Step By Step Lectures On Shopping Cart Development

Is there any good one website which has step by step lectures on ASP shopping cart development.

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Shopping Cart Development

I am new to ASP development, and i got a problem while developing my book online shopping cart.I am currently storing book information on a access database and retriveving one by one. but when displaying book information on the page "add to cart" image has no reference to that book that align with it. how do i put reference to the particulart book that i am clicking for ( add to cart)

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Multiple-step OLE DB Operation Generated Errors

I have written a code in ASP. While i'm running it on my Local IIS server i'm able to store data in MS SQLServer2000 database. But when try to run the same on the web serve i'm facing the following the error..

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e21'

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.

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Multiple-step Operation Generated Errors..

Error Type:
Microsoft Cursor Engine (0x80040E21)

Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.

this is my code:

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Error :: Multiple-step Operation Generated Errors. Check Each Status Value

I have come up against a very strange error, well one I havnt got before - and was wondering is there a way around this. In my mysql db i have a price field which is set as "decimal(10,2)" but when I try read from it through my asp page I get this error at the line where i do my recordset query:

Microsoft Cursor Engine (0x80040E21)
Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value.

If I change the field type to "Integer(10)" its fine, it just doesnt like the decimal for some reason . And the thing thats really throwing me off is when I write the sql string doing the query out to the page and copy it into my mysql browser and run it, it comes back fine with all the data and no error.

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Need Insight On "operation Not Allowed & Multiple-step OLE DB Operation

Mainly I am asking if someone can look at a small portion of code to see if there are any obvious problems for use with mysql??perhaps with the way dates are inserted?? Code:

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Shopping Cart Using Asp

i was wondering if anyone could give me a few ideas on how to create a shopping cart using asp or even a good website asi have been searching and have not found any

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ASP Shopping Cart

how should i assign a unique id to a user ? i've used the sessionid in
the past but have found that the sessionid is not unique. is there a
better solution for assigning a unique id to each visitor ?

secondly, what's the best way to track visitors as they move about my
site ? i'll be recording items in the cart in a database but will
still need to track the user on each page ... session variables or a
cookie ?

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What's The Best ASP Shopping Cart?

what's the best ASP shopping-cart available? I have looked in Aspin and there seems to be a few good one's around. Anybody tried any of them? Ofcourse, it needs to be fully-featured with order-tracking, intranet product management, etc.

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Asp Shopping Cart

I have made the following shopping cart. which displays data fine but when i hit the add to cart it is saying "No value given for one or more required parameters"

so i have not seen my cart working I would like to also add Images to this later but im taking one step at a time Code:

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ASP/SQL Shopping Cart

how i would go about creating an ASP/SQL Shopping Cart???

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ASP Shopping Cart

Im building a simple asp shopping cart for my college assignment, however im having trouble adding more items to my cart.

i can add one item, but when i add another the previous does not show. Here is my code so far for my cart. I figured i need to somehow create an array? so i can loop through the session array? Code:

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Shopping Cart ASP

I am working on shopping cart and stuck on this issue for a long time

this is what i am trying to do

user comes and adds a item in the cart so now the shopping cart looks like this


where 2 is the qty

the user then shops around and decides he needs to buy 3 more shirts

so what i want to do is when he adds 3 more shirts i want to update the qty in the earlier item and make it 5 because earlier it was 2 Code:

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If/then For A Shopping Cart

I've built an website using a shopping cart feature from a third party that is hosting the site. It uses an ASP script that looks like this: <%=getAttribute("item",93,"addToCartHTML") My problem is that when they get to the page with the add to cart button it is automatically filled with a value of 1 of that item.

My client wants to be able to click this button and if they had previously added this item to their cart it wouldn't add it a second time. I think I need some sort of "if" statement but I don't know what it would be and where I would add it.

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Different Shopping Cart Methods

i'm needing a different shopping cart method to update an inventory catalog. it uses the dictionary object, stored as a session variable. not efficient, as some has let me know. i know of one other method of building temp tables in the db. are there any other methods that are efficient and scalable?

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How To Email Shopping Cart?

Does anyone knows how to send the contents of a shopping cart when a user click on the check out feature of the shopping cart?

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ASP/Quickbooks POS Shopping Cart?

Has anyone here had success with getting an ASP shopping cart to talk to a Quickbooks POS system? Any suggestions?? And yes, I have checked on google already.

