Storing Correct Date Format In Database

I am using the code below to add a date input into an access database.

Quote: rs.Addnew
rs("Date")= Request.Form("Date")

Instead of inserting a date with the format dd/mm/yy, a date format of yy/mm/dd will be inserted into the database.

I entered the following code before the insertion Quote: response.write request.form("Date") and it displayed the correct date format as dd/mm/yy.

Pls how do I insert the date into the database for it to store the date as dd/mm/yy instead of as yy/mm/dd. The date format in the date field of the database is dd/mm/yy.

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Set Correct Date Format

I have set with lcid value. but i am not able to overcome my nt server regional setting. Actually i want a date in mm/dd/yyyy. But i get date as mm/dd/yy. How to ensure that i shall always get correct format irrespective of os or regional setting.

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How Can I Retrieve The Correct Date Format

My Website is already in use and active . I have a problem with the date format . when I retrive a date from my database it is in the following format mm/dd/yyyy and I want it to be in this format: dd/mm/yyyy .

I asked for support from my hosting company . they said you can do that by manipulting through scripts . the date settings in my database is in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy .

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Date Format Into Database...

I set up a menu program for a client a few days ago using ASP and an Access database. I have a field in a form with a popup calendar. The form field is such that a date will be entered as 09/05/2005 (short date).

I specifed as much in the Access database when setting it up. Ok, so it was working great for a few days but then today I went to open the program on my father in laws computer (in Hungarian) and when I open the Access database, the date field is entered like this - 2005.05.09 I am clueless as to what is going on. Anyone shed some light?

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Date Format From Asp Form To Oracle Database?

my database, sqlplus oracle, has a column ccexpiry, whch is set to date. In my form in asp, there will always be an error whenever i pass in a date that is not in the DD MMM YYYY which is the standard for oracle. My qn is how can i pass in a date that is in DD/MM/YYYY format? Code:

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Storing Dates As Int But Selecting Them As Date

while I store the dates as is in db, I can use a select statement like this:

mySQL="SELECT SUM(total) AS totalSum, month(orderdate) AS monthsql FROM orderDetails GROUP BY MONTH(orderdate)"

but when I use dates as integer, it simply gives me error. Are there any way of getting over that problem?

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How To Format Date In MM/DD/YYYY Format

how to format date in MM/DD/YYYY format in ASP?

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The Correct Way To Close A Database Connection?

I'm looking at another developers code and I'm now confused about the correct way to close a database connection and destroy the object. I would normally do it this way: Code:

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Reading Database From Correct Location?

I am trying to run one of my first ever asp scripts. It is a form I copied from the
w3schools website along with its ASp script, demo_add.asp, both which i have
modified very slightly(variable names for my own database etc).

However, "No update permissions" appears in my browser when i run the script -
this means that there is an error. The problem is i dont what the error is!

The only thing I can think of at the moment is maybe my database location. I
am using IIS are all my files are mapped to a virtual directory within IIS. Should
the path in my HTML file below be to the harddrive location or its location within
the virtual directory? Im assuming it is the hard drive location. Code:

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Storing .doc And .pdf In Database

Is anyone know how I can store Word Docs and PDF's in database, and how I can make link for visitor to download these files.

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Storing Image In Database

i am developing an application using ASP.I have to get product picture from user and store it in to database. i am getting the file path of the picture.

How to read this image and store it in database and retrieve it back for display in another page ?

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Suggestions For Storing Variables OTHER THAN A Database

I am creating a page that will help college students to determine what schedule they should follow when choosing classes for the next semesters. I will have a database in Access that will list all the different courses they need to graduate & the info surrounding them (including what classes they need to take before they can take specific classes).

Students will fill in their current grades of classes on a form with all the classes listed & then based on what they have taken, this will provide a schedule for the remainder of their classes. I plan to use ASP, VB,& SQL to achieve this.

This is my question: It would be much easier to simply have the student's grades be placed in another table HOWEVER, due to security reasons, I cannot do that. I will need to store the grades (as well as the classes that they were for) in an array of some sorts.

Any suggestions? I was debating putting them in a database & then deleting or clearing that database upon them leaving but I do not know if that is the best solution. HelP? Code:

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Capturing Form Data And Storing In A Database?

I have an asp contact from which gets data and generates an email containing the users contact details it also send the user a confirmation email.

I was wondering if anyone could explain in simple terms how i would send the form data to be stored in a database?

I know i would have to set up a databse conenction.

how would the form fields be sent to the database?

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Uploading Images And Storing File Name, Height And Width In Database

How can I accomplish the following:

I want to upload image files (jpg) into a sub-directory of a website root directory using a web interface allowing the user to browse their drive and select the jpg file to upload.

Also, is there a way to parse the information from the jpg file and insert the information into a SQL database table which would hold the file name, image height, and image width?

I'm new to handling binary files, so I'm not sure how to accomplish this?

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Format Date In Asp

Can someone help me with this request?

1. Data in my access database have the format "9/10 2005"

2. When I show all dates within an asp page I get the following format

The format I want to show in my asp page is the following format "9/10-05"

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UK & US Date Format

My database (access) has a date field.

