Static Arrays


Is is possible to pass a populated static array to a new page - as session variable, maybe or cookie?

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Static Header

i have table which is generated from the database, and is beeing displayed on my website...How can i make the header row static???? so i can still see the header row while scrolling thru the data

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I have to submit my html-page but the asp-variables shout kepp their contant. is it posible to make a static-variable or can i realize this another way?

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Static Content

I'm using the Server.Execute method to include a static page inside a
dynamic database call. This static page is not a valid HTML page (i.e.
lacking <body>,<head>, etc. elements), but I'm pulling it into the dynamic
page just to give the content an upgrade in presentation, including images.
The problem is that there is no way to have relative URLs in the content
page, so all the image src's are wrong. Is there a better way to include
static content like this, or a way to alter the contents on the static page
prior to running Server.Execute (I could parse the file via the
FileSystemObject, but I'm hoping not to do that)?

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Static Menu

forking with a aps site previously programmes which is currently using frames to have a persistant menu floating at the top of the site. I would like to switch this to a floating menu system and be rid of the framing. How do i do this?

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Static Variable

My asp application has many asp pages that are linked together.I want to create a variable which is initially set to some value (say 50). On each page,the variable is to be procesessed.

Now on the next page i want to use that processed value of the variable.(ie if on my page 1 value of variable became 30 due to some processing,the page 2 should have the value of that variable as 30 , and not 50)

how and where i should declare the variable.P.S.actuallythe main page keeps on referring to itself. its actually an online quiz

main.asp reads as:
<form name="form1" action="main.asp?action=1" method="POST" >

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Static Files

I have a site that will be displaying static files to clients. Each client will have their owb directory locked down through NTFS permissions. Currently I have a Client folder in the wwwroot then that client folder has a folder for static files in it. How much more secure would it be if I moved it out of the wwwroot and used a virtual directory?

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Static Variable

I am facing problem with the huge Viewstate size(Using .NET 2.0). to improve the application performance,I am using Static variable to store view state data. Does anyone has other option to improve performance or what r drawback of using Static variable.

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Downloading Large Static

I am using forms authentication to protect all content as described in the
kb article below.;en-us;893662

This works fine except for files that are larger than about 40 or 50mb at
which point the user gets a 404 error and the httperr log indicates
connection_dropped status.
This is a w2k3 server with SP1 and all security patches installed.
Has anyone seen this before? I have been reading various posts online but
none seem to fit this symptom. Also have tried tuning various meta-base
properties to no avail.

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Internationalizing A Static Site

My client has a laregly static web site in English only. I will be adding e-commerce functionality shortly. Therefore, I am seeking an approach to allow users to select a language to view the entire site with. I have ASP Classic at my disposal. The site has no back-end database. I am thinking of providing Japanese, German and Spanish.

I am aware that different approaches exist. I good book or tutorial would help me out. Or do some of you have ideas? Remember: static pages, ASP Classic and no database.

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Static Pages For My Site

I know via mod rewrite you can mimi static pages, but how does one do this for ASP? before I go crazy modifying my code to generate a static page for all of our products (1000's of html pages) and new ones for SEO purposes, I want to make sure there is no other way to do this?

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Static HTML Pages Live

I have a couple of static HTML pages live, as a sort of family blog. Now I just found out how ASP could work, experimenting with WikiAsp.
What I would like to know is whether it is possible to include some DHTML in my static pages for gathering comments on blog entries, which are saved to a database for example on 1asphost.
Of course it would also be nice to read out the database again to see the comments to each blog entry in the static pages. Can this all be done using ASP?

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Adding Footers To Static Html

I'm running a Windows 2000 server with IIS. I have ASP execute access on the server. My users publish their pages onto our webserver by copying their files onto their respective directories in the server.

I intend to have each author append <meta> tags which describe information such as: author name, authorEmailAddress, authorPhoneNumber, etc..