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Asp, Problem Such As Shopping Cart

i have a form, inside got 3 drop down and one text box. and got one Add button. wat i wan to do is:

after fill in the value for this form, then click the add button and it will display the value in the 2nd page. the data hasnt insert into the database yet. then when user click on continue button in the 2nd page, it can add another new record , etc...until the user click on the FINISH button on the 2nd page, then all the records will insert into DB. it is same as the shopping cart ...but i duno how is work? Code:

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Using Shopping Cart Totals

i have a basic asp page that acts as an online bookstore. on my cart page i am having trouble generating 3 numbers; a subtotal, a shipping total, and a final price. here is my code:

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Shopping Cart And Validation

I am trying to make a shopping cart in ASP. My backend is in SQL. Now during the user access I would like to make some restriction like if I have only one product left, and two buyer wants to buy it simountenously at the same time. Now how can I restrict that. Anyone having any redymade code for that.

Another thing how to keep the session information about the user. Like if I want to know the details of the user. How to do it with cookies?

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Shopping Cart Session

how many minutes big e-commerce web sites, like, set their shopping cart sesssion.timeout?

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Shopping Cart Customization

I purchased a shopping cart template at for my two sites. The cart is nice and very user friendly (there is my product plug ) but it cannot deliver electronic products, which is what I sell.
I paid a developer some $$$ to write a script that would email the ZIP of the product purchased to the customer. Everything was working fine until I added PayPal as a payment provider. Someone using 2checkout at my site gets the email with the ZIP of their purchase attached. PayPal customers get:
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/vsadmin/inc/incthanks.asp, line 294

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Shopping Cart Array

I've got a two dimensional array that I'd like to "compress" into a smaller array. The first dimension of the array contains a product price code (1-5) and the second dimension is the quantity (I'm using it in a shopping cart). I'd like to go through the array, grabbing the quantity for each price code and consolidate. Codes will probably occur more than once.I'm having problems getting started on this and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.I know this isn't much, but this is what I've started with:Code:

For i = LBound(arrPriceID) TO UBound(arrPriceID)
If arrPriceID(i,0) <> "" then
intPriceID = arrPriceID(i,0)
End if

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Build Shopping Cart?

anyone has any program or tool or code which builds a shopping cart easily?

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Shopping Cart Basics

i am trying to code a shopping cart into my website for users to add/remove items, and complete their transactions when finished.Have looked on the web and found some rather complex examples

Could anyone tell me the basics of how i could implement this, or point me in the direction of an example or tutorial on the web.

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Unique ID For Shopping Cart

i'm about to write a shopping cart application and need to know the best way
to assign a unique id to each order.previously i used the sessionid which i've since found out isn't unique.can someone please advise me as to the most reliable way to assign a unique id to a transaction.i'm using classic asp and an access database.
i'd rather not use the session object due to issues with a previous shopping
cart application.

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Emptying A Shopping Cart

i tried to add a link to empty my shopping cart by simply adding session.abandon into the link.this however automatically abandoned the session when i didnt want it to whats the best way to do this? should i use a form button instead of a standard link or make the link goto to an empty cart page that will end the session then redirect?

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Shopping Cart Prob

I am creating a very simple cart kind of thing but have encountered an error and don't know what to do about it. This is the error I get

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: '[string: ""]'
/pinsys/Goods_receive/cart.asp, line 167

This is the line Code:

FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND( localCart, 2 )
IF localCart( CARTPID, i ) <> "" THEN
orderTotal = orderTotal + ( localCart( CARTPPRICE, i ) * localCart( CARTPQUANTITY, i ) )

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Access Shopping Cart

I have to create an .asp and access shopping cart for an assignment and I cant find any tutorials on it at all. I've searched the site but can only find free scripts and I dont want to use a free script if i can help it. Anyone know of any .asp and access shopping cart tutorials?

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Clear Shopping Cart Tbl

I am worried of accumulated old cart product selections from expired browser windows or other unforseen events. I am holding selected productID's & quantities & userID & sessionID in a sql table from a shopping cart.

I allow user to clear their cart from a button and also automatically clear their cart on user logon. Also on checkout I clear their cart. I am storing selections with sessionID & UserID so they will be unique,. But does anyone reccomend any other cart selection maintenance procedure i could use,.

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Shopping Cart Tips

i have to design a shopping cart for a site selling multiple products. How shud i begin?
What are the security concerns and tips and other stuff which i shud know? Is javascript use advisable?

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Comprehensive ASP Shopping Cart

i am looking for a comprehensive ASP shopping cart that handles payment, tracks order, can login, and mostly free. where can i get such scripts? I am also looking for a similar script in coldfusion so i have posted the same question in the coldfusion section.

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ASP Shopping Cart Like PhpShop

Can anyone recommend a ASP Shopping Cart module / application / pacjage (preferable open source) that is something similar to phpShop?

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