Field='one';

Delete From Table Where Field='two';?

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Splitting Time (00:00:00)

I have a variable that stores an amount of time in '00:00:00' format. It is a varchar in the database.

Is there a way to Split the value into hours, minutes, and seconds so I can add them?

I figure it would look something like

xx*60 + xx*60 + xx*3600? Or something like that?

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Splitting A Querystring?

Has anyone had the misfortune to try and split a querystring that has x duplicate name/value pairs within the querystring? I have tried every sort of combination to do this and it continues to just run through the whole querystring.

here is an example querystring


The Address values, email values, title values are fine as they are named on the previous page. The problem is, the L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 etc are dynamically named from a db depending on what the user selects on a previous page and can be duplicated up to 6 times, depending on how many different locations they have. I am able to get all the values at once, but need to be able to split the duplicated name/value pairs as they at seperate locations.

so what i need to be able to do is

Location 1

L1 - 0
L2 - 1
L3 - 0
L4 - 0
L5 - 0

Location 2

L1 - 0
L2 - 2
L3 - 2
L4 - 0
L5 - 0

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Email Related Splitting

This is the code I have so far:

I take the email address and split at the "@" symbol. Then I split at the "." sign to get the firstname and lastname.

Most of the times, the email address is of the format:


However at times, the email address can be just firstname@company.com

At such instances the code fails, how do I check for the instance of . before I split it again?

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Splitting Characters With No Seperator?

basically what i have done is taken a date and time, split them apart, took the date array split that into 3 times via the / seperator now im trying to split the day number into 2.

(i.e if the day is 12 for example i want to split it so i get both 1 and 2 seperate, or if the day is 08 i would want to get 0 and 8 seperate).

Is there a way to split a number without some sort of seperator so i can get the first and second number of the day and if possible how?

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Splitting Lines Of Code

if i wanted to split the below SQL statement on two lines, what would the
syntax be....

SQL = "UPDATE gallery WHERE g_id = " & Request.Form("g_id") &
"SET g_name = " &
Request.Form("g_name") &
"g_add = " &
Request.Form("g_add") "

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Splitting Search String

I've made my first ASP website that interacts with a detabase. All fairly standard: it can display the entire contents of the db, you can input new items, update and delete items, and I've just started making a search page...[!]
It all works fine if the user just searches with one word, but if they enter more than one word and then press search, I don't know how to split their searchstring up into [an array of?] different strings to search the db with.
Is this even the easiest way to do it, or am I just wasting my time?

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Saving And Splitting Strings

I want to save a list of values in a cookie. I already use 1 key of the cookie to save the username. What I want to do is save a list of values as one string by using some kind of separator character.

There may be any number of these values including none. What is a good character to use to separate values? What commands do i use to split a string on the separator character into several strings?

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Splitting Values From A Recordset

I have two records pulled from the same field in a table, so it would look like this

NAMES (Field name)
John (forename)
Smith (surname) There will always be 2 records

I need to take both these records and split them into two variables - one for the forename and one for the surname - (I need to insert these values into SQL statement)

Have tried the following code 'firstname' contains both the first and second name.


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Splitting Arrays With Sentences

I have an array I want to split. This is the code I am currently using:Code:

dim aSelected
aSelected = split(request.form("option"),",")
for i = 0 to ubound(aSelected)
response.write (aSelected(i) & ("<br>"))

This splits the array no problem. The problem I have is that the different variables (if thats the word to use?) the array is holding is sentences that contain commas in themselves. So the split is splitting my sentences. How can I split the variables at the end of the sentences. (some sentences have periods some don't so I can't use the ".").

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Array And Splitting The Contents

This ASP page is a page which has FAQ. Some of the FAQ have answers with line breaks.

Questions and answers are stored in the database

When I output the answer, it displays like one long line. Hence I have written a small function to render this answer with line breaks where ever there are line breaks in this db field.

My code for the function is: ...

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Splitting A Variable Into Parts

I have a variable named DressCode. The content of this variable is something like N040602
I want to split this variable into four parts:

DressCodea would be the N part
DressCodeb would be the 04 part
DressCodec would be the 06 part
DressCoded would be the 02 part

How do you do this is ASP, so it'll split the variable, no matter what the content is, as long as it is that format (ie 1 letter then 6 numbers).

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Splitting Or Trimming A String

I am taking a field from a database and attaching it to avariable like so:

varID = rsCheckLogin("LogonID")

This is returning, for example, SA70.

I only need the integer part. How would i remove the SA part, i have belive it must be trim or split but not sure how to use them?

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