When I display the date through a recordset, it comes back in US format (mm,dd,yyyy)

How do you make it appear in UK format (dd,mm,yyyy)?

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Date Format..

got anyone know wat is the code for
date format?i need to display the next 3 days's date as default value

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SAS (?) Date Format

I'm currently building a form and I'm attempting to take the date and convert it into the same format as an unformatted date in Excel. I believe it's called SAS.
Is there any way to format a date into this format using excel?

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Format Date How Can

I have a column "ctime" and for some reason when I pull the data it brings up date and time.I only want the can I format it to not show the date?

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Date Format UK & US

I am facing the most common problem of date where system date is different and SQL server dateformat is different.

How I can change Date fomat in SQL server from US to UK format vis versa.

I tried regional setting of my XP Professional Machine from US to UK and chenged dateformat but when I tried to print date using asp its giving same unchaged previous format even after restarting the machine.

I have to get difference of two dates in my asp code but due to two different formats its not giving me the exact difference.

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Date Format For Db

I'm hooked up to an access database and I want to input the date and time into a field that's set up as 'date/time' but when I try to input this (now) into that field I get an error like this.Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

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Format Date M/d/y

I have set all my SDATE field having a general date value like '8/3/2007 5:13:12 PM' but when I put it on a text field it only shows the short date like '8/3/2007' and the long time '5:13:12 PM' is missing

Quote: .
<%do while not rs.eof

response.Write "<input type='text' value="&formatdatetime(rs("SDATE"), vbgeneraldate)& "/>" & "<br/>"
%> . . .

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SQL Date Format

I have an ASP application which use a SQL server. it saves date values with MM/dd/yyyy format. the SQL server and every other computer is configured to MM/dd/yyyy format in reginol settings. The DSN which use to connect to SQL server is configured to use Reginol settings date format.

But I for ex. when I save date 03/01/2006 (MM/dd/yyyy) using the computer which runs sql server it saves right. But when I use other computer it saves as 01/03/2006.

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Format Date

i wana know sumthing about Formating date?how can i do e.g October 1st 2007 = 71001

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Get Date Format

how can I get date format from regional settings in asp? I want to get the "dd/mm/yy" format or whatever format that is set in regional settings.

is there any way to do that? I'm developing a calendar that can work with any date format in regional settings.

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Date Format Sql Statement

i got a problem dealing with this sql statement, i data stored in a table in 3/13/2006 format, and i input this data into table by calling date() using asp, but when i try to run an sql statement by using this sql statement,


sql="select * from userlog where AccessTime between '"&a&"' and '"&b&"'"
response.write sql
set rt = conn.execute(sql)

if rt.eof then
response.write "no record"
response.write "got record"
end if

i got no record display on my page, may i know what to do to get the data from the tabel?do i need to change the structure when i insert this date or do i need to change the structure of my variable a and b in order to perform this search correctly?

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Chang Format Date

I am using FormatDateTime( mydbDate, vbShortDate) but it is NOT returning
the date formatted according to my regional settings. My regional settings
are "dd/MM/yyyy" but my date is returned as "d/m/yyyy".

Where is it getting the format from so that I can correct it or is there a
better way to format the date, the way I want it?

I have tried the VB format function but get
Type mismatch: 'Format'

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How To Change Date Format?

Within ASP, the date is given in a format like:

6/23/2004 (independantely of the regional settings of windows).
I would like to have e.g. 23/06/04.

Is this possible ?

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Want Date Format As Dd/mm/yyyy

I am using follwing code to get date

output is
1/6/2005 i.e. mm/dd/yyyy

i want it as dd/mm/yyyy
ie. 6/1/2005


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ASP To SQL Date Format Problem

I have a date format problem. I am producing a calendar of events. ASP passes a short date as a string to SQL Server


my problem is that 02/01/2005 returns 1st of February whilst 18/01/2005 returns the 18th of January!

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How Can I Change Date Format

I am trying to change a short date format in windows.regionalSettings, and all changes affect only client scripts but server side scripts not

regionalSettings = dd/mm/yyyy
asp code result
response.write(Date) '03/03/1983

regionalSettings =
asp code result
response.write(Date) '03/03/1983

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UK To American Date Format

I have made a programme of events for a website i am developing. One page list events with the date, name of event and organiser. The list is sorted by date. There is means of adding new events to users or updating events already listed.

However as i am based in the uk and users of the site will be in the uk dates as events are added or updated are inputed in the format dd/mm/yyyy. However, this is being switched round to the american format mm/dd/yyyy.

Im realitively new to using asp and im not sure how to stop this from happening. A friend mentioned using formatdatetime but im not how to use this.

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Format Date Time

I am trying to format the following line fo code so that it shows tha date time in my database as dd mm yyyy

currently in the database it shows as 2006-10-03 08:01:00

Here is the code that I want to format it is posssible to format it in such a way???

Response.Write "<td class=TableFieldInput>" &trim(rsSet("Archive_date")) &"</td>"

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