Stop Page Scrolling

I have a page that pulls info from a SQL DB and displays it for the user. Everything is fine now 'cos I only have ten entries in my DB. When finished, there will thousands of records and what I see is an endless scroll or page down for the user. But what I want is to display a MAX of 15 records per page and have the others displayed on following pages.

So how do I get my pages to continue on page 2, 3, X XXX and have it so that clicking on any of the pages jumps to the corresponding page. You can actually see what I am looking for here at sitepoint. In their own case, they have it displayed within page ranges.

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Scrolling The Entire Asp Page

I have deployed a page with 3 frames of which one of them is a asp page.

Whenever the content of the page increases scroll bars apperar individually for each frame ruining the look of the page. I tried using tables instead of frames by giving "server.execute()" inside <td>.The drawback is that server.execute() doesnt accept absolute urls.Server side includes also cannot be used because the page to be loaded is decided dynamically based on the request.

How do i load absolute urls ...?

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Stop ASP Page On Error

How do you do the following?

response.write "There was a problem."

more code
more code
more code

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Stop Refreshing Page

I have an asp page which when loads, sends notification emails and adds data to a Mysql database.

What i want to stop happening is people refreshing the page or when navigating back to the page using the browser, this script is run again.

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Option Explicit Cause Page To Stop Why

I'm trying to set up a Windows 2003 server using ASP, and I am find ASP
pages just STOP as if I had called Response.End whenever an undeclared
variable is found. If I turn off Option Explicit, it doesn't happen.
Clearly I can Dim the variable to solve the problem (I mention this in case
some smartaleck decided to propose it as the solution), but it is making
finding undeclared variables very hard! Anyone have any idea what I've
done wrong in my configuration?

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Function To Stop The Remainder Of The Page From Executing

Is there a function in ASP that can stop the remainder of the page from executing?

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Use Of Scrolling Bar

I use server.execute in a table and I dont wannt to change the sizes of table so I want to use scrolling bar but how can I do it.

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Photo Scrolling

i would like to do a photo carousel function similar as the the function i would like to do is on tis web at the right hand side for tat photo stream

let say in my album have 100 photo. and from tis funciton, it will not load out all my 100 photos when the page is loaded. it will load the others photo when i click on the NEXT arrow button. i need some help on tis funciton and implement it with ASP VBscript code.

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Upward Scrolling

I am trying to make a upward scrolling text box, I think this was done with javascript. But of course the site that I saw it on won't let you view the source of it. It is at this site <a href=""></a>. I have also looked for a tutorial on how to do it, but can't find one. Can anyone help me with how to do it?

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Inserting From Scrolling Text Box

Im trying to text from a scrolling text box into my database but it only inserts the text before return is pressed. Im the field its being entered into is a memo in access.
is there a way to get all the text in the box to be inserted?

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Prevent Button From Scrolling

how to prevent a button from scrolling i.e keep its absolute position same on the page.

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Large DropDown Scrolling List

We have dropdown on ASP page. The problem is we have about 900 items in the
dropdown. Users scrolling through the list have become very frustrated in
the past.

Can someone suggest if there is another way of implement a dropdown where
the datalist is as big as ours.

I am looking for something like a listbox in VB where you can start typing
the characters and the databelow moves accordingly until you have found what
you want.

Is there anything in ASP/HTML to achieve a similar functionality.

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Stop Errros

How can i detect if a database already has a primary key value that i want to insert. ie. i want to insert 5 into a database that already has a primary key set to 5.

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How To Stop Spam

We have many forms on our site that users can fill out and ask questions, request information etc. but somehow, we receive a lot of junk mails (more than two hundreds) within two weeks through these forms. I don't know hot to stop these junk emails.

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Running Net Stop

I want to make a simple simple asp page. All I want is when the page loads
it does "net stop <service>". The code is below, it is not running as
IUSR_<machine>, I am authenticating as Administrator yet the service does
not stop.

The blank page just loads with no errors and the service remains
running, what am I missing? I am completely new to ASP, I just want one
simple page for this purpose. Code:

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Stop Session

I dont want to start the sessions when my asp page is do I do that...can I add something at the start of the page which will not enable the session

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Stop The Loop

I´m programming in ASP. How can I stopp the loop?