When a user browses a particular page on the server, the web server will need to read this information (the meta tags) from the requested HTML file, and append an "Author block" at the bottom which contains some of the meta-information, as well as determining the Created Date and Last Edited date from the HTML file itself (from the filesystem).

I'd also need to include some kind of conditionals such as making the author block red if the last update date was more than 30 days ago (todaysDate-FileSystem[currentHTMLfile]).

How can I do this? I'm truly puzzled. I don't want make my authors use .ASP files because this gives my authors too much power (not to mention most are computer illiterate). I'd like for them to write static content, while the server appends content that is generated dynamically.

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Dropped By Google/static URLs

I having trouble with some of my classic asp pages being dropped from google.Specifically, a set of four pages reused many times with the content identified via query strings (max 3 variables). I was under the impression that google no longer has a problem with urls appended with query strings. Does anyone know if it is possible to incur penalties for the "over use" of such pages? My product detail page for example is used to display 230 seperate products.

if using static urls may help get my pages re-indexed, but I have had difficulty finding a way to do this with classic asp. Could anyone suggest a suitable method or advise possible reasons for my google disaster?

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HTTP 500 Internal Error When I Try To Display Asp-pages But Static Content Is Ok

When I use IIS 6.0 to display static content everything works according to plans. Now I have created an asp page even though there is no dynamic content at the moment. The web page's name just ends in "asp" and has the Code:


at the first line of the code.

When I try to link to this asp-page I get an error code saying "Http 500 Internal Server Error". I then disabled the "friendly http errors" and got this information.

"Asp error Asp 0203"
"Invalid code page"
"The specified code page attribute is invalid"

I should also add that I have enabled/allowed asp as extension in IIS manager.

Anyone who knows what I can try to get IIS working with dynamic content too?

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I have trouble working with arrays in asp.. I have the following error :Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0009)
Subscript out of range: '[number: 0]'

the line that gives me the error is the following:
Door_OpeningValH= aDoor_OpeningVal(0)
and my code is this:

Door_OpeningVal= rs("Door_Open_Dimension")
aDoor_OpeningVal = split(Door_OpeningVal, "x", -1, 1)
Door_OpeningValH = aDoor_OpeningVal(0)
aDoor_OpeningValW = split(aDoor_OpeningVal(1)," ",-1,1)
Door_OpeningValW = aDoor_OpeningValW(0)
Door_OpeningValUnit = aDoor_OpeningValW(1)

what i'm doing is recivieng values from 2 textboxes and a combo box.I want it to save in my database like this:
2x5 ft

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I need to create a multidimensional array using another int as one of the criteria but I keep getting probs with my code, what am I doing wrong?

intMonthName = Cint(Month(field_in_my_database))
Dim myarray(intMonthName,2,5)
I get this error message:

Quote: Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0402'

Expected integer constant

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2D Arrays

I am using ASP with VBScript and I want to know how to seperate a 2 dimensional array into 1 Dimensional arrays:

like if

MyArray is a 2 D array and I want to store the first row of this array in another array , like in C

MyArray[5][5] //this is a 2D array

OneDimArray=MyArray[0] // stores the first row of the 2D array in OneDimArray

is there a way to do it in VBScript ????

I couldn't find a way

I don't want to do it with loops I hate code with too much loops,

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How can display unique values from an array. I dont want to loop thru all the values and do it. Is there a better way?.

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What does the numeral '1' mean in the following statement?

For J = 0 to UBound(QArray, 1)

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I have an array in ASP and I am populating the array with the values from database on checking a condition. Lets say i have array of arr(5). Initially I made all the array items null ...

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I have an array in ASP called WordsArray() which contains several words. What I would like to do is search the array for a word, and if its not there, add it to another array ResultsArray()

So far, a loop in my code only checks the current array value, and not the rest of the array, adding the search word to the end of the resultsArray regardless.

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Arrays Of Checkboxes

I have two related tables in my database. One stores events and the other stores a list of key topics.

I have an interface set up where users can add / edit events.

