Store Values In Table Cells

I have created a table that I want to fill with calculated values. I have given ID's to each cell. This must NOT be the way since I can't address these ID's. How do I store values in table cells from my PostBack?

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Dynamic Table Cells

Depending on a value in a recordset, is it possible to write the table cell background colour. for example:

If "win" is the value, bkgrd will be "green"
If "draw" is the value bkgrd will be "yellow"
If "lose" is the value bkgrd will be "red"

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Calendar Events Spanning Table Cells

I've decided after several failed attempts this is too difficult to do
on my own. I know it's been done before and a tutorial or code must
by lying around somewhere.

I have a Weekly Calendar

It's in a table with 7 columns and 22 rows

Across the top I have Monday thru Sunday

Down the side I have half-hour time increments - 8:00am - 10:00pm

I would like to display my events on the table, corresponding to their
day and time. If it spans several hours I would like the event to
span several rows.

Basically look like an Outlook Calendar.

I've tried this myself with five dozen if/then statments and embedded
loops but it's a huge mess.

I'd like to find out how to simply do this in asp (not ready for .net yet), any

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Return Recordset Of Images In Specific Cells In A Table

I have an interesting problem and am looking for some advice. I am
hoping to build an asp whereby records are pulled from SQL Server. These
records will be merely file locations for thumbnail images I hope to display
in a grid.

Rather than having a grid be constructed row-to-row, I was
wondering if it is at all possible to dynamically construct this grid as a
table of thumbnails whereby each cell (perhaps 5-6 columns across)
represents one record? I have no idea how one would construct this loop that
spans columns AND rows rather than just rows.

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Store New Values

I have this problems regarding "storing New values into session".
Take the "online movie tix booking" as an exmaple. When i click on one seat, beside storing the seatNo into a session, i also want to store the number of seats he has clicked throughout. How can store the incremental of seats clicked into a session by overriding new Values

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Store The Values

I've been trying to come up with a method to store the values of a forms variables into a basic text document, say a notepad txt file. Its a windows server that im experimenting with and I'm not experienced with PHP, so im trying to find a easy way via either javascript/html or asp.

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Session Variables Store Array Of Values?

I know that cookies can store an array of values, which can be accessed like this:

tempid = Request("cookiename")(i)

Is it possible to use session variables in the same way? Store a array of values in the same session variable and access them on another page by indexing?

I've looked around alot and I've not found anything suggesting that this is possible.

Right now I'm using a single set of cookies to store info on a series of purchaces of the same type of item. I'm hoping to use session variables to replace the cookies.

Does anyone know for certain if this is not possible?

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Can't Get Other Values From Table

My Database is set up like this:

AssemblyName-NumberOfPartA-NumberOfPartB ect...

I am trying to get the other data from the table but i can't seem to do it. I have a search set up with a query string, I can get the assembly name, but i can't get the NumberOfPartA, NumberOfPartB ect... that is associated with that AssemblyName... Here is my code:

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Inserting Values Into A Table

i have really only been exposed to getting data from aSQL database and displaying it.I want to include a page in my application (like a form in Access i guess)with various text boxes and drop-downs + tick boxes.Then i want to click a submit button that inserts the data (providing is valid) into a SQL Server table.

I have had a search in google but nothing seems to explain this in its most
basic terms (errorchecking and inserting).Could anyone give me an example of this or some background about this functionality.

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Exporting Sql Table Values

how to export sql database values to excel sheet using asp. so that user can save that work sheet to their harddisk.

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UPDATE Table With Values

I want to UPDATE a table with fields, Id, Home and Away with the values from another table. The other table has only 2 fields, ID and winner, i want to update the first table with the values from the other like so:

Home Away
Winner(1) Winner(2)
Winner(3) Winner(4)

the numbers in the brackets represent the row in the second table. Does anyone know how this is possible?

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Create Tables From Values In Another Table

How can I loop through the values of one MSACCESS table to display the related records from another table? I have one table with two single field records. The values are 4 and 9. These fields are related to another table which contains records that belong to either 4 or 9.

I want my web page to display a table for all records belonging to 4 and then another table of all records that belong to 9. I could specify either 4 or 9 in different record collections but the 4 and 9 could one day be 1 and 5 and I don't want someone to have to get into my code to change the 4 and 9 to 1 and 5 in my sql queries. Any advice?

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Populating Table With Correct DB Values

Month 1 :
Month 2 :
Month 3 :
Month 4 :
Month 5 :
Month 6 :
Thereafter :


There is a forecast table which needs to be filled in for each client as shown above, all the info is then saved in the DB and from this data I will need to generate a FORECAST REPORT (shown below). It forecasts the prospective amount of records we will receive for processing.


The columns are shown below… june, july, august, September, October, November are dynamically generated on form load, using the current month and working 6 months ahead. Thereafter represents any month after November (6 months from june).

I am having huge issues populating the correct columns shown below with the correct values from the db, so if the forecast for july is 1000, how will I display it in the 6th column in my report? Code:

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How To Sum The Cells In Excel

I need to sum the values in different cells of an excel sheet which im getting from data base and which is in a loop and the number of entries depends on the user.

i m adding the code please check it out:...

