Stopping Pages/images From Being Cached

Is there an effective way to stop pages from being cached?

I've created several websites that have dynamic content and images that are managed by a client. The images are named according to the "id" generated via an Identity column of their corresponding database record (ex: 1058.jpg). The problem occurs when the client tries to change the image.

The client gets understandly confused because the old image is still displayed, due to the browser caching the image. How can I force the browser to stop caching the page/image?

All of the ASP pages already have the following:

<%Response.Expires = -1%>
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">

Any ideas?

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Stopping IE Using A Cached ASP Page

This problem is regarding ASP/AJAX. I don't really want to bore you with all the code so i will start off by giving an overview of the problem.

I have an ASP page that places an AJAX request to an ASP page that retrieves a random record from the database, the information returned is then updated into a Div on the original page. The original page has a Refresh link to repeat the procedure and select another random database entry. With me so far?

In firefox this works perfectly, but im having problems in IE. It seems that the ASP page that accesses the database is cached somehow as everytime i use the refresh link it returns the same data. I have used the time() function in the returned data so I can see that it is exactly the same info returned with each refresh.

It seems that the response is being cached and rather than rerunning the script the cache is being returned.

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Stopping Secure Pages Appearing In History

I know this probably sounds like a newbie question, but I was under the impression that secure pages (https) don't appear in the history/address bar history list - this appears to be incorrect?

Should I really be putting some form of expiry command at the head of each of these pages if I don't want casual users to see them? I use Classic ASP so is it better to use a command via this lang or the old META methods?

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Cached Pages

I have recently changed web hosts, and am suddenly having the problem that IE is displaying cached ASP pages, i.e. displaying data base query results from the first assembly of the asp page. Surely this contravenes the whole principleof ASP as a dynamically generated page. I didnt get the problem with my previous host.

What am I to do about this? If it is browser dependent, how can I be sure that all users have their browsers set correctly. If it is a host problem, it would be good to have some idea what the problem is before contacting them. Or is there something I can do within my asp page to ensure that the current page is the one displayed by the browser?

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Clearing Cached Pages In ASP

I searched the forum and got the following code from someone who posted it in 2002. However I can't seem to get it to work in my asp page. Can someone confirm the syntax for me? I would like to try and put it in an include file rather, but need to get it to work first.

Response.ExpiresAbsolute = #1/1/1980#
Response.AddHeader "cache-control", "no-store, must-revalidate, private"
Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
Response.Buffer = True

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Old Pages / Cached Pages

I am always getting cached pages even contents of the page changed on the server but I am getting old page (data).How to solve this.

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Possible To Cache The Images On My Pages?

1: Is it possible to cache the images on my card images, header images, logo etc etc, so that thge user doesn't have to keep loading them from scratch on every page?

2: How would i go about doing that?

I only want the images to be cached...not the content, as it involves sessions which store login info.

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Request Stopping

I have 3 pages. on page 1 there is a select box, name="UD", containing "Data B"

page1 submits to page 2
on page 2, <% USD=request("UD")%> results in USD = "Data B"
USD displays in a text box as "Data" (the space and B missing)

page 2 submits to page 3
on page 3, <% USD=request("USD")%> results in USR = "Data" (the space and B

How do I keep the data complete?

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Stopping Server Side Script

I have a few reports that grabs +- 27 000 records from a database, does a few calculations and queries on them, and then writes the results to a text file. As you can imagine, this does take a while (half an hour if the server isn't busy) and hammers the servers resources.

I sometimes realise (after I've started the page) that I made an error in my code, or that another report is more important at the moment. The only way to stop the page if something like this happens, is to bounce the server (even closing my browser doesn't work) - which won't make me very popular .

Is it possible (at all) to stop the execution of the page after it has been started? (I know that ASP is executed on the server, and only the results are sent through, but doesn't it have some sort of event handling?