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Stop Execution

how can i stop execution. in betweeen a few lines of code. i dont want the complete execution of code and in middle i want to stop?

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When Does Security Stop

can a website be secure and not have the https in the begining of the url?

is this true : URL always secure
is this true : URL never secure .

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Stop Dreamweaver

How do you stop Dreamweaver from displaying server side includes in the Design View Window? I use a include to provide my asp pages with a general layout. My machine used to ignore the include statements when I'm in Dreamweaver deign view, but today it just decided to show them. It makes it hard to work on my programs.

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Stop Background Flicker!

I am using two asp pages that have large (up to 1280X1024) background images. The image is the same on both pages, but when I go from one page to another it reloads the image each time and flickers for a second when loading because the file is so large. Is there a nifty way to keep the background image the same across two pages without reloading.

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IIS 6 Stop Respond To Asp Request?

I have a windows small business server 2003 running IIS 6 to serve asp pages and streaming movie over internet.

Everything was working fine but suddenly the server stop respond to ANY asp request but no problem with html for several hours last night. It serve asp again for awhile
but it stop serving again this morning.

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Search A Full Stop

i have a string and i would like to run through this string to find a "."(fullstop), and once found put a break in so that i could continue the rest of the string on the next line.

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Stop Remote Posting

How can I stop some one from trying to post my form from a remote site.
I am getting some one cycling through usernames trying fpr passwords on a
web site.

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Stop Password Guessing

Does anybody have ideas how to prevent passwords guessing. I mean I want to define that same person/robot try to guess password and to block it after 3 wrong attempts.

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Stop Returning Errors

I have just got back into ASP development after a years break and am playing catchup. I am developing a simple page with combo boxes on it, so that when it is processed it searches a database for all records between the chosen entries in the combo boxes.
However I am also trying to stop the page from returning errors when a user clicks submit without choosing any entries from the combo boxes. I am trying to get the page to just re-display itself with a simple error message on the page informing the user that they have to choose an option from both combo boxes.

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Stop F5 Or Refresh Manually

Is there a way in asp i can avoid a person pressing f5 or doing a refresh?

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Stop Updating Different Data

I have a simple Form full of Textboxes.The Textboxes get filled from the Database, and the user can edit and click Update to update the info in the Database.My problem is that I don't know how to stop 2 users from messing each other up.(Just to clarify, User 1 gets info, User 2 gets info, User 1 clicks update and then User 2 clicks Update, obviously, all of the User 1's changes got disregarded).

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Stop Start Services

I am trying to stop and start the ftp service from an asp page using the niuser account.

my code is simple: "net start msftpsvc",0,true. ASP page returns no errors but nothing happens. code works in .vbs but not from the webserver (IIS6).Can someone tell me how to do this? I would also like to edit the registry if i can.

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Scripts Stop Working

I have Windows 2000 Server on an Intel machine. Periodically IIS returns an HTTP 500 error when anybody clicks on an asp script. Regular HTML pages are displayed without a problem. The problem gets corrected whenever I reboot the server.

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Stop 'money' From Displaying

I can't get the following code to display only two decimal places.

ProductPrice.Text = String.Format("{0:c}", ProductDetail.Price)

Can someone tell me how i can only show two decimal places and also how i can just show rounded to an integer.

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Loop 5 Times Then Stop

I am creating a news page for a fun website just to learn, it has a simple html form that lets me post new news items to a MSSQL database.

The thing I am trying to do now is have the loop only run about 5 times, so that it displays only the last 5 news items from the database, I will then create an archive page which will display them all.

I have a book that I read and I found the statement and I t would work nicely from what I am reading,

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Start And Stop Time In ASP

I have an Active Server Page connected to an MS Access database. I use this page to submit information to the database. Among the form fields is a start time and stop time field.

By setting the value of start time to <%=Time()%>, I'm able to collect the start time automatically when the new form is opened. I would also like to collect the stop time by clicking the submit button. Code:

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