In the add event page, I am querying the "key topics" table and returning them as options (array of checkboxes). The user makes their pick, and submits. All the data saves in the 'event" table, including the primary id of the "topics".

That part works great. The problem I am having is when the EDIT event page resolves, I am trying to "check" the options that were previously saved.

First thing I do (at the top of the page) is to query the events table to pull all of the data out. I use the 'events" table to do this.

For the checkboxes, I am once again looping through them in a query that uses the "key topics" table. So the boxes are displayed, but I can't seem to get the logic right to have the appropriate ones checked. here is my current code:

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Dynamic Arrays

i want to create a dynamic list or array in asp as we have arraylist in what i want is that i want to hold the values selected by the user in a list and in advance i dont know that how much values the user will select. i also tried to use array with redim but that did not work as we can create array with only constant integer parameter.

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Checkboxes And Arrays

at the moment i am creating a shopping cart of sorts. Simply the user selects the check boxes of the items he wants and clicks submit. The items are dynamically created and they could select anything from 1 to 100 items..

so processing the form is clear not possible by hard coding. How could i read all the values from the POST into an array instead of processing each item at a time.

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Splitting Arrays

I have a string that looks like this: a|b|c|d%e|f| ...

I split once on "%"

ar1 = Split(Mystring, "%")

then when I try and split the ar1 by

ar2 = Split(ar1, "|")

I get error '800a000d' Type mismatch

I have tried
ar2 = Split(Cstr(ar1), "|")

How can I split this string?

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Storing Arrays

I have run into a unique issue, what I want to be able to do is store a collection or array into a database or xml file. The main reason for doing this, is I don't want to use Sessions as they are volatile to server hiccups or resets. I don't want to use cookies as they are insecure, but I will use one cookie to store a UniqueID to relate to the data in the database or XML file.Can anyone think of a way to store an array in Access, MySQL, or XML file?

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Initialise Arrays

I'm trying to create a table summary from SQLServer.
There are ten questions that the user must answer.
I can create the ten arrays, np, but I'm just thinking, say Question 9 never has anyone answer with the value 1, then the following step in the code (the way I see it) would fall on its face.
There are two ways round it that I can see. Test for an empty array 'index', i.e if Array9(1) = "" then ...
But my question is this, is there a way to initialise an array so that all it's values are zero? This would solve the need to test for "" later.

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GetRows() & Arrays

I have the following:

dim app_ids, irowloop, icolloop
app_ids = get_app_logins(session("stremail"))
for irowloop = 0 to ubound(app_ids, 2)
for icolloop = 0 to ubound(app_ids, 1)
response.write(app_ids(icolloop, irowloop) & ",")
next 'icolloop
next 'irowloop

That returns:

0,0,bobsmith,pAssWord,|0,71,tom,tom,|0,71,tomf,pAs sWord,|1,5,tom,a1,|
Is it possible to remove the final ',' before the '|' ??

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Arrays And Loops

What I have is a recordset listing out a group of names. I've retrieved the field that lists the id numbers for the array and split them to a list. Then I want it to loop through the names listing trying to highlight the ids that need to be hightlighted.

What I am getting is my list repeats the names according to how many ids are in the array. So if I have 2 numbers in the array I see every name on the list twice and the two that I need selected.

I want the list to show the names one time with the correct names selected. What is wrong with this code? Code:

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Recordsets Vs. Arrays?

Is there a performance advantage to parsing thru a recordset verus using an array?

I'm currently trying to populate a listbox by returning data from my database, then either parsing thru the recordset until I reach the EOF, or putting the data into an array.

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Arrays Vs Dictionaries

Can someone explain to me the performance implications of using Dictionaries rather than arrays? I imagine arrays are lighter but how much lighter?

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Using Arrays With Names

Is it possible with ASP to use arrays with names (e.g user("username") = "ble") instead of numbers (e.g user(1) = "ble")?(I do know of the dictionary object, but is it wise to use that 7 times or more a page?

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