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Stopping Running Code At A Certain Point

I have a asp page which is pretty long. This consitst of various recordsets. My intention is to stop execution of a code at a cetain point and test one value prior to this point. Is there any way to do this?

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Stopping A Long Server Process

I have this asp screen (not .net just asp) where user can fill in report criteria and then when they hit the "Go" button, at which point the report page will be displayed. Sometimes the reports are quite big and may take 2 to 3 minutes to complete.

If the user realizes he makes a mistake as soon as he gets to the report page, he may hit the "Stop" button and think the server has stopped generating the report, but it's not true. The server is still running the process.

This is particularly more obvious for developers like myself cos I have the server installed on my workstation. When I hit the Stop button and then back to the report filter page and make some changes and then hit the Go again, it'll take 2 to 3 minutes before it'll show the report page this time, as if the server was trying to complete my last report first, before processing my current new request.

Question I have therefore, is, if I'm running a long server process, then how I can get the server to stop this thread (or process?) when the user hits the Stop button, or hits the Back button?

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Stopping People Putting Scripts Into Form Fields

im making a simple site where people can add comments into a shoutbox. only ive had experience of people adding in html tags and javascript to redirect people away from my site and display images etc which im not interested in.

how do i stop this from happening? is there a way to intercept the form contents and kick out the code leaving plain text? or changing the code so it displays the real code using &lt; and &gt; ?

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PDF Cached

I am using ABCPDF4 component(ASP),to add values to an editable pdf, and then redirect user to the pdffile .. but for every user the same values are being shown on pdf .....

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Proxy Cached

We encountered a very strange problem. We host a web site:
www.[our_site].com and a large number of our users belong to an
organization group with central network control and they can only
access our web site through two headquarter proxy servers: x.x.a.7 and
x.x.b.8, which was set in security dept of the group headquarter. The
web site was working fine till recently when those user accessing via
x.x.a.7 all have problem suddently while those accessing via x.x.b.8
have no problem. The users accessing via x.x.a.7 are directed to wrong
page, very slow response, hang on some page or encounter errors, etc.
If they access the same site via another alias, like
www2.[our_site].com which points to the same web server, they will not
have any problem. They do not have problem to access any other web
sites we tried, including our other web sites hosting in the same site,
even the same server. If the users change their ie setting to use other
public proxy server, they will have no problem to access our site.
Strict security policy are applied to the user site, so we cannot ping,
tracert or do any other network testing from user machine. Since user
has no problem to access any other web site, the headquarter security
department wont handle our case and simply think it is our problem.

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Saving Images While Saving ASP Pages !

When I try to save any ASP page, I get the message that "The page will not save correctly". Even though I go ahead and when I go offline the space of images is blank.

I have this website also where I am using ASP pages and my users are facing the same problem. HTML page is created but images are not saved.

What changes are required in ASP code so that images are also saved.

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Disallowing A Page To Be Cached

Is there a way to disallow a page from being cached? I'm about to
introduce functionality that will not work properly if the person uses
the 'BACK' button on their browser and would like to ensure that they
cannot. I tried using <% response.expires = -1 %> thinking that it would
work, however it only ensures that another request has to be sent to the
server. Any ideas other than simply giving the user a message NOT to
use the back button?

Here's a link to the functionality. It uses session variables to produce
a dynamic rate quote. (Tip use WDW in the Description/Keyword search).

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Image Files Not Cached

I am running an ASP file that returns image buttons back to the client. The download on the client side is slow (about 19 small images on the page). I am running on Windows XP SP1 behind ISA server, and the request is coming from an outside IP.

The same application on an NT 4.0 Server works fine. The download time is maybe 3 seconds, versus about 20 seconds for the same exact images. It is behind the same ISA Server.

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Retrieving Cached Asp Page

I want to be able to return to a search results page without having to reload the page after having followed a link from one of the results. Would a search results pages generated by asp be cached, and is it possible to direct the browser to load quickly from the cach rather than slowly from the server.