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Importing Excel Cells In ASP

I've seen lots of posts on this and other boards, but nothing seems to work for me. I need to import data from an Excel spreadsheet using ASP. None of the ranges in the spreadsheet are named. I'm using this code:Code:

Set ExcelConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set ExcelRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ExcelConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
ExcelConn.Properties("Extended Properties").Value = "Excel 8.0"
ExcelConn.Open "c:inetpubwwwrootaspcalendar est.xls"

set ExcelRS = ExcelConn.Execute ("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]")


I've tried every variation on "ExcelRS($A$1)" that I can think of - I've seen "ExcelRS(1,1)" used, but that doesn't work... What is the syntax for accessing Excel data by cell coordinates?

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Define Excel Cells

I get data out of a database and the user can save this data on his disk in Excel format.
Some cells has a large lenght of numbers (eg. 20060512000000). If I open the excel file, the cell where that number is in shows the following : 2.00605E+13.

I have to go into Format Cell and convert this to 'Number' and no decimal places. Is there a way in ASP to define the cells ?

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Excel Cells To Form Textboxes

if i have an standard excel file and i have data in there in specific cells. Is it possible to have some upload facility that will be able to paste it to specific asp form textboxes?

e.g if the data in the excel file was in cell c4, i would want to paste it into textbox4. Is that possible.


Is it possible to upload an excel file and to put specifc data from different cells directly into an access database.

e.g excel file -c4 i would want to paste it to rs("test4")

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ASP(xlWorksheet.Cells) W/many Text Chars Has #VALUE! Error In XL S

I have an ASP page that loops through a SQL Server 2000 table, then
downloads an Excel sheet the users can save, etc. Works fine, except, I see
that in one particular "comments" field the Excel sheet returns a #VALUE!
error in the cell when there is a large amount of text. I've looked through
the MSKB, MSDN and many ng posts to see if there is a workaround or solution
to this, inclduing looking at the xlWorksheet properties (I've tried
'xlWorksheet.Cells(iRow, 11).WrapText = True), played with Orientation, etc.
But to no avail.

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Exporting Datagrid To Excel: Format Cells?

I'm exportin a datagrid to excel, but Excel file is without format colors cells border...
Do you know how format it? Code:

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If Statement To Arrange Big List Into Rows And Cells

I need to come up with an if statement that will basically take a large list of records and place each one into its own table cell, and when the cells reach a max of 5 in a row, start a new row and repeat. How can I go about this?

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Excel Help Required - To Find The Color Of Cells

I am developing an application which uses data represented using color codes, in an MS-Excel worksheet. The application has to assign values based on the backgroundcolor of a cell. Like, Black = 0, Red=1, Green=2.

How to determine the background of the cell in ASP?

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Calling An Already Existing Excel Document And Populating Certain Cells

is there a way of calling an already existing excel document and populating certain cells

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Office Web Components :: Excel :: Unable To Create Merged Cells

One of my programmers is using Office Web Components in classic ASP to create, fill and format an Excel spreadsheet. Everything is fine except when he creates Merged cells the performance drops dramatically. He has investigated the 'Center Across Cells' alternative but cannot get it working
using Office Web Comonents.

Has anyone come across this problem or even better has a solution?

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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Store Procedure In ASP?

how to write store procedure in asp?

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ASP Store Locator

where I can find an asp script(free) to do a store locator.
I've only been able to find 2 on the web, and they are both at a cost.

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Online Store

I am looking for some ASP - SQL server 2000 online store application that i can buy for my company. This store is completely internal for the company and will be on our intranet server and will be utilized by the company employees to buy company merchantdize.

Also at this time there will be no credit card processing as the amount of purchase will be deducted from the payrol. I will be needing the shopping cart and product view. Later if we provide the credit card processing, we have already installed PayFlowPro from verisign and do creadit card procesing on our main site.

Does any one know such application that i can integrate with our style sheets and general layout?

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Store A Query

I am using ASP and VBScript to access an Oracle database and display query results to my users.
However, my query is huge! and I want to keep the query separate from my ASP/VBScript code.
How do I store the query on one page and then call it from another page?

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Store Procedure

i am stuck with the following error message
"Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation."
did anyone know the reson this occur?
just because of my store procedure....

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ASP & Store Procedure

I have an ASP page and a Store Procedure but I keep getting this error:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Procedure 'sp_searchresultsZIP' expects parameter '@xDateTo', which was not supplied. Code:

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No-cache Vs No-store

what is the diference between these two cache control and no-store.I have read the explanation.So lets say I am using only no-cache understanding is thatnothing is cached and nothing is writen to disk.but what happens when we use no-store....i think..nothing is written to disk but it could be cached.
Now my question where is this cache it only in memory ?....if it is written to disk how log is it there and when does it gets cleaned.Is no-cache more secure than no-store ..why?

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Store Picture

i found that OLE won't work. any alternative?

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Store A Recordset

I'm having need of storing a recordset in a collection tempararily. Can I hold a record set in a Collection object ? Any other way of holding a record set is also works, except arrays.

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