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XMLHTTP And Cached Page

I have a page requesting content from another via XMLHTTP object. The returned page is returning cached data and I can't get it to stop.

I'm running IIS on a Win2k Server. I've done nothing to setup page caching, etc.

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Remove Cached Page In Browser

I have three asp pages. The initial page is login.asp, it goes to page hello.asp. And hello.asp goes to page another.asp. If it goes back from hello.asp to login.asp, then in Internet Explorer, clicking on Back, the cache of the page hello.asp has been removed, which is the effect that I want.

If it goes back from another.asp to login.asp, and then in Internet Explorer, clicking on Back, the page another.asp still remains. Code:

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Remove Cached Page In Browser

I have three asp pages. The initial page is login.asp, it goes to page hello.asp. And hello.asp goes to page another.asp.

If it goes back from hello.asp to login.asp, then in Internet Explorer, clicking on Back, the cache of the page hello.asp has been removed, which is the effect that I want. If it goes back from another.asp to login.asp, and then in Internet Explorer, clicking on Back, the page another.asp still remains. Code:

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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How To Resize All Images Sizes And Coordinates Of The Images On Resize Browser

My page have background image,on that image have more images and text. My problem is whenever resize browser that images are not resized and also not moved correct place .(i.e look not like before alignment).I want to do everything in dyanamic....

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Creat Pages Using Other Pages

is it possible to create pages using other pages. Here is an example... Can I make a page that has a menu on it, but the menu is actually a seperate page that I call with ASP?

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Images And Asp

I have an asp page that displays thumbnails from my database. I want the user to click on the thumnbnails to open up the larger image which is also stored in a DB.

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3 Images

i am uploading 3 images(jpg) to sql server 2000 using asp 3.0.i was using this code

which was working fine when i uploaded 2 images when i tried to upload 3 images its not working.i had posted in the forum earlier about this issue
since i work for a non profit organization who cant spend money on buying some component for uploading images is there any other way or any other code or a free component thats not going to expire

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I have an image page in which has a line of small images in a row. click on it it makes it larger below. The images aren't binary form, just the lnik to the image it self. I add the images in a form, so i type in 'image1.jpg' and then it adds it to the database, and then it routs to it and shows it in the database. Now on the image page which shows the image i want a little bit of writing below the image saying its properties. So when i add the image to the database i have to write about the image for example 'A picture of Joe Bloggs' and then when it veiws the image it will say that writing underneith

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.net Images.

ive been looking for a .net script that will upload an image to the server, but saved an optimised thumbnail into a different directory (or under a different name) with the main image being saved as usual.

can you run regular asp within a .net page? anyone got those .net friendly url/querystring scripts again, my NG browser doesnt go that far back.

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ASP Images

I am designing a website that is based from an Access database; in the database I have a table called "Categories" with fields called "Category" and "CategoryPic". On my index page I have coding to get the list of Categories, called rsCategories.

What I am attempting to do is create ASP code that would retrieve an associated GIF file from my images folder when a particular "Category" is chosen (ie. if you choose CategoryA from the recordset, then CategoryA.gif would appear on the page, CategoryB would retrieve CategoryB.gif, etc.). Can anyone kindly assist me in completing this one piece of code.

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Read Images

anyone here got an idea on what codes am i going to use? I got a folder full of images (jpg) and I want my asp page to display those images.

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Resizing GIF Images

I currently use ASPImage and resize JPG files with no problem. How, though, do I resize GIF images? Is there a different component?

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Generating Images On-the-fly

I wanted to know that is there someway in ASP that I can generate images on-the-fly without using ne 3rd party component?? Like its possible in CGI-Perl to generate ne type of image on-the-fly, is there a way 2 that in ASP? OK, if the 3rd party components r the only way, then r there ne free ones available?

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Printing Images

Does anyone knows how to print images to a pringter connected on the Web Server (IIS) Machine using ASP?

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